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创新社会治理加强基层建设,是关系上海发展的一项基础性、全局性重要工作.同时,推进社会治理创新是一个持续动态的过程.创新社会治理、加强基层建设工作能否取得成效,最终的衡量标准,是看基层工作有没有得到加强、群众关心关注的问题有没有得到解决、群众最终有没有得到实惠、基层队伍是否有了更好的工作环境.  相似文献   

据日前发布的《中国老龄事业发展报告(2013)》(以下简称老龄事业蓝皮书)显示,目前基层老年协会已达44.7万个,覆盖全国65%的城乡社区.在当日举行的新闻发布会上,全国老龄办副主任吴玉韶指出,今年继续加强基层老年协会建设,也是老龄办今年重点工作之一. 老龄事业蓝皮书指出,2012年1月9日,《关于加强基层老年协会建设的意见》(以下简称《意见》)对城乡社区基层老年协会进行了科学准确的定性,强调了加强基层老年协会建设的重要意义,明确了基层老年协会建设的指导思想、基本原则、总体目标、主要职责和主要任务,并从加强领导、加大扶持和扩大宣传三个方面,对确保基层老年协会建设工作顺利进行提出了具体的要求.  相似文献   

新常态这个词汇是习主席在考察河南过程中提出来的,所谓的新常态指的就是当经过一段时期的不正常状态后回到正常状态.同时,习主席也在相关的会议上对我国基层的党务工作提出了新的要求.本文从探讨新时期我国基层党务工作面临的机遇和挑战出发,详细阐述了就目前形势下,基层党务工作的基本内容和工作重心所在.而后从实际出发深入分析了当前我国基层党务工作者的要加强的问题并从自身素质、思想以及律己等方面具体阐述了相关的需要加强的核心所在.最后,结合自身多年工作研究经验,本文进一步深入理论研究,具体的对新时期的党务工作开展问题做了系统的论述分析.  相似文献   

上海要将人口调控作为一项常态工作来抓,坚持以市场为主、行政为辅的调控手段,通过调整经济政策,实现市场主导下的人口有序流动、合理分布,通过调整社会政策和加强基层社会管理,减轻外来人口在沪工作、生活的无序状态;增强对人才、青年劳动力的吸引力,强化多中心空间结构的引导措施;完善人口调控工作的考核机制;改进人口调控的配套保障措施.  相似文献   

上海要贯彻落实城乡发展一体化各项政策,统筹谋划好城乡发展一体化工作,推进新型城镇化建设,积极稳妥实施农村各项改革,重点解决好纯农地区和经济薄弱地区可持续发展问题,以推动上海城乡发展一体化迈上新台阶.具体建议:优化推进思路,强化衔接统筹;注重规划引领,推进多规合一;因地制宜推动,激发基层活力;强化部门联动,破解发展瓶颈;建立长效机制,注重政策优化.  相似文献   

加强基层老龄工作和老龄宣传工作是全国老龄办今年的工作重点。4月15日,全国部分省市基层老龄工作座谈会在江西省井冈山市召开。全国老龄办副主任吴玉韶在座谈会上,就加强基层老龄工作和老龄宣传工作,提出了三点意见。  相似文献   

构建和谐校园不仅是学校改革发展的需要,也是和谐社会的有机组成部分.《中国工会章程》明确指出:"各级工会领导机关坚持把工作重点放在基层,全心全意为基层、为职工服务,增强基层工会的活力,把工会建设成为'职工之家'."高校工会作为基层群众组织,是学校党政联系教职工的桥梁和纽带,是学校党群工作的重要组成部分,对营造积极向上的校园文化氛围有着不可替代的重要作用.高校工会在构建和谐校园中承担了活动策划者和实践者,落实和改进学校相关制度的职能.笔者所在的学院基层工会组织教职工开展丰富多彩的精神文化建设活动,在基层组织中发挥了协调沟通,凝聚人心活跃组织气氛等作用.  相似文献   

