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纪茜  尹保华 《社会工作》2011,(18):34-36
社区公共服务是社区服务主体,在以人为本理念指导下,为了满足社区的公共需求,为全体社区居民提供的社会公共服务。对社区公共服务的含义进行探讨,不仅有利于社区公共服务实践的发展,也能够在一定意义上推动社区公共服务理论的发展;同时,社区公共服务概念的提出及其理论研究的发展,是在社会学、社会政策、社会工作、社区发展、公共管理等学科或理论界域内的本土化理论成果的具体体现。  相似文献   

政府作为单一主体提供公共服务的方式已不能适应社区的发展现实,需要向现代治理方式转变。根据治理的基本要素和特征,社区公共服务治理框架包含四个基本要素——公共服务决策、提供公共服务的主体、服务供给过程、公共服务的效果。但现有案例表明,社区公共服务决策、供给过程和公共服务效果评估,与公共服务的治理要素不完全符合,这成为阻碍社区公共服务治理的关键问题。同时,这也与政府的公共政策体制、政府与市场、社会之间的权力结构与职能分界、社区公共服务制度有着重要关联。因此,社区居民有效参与公共服务决策、多元主体参与提供公共服务、多元主体权责分工与协同合作法治化、公共服务效果监督评估的制度化等,是社区公共服务治理现代化所需具备的基本条件。  相似文献   

我国社区服务体系建设中存在的问题及解决对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王国枫 《学术交流》2005,(3):140-144
发展社区服务是全面建设小康社会的必然要求。由于我国社区服务还处于初级阶段,加之定位模糊,致使在社区服务体系建设中还存在着行政化、市场化倾向以及专业化程度低、居民参与率不高的问题。我国的社区服务,是在政府扶持和社会资助下,由社区居民自行组织,以满足全体居民物质和精神生活需要为目的的非营利性、福利性、公益性社会公共服务。明确把握并践行这样的定位,政府应从传统的统包统管中解脱出来,加大规划、投资、扶持和监督的力度;要建设一支专业化的社区工作者队伍,使之成为社区服务的主要承担者和实施者;要培育社区居民的认同感、归属感和参与意识,通过志愿者服务,激活社区发展的内在动力。  相似文献   

在社会管理创新背景下催生的家庭综合服务中心的蓬勃发展为广州社区教育带来了前所未有的机遇。家综为社区居民提供多元化的社区公共服务,其中包括社区教育服务。家综在向社区居民提供社区教育服务有着天然的优势。找准整合切入点,完善制度建设,健全社区教育工作网络,引导家综积极融入社区教育发展大局,整合、利用以家综为代表的社区民间组织力量,为社区教育增添新动力。  相似文献   

弱势群体的社区参与对其福利水平提升具有重要意义.本文以公民权利理论及"结构—行动"视角下的社区动员理论为指导,通过问卷法和访谈法对北京、淄博市部分社区的居民社区参与情况进行考察,分析弱势群体的社区参与特征、影响因素以及动员策略.研究发现:弱势群体的社区参与具有低水平和不平衡的特征,民事权利类参与率较高但频率较低,社会权利类参与率较低且不平衡,政治权利类参与率最低且与普通居民差距最大;弱势群体的社区参与率与就业状况、年龄、居住时间等自身因素及社区认同、社区组织发展、邻里关系、社区工作者专业化、参与渠道等外部因素显著相关.对比普通居民的社区参与现状及其影响因素,弱势群体的社区参与除了常规动员策略,更需要专业社会工作方法的使用.  相似文献   

农村公共服务社区化是增加农村公共服务数量,改善结构,弥补政府与市场缺陷的重要模式。A社区与B社区是实行农村公共服务社区化模式的两个典型成功案例。它们的社区化模式各有特色:在路径选择方面,一个走内源式道路,另一个走外源式道路;在社会资本运用方面,一个以传统社会资本为主,另一个以现代社会资本为主;在权威作用发挥方面,一个以自然型权威为主,另一个以法理型权威为主。这两种模式对农村公共服务社区化具有重要的借鉴意义,并可得出几点启示:依托"内源"力量,调整"外源"力量;充分利用传统社会资本,积极培育现代社会资本;发挥自然型权威的作用,促进自然型权威与法理型权威的融合。  相似文献   

