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《非诚勿扰》中葛优忏悔的小教堂、舒淇留连的悬崖,《唐山大地震》中的街道……这些电影中的场景是否也让你难以忘怀,想身临其境的去感受一下?不久后,这些都将能在“冯小刚电影公社”中看到。  相似文献   

正《每个人站起来的方式千姿百态》作者:张翎出版社:长江文艺出版社著名华人女作家张翎中篇小说集《每个人站起来的方式千姿百态》,收录了新作《死着》,以及另三部获得多项文学奖的重要代表作《生命中最黑暗的夜晚》《余震》《雁过藻溪》。张翎因作品被改编为电影《唐山大地震》而获得社会关注,被誉为当代"张爱玲";其作品构思精巧,大气磅礴,感  相似文献   

孙红丽 《社科纵横》2005,20(2):168-169
《聊斋志异》和《浮生六记》都是以塑造个性独特而鲜明的女性形象来主张男女爱情的自由和平等,具有不同于封建时代情欲的特征,带有个体意识觉醒的因子,从而表征了封建文化向近代文化转变的某些征兆。同时,从《聊斋志异》到《浮生六记》还使文学作品中的情欲描写实现了从荒诞恋情到现实婚恋的转变,在现实意义上表明了新的情感社会的到来。  相似文献   

[新政快递] 6月3日,民政部向四川省民政厅下发了《民政部关于印发(关于汶川大地震四川省“三孤”人员救助安置的意见)的通知》(民发[2008]77号,以下简称《意见》)。《意见》对四川汶川大地震造成的孤儿、孤老和孤残(以下简称“三孤”)人员的救助安置原则,做出了明确规定,并提出了具体要求和保障措施。  相似文献   

20世纪30年代初的古书翻印潮中,上海开明书店翻印的《二十五史》与上海书报合作社精印的《二十六史》发生了竞争。双方先是大登预售广告,然后利用代售处、《新元史》版权在报刊上大登声明、警告,最后通过诉诸法律诉讼等手段抹黑对方。竞争的结果是,书报合作社以《二十六史》半途而废、合作社关门歇业、总经理谭天被通缉收场;开明书店则大获全胜,不但完成了《二十五史》的出版计划,而且还针对性地推出了新的出版计划并顺利付诸实施。这场竞售及其教训值得当今出版界在选题策划、诚信经营、广告规范以及版权意识等方面引以为戒。  相似文献   

《汉书》是汉代引《诗》较多的一部典籍。《汉书》引《诗》显示了《诗经》在以政治伦理为主的多种文化领域的认识价值和借鉴意义,又体现出“《诗》以正言”的《诗》学观念,并有助于理解其具体含义。考察《汉书》引《诗》可以为《诗经》研究开启一扇新窗。  相似文献   

孔颖达的《对<论语>问》,是一篇精美的政论文,但宋代俞德邻认为,唐太宗误认曾子为孔子,而颖达竟不省,故责其告君欠谨。俞德邻的解读依据《新唐书》。根据《贞观政要》、《旧唐书》、《十三经注疏》、《全唐文》,《新唐书》所载《对<论语>问》错误有二:其一,张冠李戴;其二,文体不合。同时,《全唐文》等文献所载《对<论语>问》的几处异文值得商榷。  相似文献   

美学哲学层次上的《老人与海》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李胜利 《社科纵横》2004,19(1):91-92
《老人与海》正如海明威所预期的那样包含意味了许多东西。《老人与海》中的悲剧意识是海明威剧审美方式的完美体现 ,它是海明威式的 ,也是现代意义上的悲剧意识 ,它不乏忧患、哀怨和进取的精神。海明威用桑提亚哥的遭遇表明 :人生的悲剧固不可免 ,但数十万年沉积而来的人类文明是人们赖以生存的坚不可摧的精神后盾 ,这就是《老人与海》贯穿全文的哲学思考 ,这是整个小说的哲学构架。  相似文献   

