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“大龄未婚女性”问题的出现,体现着社会性别制度建构的特征,这种根深蒂固的社会性别文化的影响,也是造成“大龄未婚女性”们择偶陷入困境的深层原因之一,而理想的爱情与现实的婚姻的状况也是“大龄未婚女性”们徘徊于婚姻的围城之外的重要因素.“大龄未婚女性”们要摆脱择偶困境,就要以主体的身份来定义自己,建构起真正的自我,在通过婚姻建立的家庭这个伦理实体中达到自我与他人的统一.  相似文献   

随着性别失衡社会影响与后果的逐步显现,贫困农村大龄未婚男青年面临婚恋窘境,俨然已经成为一个不容回避的现实问题。选择河南S村作为调研地,对该村20位大龄未婚男青年进行深入访谈,结果发现:该村大龄未婚男青年扎堆现象明显,面临严重择偶拥挤;婚姻攀比盛行,高额婚姻支付较为普遍;屡次遭受相亲失败,承受较大精神压力;长期处于单身状态,择偶标准大大降低。导致该村大龄未婚男青年面临如此窘境的原因主要集中在地理位置环境、家庭经济条件、自身文化水平以及农村传统观念等方面,为此,需要从加快农村经济建设、大力发展交通事业、强化综合技能培训、平衡男女性别比例以及加强青年心理疏导等方面入手,以缓解农村大龄未婚男青年的择偶难题。  相似文献   

基于对贵州省六县(市) 822名农村大龄未婚男青年的调查,分析比较农村大龄未婚男青年婚姻挤压的社会支持状况,并通过Logistic回归方法对影响农村大龄未婚男青年主观幸福感的因素进行研究。结果发现:农村大龄未婚男青年的主观幸福感不容乐观;与同龄已婚男青年相比,未婚男青年的情感性社会支持得分显著偏低;年龄、文化程度及父母健在情况与未婚男青年的婚姻挤压密切相关;婚姻挤压、社会支持(情感与工具)及横向社会比较均对大龄未婚男青年主观幸福感有显著正向影响。提出应高度重视性别的严重失衡,加大脱贫攻坚中的精准识别力度,提高农村大龄未婚男青年社会经济地位,以及完善社会保障体系的对策建议。  相似文献   

中国农村大龄未婚男性的性行为调查和分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
性别失衡是男孩偏好的家庭和婚姻制度在人口结构中的最直接体现,同时由于“普婚制”和婚姻梯度模式的影响,性别失衡将通过婚姻挤压等方式对男女两性都产生不利影响。为了深入剖析性别失衡在个人层次的微观后果,利用安徽省JC区农村大龄男性的生殖健康和家庭生活调查数据,对性别失衡背景下中国农村大龄未婚男性的性行为进行了分析。结果发现农村大龄未婚男性的性福利受到损害,41%的人处于极度性匮乏状态,从未有过性生活;他们的平均性伴侣数量少,但类型多样,18%的人曾经为了发生性行为而付过钱,或得到过对方的钱;自慰是弥补大龄未婚男性性福利损害的一种重要方式,在一定程度上可以起到替代性伴侣的作用。最后指出了研究的局限性,并对未来的研究方向和策略提出了建议。  相似文献   

中国的出生性别比偏高长达近40年,男性人口过剩导致的男性婚姻挤压已带来系列严重后果,婚姻成本不断攀升、高价彩礼难以遏制、农村家庭发展面临严峻挑战。基于西安交通大学人口与发展研究所与法国国立人口研究所合作的“中国女性缺失背景下男性家庭性别角色和家庭生活调查”数据和西安交通大学新型城镇化与可持续发展课题组于2018年在全国11个省份收集的农业户籍人口专项调查数据,构建农村大龄未婚男性家庭发展风险分析框架与农村男性婚姻成本分析框架,使用定量分析方法,界定出农村大龄未婚男性家庭发展风险的主要场域,为婚姻场域、健康场域与养老场域;识别出各场域典型风险,为成婚风险、性健康风险与自身养老风险;构建出以国家治理模式为核心,以社会发展制度与家庭发展政策为支撑,以弱势群体家庭发展促进工作平台为突破点的农村大龄未婚男性家庭发展风险治理模式;定义了农村男性婚姻成本概念,包含婚房、彩礼、媒人中介费、婚礼四要素,识别出农村男性婚姻成本四种类型,为偏重彩礼型、偏重婚房型、彩礼-婚房并重型与混合型;揭示出农村男性婚姻成本变迁特征、结构性差异与关键影响因素;在对各级政府现行农村地区彩礼治理政策进行回溯分析与效果评价的基...  相似文献   

城市化进程中女性的经济生活水平有了很大提高,社会参与程度提高,但存在着差异;女性的择偶方式变化不大,但婚姻模式和家庭生活发生了变化;在农村,传统的性别角色分工仍占主导地位;城市化进程与传统社会性别文化的改变速度并不同步,女性面临着矛盾、冲突与选择,社会性别平等的实现还要经历一个漫长、曲折的过程.  相似文献   

