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学历教育是我国军队初级指挥人才培养的重要途径之一。在军事竞争日益激烈的形势下,军事人才培养成为各国迎接新军事变革的核心和关键。本文以新军事变革为背景,以初级指挥生长军官学历教育存在的问题为切入点,对初级指挥军官学历教育存在的培养模式过于统一和刚性的问题,从培养目标、培养制度、专业设置、课程体系和培养途径五方面提出解决策略;对于军事特色不突出的问题,通过强化实践性军事技能环节,增加实战技能训练,大力开展军事技能比武等方面加以改善。  相似文献   

约旦早期现代化发展水平较低。按意识形态划分,晚近发展的约旦现代化属混合型现代化;按起源来划分,约旦现代化属于外源型现代化。约旦早期现代化始于军事领域,并逐步扩展至政治、教育、社会等领域,军事、政治、司法和行政机构建立,民族国家框架初步形成。在约旦早期现代化进程中,殖民主义发挥了双重作用,一方面加速了国家和人的现代性转变,另一方面唤醒了民众的民族意识,使旧有殖民体系被推翻。  相似文献   

石海 《老年人》2008,(1):36-37
在人们心目中,陶铸是一位文采飞扬的革命家,他的散文《松树的风格》是广为传颂的名篇。其实,他的军事指挥才能同样优秀出众。陶铸在担任福建省委军委秘书期间指挥的一次武装营救行动—厦门破狱,便是他白区军事工作的得意之作。这次破狱行动也是中共地下党历史上最成功的一次监狱营救行动。  相似文献   

今年10月1日,是中华人民共和国成立60周年大庆之日,届时我国将举行盛大的国庆阅兵式。这次国庆阅兵,是新世纪、新阶段我国举行的盛大阅兵,是列歌举孽观代化建设伟大成就的全面检阅,对于彰显我军有效履行历史使命能力具有重要军事意义。进入新世纪新阶段,以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央,扎实推进中国特色军事变革和军事斗争准备,  相似文献   

电影《赤壁》早已在影院落下帷幕,梁朝伟扮演的周瑜、林志玲扮演的小乔带给观众很多莫名的感动。但是银幕上的故事毕竟是虚构的,历史上真实的周瑜和小乔另是一种风情。周瑜字公瑾,庐江舒(安徽庐江县西南)人。东汉末年军阀割据,周瑜助孙策、孙权兄弟割据江东,为中护军、江夏太守。他足智多谋,具有超凡的军事指挥才能,像赤壁之战这样众寡悬殊的险恶战争,他却能  相似文献   

毛泽东军事思想是毛泽东思想体系的重要的组成部分,继承了中国优秀的传统军事思想,并在其长期的实践中得到不断发展和革新,形成了一个科学体系。其主要包含两个阶段的军事思想,分别是新民主主义时期、社会主义建设时期,其中毛泽东本人的军事思想占据主要地位,其他共产党先进人物的军事思想也是其重要组成部分。我国自古以来就有"兵法之国"的美称,毛泽东军事思想吸取了中国传统军事思想的精华部分,并深受湖湘区域文化的影响,在我国有着重要的价值地位。深入探索毛泽东军事思想对于指导我们的实践活动具有重要的理论价值。鉴于此,本文首先分析了毛泽东军事思想的重要价值,其次分析了毛泽东思想的特点,以及主要表现内容,最后探索毛泽东军事思想的重要的实践形式。  相似文献   

张博 《现代交际》2014,(5):86-86
本文引入了"SWOT分析"这一源自营销管理学理论的概念。指出了以中央电视台军事频道为主要代表的军事文化类节目,在当前改革发展过程中所存在的优势、劣势、机会和挑战,并就此对我军军事文化类节目如何更好地承担起繁荣发展我军先进军事文化提出了建议。  相似文献   

程志江  董昊 《现代交际》2013,(12):233-233
军事航空英语课程教学改革与实践,在大学英语教学中,尤其是军事类院校的英语教学中起着非常重要的作用。要想使得军事航空英语教学起到事半功倍的效果,就要勇于在教学理念、教学方法和手段,以及教学内容和培养军事航空英语师资力量方面进行教学改革和实践。在不断的教学改革和实践中,不断促进军事航空英语课程的发展,让军事航空英语课程更好地为军队现代化的发展做出应有的贡献,培训出更多的军事航空类人才。  相似文献   

