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培养学生地理思维能力是地理教师提高教学水平和教学质量的核心,而地理推理能力是地理思维能力中较高层次的主要能力之一。文章从地理归纳能力、演绎能力、类比能力的培养三方面阐述学生地理推理能力的培养与提高。  相似文献   

数学教师个体专业的发展是数学教师作为专业人员,从数学角度思想到专业、数学专业能力、专业心理品质等方面由不成熟到比较成熟的发展过程。即由一个专业新手发展成为专家型的教师或职业化教师的过程。教师个体专业发展的具体内容包括专业理想的建立、知识的拓展,还应该注重职前中学数学教师教学实践能力的内涵的提高,内涵提高中具体提出了强化微格教学训练,培养职前教师教学沟通交流能力,其一般应包括设计教学的能力等。基于此,本文从众多影响教师发展的因素中选择了从教师职业培训的角度分析,对如何提高数学教师专业素养作出量化分析,旨在切实提高数学教学实践能力内涵,提出关于提高中小学数学教学教师实践能力和培养的措施。  相似文献   

培养低年级小学生的写话能力十分重要,因为它关系到学生的语文综合素养。笔者认为,从现实生活中汲取写话资源,是提高小学生写话能力的一条便捷之路。并具体从校内生活资源、家庭生活资源、社会活动资源、自然环境资源入手,探索提高小学生写话能力的方法。  相似文献   

看原声英文电影一直是提高学生英语能力的好方法。学英语不仅要记单词、背句子,更要了解西方文化,才能真正提高英语能力和英语思维。从电影中观察中西方文化差异,对培养学生独立思考能力、思辨能力都有很大的帮助。本文从爱情、家庭及子女教育的方面分析《西雅图夜未眠》,分析中美文化的差异。  相似文献   

化学教学中应加强实验教学并从以下五个方面发展和提高学生的综合能力:加强实验预习指导,提高学生的自学能力;加强实验观察指导,提高学生的观察能力;启迪学生积极思考、提高学生的思维能力;加强实验操作指导,提高学生的实验动手能力;引导探究,提高学生的创造能力.同时提出了相应的措施与方法.  相似文献   

新时期做好档案管理信息化具有重要意义,应重视结合完善的信息化技术,不断提高档案管理信息化技术能力,从创新、资源共享、提高保密能力、加强数据库建设等几个方面提出了信息化档案管理的途径,希望能提高档案管理认识水平,进一步提升档案管理能力,确保信息化时代档案管理工作可持续发展。  相似文献   

随着高等职业教育从精英到大众,青年教师成为高职院校教育和科研的主要力量,青年教师的教学能力和素质水平的高低,对于提高高职院校整体教学质量、提高人才培养的质量,促进高校的可持续性发展有重要的作用。从四个方面阐述了通过导师制有效提高青年教师综合能力的方法。  相似文献   

刘丽  李勇 《现代交际》2013,(11):45-45
英语写作能力是一项重要的输出能力,作为提高此能力的途径,模仿法是其中之一。本文指出学习者应该从词汇量、文化习惯等方面注重模仿质量,提高写作能力。  相似文献   

吴淼  冯素丽  林森 《现代交际》2014,(7):195-195
注重思维能力的发展,意在提高学生想象能力的提升,从意识形态方面改变教学方法提升教学水平,利用积极心理学、认知心理学结合课题类化,提高学生的学习与解题能力。  相似文献   

张海兵  崔健 《职业》2017,(30):42-43
随着社会对会计人才质量水平要求的不断提高,中职学校对会计专业学生除了良好职业道德的培养,打好扎实的专业基础外,还需要重视对学生综合素质的培养与提高.本文结合笔者在二十年教学岗位上所做的探索与研究,总结出提高会计专业学生综合素质的有效方法,即只有从培养学生的"创新能力、分析能力、归纳能力、动手能力、理财能力、抗腐能力、适应能力"等七个方面入手,才能提高中职会计专业学生的综合素质,才能培养出社会所需的实用型人才.  相似文献   

Using data on young adults from the 1979 and 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we investigate the changing roles of ability and education in the transmission of economic status across generations. We find that ability plays a substantially diminished role for the most recent cohort whereas education plays a much larger role. The first finding results primarily from a smaller effect of children's ability on status, the second from an increased correlation between parental status and educational attainment. A replication of the analysis by gender reveals that the changes in the role of ability are largely driven by men whereas the changes in education's role are largely driven by women. (JEL J62, I24)  相似文献   

This commentary critiques Betthäuser, Bourne and Bukodi's (2020) paper which finds that cognitive ability does not substantially mediate class of origin effects on educational and occupational outcomes. From these results, they conclude that cognitive ability is only of minor importance for social stratification, reasserting their view of the primacy of class origins for social stratification. The central issue surrounding cognitive ability in social stratification is its effects on socioeconomic attainments vis-à-vis socioeconomic origins, not the extent that cognitive ability mediates classorigin effects. Their analytical strategy of estimating the extent that cognitive ability mediates class origineffects is misleading because: it ignores the only moderate associations of socioeconomic origins with educational and occupational outcomes; the stronger direct effects of cognitive ability; the associations of parents’ ability with their own socioeconomic attainments; and the genetic transmission of cognitive ability and other traits relevant to social stratification from parents to their children.  相似文献   

