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目前农村养老模式分为家庭养老、社会养老和自我养老。随着农村人口老龄化、高龄化、空巢化和病残化程度的不断加深,农村养老问题日益严重。本文以儒家文化为视角,提出构建契合儒家文化的农村养老模式的思路和政策建议:即巩固家庭养老的地位,发挥社会养老主体作用,发挥自我养老补充作用和社会养老服务的支持作用。  相似文献   

人口老龄化背景下如何有效保障农村老年人口的基本生活,已引起社会的广泛关注。家庭养老和新型农村社会养老保险是当前农村绝大多数老年人口选择的养老保障方式。受观念转变及制度设计不合理的影响,两种养老方式均产生了代际冲突。新型农村社会养老保险的推出对于保障老年人的基本生活发挥了积极作用,但在一定程度上加剧了代际冲突。要使农村老年人获得有效的养老保障,就必须采取有效措施化解代际冲突:一是大力弘扬儒家孝道文化,重塑家庭代际关系;二是完善制度设计,提高激励效应,改进新农保缴费补贴和基础养老金补贴,把家庭养老与新型农村社会养老保险有效联动在一起,促进家庭代际关系和谐发展;三是大力发展农村居家养老服务中心,为农村老年居民创造一个全面的、可持续的养老保障环境,切实解决他们的基本生活保障。  相似文献   

我国已进入老龄化社会,本文分析了人口老龄化对农村家庭养老、自我养老造成的影响,农村人口老龄化急需完善新型农村社会养老保险制度,在此基础上,提出了完善新型农村社会养老保险制度的对策、建议。  相似文献   

城市独生子女家庭的养老风险及其规避   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
独生子女家庭结构的核心化,居住方式的分居化和少子老龄化等是独生子女家庭养老风险扩大的重要原因。从养老的内容上,独生子女家庭既面临着经济保障风险,也面临着生活照料、医疗护理和精神慰藉等非经济养老风险,而非经济风险更为突出。本文立足风险视角,分析了独生子女家庭特征与养老风险的关系,在指出其面临三大风险的基础上,提出了规避独生子女家庭养老风险的几点建议。  相似文献   

由于我国经济尚不发达,国家养老功能还比较弱,农村社会养老保险才刚刚推广,所以现阶段我国的农村家庭养老还必须坚持以家庭子女养老为主  相似文献   

农村空巢老人作为农村老年人群体一个较为特殊的组成部分,在我国社会结构中占相当大的比重,随着土地养老功能和家庭养老功能的逐渐减弱,全社会对农村空巢老人养老问题的关注力不断上升。本文以甘肃省农村空巢老人养老面临的困境为切入点,对农村空巢老人养老保障制度进行剖析,并提出了健全和完善甘肃省农村空巢老人养老保障制度的对策建议。  相似文献   

一、我省农村开展养老保险的迫切性 养老由家庭转向社会,是经济发展和社会进步的必然结果。由于我国计划生育政策的实行,使人口结构老化现象脱离与经济社会同步发展的轨道而提前出现,这意味着我国无论在城市还是农村,无论是经济发达地区还是贫困地区农村,人口老龄化问题的时序将大大缩小。从这个意义上讲,贫困地区的农村养老问题和经济发达地区的农村养老问题,将同样具有紧迫性和现实性。而且随着经济社会的发展,家庭结构的日趋小型化,无疑又加剧了养老问题的严重性。因此,那种仅从经济发展的变动因素,机械地去理解人口的老化和养老问  相似文献   

在中国人口计划生育政策实施的三十多年中,众多独生子女家庭为中国人口总量控制及社会发展做出巨大贡献。但当这些家庭中的唯一子女因为某种原因先逝时,失独事件给这些家庭造成的创伤是巨大的。失独家庭的父母在忍受"白发人送唯一黑发人"悲恸的同时,还面临着养老照顾、家庭关系维系、心理承受、医疗康复、法律支持及社会适应等多方面的不同压力。以福建省漳州市帮扶失独家庭重建的"携爱家园"实施项目为例,探索建构失独家庭重建社会支持工作模式的基本策略,对于回应和解决失独家庭困境具有重要意义。  相似文献   