高校军事课教师肩负着对大学生进行国防教育的任务。但是,当前高校军事课教师队伍自身存在的问题和不足严重影响了其作用的发挥。因此,正确认识当前军事课教师队伍建设的现状,剖析军事课教师队伍建设中存在的不足及现阶段所面临的各种问题,大胆探索创新加强军事课师资队伍建设机制,对于普通高校开展国防教育,提高全民国防素质具有重要的现实意义意义。  相似文献   

杨刚 《职业》2012,(2):163
近年来,多媒体技术得到迅速发展,对科技界、产业界、教育界、创作、娱乐界及军事指挥等领域产生了强劲的冲击波,它给传统的微型计算机、音频、视频设备带来了革命性的变革,对大众传播媒介产生了巨大影响。一、多媒体的硬件组成及多媒体网络一般多媒体硬件是以计算机硬件为核心(要求至少64M内存,l0G以上硬盘),音频、视频设备是其主要外部设备,外设还包括:  相似文献   

《Home Cultures》2013,10(1):11-26

The Heritage is a gated retirement community for military officers and their wives. This “defensive space” is modeled on elite Anglo-American military culture rooted in the American Revolution. The military “family” and “home” are re-envisioned in this liminal space: a military culture into which they were born, into which they chose to marry, and now, the home into which they have chosen to live until they die.  相似文献   


Military families face not only the same challenges as other families, but also unique issues due to their military involvement. Parenting programs for civilian families can be helpful, but they do not generally cover the specific issues faced by military families. The purpose of this qualitative study was to gather information from a focus group of eight service providers about the types of issues that affect military families, such that content and delivery of workshops at a social service agency could be formed to specifically cater to military families. This study utilized a phenomenological approach, and analyses revealed areas for social service involvement around the cycle of deployment. Specifically, social services could be helpful by using psychoeducational and normalization techniques around the five major themes that resulted from this study: (1) the issues of servicemembers psychologically withdrawing before deployment, (2) family cohesion and connectedness during and after deployment, (3) family stability during reintegration of the service member, (4) military families experience many of the same challenges that nonmilitary families do (such as domestic violence and financial issues), and (5) utilizing a military culture framework for all military family programs.  相似文献   

This article seeks to explore the extent to which the military rebuilds or reframes masculinities as a means of meeting the aims of the process of militarization. It focuses on the dimensions of military masculinities that can be distinguished as distinctive in practice. Drawing on Etienne Wenger's notion of communities of practice, this research asks how military men orient themselves in their social and material world, considering the role of practice in the development of military masculinities. A total of 71 semi‐structured interviews were conducted with 53 male and 18 female personnel of various ranks working in the Army, Navy and Royal Air Force. Six focus groups were also carried out (with a total of 10 male and six female participants). Thematic analyses of the narratives indicated that one outcome of militarization is the construction of military masculinities. The military reframes masculinities as a means of meeting the aims of the process of militarization. Dimensions of military masculinities can be distinguished as attributes and qualities and masculinities that are distinctive to the military are constructed through military practice. A strong sense of belonging to the military community of practice is fundamental to the development of military masculinities. In order to feel that one belongs, the recognition and acceptance of others is needed. Those who share the attributes and comply with the practices peculiar to the military achieve this recognition.  相似文献   

This article argues that opposition to expansion of women's roles in the US military and peer armed forces, particularly into combat-related military occupational specialties, is based on defending a means of proving masculinity and preserving access to power. Research is based on policies of US, UK, and other NATO countries, public statements made by officials, academic articles, and interviews with current and former members of the US military. The article examines shifting definitions of combat, historical examples of American women’s military service, and common and persistent themes of resistance to women in combat roles. The article argues that resistance to women in combat roles is not only inconsistent with operational realities, but is both counterproductive to mission effectiveness, and may even put lives at risk. The article concludes that in an ever-shifting security environment requiring critical thinking, cross-cultural communication, and civil–military collaboration, rethinking gender roles may be advantageous.  相似文献   

Systemic violence against women in the military has existed for decades, but they have mostly refrained from public resistance. However, in the context of the #MeToo movement in Sweden, 1768 women published a call for an end to violence and sexual harassment in the military. We analyse this call as a public resistance effort against the military and find that #MeToo is: (i) challenging the norms of the hyper‐masculine military organization, making resistance towards it visible; and (ii) resisting the practices of sexual harassment and lack of responsibility in the military organization. The military organization is questioned when it comes to norms and practices, but there are variations in whether the social order of the military is truly challenged. Still, the call highlights the fragmentation of this ‘last bastion of masculinity’. More research is needed on the erosion of the militarized norms and practices and the effects of the call.  相似文献   

