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徐凤臣  徐翔 《城市》2010,(5):8-11
就全国而言,土地交易市场出现“地王”现象已有8年之久,并非新生事物。然而,2009年全国“地王”频出,数量之多、规模之大、影响之深,均已远超2007年的峰巅,有人称2009年为“地王年”。前不久,北京和长春又出现“大地王”,继续挑战宏观调控,不仅引起地产界,而且引起社会的广泛关注,各级政府更是难以漠视旁观。笔者试从以下5个方面对我国“地王”经济现象进行分析。  相似文献   

Cohen (1997) employed the term “classical” diaspora in reference to the Jews. Indeed, a vast corpus of work recognizes the Jewish people as examples of quintessential diasporic groups. However, a broader conceptualization of the term diaspora allows for the inclusion of immigrant communities that would be otherwise sidelined in the conventional literature on diaspora. This study is therefore a departure from the traditional diasporic literature, which tends to use the Jewish Diaspora as the archetype. It favours, rather, the classification of three principal broad historical waves in which the Jewish Diaspora can be interpreted as part of a classical period. The historicizing of diasporization for the purpose of this paper is achieved by an empirical discussion of the three major historical waves that influenced the diasporic process throughout the world: the Classical Period, the Modern Period, and the Contemporary or Late‐modern Period. The paper discusses these three critical phases in the following manner: first, reference is made to the Classical Period, which is associated primarily with ancient diaspora and ancient Greece. The second historical phase analyses diaspora in relation to the Modern Period, which can be interpreted as a central historical fact of slavery and colonization. This section can be further subdivided into three large phases: (1) the expansion of European capital (1500–1814), (2) the Industrial Revolution (1815–1914), and (3) the Interwar Period (1914–1945). The final major period of diasporization can be considered a Contemporary or Late‐modern phenomenon. It refers to the period immediately after World War II to the present day, specifying the case of the Hispanics in the United States as one key example. The paper outlines some aspects of the impact of the Latin American diaspora on the United States, from a socio‐economic and politico‐cultural point of view. While the Modern and Late‐modern periods are undoubtedly the most critical for an understanding of diaspora in a modern, globalized context, for the purpose of this paper, more emphasis is placed on the latter period, which illustrates the progressive effect of globalization on the phenomenon of diasporization. The second period, the Modern Phase is not examined in this paper, as the focus is on a comparative analysis of the early Classical Period and the Contemporary or Late‐modern Period. The incorporation of diaspora as a unit of analysis in the field of international relations has been largely neglected by both recent and critical scholarship on the subject matter. While a growing number of studies focus on the increasing phenomenon of diasporic communities, from the vantage of social sciences, the issue of diaspora appears to be inadequately addressed or ignored altogether. Certain key factors present themselves as limitations to the understanding of the concept, as well as its relevance to the field of international relations and the social sciences as a whole. This paper is meant to clarify some aspects of the definition of diaspora by critiquing the theories in the conventional literature, exposing the lacunae in terms of interpretation of diaspora and in the final analysis, establishing a historiography that may be useful in comparing certain features of “classical” diaspora and “contemporary” diaspora. The latter part of the paper is intended to provide illustrations of a contemporary diasporic community, using the example of Hispanics in the United States.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,美国兴起了一场关于护理院的"文化变革运动",在其影响下,护理院经历了从"机构化"向"家庭化"发展的演变."文化变革运动"的"家庭化"理念表现在伦理价值观、机构管理、护理服务、环境设计四个方面,其形成的动因在于:代际间服务需求的变化、政府监管以及护理院的利益驱动."家庭化"的理念与美国文化相契合,和福利机构"去机构化"发展相互补充,对美国护理院行业发展产生了深远影响,但也在新冠肺炎疫情中暴露出其缺陷."文化变革运动"中的经验做法对中国失能老年人、残疾人的长期护理实践有着借鉴价值.  相似文献   

The conscientious and pragmatic forms of nonviolence are discussed as sanctioning strategies adapted to different phases in the development of a social movement. Some general factors affecting the evolution of a movement's relations with its institutional environment are also considered.  相似文献   

据报载,上世纪70、80年代留下无数老上海人爱情印记的“情人墙”,有望在今天重返外滩。果真如此,或许是上海的一大幸事,不仅年轻人可以重温父辈的浪漫情境,而且也可能为这个城市增添一点新的文化元素。像这种具有浓郁海派味道的文化元素,时下已是非常难得了。如今,一些游客到了上海往往不无遗憾,不知道海派文化的特色究竟在哪  相似文献   