陈亚辉 《社科纵横》2013,(10):54-57
社区公共服务是社区建设的核心任务,传统的社区公共服务主要由政府或居委会(村委会)直接提供,这种方式存在供给主体单一、缺乏双向交流、效率低下和不便监管等缺点,已难以适应社区建设需要。而社区社会组织由于其非政治性、非营利性和灵活性等特点,深受居民的青睐,在中国部分地区已初步具备承担一定社区公共服务能力,对社区公共服务方式创新将起着重要作用。  相似文献   

城市社区管理体制的国际比较与启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
冷熙亮 《社会》2001,(3):39-40
城市社区管理涉及的基本关系是政府行为与社区行为的相互关系 ,从这一角度看 ,可将国外城市社区管理模式概括为三种类型 :政府主导模式、社区自治模式和混合模式。政府主导模式的基本特点是政府行为与社区行为的紧密结合 ,政府对社区的干预较为直接和具体 ,并在社区设有各种形式的派出机构 ,社区发展特别是管理方面的行政性较强、官方色彩较浓。以新加坡为例 ,政府中设有国家住宅发展局 ,负责对社区工作的指导和管理 ,其主要职能包括 :(1)对住宅小区、邻里中心和社区中心及其公共服务设施的规划 ;(2)对社区领袖和居民顾问委员会、社区…  相似文献   

结合广州正在开展的街道、社区管理服务改革创新,以广州市政府购买社会公共服务为例进行深入分析,探索在社会组织承接政府职能转移提供社会公共服务过程中,构建起政府主导、社会参与、资源激励、合作互补的公共服务运作机制,有利于提高公共财政的使用效率和公共服务供给效力.对于促进社会公共服务供给水平和公益服务类社会组织的发展,提高社会管理过程中的公众参与能力,都是十分必要的.对探索完善具有广州特色的新型城市化发展道路和公益服务类社会组织的发展路径也具有参考意义.  相似文献   

闵学勤 《社会》2011,31(4):29-48
以社区视角观察城市居民的公民性建构,缘于经历30多年发展历史的城市社区权力已从居委会单一中心转向多元权力组织并存的格局,社区居民通过社区管理者的选择、社区权益的保护、社区问题的解决等路径表达公民性。本文运用北京、深圳、南京、沈阳和西宁的随机抽样调查数据,通过多元回归分析和结构方程分析,检验城市居民对社区各组织的多元认同与公民性建构之间的关系。研究发现,与其他经济社会因素和个体因素相比,以社区权力多元认同为主导的社区因子构成重要影响,这表明社区发展未来将成为公民性建构不可或缺的因素。  相似文献   

Food policy is high on the public policy agenda, but still suffers from a lack of overview and integration. The paper reviews examples of policy limitations where tighter and more explicit links could usefully be made between environmental, social and public health considerations. The paper proposes a new ecological health approach to public policy. This offers marked advantages over the present "productionist" approach to food policy. With this old policy regime in crisis, the paper reviews current moves towards adoption of the ecological health model in Britain, Europe and globally.  相似文献   

赵凌云 《社会》2005,25(1):99-118
在《黄河边的中国》一书中,曹锦清(2000:114、624-626)教授讨论 了改革以后农村地区一种颇为典型的现象:人民公社时期调集千万名 劳动力建成的水利系统,由于分田单干的小生产方式及农户的自私短 见,却是屡修屡毁。曹由此感慨再三:中国村落农民,历来善分不善合  相似文献   

In some areas of Vietnam, stigmatisation of HIV-infected children by parents in the community represents a major barrier to integration of such youth into public schools. To investigate parental perceptions of integration, researchers interviewed a total of 60 parents from one rural and one urban school district within Hanoi, Vietnam. Resistance to integration stemmed largely from misinformation about disease transmission and worry about protecting HIV-negative children. Educational campaigns targeted at parents, combined with higher levels of trust in the preparedness of teachers to handle situations involving HIV-positive children, could decrease current stigma and opposition to integration into public primary schools.  相似文献   

