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巴西、俄罗斯、印度和中国同为发展中新兴经济大国,占全球外国直接投资的比例逐渐上升,但四国利用FDI所取得的绩效及其在经济发展中所起的作用有很大的差异性。本文运用业绩指数和潜力指数两个指标,分别对金砖四国利用FDI的业绩和潜力进行了比较分析。在业绩指数方面,中国引进FDI的业绩高于其他三国具有比较优势,但优势空间正在逐步缩小;在潜力指数方面,中国引进FDI的潜力高于印度和巴西,但远远落后于俄罗斯;对潜力指数子要素的分析表明,中国目前利用FDI的潜力优势主要集中在经济增长速度和贸易领域,但在基础设施建设、国民福利水平、人口和劳动力素质等方面的劣势凸显。本文最后给出了提升中国利用FDI国际竞争力的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

我国长期以来以初级产品出口为主,在国际贸易中处于劣势,本文针对外国直接投资能否改善我国出口结构这一问题,根据1991-2007年中国出口的高技术产品与FDI的统计数据,利用计量分析方法,结果发现中国出口的高技术产品与FDI之间存在着显著的影响关系,得出外国直接投资能够促进我国出口结构优化和产业结构调整的结论。  相似文献   

本文以协整理论为基础,利用Granger因果关系检验、方差分解等方法研究了辽宁省经济增长、进出口贸易与外商直接投资之间的动态关系。研究发现:经济增长、进出口贸易及外商投资之间存在长期均衡关系;在长期内,外商投资与出口贸易对经济增长具有正向促进作用,但进口贸易却具有反向作用;方差分解表明经济增长的波动主要来自于本身与出口贸易。  相似文献   

中国金融发展规模、结构、效率与经济增长关系的经验分析   总被引:117,自引:2,他引:117  
中国金融发展与经济增长之间的关系在近期受到了众多学者的广泛关注。鉴于已有的经验研究中在金融发展指标选择和经验分析方法选取两方面都存在一定的问题,本文采用带有控制变量的向量误差修正模型(VECM)和格兰杰(Granger)因果检验方法,从中国金融总体发展的规模扩张、结构调整和效率变化3个方面,对中国金融发展与经济增长之间的相关关系和因果关系进行重新检验。我们的经验结果显示,90年代以来中国金融发展与经济增长之间存在显著的双向因果关系。  相似文献   

本文运用协整理论,对四川省房地产投资和经济增长的关系进行讲究分析。通过实证分析知道,四州省房地产投资和经济增长之间存在长期均衡关系,两者之间具有双向Granger因果关系。四川省房地产投资对本省的经济增长具有很大的推动作用,同时经济增长对房地产投资起着反向促进作用。  相似文献   

协整性分析和因果关系研究方法已经成为国际上研究能源消费和经济增长之间关系的重要工具,本文开展1980—2009年北京市能源消费与经济增长协整性和因果关系研究。随着能源消费与经济增长之间的关系重要性越来越被重视,对政策能够产生一定指导作用,协整性与因果关系研究方法也逐渐被应用到发展中国家尤其亚洲的一些国家。在新加坡、韩国、印度、泰国和台湾等,经济增长与能源消费的协整性和因果关系研究中,主要有三种情况出现,能源消费与经济增长之间的双向因果关系;能源消费对经济增长的单向因果关系,反之亦然;能源消费与经济增长之间无Granger因果关系。但对于一些国家来说,研究结论并不完全一致,有些结论甚至完全相反。中国能源经济之间的协整性与因果关系研究近年来才受到关注,文献数量不多。随着北京市经济的快速发展,能源消费迅速增长,能源消费紧张,北京市的能源消费与经济增长之间具有怎样的关系受到关注。  相似文献   

汤智民 《决策与信息》2009,(12):120-121
本文采用了协整分析理论和Granger因果关系检验模型,检验了江西省交通基础设施建设与经济增长的因果关系。结果表明江西交通基础设施存量和经济增长之间存在着长期稳定的均衡关系,在短期内两者关系不稳健,长期内,经济增长是交通基础设施的Granger原因。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,江西省经济得到了较快的发展。同时,江西省的外商直接投资(FDI)与对外贸易也出现了快速的增长。针对理论界对FDI、对外贸易与经济增长三者关系的争论,本文通过对江西省1983-2006年相关数据,运用单位根检验、协整检验、向量误差修正模型和格兰杰因果检验。分析了FDI、对外贸易与经济增长三者之间相互的动态关系。分析结果表明:从长期来看,FDI、对外贸易与经济增长之间存在长期均衡的关系,FDI和出口明显促进了经济的增长。最后。本文就江西省外商直接投资、对外贸易以及经济的协调发展提出了若干政策建议。  相似文献   