《速记基础》是高职院校文科类专业的一门专业基础课程,以职业能力培养为目标.课程内容影响着专业教育效果、专业培养目标和岗位能力。随着职业岗位的内涵发生变化.课程内容也被要求进行优化和更新充实。应基于职业能力整合课程教学内容,最终实现高职生职业能力和社会职业需求的零距离对接。  相似文献   

Few studies have investigated the sexual development of populations with low cognitive abilities in the United States. This article examines the relationship between cognitive ability and various sexual experiences from adolescence (ages 12 to 18) to early adulthood (ages 28 to 34). Data were from 13,845 respondents interviewed at Waves I and IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health), a probability sample of adolescents in the United States followed from adolescence to adulthood. Adjusted logistic regression models were used to study relationships between cognitive ability, approximated by the Add Health Picture Vocabulary Test (AHPVT), and experiences of vaginal, oral, and anal sex. After controlling for biological sex, age, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status (SES), individuals in the lowest cognitive ability group had significantly lower odds of experiencing each type of sex than those in the average ability group. Although individuals in the highest cognitive ability group had significantly lower odds of experiencing vaginal intercourse than those in the average ability group, this association did not remain significant when analyses were stratified by biological sex. These differences in experiences have implications for future health and warrant further study to understand policy implications for sexual health services and education.  相似文献   

Research in social stratification has shown that children from working-class backgrounds tend to obtain substantially lower levels of educational attainment and lower labor market positions than children from higher social class backgrounds. However, we still know relatively little about the micro-level processes that account for this empirical regularity. Our study examines the roles of two individual-level characteristics—cognitive ability and locus of control—in mediating the effect of individuals’ parental class background on their educational attainment and social class position in Britain. We find that cognitive ability mediates only about 35% of the total parental class effect on educational attainment and only about 20% of the total parental class effect on respondents’ social class position, net of their educational attainment. These findings contradict existing claims that differences in the life chances of children from different social class backgrounds are largely due to differences in cognitive ability. Moreover, we find that although individuals’ locus of control plays some role in mediating the parental class effect, its role is substantially smaller than the mediating role of cognitive ability. We measure individuals’ social class positions at different points in their careers—at labor market entry and at occupational maturity—and find that the mediating roles of cognitive ability and locus of control are remarkably stable across individuals’ working lives.  相似文献   

Recent studies have demonstrated that judgments of business leaders’ faces predict their organizations’ financial performance. To date, these predictions have been derived exclusively from the impressions of naïve perceivers. Here, we tested how perceivers’ knowledge and experience in business might relate to their judgments of CEOs’ leadership ability from nonverbal facial cues. In Study 1, business students performed similarly to non-business students when rating faces for leadership ability. Business professionals with many years of experience exhibited significantly lower accuracy than professionals without business experience in Study 2, however. Following previous research demonstrating that experience in a particular domain can ironically reduce the accuracy of individuals’ judgments, our findings suggest that perceivers’ experience in executive business management positions may inhibit them from accurately judging leadership ability from nonverbal information. Domain-specific knowledge may therefore impair the accuracy of first impressions.  相似文献   

叶朝 《职业时空》2012,(6):60-61
随着高职教育改革的不断深入,通过工学结合,校企合作促进学生职业素质和能力的培养,已成为高职院校的共识。文章从产学结合、轮岗实训到顶岗实习的角度提出并探讨了高职学院班级"企业化"管理模式下的职业道德教育的创新,着眼于学生的职业素质培养和对工作岗位的适应能力,培养学生可持续发展能力,创新了高职人才培养模式。  相似文献   

Older adults tend to perform worse on emotion perception tasks compared to younger adults. How this age difference relates to other interpersonal perception tasks and conversation ability remains an open question. In the present study, we assessed 32 younger and 30 older adults’ accuracy when perceiving (1) static facial expressions, (2) emotions, attitudes, and intentions from videos, (3) and interpersonal constructs (e.g., kinship). Participants’ conversation ability was rated by coders from a videotaped, dyadic problem-solving task. Younger adults were more accurate than older adults perceiving some but not all emotions. No age differences in accuracy were found on any perception task or in conversation ability. Some but not all of the interpersonal perception tasks were related. None of the perception tasks predicted conversation ability. Thus, although the literature suggests a robust age difference in emotion perception accuracy, this difference does not seem to transfer to other interpersonal perception tasks or interpersonal outcomes.  相似文献   

社会创业作为一种以解决社会问题为导向的新兴创业模式在全球范围内兴起,并逐步成长为不同于商业创业和非营利组织的混合模式。创业竞争的加剧使得社会创业者胜任力日益成为社会创业的关键要素之一。通过梳理国内外创业胜任力相关文献和开展问卷调研,构建了包括创业基因、机会能力、创新能力、资源整合能力、团队建设能力5个维度17测项的大学生社会创业胜任力模型,并结合胜任力理论模型与创业过程理论模型对其内部关系结构进行了解释。大学生社会创业胜任力模型的构建为社会创业人才的培养和测评提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

学产研合作教育是高校培养适应经济和社会发展需要的高素质人才的重要途径。以河北北方学院农口专业产学研合作模式为研究对象,对目前农业人才培养的现状进行了分析,从"双师型"教师队伍的建设、教学内容与方式改革,强化实践教学环节,全面提升学生的创新能力和就业能力;利用学校专业优势,加强校企合作,提升科研能力及成果转化等方面探索了适合学校实际和区域经济发展的学产研合作教育模式。  相似文献   

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