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为了解湖北省村级人口计生专干队伍的现状,研究、分析当前村级人口计生专干队伍建设中存在的矛盾和问题,进一步加强村级人口计生专干队伍建设,湖北省自下而上收集了全省31732名专干个案信息,建立了全省人口计生专干信息系统。在平时调研的基础上,根据各地经济发展水平、地形地理状况(包括山区、丘陵、平原)、人口计生工作水平等基本情况,  相似文献   

江苏省响水县抓住"十二五"人口协调发展先进县中期评估的契机,在强化村级基层基础工作方面采取一系列过硬措施,取得了明显成效,对于提高全县人口计生工作服务管理水平起到了重要作用。一是加强计生专千队伍建设。人口计生工作的重点在农村、难点在基层,工作好坏在专干,这是不争的客观事实。为此,响水县把村级计生专干队伍建设摆在人口计生工作的突出位置,通过组织新一轮县级聘任、层层组织培训、签订目标管理责任书、落实村级计生专干福利待遇、优先提拔使用优秀专干等措施,  相似文献   

安徽省阜阳市颍州区九龙镇在从强配备村级计生专干的基础上,不断建立和完善培训、保障、激励三大工作机制,强化村级计生专干队伍建设,促进工作的有利开展。建立培训机制。每年邀请市、区专家,集中开展一次系统政策法规及业务知识培训,提高理论知识水平。利用每月统计例会,结合阶段工作针对性开展具体工作实用技能培训,提高业务水平。由计生办联络员、业务能手等与计生专干建立一对一帮扶对子,  相似文献   

为进一步规范村级人口计生专干队伍建设,实现对村级人口计生工作的科学管理,提高计生工作的整体水平,河北省保定市涞水县三坡镇计生办坚持"两会一课",效果明显。"两会"即:半年召开一次计生专干小组长述职会,让她们就本期工作、业务、想法、不足之处等进行述职,然后由计生办工作人员进行综合点评,结合日常工作进行百分量化;每月进行一次业务培训会,请县局专业人员和  相似文献   

建立科学选任机制,确保村级专干队伍稳定。一是高位谋划,及时介入。全市各级党委、政府把加强村级人口计生工作队伍作为人口计生事业跨越发展的基础工程,高度重视,统筹推进。二是明确标准,协调引导。在村"两委"换届时,各级党委、政府将村专干的选聘工作与村"两委"的选任工  相似文献   

针对城乡结合部农、居混杂和大量流动人口不断涌入的情况,北京市朝阳区小红门乡党委、政府认真分析了人口计生工作新形势、新特点,做出战略调整,决定启动“1+1”的模式,加大计生投入,即在原有计生专干的基础上,再1比1增配协管员,扩编现有的村级人口计生专干队伍,夯实人口计生基层基础工作。本次招聘坚持公开、  相似文献   

为进一步提高村级计生专干的业务素质和工作能力,促进入口计生工作深入开展,北京市顺义区李遂镇结合实际情况重新完善和制定了《村级计生专干管理培训和考核办法》,坚持抓基层,打基础,提升村级计生工作整体水平。  相似文献   

陕西省铜川市印台区在加大人口计生工作力度的同时,为了解决村级计生专干“干和不干一个样,干好干坏一个样”的问题,自2008年以来在保证村级计生专干基本报酬(大村100元,小村80元)的同时,自筹资金每季度按人均100元对每个村专干进行考评,  相似文献   

北京顺义区高丽营镇实行计生例会工作制度:确定每月25日为村级计生专干例会日,要求村级计生专干汇报本村育龄群众的“怀孕、生育、避孕、节育以及流动人口服务管理等情况。  相似文献   

加强村级计生专干队伍建设是一项社会系统工程,具体要做到选好人、养好人、带好人,逐步建立起一支复合型的精干、高效的村级计生专干队伍,以适应新时期计生工作的发展需要。 1.选好人。选好人就是要把好村级计生专干的入口关。一要确立用人标准,在全区范围内对新上岗的计生专干在年龄、文化、技术等方面有统一而明  相似文献   