家庭养老在欠发达地区的农村已经弱化,主要原因是社会变迁、社会流动、社会竞争和家庭结构的变化;社区养老的覆盖面太窄,发挥作用小;社会化养老还存在着接受的问题。该地区农村养老面临严峻的挑战。  相似文献   

家庭结构变迁对养老模式的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着市场经济体制改革的不断深入,计划生育政策的持续推进,传统的家庭结构发生了很大变化,人口老龄化日趋明显,家庭养老的压力越来越大,这迫切要求为养老寻求一种新的途径。因此,从我国当前实际出发,应当将家庭养老、社会养老和社区养老结合起来,形成多层次、多样化的养老保障体系,这是我国养老模式转型的现实选择。  相似文献   

面对汹涌而至的"银发浪潮",如何让老年人安享晚年,消除人口老龄化给社会经济可持续发展带来的负面影响,这已经成为全社会普遍关心的问题。虽然居家养老在解决我国现阶段的养老困境方面有家庭养老和机构养老所没有的优势,但如今也正经历着制约制度发展的"瓶颈"而陷入了困境。因此,应积极探讨完善居家养老的方法和对策,使其更加符合我国的国情,成为一种真正适宜中国国情的养老模式。  相似文献   

What are the current and future trends in age structure in China as it relates to labor force and retirement? And, what is the impact of the one-child policy on these trends? A trend analysis identifies that as the parents of the one-child family age, China will have an older population, proportionately, with a smaller middle-aged population to support them in the traditional manner, unlike previous generations. A burden will be placed on the working age population as the one-child generation will have to help support two parents if single, and four parents if married, particularly in urban areas. This will also impact rural areas where formal systems of elderly support are not yet fully developed. In terms of labor resources, the elderly may be better supported in old age if they stay in the labor force for a longer period. However, younger workers need employment, while the old must work to offset the lack of formal support, and the potential decline in intergenerational family support due to the changing age-structure. The challenge facing policy-makers is to bring about a balance between employment patterns and support between generations.  相似文献   

The rural pension policy in China is characterized by a high degree of instability. In the past 15 years since the introduction of pilot schemes in some regions, the state has been unable to establish a stable institutional framework for rural old‐age security. This article seeks to integrate the theoretical insights from a growing body of international literature on the role of ideas in social policy reform in order to shed new light on the study of Chinese rural pension policy. I argue that the rise of the rural pension scheme and its eventual failure to make consistent progress towards a comprehensive system is directly related to conflicting ideas among bureaucrats with respect to what sort of welfare provision the rural elderly actually need. The fluctuations in this policy realm vividly illustrate the predominance of the policy idea that peasants could still rely on their land and family, supplemented by private commercial insurance, in their old age. Given this alleged self‐reliance on the part of rural residents, the state is very reluctant to set up a comprehensive rural pension scheme. As a result, the old‐age security of the peasants in rural China is standing on very thin ice, and the prospect for more active state involvement in the near future remains dim.  相似文献   

在全面分析北京市户籍人口生育水平、育龄妇女孩次结构、独生子女比例、婚配模式、人口迁移和生育意愿的基础上,本文分析了北京生育政策调整对出生人口规模产生的影响。结果表明户籍人口放开单独对北京新增出生人口的影响非常小,2020年以前每年对北京市户籍人口出生规模的影响在1万-2万人左右,远远低于迁入人口规模的影响。  相似文献   

作为注重操作性且具有完善理念和技术的专业工作方法,社会工作对老年人社会适应的介入是增进老年问题解决的有效措施。经过实践经验和理论的总结,社会工作形成了个案工作、小组工作和社区工作三大主要方法。本文从专业实务的角度解析三大主要专业方法在老年社会适应问题领域的操作性技巧。以提高社会工作专业方法在实务运用中的有效性,增进老年社会福利服务专业化发展。  相似文献   