中国对外直接投资的就业效应分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文利用Granger因果关系检验和最小二乘回归方法分析中国对外直接投资与国内就业之间关系。研究结果表明对外直接投资对中国就业总量产生替代效应,但较为有限;同时,对外直接投资促进了中国就业结构的优化。  相似文献   

FDI、对外贸易和区域经济增长之间存在着相互影响的关系。本文利用1985-2007年四川省的相关数据,运用基于VAR模型的协整检验、Granger因果检验、脉冲响应函数和方差分解对四川FDI、对外贸易和经济增长之间的关系进行了动态效应分析。  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) from developing to developed countries is a widespread phenomenon in the global economy. The literature suggests that such investments frequently follow a motive to seek knowledge-based assets, with the goal of augmenting the firm's resource base through internationalization. We argue that the prevalence of this motive may direct developing country firms' FDI toward developed countries with relatively stronger knowledge-based assets and weaker intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and that this effect is amplified when both conditions coincide. Furthermore, we suggest that the respective importance of knowledge-based assets and IPR protection diminishes as developing countries augment their own knowledge-based assets and that the importance of asset seeking as an internationalization motive for the country's firms declines compared with other motives such as institutional escapism. We investigate our model with FDI data including investment flows from 85 developing countries to 35 developed countries during 2009–2014. We find that developing country firms prefer investing in developed countries with stronger knowledge-based assets and weaker IPR protection. These criteria attract even more FDI when both co-occur. Furthermore, the influence of weaker host country IPR protection on the location decision diminishes for firms originating from home countries with higher stocks of knowledge-based assets.  相似文献   

There has been a marked growth in recent years in outward direct investment (ODI) by developing countries, and in particular, by China. Previous studies have examined the impact on developing countries productivity of foreign direct investment (FDI) from developed countries. This paper looks at the effects of China's outward direct investment on growth in its own productivity, and at two specific reasons for this growth: technology sourcing and improvements in efficiency. These are examined using data from China's ODI in eight developed countries during the period 1991 to 2007. It appears that Chinese outward direct investment has had beneficial spill-over effects in improving total factor productivity growth over the period of the study, and that gains in efficiency have been the chief reason for this. Our vector auto regression (VAR) decomposition analysis also suggests that domestic R&D capital stocks are the most important source of productivity growth with greater contribution to technological progress. China is likely to continue to expand its ODI and it will be interesting to see whether the productivity gains continue at the same rate, and whether other developing countries also increase their ODI and reap the same benefits.  相似文献   

本文基于中国31个省市2000-2011年的面板数据,依次运用面板数据的单位根检验、协整检验和因果有向无环图(DAG)等分析方法,旨在探讨金融发展、技术创新与经济增长之间的影响关系。研究结果表明:金融发展、技术创新与经济增长两两之间存在长期均衡的协整关系;金融发展是引致技术创新的直接原因,即国内金融发展和R&D投入之间具有很强正向关系,但以银行主导的金融发展结构不利于R&D投资;技术创新是显著促进经济增长的直接原因;金融发展是引致经济增长的直接原因,也是间接原因,一方面,在发展水平较低的国家内,银行主导的金融结构对经济增长具有显著的正向作用,而金融发展规模对经济增长具有显著且直接的负向作用,但它可以通过促进R&D投入来间接地促进经济增长。  相似文献   

Foreign investment decisions are typically taken using mainly economic evaluation criteria. Nowadays many companies are becoming aware that there are additional risks associated with foreign investment that arise as a direct consequence of choosing to operate in a different environment. Country risk assessment as an emerging function in international business reflects a growing recognition of the need to include an evaluation of these additional risks in any comprehensive foreign investment proposal. So far the emphasis has been on assessing the risk associated with factors such as political and economic stability. Little attention has been given to the risks that could arise from the effects of basic socio-cultural differences between the domestic and the proposed foreign environments. How can socio-cultural differences be structured into country risk assessment procedures? This paper develops a framework to answer this need and demonstrates its application to a typical foreign investment scenario.  相似文献   