森鸥外的浪漫主义代表作“德意志留学三部曲”之一的《泡沫记》1 ,其舞台搭在德国的慕尼黑。作品中的男主人公、日本画家巨势是一个自费留学生 ,专攻美术 ,他在慕尼黑切身体尝到与德国少女玛丽纯真的、泡沫一般转瞬即逝的恋爱 ,目睹了巴伐利亚国王癫狂的恋慕为女主人公一家带来的灭绝之灾。  《泡沫记》中飘荡的 ,是芳醇甘美的异情调和浪漫主义氛围 ,其中 ,也融进了欧外青春的憧憬和人生的感伤。研究日本近代文豪森鸥外的民主意识及其创作心理历程 ,《泡沫记》是一篇不可忽略的重要作品。一、从《泡沫记》、《神曲》和《风流佛》看爱的升…  相似文献   

余群 《学术交流》2004,(10):154-157
《世说新语》无论是思想内容、艺术形式,还是书名、编排体制等,都明显受到了《论语》的影响。具体表现为:一、《世说新语》有尊儒思想。二、大量运用《论语》典故。三、学习《论语》的人物形象塑造法。四、大量的篇章是仿效《论语》而作的。五、语言风格具有《论语》的简练含蓄、富于哲理和机趣的特征。六、仿效《论语》写实的笔法。  相似文献   

Economic policy reform that started in China in early 1980s also affected its movie industry. Like other sectors, movie industry is also not fully liberalized. The industry is required to ensure that movie contents are consistent with core socialist and cultural values and locally produced movies are also financially viable. However, cultural and politically motivated regulation can adversely affect box-office revenues. Using a recently available dataset, which covers the period of 2009–2018, we investigate the box-office performance of Chinese domestic movies. We start by examining the role of movie quality signals (such as star power, internet media evaluation and industry recognition) in our empirical analysis of the relationship between family-friendly content of movies and box-office revenues. We then match the movie contents with its financial performance records. Our novel approach reveals that the explicit sex and profanity in movies have a negative and statistically significant impact on box-office revenues, which confirms the role of cultural values in financial success of motion pictures in China. However, in the case of large-budget movies involving celebrity superstars, the violent and gore (graphic violence) content attracts viewers and hence the box-office revenue increases. Our work highlights the contradictory nature of China’s movie industry policy, which binds the industry to strict cultural and politically motivated regulation while insisting on financial success.  相似文献   

岳晓英 《唐都学刊》2012,28(5):109-113
新世纪以来,两岸三地中国电影女导演的创作呈现出非常活跃的态势,老中青几代电影人纷纷推出自己的新作,成为新世纪中国影坛不可忽视的一股创作力量。在新世纪中国电影女导演的影片中,两性形象的塑造有着诸多相似之处,女性力量的张扬、女性气质的挥洒与男性形象的令人失望交相辉映,充分展现出新世纪中国女性自我实现的信心和行动力,她们在不无落寞的独舞中努力绽放仅仅属于女性的精彩。  相似文献   

Most studies dealing with intimate partner violence (IPV) investigate situations where the man is the aggressor. The present study examines the participants’ social perception of IPV and the connection between social perception and the severity of the violent act and its justification when carried out by men against women and vice versa. The research is based on a structured, self-reported anonymous questionnaire answered by 240 participants. The questionnaire examined demographic variables, attitudes toward IPV, the severity of the violent act, and its justification. Findings indicate that violent behavior of women is perceived as more justified than that of men and that men’s violent behavior is perceived as more severe by women than by men, but women’s violent behavior is perceived to be equally severe by men and women. The study raises awareness of the lack of gender boundaries in violence and of gender discrimination against males.  相似文献   

张艳萍  王欢 《唐都学刊》2012,28(1):55-58
日本电影《入殓师》描述了大提琴师小林大悟成为入殓师的故事。影片表现了主人公小林大悟在遇到梦想与现实的冲突时内心挣扎与选择,通过入殓纳棺这一特殊的工作,表达了生者对死者的敬畏,也体现了小林的生存价值和意义,诠释了夫妻、父子之间的爱与恨,这些有益于了解日本社会和日本人的精神世界。  相似文献   


A crucial factor in the shaping of state policy for social work and development is to satisfy various needs in people’s living. The work of satisfying people’s demand for enhanced well-being and the elimination of inequalities in their living is realised through the activity called cultural and welfare service. On the basis of theoretical research on other kinds of services, in this paper, we conceptualised cultural and welfare service that seeks to satisfy various demands in people’s living, set main indicators characterising its development level and suggest a methodology for analysing it.  相似文献   

