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在当前城市更新进程中,经济技术已不再是城市发展的决定性因素,人文艺术才是城市核心发展的内涵,而平民艺术家的创作力是城市更新中不可小觑的一环。以粤港澳大湾区历史文化底蕴为基础,解构大湾区历史艺术文化内涵,探究文化艺术创新的驱动模式,分析总结平民艺术家对于城市设计的影响力。以广东为例浅谈关于对其城中村、城乡接合部艺术生命力的培育,总结出完善的培养方案,发挥平民艺术家激活城市活力的潜力,致力城市更新。  相似文献   

当前,城市更新作为我国城市空间发展的一项战略,已在全国各地实施。城市更新规划实施是以投资项目的形式落地的。但从规划到项目的过程中有一个非常重要的环节—投资项目经济评估—却没有得到应有的重视,甚至在决策流程中被完全忽略,很有可能导致经济低效或无效项目的实施,浪费国家资源。本文根据我国国情,参照国际经验,提出如何界定城市更新投资项目,探讨城市更新投资项目经济和财务可行性评估的流程和方法。目的是通过构建一个科学严谨的流程,为城市更新项目投资决策提供科学的依据,并合理界定政府与企业在城市更新项目中的作用和责任。  相似文献   

沈艳兵  单晨 《城市》2023,(3):16-24
目前,我国城市发展已经从大规模增量建设转向存量提质更新改造阶段,城市更新行动已成为“十四五”规划中一项重要任务。我国文旅产业进入发展的新阶段,对文旅产品开发提质增效、文旅服务改善提升等方面提出了新要求。城市更新是文化旅游产业发展的新机遇,文旅产业赋能城市更新成为城市发展的新动能。文旅产业与城市更新双向赋能,既能提升城市更新能级和品位,也能促进城市文旅产业的发展质量。文旅产业发展和城市更新行动双向赋能,应以新发展理念为引领,以政府为主导,多部门联合管理并积极吸引社会资本参与其中,在强化数字技术应用、复合型人才培育和文化浸润等方面提升城市更新品质。  相似文献   

黄健文  徐莹 《城市观察》2012,(5):142-148
通过借助城市化基本规律的理论基础,从城市化规律角度研究西方城市化中逆城市化和城市空心化现象的影响因素,以及探讨中国城市化阶段与城市空心化问题,分析逆城市化和城市空心化现象与城市复兴之间的相互关系。在分析比较的基础上,初步认识现时中国城市复兴的实质特征,指出复兴项目基本上仅是城市开发中局部的城市更新,与西方城市复兴有所区别。  相似文献   

文化旅游的兴起是当今旅游业发展的一大趋势。城市更新是城市发展的一种重要途径。随着文化消费时代的来临、文化经济的快速发展,文化旅游在城市更新发展中扮演着日益重要的角色。本文主要以广州为例,探讨了城市更新背景下文化旅游发展的意义、面临的问题和挑战以及进一步的思考。  相似文献   

宋昆  景琬淇  赵迪  杨雪 《城市》2023,(5):19-30
当前,我国城市发展进入存量提质改造和增量结构调整并重的新时期。“城市更新行动”成为新时期城市发展的必然趋势与实现城市高质量发展的战略举措。中央和地方相继出台了多层级、多类型的政策法规作为战略引领和实施依据。本文总结国外城市更新普遍规律与趋势经验,立足我国城市发展现实背景与本土特色,厘清新时期国家城市更新行动战略的探索历程与政策脉络;选取典型城市,识别相关政策在概念认知、政策制度层面的异同,明晰典型、有效的路径经验;剖析城市更新行动在整体统筹、政策法规、运行机制等方面的现状问题,并从工作路径、制度框架、模式经验等方面提出对策建议,为实施城市更新行动提供重要抓手与方向指引。  相似文献   

深圳与佛山的城市更新政策呈现差异化特征,在比较二者城市更新政策的基础上,探索深圳与佛山差异化的城市更新政策影响因素包括:城市发展的历程背景、城市发展的阶段水平、城市发展的主要推动力、土地资源的稀缺性、土地所有制、政府和市场的角色关系。可见在城市更新政策制定时,需考虑城市上述综合发展状况。  相似文献   