This history of the Philippine Population Commission, which was created in 1969, is summarized. In 1970 President F.E. Marcos defined the government's task in this area as: 1) educating the people on the urgent need for population control; 2) disseminating knowledge on birth control techniques; and 3) providing facilities, especially in rural areas. Funding began in 1971. The 4 basic policies are noncoercion, integration, multiagency participation, and the partnership of the public and private sectors. The noncoercion policy means that all birth control techniques are offered and couples are free to use or reject whatever they wish. This has probably slowed the spread of family planning, but has also minimized opposition. Family planning has never been the domain of 1 agency but has been implemented through many agencies working together. Now it is being implemented through total community development plans, of which family planning is merely 1 component. This approach puts irrigation workers, agricultural development workers, and many others on the family planning team. private agencies have also had an important role to play in the development of the total program. For the past 5 years these have been mainly voluntary sociocivic and health associations whose interests are very close to or naturally related to family planning. Now the entry of business into the Population Program through the commercial contraceptive marketing program has enlarged the role of the private sector in the diffusion of family planning products and services. It is possible that the partnership between the public and private sectors may soon be based on segmentation of the target population with government agencies going deep into rural areas while private organizations concentrate on urban and adjacent rural areas.  相似文献   

The Philippines Department of Labor, in conjunction with the U.N. Fund for Population Activities, is sponsoring a pilot family planning program. The industrial program, supervised by the Labor Management Coordinating Council, aims at integrating family planning services into the health services or clinics of 1000 corporations with at least 200 employees within the 2-year period ending June 1977. Family planning seminars are conducted at 3 levels within the corporations and include training sessions for medical personnel. Companies have found that provision of family planning services is more economical in the long run than provision of family welfare services for employees and families.  相似文献   

This qualitative study explores the welfare recipients’ experiences of and attitudes toward the welfare benefit system in Hong Kong. A sample of 19 welfare recipients from six main recipient groups was interviewed, some twice. This study finds that the recipients have strong aspirations to exit the welfare benefit system. The welfare application process is painful; they are strongly stigmatized; they do not have sufficient resources to meet many of their expected needs; and, after all, they have strong ethos for self-reliance. However, they remain in the benefit system. This study looks into this paradox and the challenges facing the welfare benefit system in Hong Kong in terms of providing ontological security on the one hand and promoting self-reliance on the other.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program in late-1996, welfare rolls have declined by more than half. This paper explores whether improvements in the economic well-being of children have accompanied this dramatic reduction in welfare participation. Further, we examine the degree to which the success or failure of welfare reform has been shared equally among families of varying educational background. We analyze data from the March Current Population Surveys (CPS) over the years 1988 through 2001. Specifically, we link data for families with children who are interviewed in adjacent years and determine whether their economic circumstances either improved or deteriorated. We use two alternative approaches to address this general issue: a variety of regression models and a difference-in-differences methodology. These approaches provide consistent answers. In a bivariate framework TANF is associated with higher incomes; but this association becomes insignificant in the presence of business cycle controls. We also determine that children who were poor at an initial time period benefit differently, depending on their parents' educational attainment level. Poor children with parents who do not have a high school degree are significantly worse off in the TANF era, relative to the era prior to welfare reform, than are poor children of more educated parents.  相似文献   

An increasing number of large cities have experienced urban village transformation because of the rapid industrialization and urbanization in China. Extant literature largely focuses on urban village transformation and its ensuing developments. This research examined the social welfare change through six welfare categories of indicators, namely, economic condition, dwelling condition, development opportunity, social security, living environment, and psychology. Value change in fuzzy membership was used to reveal the changes in social welfare for rural migrants before and after urban village transformation. Data were collected from questionnaires distributed in four cities of Zhejiang Province in 2014. Fuzzy assessment model was developed to analyze the collected data. Results corroborated that nearly all the values of the welfare categories decreased, except for the value of dwelling condition. The findings confirmed that the rural migrants do not primarily receive the benefits of urban village transformation. In addition, such transformation does not improve urban village harmony. Various measures should be applied to improve rural migrant welfare, including enhancing rural migrant settlement intention, encouraging rural migrants to return to their respective hometowns, and implementing policies for regionally differentiated welfare rights. The findings of this study can provide references for local governments to substantially implement urban village transformation.  相似文献   