Rapid economic growth, declining fertility and changes in family structures have encouraged the Kingdom of Cambodia to reform its old-age pension system. The Government of Cambodia reached an important milestone in 2019, when the Law on Social Security was promulgated. The Law includes provisions for a compulsory defined benefit pension scheme, establishing a sound framework for extending compulsory pension coverage beyond the public sector to formal private-sector workers. As a future step, the compulsory pension scheme should be extended to informal workers. To accompany the reform, the investment policy for the pension scheme’s reserve funds, including the supervisory regime and investment strategy, will be essential for the modernization of the Cambodian social security system. In this regard, Cambodia has successfully sought policy advice. However, the country should continue to seek further advice, and to act on this. Otherwise, the necessary and increasingly pressing policy ambitions of Cambodia to develop an adequate and sustainable social protection system may not be fully realized.  相似文献   

This article, sets out a series of principles for pension design rooted in economic theory: pension systems have multiple objectives, analysis should consider the pension system as a whole, analysis should be framed in a second-best context, different systems share risks differently, and systems have different effects by generation and by gender. That discussion is reinforced by identification of a series of widespread analytical errors — errors that appear in World Bank work, but by no means only in World Bank work: tunnel vision, improper use of first-best analysis, improper use of steady-state analysis, incomplete analysis of implicit pension debt, incomplete analysis of the impact of funding (including excessive focus on financial flows, failure to consider how funding is generated, and improper focus on the type of asset in trust funds), and ignoring distributional effects. The second part of the article considers implications for policy: there is no single best pension design, earlier retirement does little or nothing to reduce unemployment, unsustainable pension promises need to be addressed directly, a move from pay-as-you-go towards funding in a mandatory system may or may not be welfare improving, and implementation matters — policy design that exceeds a country's capacity to implement it is bad policy design. We illustrate the ranges of designs of pension systems that fit the fiscal and institutional capacity constraints typical at different levels of economic development. The potential gains from simplicity imply that a country capable of implementing an administratively demanding plan does not necessarily gain from doing so. New Zealand has a simple pension system through choice, not constraint.  相似文献   

李连芬 《创新》2016,(4):112-120
在新经济常态背景下,随着人口老龄化程度不断加深,我国财政支出将面临越来越大的挑战,发展养老产业将成为我国应对人口老龄化问题的必然选择。养老产业的发展有利于减轻政府负担,提高老年人生活质量,促进产业调整,缓解就业压力。我国的养老市场规模庞大,并且供不应求,政府高度关注养老产业,为我国大力发展养老产业提供了可行性。但是,尽管目前"保险系""央企系""房企系"等社会资本已经注入,养老产业仍然存在着政府的引导和支持力度不足,缺乏专业人才,相关产业整合难度大,国民养老观念落后等问题。因此,我国应尽快完善相关政策以加强引导和扶持的力度,积极调动社会资源使投资主体多元化,加强养老产业人才队伍建设,加快转变养老观念。  相似文献   

Pension Reforms in Europe and Life-course Politics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, somewhat drastic pension reforms have taken place in all European countries. The pension systems developed in the last century are no longer considered to be suited to the changing demographic constellations in European countries, and the financial sustainability of these systems is under threat. Moreover, the changing political and economic set‐up in European countries is also used to justify reforming the different pension systems. Different reasons can be given to explain the various pension reform measures without, however, there being any integrated coherence. We suggest that a politics of social policy, and of pension policy in particular, based on a life‐course perspective, facilitates the understanding of the whole range of pension reform measures. In the past, the elaborated pension systems were attuned to a normative standard biography. A new standard biography, with different phases and more transitions and combinations, enables one to understand the variety of the ongoing pension reform measures. Such a life‐course perspective integrates sequences of learning, working and caring considered necessary for the polity. In other words, it is based on a conception of human potential, and it integrates, to some extent, the previously separate domains of labour market policy, education policy, care policy and pension policy. However, recent theoretical and empirical studies of the life course lead to a critical evaluation of the new standard biography, with the conclusion that the new standard is one‐sided and scientifically unsound, entailing challenges for social policy.  相似文献   

武新  李英 《社会工作》2012,(10):28-31
当今中国急剧的社会变迁增加了个体的流动性,而家庭为个体提供福利的功能也在减弱,分析我国现行的家庭政策在支持家庭增强福利提供功能方面政策指向不明确,建议建立以维护家庭功能为主旨的由家庭经济安全保障和家庭福利服务为主要内容的家庭政策体系。  相似文献   

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