于芳 《现代妇女》2014,(11):121-121
党的基层组织是党全部工作和战斗力的基础,是团结带领群众贯彻党的理论和路线方针政策、落实党的任务的战斗堡垒,长期以来在推动发展、服务群众、凝聚人心、促进和谐中发挥了重要作用。新形势下,基层党组织服务群众、做群众工作的任务更为繁重,这对强化基层党组织的服务功能提出了新的要求。党的十八大作出创新基层党建工作,加强基层服务型党组织建设的重大部署;党的十八届三中全会强调充分发挥基层党组织的战斗堡垒作用,为全面深化改革作出积极贡献。  相似文献   

"五型"指的是学习型、服务型、效能型、创新型、廉洁型。"五型"党组织建设是当前党建工作的重点,本文结合基层党建创建"五型"党组织工作实践,论述了基层党组织加强"五型"建设,形成战斗力、凝聚力,使党建工作得到全面提升的基本经验和做法,供参考。  相似文献   

郑艳  林陈贞 《城市》2021,(4):66-72
国际社会适应气候变化政策和行动中,经济措施发挥了积极作用.自2013年发布《国家适应气候变化战略》以来,我国加快推进适应气候变化工作.通过分析梳理公开发布的政策文件与具体行动可知,我国推进适应气候变化的重点领域有农业、林业、城市、水资源、防灾减灾、旅游业和建筑业等.主要通过政府投资、转移支付、金融保险工具以及示范区建设等不同类别的经济和行政管理措施开展行动,但是尚未形成完整的政策体系,政策工具也较为单一.为了系统构建我国适应气候变化的经济政策,提升经济措施的多样性、协同性及效率,笔者建议加强适应气候变化政策的跨部门协同,因地制宜制定规划,利用政策激励加强适应气候变化的市场机制,开展政策措施的效果评估,加强科学决策支持等.  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s, the issue of how to secure pension systems in the face of demographic change has been high on policy agendas in many countries. Yet, reforming pension systems has, more often than not, proved to be a particularly difficult and awkward political undertaking. The following article explores one of the many possible reasons why pension reform in Europe has been so arduous for the would-be reformers. After briefly reviewing some basic concepts and issues involved in reforming social security systems, the paper concentrates on how policy actors at international level have constructed the pension policy issue. Specifically, the paper reviews three pension reform policy stories. Each of the stories starts from differing assumptions, produces contradictory prognoses of the pension problem, and prescribes diverging policy solutions. Significantly, each policy story provides a normative vision of a 'good' pension reform. Thus, policy stories provide templates for producing plausible policy arguments in politiucal debates: yet, thay do so by weaving scientific knowledge, 'objective' fact and normative convictions about social welfare systems into a seamless rhetorical fabric. The final section, then, looks at the seams by analysing the more contentious assumptions of the different policy arguments.  相似文献   

Welfare reform in the United States restricted non‐citizens' eligibility for public assistance programs and strengthened economic benefits from naturalization. We examine the impact of these policy changes on elderly immigrants' naturalization, considering their level of need for public benefits. Using individual data from the Current Population Survey as well as state‐level data, we employ a differences‐in‐differences approach to consider variations in time, state policy, and probability of Medicaid participation. Results show that naturalization significantly increased among elderly immigrants who were likely to participate in Medicaid, suggesting that elderly immigrants in need of Medicaid became naturalized to maintain their eligibility for public benefits after welfare reform.  相似文献   

Korteweg  Anna C. 《Social politics》2006,13(3):314-340
In 1996 both the Netherlands and the United States adopted welfarelegislation that aimed to exchange single mothers’ relianceon the welfare state for dependence on the labor market. Thislegislation seems to indicate an end to gender-differentiatedsocial citizenship rights. However, ethnographic research onwelfare reform implementation shows that citizenship does notget constructed solely at the level of legislation. In-depthresearch in one site in the United States and one site in theNetherlands illustrates that citizenship continues to be genderedin specific ways despite the apparent end of gender differentiationat the level of policy formation.  相似文献   