刘仲华 《唐都学刊》2010,26(6):53-57
明代杨寔《宁波郡志》与黄润玉《宁波府简要志》是明代较早两部关于宁波的地方志,两志成书时间前后相从,内容上一繁一简。清末民初著名学者张寿镛在编辑《四明丛刊》时认为《黄志》先成于《杨志》,且撰有十条证据。事实上,通过对两志体例和内容的对比,张氏所言不能成立的,《黄志》应当是在《杨志》基础上调整体例,删简而成。  相似文献   

This study explored the barriers to educational integration in the rural Mississippi Delta region. In Delta County , 1 students have generally been divided between a black public school and an all white private academy. An earlier study ( Eckes, 2005 ) revealed that white parents in Delta County chose not to send their students to the traditional public school because they perceived greater discipline problems, less challenging academics, and fewer extracurricular opportunities ("the barriers"). The black parents, however, were choosing not to send their children to the private academy because it did not, in fact, offer greater educational opportunity. Black parents contended that the three articulated barriers were actually euphemisms for racism. In this current case study, the researcher sought to learn whether a new high-performing charter school, where the three barriers were not present, would encourage racial integration in Delta County. Specifically, the new public charter school offered parents a third option in addition to the private academy and public school. Through interviews and observations, the current case study explored whether the barriers articulated by white parents in the earlier study were simply rhetoric. The current study found that white parents were still not choosing the charter school, even though no barriers were present.  相似文献   

Asia has a special significance in China’s neighborhood strategy. Geographically, the Belt and Road Initiative faces the countries of Asia or China’s neighbors in the first place. Asia is clearly marked by an imbalance in and “absence” of regional economic integration. This “absence” is two-fold: it is expressed on the one hand as a lack of unified institutional arrangements for regional economic integration, and on the other as the inability of underdeveloped countries in the region to truly participate in regional economic integration and thereby gain opportunities for development. Compared with the rule-oriented nature of existing regional economic integration mechanisms, the Belt and Road Initiative, as a new type of regional cooperation mechanism, displays an orientation towards development. All existing regional economic integration arrangements, regardless of their form, establish specific rules on access thresholds, the rights and duties of member countries, schedules and roadmaps, dispute resolution mechanisms and so forth. This is not the case for the Belt and Road, which is not predicated on specific rules, but establishes its overall framework by orienting itself towards development. Overall, the development orientation of the Belt and Road is helpful not only in overcoming the inherent defects of Asian regional economic integration, but in responding to the new challenge of anti-globalization. This is an institutional public good that China offers to Asia and to the world.  相似文献   

Ratings from Russian television broadcasts of international sports events featuring Russian teams and players show an increasing public interest in sports as a source of national pride. Success of Russian teams increases positive feelings of Russians for their society and is a source of social integration.  相似文献   

While much of the extant literature in public management has focused on individual performance using only in-role or job performance, there is a need to consider another approach to individual performance, one that includes extra-role performance. However, public sector organizations have rarely emphasized the integration of these two types of behavioral performance to measure individual performance. Using confirmatory factor analysis and other statistical analyses, this study examines the construct validity of a multidimensional measure of individual performance. This analysis supports a multidimensional approach to individual performance. The implications and limitations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Third sector, or not-for-profit, organizations have been viewed in many parts of Europe as agencies that can be harnessed by public policy programmes to support the socially excluded. Within the emerging mixed economy of welfare, third sector agencies offering training, support and employment for groups disadvantaged in the labour market provide an important example. This illustrates, from one specific field, the dynamics occurring at the interface between public and third sectors in the delivery of public policy goals. This article examines both the history of 'partnership regimes' in this field and the evolving local organizational arrangement. The developments in the contrasting welfare regimes of Britain and Germany, which exemplify different institutional traditions, are analysed. The potential impact of regulatory changes on the capacity of third sector work integration agencies to deliver policy goals is assessed in both countries using evidence from recent case study research. The analysis suggests that the emerging managerialist partnership structures are tending to convert third sector organizations into 'just in time' deliverers of poor programme outcomes in both welfare regimes while also eroding their distinctive potential to provide more than mere labour market integration.  相似文献   

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