晏群 《城市》2007,(1):31-35
城镇化是一个系统工程,是一个多层面、多视角、复杂的综合演变过程,但是受资料以及技术手段等的限制,目前尚未形成一套行之有效、具有可比性的用以衡量"真实"城镇化水平的指标体系.目前,用城镇人口占总人口比重这一单一指标表示并体现城镇化水平高低仍然是城镇规划中不得已而为之的最常用的办法.  相似文献   

杜敏 《当代青年研究》2017,(5):78-83,114
"斜杠青年"是一种符号化标注,表征同时拥有多重职业、追求无边界职业生涯的青年群体。在我国"斜杠青年"的产生是产业结构升级、组织结构权变性调整以及青年思维方式变革等主客观因素共同作用的结果。"斜杠青年"的发展具有双重效应,既有对职业尊严感和劳动创造性的不断找寻,又存在变得全面而平庸、自由时间被挤占的风险。"斜杠青年"不仅是部分青年群体职业发展的现实状态,也是部分青年群体未来职业发展的备选方案,代表着一种职业发展新趋势,要从政府、教育以及青年自身三方面共同着力,推动"斜杠青年"更好地发展。  相似文献   

浅谈"飞地经济"中"飞地"的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘姿含 《城市》2010,(8):59-61
“飞地经济”是指发达地区与欠发达地区双方政府打破行政区划限制,把“飞出地”方的资金和项目放到行政上互不隶属的“飞人地”方的工业基地,通过规划、建设、管理和税收分配等合作机制,实现互利共赢的持续或跨越发展的经济模式。  相似文献   

科学评估上海养老服务发展的实施效应,借鉴国外的成功经验,针对当前上海养老服务发展中的问题,建议优化政策设计理念,适应养老服务现实需求;实现政策全盘考虑,确保养老政策体系完整;统筹规划养老事业,实现政策操作部门联动;健全政策配套措施,提高养老政策实施效应;整合政策服务资源,推进养老政策功能健全;强化政策引导作用,激发行业参与养老活力.  相似文献   

虽然疑病症并非网络时代所独有,但网络传播的种种特性恰好拨动了健康焦虑者的"恐惧之弦",催生网络疑病症的发生,其中青年人口患此症者越来越多。对疑病者的叙事进行理论化的文本分析出现,网络健康信息会造成健康焦虑,这种影响建立在个体焦虑性格的基础上。网络健康信息与其他渠道的健康传播一道成为引起健康焦虑的诱因,且恐慌会随着网络"搜病"愈演愈烈。究其原因,网络健康信息的唾手可得、意料之外的健康信息、由于缺乏把关而普遍存在的错误信息以及疑病者的选择性接受都是滋生疑病的土壤。从这个角度讲,"使用"网络健康信息除了"满足"之外还可能产生"恐慌",网络健康传播绝非一条坦途。  相似文献   

Drawing on stress and life-course perspectives and using panel data from 1,286 south Florida young adults, we assess three critical questions regarding the role of marijuana in the "gateway hypothesis." First, does teen marijuana use independently (causally) affect subsequent use of more dangerous substances? Second, if so, does that effect apply to the abuse of other illicit substances, as defined by the DSM-IV, or only to the use of such substances? Finally, does any causal effect of teen marijuana use survive beyond adolescence, or is it a short-term effect that subsides as adolescents transition to adulthood? Our results indicate a moderate relation between early teen marijuana use and young adult abuse of other illicit substances; however, this association fades from statistical significance with adjustments for stress and life-course variables. Likewise, our findings show that any causal influence of teen marijuana use on other illicit substance use is contingent upon employment status and is short-term, subsiding entirely by the age of 21. In light of these findings, we urge U.S. drug control policymakers to consider stress and life-course approaches in their pursuit of solutions to the "drug problem."  相似文献   

美国以品格为基础的青少年性教育模式,代表了当今美国性教育探索的最新思路.本文对这一思想的产生背景、基本观点和社会效果进行了分析与思考,以期为我国有效地开展青少年性教育工作和艾滋病防治工作提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

城市是一个国家或地区的经济、政治和文化中心,是人类集中、高效率利用自然资源、土地资源、空间资源和智力资源,创造物质文明和精神文明的载体.  相似文献   

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