Raymond Vernon's product-cycle model predicts two distinctive kinds of foreign direct investment in developing countries: fist, subsidiaries whose operations are tightly integrated into the parent's strategy to advance its competitive position in international markets; second, subsidiaries toward the host market whose profits help fund the needs of the parent but whose output is not an integral part of the parent's global sourcing network. In practice, the latter are frequently subject to domestic content, joint venture, and technology-sharing requirements; the former almost never are. How do the two kinds of foreign direct investment differ in their impact on host country development? Somewhat surprisingly, to those who may be wary of what Vernon himself reffered to as “captive” plants, foreign investor operations intimately linked into the parent's global sourcing network make a systematically larger and more dynamic contribution to the host economy via the activities of the affiliates themselves, via backward linkages to local suppliers, and via spillovers and externalities. Foreign investor operations impeded from close integration via domestic content, joint venture, and technology-sharing requirement provide a much less positive and sometimes genuinely negative impact, especially if they are protected by trade barriers or other forms of market exclusivity.  相似文献   

This article examines international country location choices for equity investment undertaken by global hotel chains. Why do certain host countries attract more hotel investment than others? A second underlying issue that we tackle in this article is whether the traditional foreign direct investment determinants used in past studies on manufacturing also apply to services—or whether service sector-specific determinants are better explanatory variables for understanding the distribution of service foreign direct investment across countries.  相似文献   

本文利用定量分析方法对在中国的外国直接投资作分阶段研究,研究结果表明,1979—1995年可划分为三个阶段.文章对各阶段的投资情况作了分析和阐述,并对外国直接投资在中国未来发展趋势作了初步探讨.  相似文献   

本文将企业异质性理论引入内生增长模型,讨论对外直接投资(OFDI)对母国收入差距的影响机理,并基于1981~2015年85个国家(地区)的面板数据,同时运用静态模型与动态模型验证了二者间存在"倒U型"关系,即随着对外直接投资强度的提升,母国收入差距呈现先扩大再缩小的态势;OFDI一方面通过促进母国的技术进步与产业结构升级、挤出部分国内投资等渠道加剧了收入不平等程度,另一方面以推动母国的金融发展与教育拓展等方式对收入差距产生削减效果;OFDI对收入差距的影响在不同经济发展水平、不同地理区位的国家中具有异质性:当人均GDP小于5767.53美元时,对外直接投资强度显著地扩大了母国收入差距,当人均GDP超过5767.53美元时,二者之间不存在显著的线性关系;欧洲国家的OFDI与收入差距之间呈现出"倒U型"关系,美洲、亚洲国家的OFDI促进了母国收入差距的扩大,非洲国家的OFDI对收入差距无显著影响;此外,OFDI对母国收入差距的影响具有跨期效应,随着时间推移与OFDI存量增加,其间接效应的边际效果有所减弱。  相似文献   

Katashi Taguchi 《Omega》1983,11(6):587-598
This model for multiple criteria decision making enables one to select an optimal investment policy for developing the marine industry in developing countries. The model is composed of: the mathematical model of national economy (LP model) for optimizing an investment scheme under economic and technological constraints; the model of I-O analysis for estimating the change of industrial structures induced by the investment; and the decision making model to which the results of the preceding models are fed back so as to enable the policy planner to select a feasible policy based on his own multiple criteria such as the value of GDP growth rate, international payments, unemployment rate, etc. Due consideration is paid in this study to the role of the marine industries, e.g. shipping and ports, which can be said to be the pivot of economic development in a developing country in connection with its foreign trade policy. A case study is carried out to verify this hypothesis.  相似文献   

本文构建了一个包含平均年龄异质性家庭和创新异质性企业的动态随机一般均衡模型,模拟分析人口老龄化对宏观经济的冲击效应得出:随着中国人口老龄化程度的提高,家庭持有的流动性金融资产占金融总资产的比例上升、资本性金融资产所占比重逐渐下降,从而引起宏观金融结构的变动;中国人口老龄化引发的金融结构变动将导致劳动减少、消费减少、产出降低,甚至影响企业创新投资降低,进而导致高投资的经济增长模式发生变化。研究结论的政策含义在于:劳动增长依赖、投资增长依赖、技术模仿依赖都难以为继,经济高质量发展的动力应集中到创新方面,激励企业技术创新是市场机制改革的重要方向,引导市场资金对技术创新型企业的投资支持,同时应避免企业技术创新投资的剧烈上涨造成经济震荡。  相似文献   

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