当前中国农村地区婚龄人口性别比严重失衡,未婚男青年婚配困难问题突出。基于中国家庭金融调查(CHFS)2015年、2017年和2019年数据,实证检验婚龄人口性别失衡背景下适龄未婚成员性别对农村家庭炫耀性消费的影响。结果表明,在婚姻挤压背景下,相比有适龄未婚女孩的家庭,有适龄未婚男孩的农村家庭的炫耀性消费水平显著更高,稳健性检验也支持这一结论。异质性分析表明,未婚成员性别对未婚成员学历在高中及以下的家庭、高收入家庭、中部和东部地区家庭的炫耀性消费水平的影响更为显著。  相似文献   

中国的男性婚姻挤压问题,已成为目前社会转型期的“社会风险”之一,给包括不同婚姻状态下男女两性在内的社会各群体的安全感均带来不利影响,成为影响人口社会可持续发展的隐患。从个人微观层次分析婚姻挤压下农村各群体的安全感现状及婚姻挤压对不同年龄和地区的农村男性安全感的影响发现:农村大龄未婚男性群体的安全感最低,婚姻状况对个人的安全感具有显著影响,婚姻挤压对男性安全感的影响存在显著的时代差异以及地区差异。提高中国农村各群体的安全感需从根本上改善农村各群体的生存状况,统筹解决性别失衡引起的婚姻挤压问题,从国家政策与制度创新的层面关注婚姻挤压及农村各群体的安全感问题。  相似文献   

通过对陕西安康地区15个村的大龄未婚男性或其父母进行深入访谈,采用扎根理论对51份访谈资料进行归纳,比较大龄未婚男性家庭两代人的养老选择差异,并基于养老资源可及性分析其脆弱性。研究发现,养老选择存在明显的代际差异,儿子未婚虽然使得父代和子代养老脆弱性都增加,但由于大龄未婚男性仍承担了主要养老责任,对父代养老资源可及性的影响并不太大;未婚更导致子代养老资源的匮乏,且子代的养老脆弱性随着年龄增长更加明显。  相似文献   

随着社会迅速发展,少数民族农村妇女流动已成为普遍现象.在深入广西少数民族地区开展实地调研的基础上,充分了解各地少数民族妇女的流动状况,并直接参与到少数民族的日常生活中,运用问卷调查和定性研究的方法,考察少数民族女性流动的方式、流入地、从事劳动的类别,重点运用社会性别理论分析流动在微观层面上对婚姻、生育和家庭的影响.研究结果表明:随着流动而出现的三个悖论,由于妇女外流,使得村落传统文化衰退;妇女外嫁,导致本地大龄男性成婚难;妇女外出务工增多,造成妇女社会地位既高又低的矛盾复合体.并提出在国家公共改革中要充分体现性别意识;尊重少数民族文化,发挥民族文化的优势;加强培训,提高少数民族妇女有更多自由选择的机会,才能促进其更合理流动的相关建议.  相似文献   

Marriage age among Palestinians in Israel is rising, the proportion of women marrying at very young ages is declining, and the proportion of women never marrying is rising. This study employed a demographic approach to investigate these changes in marriage patterns and their relationship to changes in education and in the availability of mates. Palestinians in Israel are an interesting case in this respect because they are experiencing a rapid decline in fertility concurrent with a rapid increase in education. Using Israeli census data from 1961, 1972, 1983 and 1995, the findings show that while education affected marriage timing among men and women, the availability of mates affected marriage timing only among women. As expected, having no schooling raised the odds of early marriage, and tertiary education lowered them, for both men and women. Tertiary schooling raised the odds of delayed marriage for men and women. For women, the ratio of men to women at marrying age raised the odds of early marriage and lowered the odds of delayed marriage. The continuing increase in education is likely to delay marriage further in the future, and the decline in fertility should result in more balanced sex ratios.  相似文献   

高知女性婚恋中的认知偏差   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国人口性别比长期偏高导致了部分男性缺乏结婚对象,与男性失婚人口不同的是,少部分高知女性也出现了失婚现象,其原因是完全不同于男性的.传统择偶模式使身处社会金字塔中上层的高知女性在婚恋中处于不利的谈判地位,加之高知女性对自身、婚恋对象以及两者之间的关系存在着认知偏差,这会使其婚恋选择空间缩小,加大婚恋成功难度.  相似文献   

社会性别作为女性主义一个重要的分析范畴,重点强调两性在资源、责任及权力分配等方面存在诸多不平等,以及由此而来的男女不平等的社会关系。从社会性别视角来看,针对妇女的家庭暴力其实质是男权文化和夫权思想所导致的男女不平等的性别关系在婚姻家庭生活中的体现。  相似文献   