The body of research examining issues confronting combat veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars continues to grow. However, this research focuses primarily upon veterans with very less attention given to the challenges confronting their spouses. Using a semi-structured interview methodology and a feminist perspective, this study examines what it means to be a wife of a combat veteran who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and/or traumatic brain injury (TBI). Our findings indicate these women—who experience tremendous emotional, financial, and social challenges that arise from being the caregiver for their husbands—feel isolated from and abandoned by both the military community and the civilian community. Furthermore, the social and emotional disconnection of these women experience amplify the stresses they confront in daily life—stresses that are unique to their relationship to being with a combat veteran spouse who has PTSD and/or TBI. We argue future research should build upon this exploratory study to better understand how both the military community and the civilian community impact the subjectivity of these women and their efforts to reintegrate themselves and their families into civilian life.  相似文献   

海外军事基地是大国投射力量的"桥头堡"和干预地区事务的"前沿阵地"。本文以法国在吉布提的军事基地为案例,考察影响海外军事基地绩效的主要因素,认为法国在吉布提的军事基地持续一个半世纪,历经殖民时期、冷战时期与后冷战时期三个阶段,总体未受吉国内政治和地区格局变化的影响,其功能分别为"抗衡英国"、"力争成为美苏之外的‘第三支力量’"和"构建西方反恐、反海盗的平台"。吉布提在维护"危机弧"地区法国战略利益所发挥的支点作用、吉布提政府长期执行温和外交政策、其阿拉伯和非洲国家的双重身份以及其作为法国向阿拉伯—伊斯兰国家输出民主的"样板",成为法国在该国部署军事基地的主要原因;法国驻军所带来的财政收益和安全红利成为吉布提欢迎法国部署军事基地的主要原因。2011年中东剧变后,法国有望在多边框架下重返北非,从而将法国的土伦军事基地、北非的军事基地、吉布提军事基地和阿布扎比军事基地连为一体,确立在地中海—北非—红海—亚丁湾—海湾地区事务中的主导地位。  相似文献   

The war-time deployment of a service member creates significant stress for the family system that supports that person’s transition into combat, combat duty, and readjustment into civilian and family life upon return. The stressors associated with the deployment cycle are significant and can lead to depression, anxiety, and behavioral concerns for all family members including the children and partners. A family’s adaptation to these stressors can also impact the functioning of the service member during the phases of mobilization, deployment, sustainment, and reintegration. Social work interventions that offer support to the military family can reduce levels of distress within and between the members and improve overall family functioning. A case vignette will be presented that highlights some of the salient interpersonal challenges that can develop in a military family when a veteran returns home with posttraumatic stress that is left untreated. Recommendations for interventions will be considered through the application of psychoeducational approaches for managing traumatic stress in families.  相似文献   

Military work, especially operational deployments, may impact the romantic relationships of military personnel. Using a subsample of 7,581 participants from a cohort study of U.K. military personnel (data collected between 2007 and 2009), the prevalence of relationship difficulties and associations with sociodemographic, military-, and deployment-related characteristics was examined. Most participants did not report experiencing relationship difficulties. Adjusted regression analyses indicate that childhood adversity, limited support for and from partners, being in unmarried relationships, financial problems, deploying for more than 13 months in 3 years, and work being above trade, ability, and experience were key factors associated with relationship difficulties. The likelihood of U.K. military personnel experiencing relationship difficulties is increased because of personal vulnerabilities that may be exacerbated in the military context.  相似文献   

The transition to adulthood has become an increasingly telescoped process for Americans, with marital formation occurring increasingly later in the life course. It is therefore striking to find a context like the U.S. military, in which marriage rates bear an anachronistic resemblance to those of the 1950s era. Using narrative data from life history interviews with military affiliates, the authors show that the military has reinstitutionalized military families at the same time that civilian families are becoming deinstitutionalized. Structural conditions of modern military service, such as war deployment and frequent geographical relocation, have created policies that rely on families to make these conditions more bearable for military personnel. These policies are part of an overarching institutional culture that directly and indirectly promotes marriage. The authors bring together life course literatures on turning points, the welfare state, and linked lives to show how the military has reinstitutionalized families in these ways.  相似文献   

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