Combining work and family life is central to women's participation in the labour market. Work–life balance has been a key objective of UK and Dutch policy since the 1990s, but policies created at the national level do not always connect with the day to day experiences of women juggling caring and domestic responsibilities with paid work. Using qualitative data from a European Social Fund Objective 3 project the paper explores women's lived realities of combining work and family life in the UK in comparison to the Netherlands as a possible ‘best practices’ model. We argue that women in both countries experience work–life balance as an ongoing process, continually negotiating the boundaries of work and family, and that there needs to be a more sophisticated appreciation of the differing needs of working parents. Whilst policy initiatives can be effective in helping women to reconcile dual roles, many women in both the UK and the Netherlands still resolve these issues at the individual or personal level and feel that policy has not impacted on their lives in any tangible way.  相似文献   

当前基于工作过程的课程体系建设已经成为我国高职教育课程发展的重要方向。文章针对计算机基础课程教学中面临的主要问题,结合实际的教学实践,对基于职业工作过程的高职计算机基础课程教学改革进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In many European welfare states the reform of mental health services has been accompanied by the implementation of new forms of governance, including the introduction of managerial audit systems. While such systems have been developed for ‘good causes’, such as quality assurance, financial management and monitoring staff performance, they may simultaneously produce diverse and contradictory effects on practice. The aim of this article is to examine the role of one managerial audit system, introduced in psychiatric outpatient clinics in central Finland, and assess its impact on practice. Reference is made to modernising mental health policy in the UK as that has producedsimilar practics outcomes. The research was an empirical study of practice using a mixed-method case study design involving documentary research and semi-structured interviews. Insights from Mitchell Dean's notion of governmentalisation of government were utilised in the analysis. It was found that, although the audit system primarily served administrative needs, it began to reshape practice by reinforcing certain modes of working and excluding others. The analysis of community mental health work in Finland, with similar trends in the UK, highlights the connection between documentation, resource allocation and managerial priorities that reinforce particular styles of practice. In community mental health services it would appear that the problems of professional practice have become the problems of administration.  相似文献   

肖林 《科学发展》2016,(11):5-8
在我国全面实施供给侧结构性改革的过程中,我们更需正确理解产业政策内涵,厘清经济发展到底需要怎样的产业政策,适应科技创新规律,适应产业发展规律,创新产业政策的理念、机制和方法,充分发展市场的决定性作用和更好地发挥政府的作用,使经济在"有效的市场"和"有为的政府"共同作用下实现平稳高效和可持续发展.  相似文献   

MacRae  Heather 《Social politics》2006,13(4):522-550
During the 1960s–1990s, a gradual yet definite shift inthe organization of gender politics in the European Union (EU)and member states has become apparent. This shift began withthe implementation of the early gender directives of the 1970sand has since evolved to include a partial "rescaling" of policy-makingfrom national to transnational spaces and a gradual redefinitionof gender regimes and policies at the national level. As a result,gender policy cannot be viewed as either predominantly transnationalor national but arises through interaction of multiple and coexistingpolicy spaces. In this article, I use a multiscalar analysisto highlight this complex interaction. I draw on (West) Germanyas a specific case study to offer a historical analysis of theimplementation of the early European gender directives and themanner in which these developments have contributed to the redirectionof the German gender regime and the emergence of a new "hybridregime."  相似文献   

Much is being done by governments and organizations to help workers reconcile their family and employment responsibilities. One such measure has been the introduction of flexible working policies. While academic and policy debates focus on the barriers to flexible working, less consideration is paid to those who work alongside flexible workers. Through a gendered lens, this article focuses on professional women and explores the implications of UK flexible working policies for women's workplace relations in organizations that have traditionally been based on male models of working. Drawing on interviews conducted in three English organizations, it was found that the women's interests did not always coincide and that their social relationships, with respect to flexible working, involved both support and resentment. In particular, the women's interests were affected by organizational and job‐related factors and their stage in the life course. These findings illuminate the ways in which policies are negotiated at the level of daily workplace life and show that co‐workers are a pivotal part of the wider picture of flexible working.  相似文献   

Since 1997, the UK has developed policies to address the issueof work/family balance in the form of childcare services, leavesfor childcare, and the right to request flexible working patterns.We examine the policy aims and nature of these different approachesand assess how far they promote gender equality, which we definein terms of the possibility of making a "real" or "genuine"choice for men and women to "work and care."  相似文献   

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