北约在世纪之交开启对华交往,在特朗普政府上台后大幅调整对华政策。北约调整对华政策的根源在于:1)国际政治经济结构变化;2)北约将亚太安全视为全球安全使命的一部分;3)以美国为主导的北约决策机制失衡;4)北约延续并扩大冷战思维;5)在新冠肺炎疫情后;北约对华敌意增加。北约对华政策调整不利于国际政治、经济与安全结构建构,不利于亚太区域安全与稳定。中国要准确、系统、完整地认识北约对华政策调整,趋利避害,坚持合作共赢和对外开放,坚定维护国际多边主义,以实际行动打破北约的围堵与打压。  相似文献   

China’s educational enterprise has achieved great successes since reform and opening up in 1978, but the constraints imposed by a number of factors mean that the problem of unequal distribution of high quality educational resources among groups from different strata is becoming increasingly noticeable at the basic education stage, leading to socioeconomic segregation in schools. We utilize baseline data from the China Education Panel Survey for 2013-2014 to investigate this phenomenon in junior high schools and its influence upon students’ educational expectations. Our findings show that marked segregation currently exists at the junior high school level. The extent of the segregation varies from region to region and place to place (urban or rural), and school socioeconomic composition (SEC) exerts a significant influence upon students’ educational expectations. The higher the school’s average SEC or the greater its heterogeneity, the higher the educational expectations of its students. The effect of school SEC upon the educational expectations of students varies depending on the characteristics of different student groups; students who have lower cognitive abilities and fall behind at school are more likely to benefit from an increase in school socioeconomic status (SES) and heterogeneity. Because educational expectations are a decisive factor in academic achievement and educational attainment, the influence of school socioeconomic segregation upon educational equity should not be overlooked. Lessening the degree of school socioeconomic segregation and encouraging integrated schools would be an effective measure for ensuring educational equity in China.  相似文献   

广西区域创新体系建设路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋平 《创新》2007,1(6):35-38
不同的区域创新体系建设应有不同的建设途径。广西区域创新体系建设现状决定了其应选择"突出引进消化吸收再创新、加强集成创新、鼓励原始创新"的路径。这种区域创新路径有利于广西提高集成创新和原始创新能力、增强核心技术竞争能力、实现跨越式发展。  相似文献   

党的历史, 是党领导人民同国内外敌人进行斗争、实现民族解放和社会解放的历 史, 也是党和人民群众逐步建立和深化血肉联系、形成和完善群众路线的历史。没有 中国人民, 就没有中国共产党。正如人民群众从来就是党的生存和发展的根基, 群众 路线已经浸透中国共产党路线方针政策的所有方面, 成为中国共产党人深入骨髓的感 情和最终的信念, 成为中国共产党人的文化、道德、思维方式和生活方式, 成为党的 原动力和生命线。

关键词: 中国共产党 群众路线

The history of the Party is a history in which the Party led the people to fight with the domestic and foreign enemies to achieve national and social liberation, and also a history in which the Party gradually established and deepened its flesh-and-blood ties with the people and shaped and improved its mass line. Without the support of the Chinese people, there would be no Communist Party of China. The people has always been root of the Party’s survival and development, and the mass line has permeated into all aspects of the Party’s lines, principles and policies, thus becoming the Chinese Communists’ feelings and beliefs deep into the soul, their culture, ethics, ways of thinking, lifestyle, and driving force and lifeline.  相似文献   

Since its legal inception in 1926, adoption work has been centrally concerned with the matter of the adopted child's ‘first’ or prior life, whilst also focussed on achieving a new and secure substitute family for that child. Adoptive kinship has been formed through this dual and contradictory concern, a concern that has produced diverse policies and practices over the last 90 years. Drawing on Foucault's concept of technologies of the subject, this paper is an exploration of adoptive kinship within the new context of open adoption, a set of practices that more actively promotes the involvements of the adopted child's former family. These practices both promote a radical reworking of adoptive kinship, as well as confirming its more orthodox moorings. Drawing on an adoption archive study, the paper concludes with an analysis of letterbox contact to explore how far this form of open practice transforms adoptive kinship in the contemporary era.  相似文献   

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