Since the implementation of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program in late-1996, welfare rolls have declined by more than half. This paper explores whether improvements in the economic well-being of children have accompanied this dramatic reduction in welfare participation. Further, we examine the degree to which the success or failure of welfare reform has been shared equally among families of varying educational background. We analyze data from the March Current Population Surveys (CPS) over the years 1988 through 2001. Specifically, we link data for families with children who are interviewed in adjacent years and determine whether their economic circumstances either improved or deteriorated. We use two alternative approaches to address this general issue: a variety of regression models and a difference-in-differences methodology. These approaches provide consistent answers. In a bivariate framework TANF is associated with higher incomes; but this association becomes insignificant in the presence of business cycle controls. We also determine that children who were poor at an initial time period benefit differently, depending on their parents' educational attainment level. Poor children with parents who do not have a high school degree are significantly worse off in the TANF era, relative to the era prior to welfare reform, than are poor children of more educated parents.  相似文献   

Ongoing concern over welfare dependency has stimulated the US Government to enact welfare reform legislation that features work requirements. Under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, millions of able-bodied welfare recipients will now be expected to find work within two years. We analyze data from the March 1994 Current Population Survey to address the neglected question of whether a sufficient number of jobs will be available for those looking for work. Using two methods to estimate job availability, and a variety of assumptions about which welfare recipients will be required to work, we estimate that as few as 18 and as many as 54 welfare recipients and other unemployed individuals would be competing for each available job. Separate analyses by residence provided equivocal evidence on whether metropolitan or nonmetropolitan welfare recipients will have the more difficult time finding gainful employment.  相似文献   

Because of urgent concerns to protect tropical forests in Latin America, social science research on them has been generally ‘forest-centred.’ This forest-centred approach considers the people who inhabit the frontier as agents of land use change and forest conversion focusing on how their actions affect forest cover. Welfare indicators for forest frontier populations (income, education, health, access to basic services) are addressed only incidentally in terms of how they influence land use. ‘People’ centred research, which asks questions from the perspective of human welfare such as, ‘Are frontier settlers better off than they were before?’ or ‘What kind of socio-economic impacts does frontier life have on the people who live there?” and “How can their lives be improved?,” has been less common. As a result, we know much about the impacts, especially adverse impacts, which settler activity on the frontier has on forest cover but little about the impacts settlement has on settlers, themselves. This paper attempts to shift discussion towards these kinds of questions and a more people centred approach by reviewing existing research that directly addresses the welfare of settlers in tropical forest frontiers in Latin America. We also review research that touches on settler welfare by considering the concept of ‘sustainability’ on the forest frontier and stakes out a comprise position between ‘forest’ and ‘people’ centred questions or concerns. Settler welfare is defined primarily in economic terms. Household income, wealth, and agricultural productivity are interpreted a proxies for welfare in most cases. We also consider welfare in terms of access to basic services (health and education) and living conditions. We particularly consider how settler welfare indicators may change over time on the frontier. Tropical forests, defined as tropical, moist, broadleaf forests, are the main ecological setting of interest. These forests are generally the largest unoccupied areas in many Latin American countries and are thus, also the main ‘agricultural frontier’ or areas of new settlement by small farmers.  相似文献   

Child support and welfare dependence: A multinomial logit analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The relation between welfare dependency and receipt of child support is investigated with data from a special supplement to the Current Population Survey. The impact of receiving child support on a family's welfare status is estimated and the types of families for which child support enforcement policies may have the greatest impact are identified. Overall, the results indicate that receipt of child support has a modest impact on reducing welfare dependency. However, the results also indicate that if child support obligations can be established and enforced shortly after a marital dissolution takes place, the likelihood that a family will later become a welfare recipient is significantly reduced.  相似文献   

A massive drive has been launched throughout India in an effort to reenergize the family planning program. The Prime Minister has made a special appeal to the nation from radio and television networks and through the press to adopt the small family norm as a way of life. The Chief Ministers and the Health Ministers in the States have made similar appeals to the people and the doctors. The current drive was preceded by 18 months of concentrated efforts to vitalize the family planning program. The change in nomenclature from "family planning" to "family welfare" created some misunderstanding regarding the government's own commitment to the program, but it is now widely understood that while family welfare aims at the total welfare of the family, family planning is an essential part of it. The government has tried to involve all sectors of society in program efforts. The mass media is now focusing attention on "family welfare" almost continuously. In villages, a large-scale program of organizing education camps of opinion leaders is now underway. The rural health scheme, initiated in October 1977, promises to bring about increased participation of the people in village programs. 54,000 community health workers have already started serving the rural population in their areas. In 2-3 years there will be 1 trained community health worker in every Indian village.  相似文献   

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