One of the central questions about LAT (living apart together) is whether these partnerships are short-term arrangements due to temporary constraints, and should be viewed as part of courtship towards cohabitation and marriage, or whether they replace cohabitation and marriage as a long-term arrangement. The current study addresses this question and examines intentions to live together among people living apart by age and gender. This study uses Generations and Gender Study (GGS) data for eleven European countries. The findings reveal an interesting interaction of age and gender. More specifically, younger women have higher intentions to live together than younger men, but older women have lower intentions than older men. These gender differences remain significant also in the multivariate analyses. These findings suggest that older women in LAT may be undoing gender to a greater extent than younger women, who still intend to live in a more traditional (and probably gendered) arrangement of cohabitation and possibly marriage. Having resident children reduces intentions to live together among people younger than age 50, but the effect does not differ by gender. The effect of non-resident children on intentions to live together is statistically non-significant.  相似文献   

本文从实证调查入手.问卷调查及婚介所征婚人的资料统计说明,虽然现实生活中已婚者的婚姻满意度并不与传统婚配模式划等号,但在择偶时人们依旧固守着"男高女低"的传统婚配标准.本文在分析了高学历、高收入女性择偶难的现状和原因后指出,当女性的受教育程度及经济、社会地位提高之后,我们迫切需要变革传统婚配模式乃至社会性别意识,尽管这一过程将是漫长与艰难的.  相似文献   

右江农民运动开展后,提倡男女平等和婚姻自由,号召妇女挣脱“男尊女卑”的精神枷锁;制定法令,保护妇女的合法权利和地位;倡导婚事新办,帮助妇女冲破封建礼教的束缚,使根据地的嫁娶习俗发生了根本的变化,标志着少数民族聚居的右江地区婚姻制度大革命的开端,对以后的嫁娶习俗产生了积极的影响。  相似文献   

性别排挤源于女性群体在社会结构中的不利地位,传统社会性别角色是构成性别排挤的一项重要的结构性因素。从经济学角度来看,作为一种经济行为,婚姻中也存在着成本与收益、投入与产出,婚姻当事人以婚姻收益最大化为目标。性别排挤减少了女性的婚姻收益,降低了女性对婚姻投入的意愿,使得女性婚姻行为在不同程度上向经济人立场转变。  相似文献   

时代在发展,现代婚姻家庭中两性关系也在发生着改变。现代婚姻的一个重要特征是女性主体意识觉醒,越来越多的女性开始重视家庭以外天地的开拓,这一变化使现代婚姻的质量不仅体现在双方对情感的满足上,也体现在男女双方对追求自身利益的满足上。于是,家庭中男性与女性的地位和话语权开始发生变化,重事业还是重家庭等一系列问题凸显出来。电视剧《婚姻保卫战》突出地展现了这些问题,此剧的解决思路对现实生活具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

The frequency of union dissolutions increased sharply over the past 40 years in Western Europe and North America, resulting in a rapid growth in the number of persons living with a second partner. In studies of the 1980s, primarily conducted within the context of marriage, second partnerships were generally found to be less stable than first unions, but more recent studies provide more conflicting evidence. Taking the example of France, we study whether the relationship between first and second union stability indeed reversed between the 1970s and the 2000s, and how union and individual characteristics contributed to changes over time. The analysis presented here is based on the French Generations and Gender Survey (2005). The article first provides an overview of the differences in marriage, childbearing and breakup behaviours in first and second unions. Second, a piecewise linear model for repeated events is used to compare women’s dissolution risks in first and second unions. The results show that over time, the higher instability of second compared to first unions disappeared. Further, women in second unions adopted unmarried cohabitation as a living arrangement more often across the whole period and were more likely to have stepchildren, which was associated with less stable unions. Taking into account this diversity of family situations, i.e. controlling for family form and children, second unions were more stable than first unions, even during the past. At both union orders, marriage breakup risks tended to stabilise despite a continuing increase in the prevalence of separation, which suggests that cohabitation increasingly acts as a filter for marriage.  相似文献   

This study investigates the diversity in the meanings attached to cohabitation across Europe. Utilizing a sample of 9,113 cohabiters between ages 18 and 79 from 10 European countries that participated in the Generations and Gender Surveys, we develop a typology of different meanings of cohabitation and study their prevalence across and within countries. Based on answers to questions about marriage intentions, marriage attitudes and feelings of economic deprivation, six types of cohabiters are distinguished. Cohabiters in some of these types mainly view cohabitation as a stage in the marriage process (i.e. a prelude to marriage, a trial marriage, cohabitation for economic reasons, intend to marry, despite an unfavourable attitude towards the institution of marriage), whereas other cohabiters mainly view it as an alternative to marriage (i.e. refusal of marriage, marriage is irrelevant). Results suggest that cohabiters constitute a heterogeneous group. For many, marriage is important and cohabitation serves as a period preceding marriage. Cohabitation as an alternative to marriage is more prevalent in Western and Northern Europe, where cohabitation rates are high. The group of cohabiters who intend to marry despite an unfavourable attitude towards the institution of marriage is particularly large in Central and Eastern European countries, where cohabitation is less widespread.  相似文献   

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