空间容量是城市开发建设运营中增值产生和分配的主要载体,不同的城市更新途径指向了不同增值分配方式下的空间容量增长.在中国城市实施城市更新行动进程中,面对既有的巨大规模的城市空间容量,如何在实施可行和容量限制的双向约束条件下,有效提升城市的空间运营,推动城市的高质量发展,是中国城市更新中面临的关键问题之一.本文梳理了土地开...  相似文献   

随着中国城镇化率超过60%,城市发展开始由过去大规模的增量建设向存量提质改造和增量结构优化并重转变,城市更新在这个过程中发挥着重要作用。城市更新从一种技术手段,向综合的政策转变。在当前实践中,城市更新的模式选择仍缺乏一定的客观性,呈现粗放化的态势。通过对城市更新动力的分解,发现更新模式的选择与主导力量之间存在直接关联。本文以研究区域内地块所受的主要动力作为更新类型的评判标准,构建评价指标体系。以丹江口市老城区为例开展实证研究,依据评价结果对更新单元进行类型划分,并根据不同的类型提出针对性的更新模式选择建议。研究表明,基于动力差异评价得到的单元更新类型,是客观选择更新模式的重要依据,对城市更新的精细化发展、促进更新规划的科学实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   

国家经济发展进入新常态,社会经济环境发生了重大改变,城市建设从注重数量向注重质量转变.笔者对传统城市更新模式进行反思,结合新时期城市建设和发展的新要求和新理念,提出在构建评价体系基础上进行城市更新改造的复合型改造模式,并提出新时期城市更新改造的实施机制.  相似文献   

The Hong Kong government has pledged to deal with the imbalance between supply and demand of housing. Given the innate constraints of limited land resources in Hong Kong and the extensive and expedient control enforced through lease conditions, the Hong Kong government can alleviate the long-recognized problem of housing shortage by modifying specific development conditions. Therefore, the supply of housing units can be changed at a faster pace to satisfy the requirement of private dwellings. Other factors affecting the property market in Hong Kong include land supply, economic issues, population growth, and income growth. Many studies, for example, Hui et al. (Monograph, Department of Building and Real Estate, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Government (Study of Housing Demand, Hong Kong Government Printer, Hong Kong and Study of Housing Demand Model, Hong Kong Government Printer, Hong Kong), have investigated in detail the impacts of these factors on the property market. However, little or nothing is known about the planning and development control through lease conditions. Therefore, this study particularly attempts to examine how the Hong Kong government exerts its influence in the local private residential market through changing the development conditions. These conditions will be studied separately and distinctively in order to capture their unitary effects upon the local private residential real estate market. Section 1 looks at Hong Kong's tenure system, followed by the deliberation of how planning and development control is done through lease conditions (in Section 2). 3 and 4 set out the analytical framework and report on the findings of how lease conditions affect property supply. The concluding section gives out recommendations.  相似文献   

Relational geographies of capital and consumption between Hong Kong and mainland China have been forming through tourism engagement in Hong Kong and the development of model Hong Kong malls in China. This analysis of urban restructuring for the consumer economy identifies how landmark Hong Kong malls are reproduced in major cities of China by networks of Hong Kong property firms and mainland elites. Adapting Leslie Sklair's formulation of architectural iconicity in the culture‐ideology of consumerism, this economic relationship, which restructures urban space, constructs iconic built forms and develops Chinese consumerism, marks hegemonic opportunities of a national capitalist class, suggesting how Chinese state capitalism and its Hong Kong networks limit and incrementally engage transnational capital while instantiating Hong Kong‐style consumer iconicity. New malls in mixed‐use developments in China often occupy sites of historical markets and thus affirm Sklair's prediction that iconic architecture increasingly proclaims consumer space while claiming historic forms of public space.  相似文献   

It is well acknowledged that low carbon emissions is one of the key factors contributing to sustainable urban development and effectively tackling climate change. Adaptive reuse of buildings is a form of sustainable urban regeneration, as it extends the building's life and avoids demolition waste, encourages reuses of the embodied energy and also provides significant social and economic benefits to the society. Thus, it embraces the different dimensions of sustainability. However, the debates over which sustainability factors are key, and how to address them all in practice, remain unresolved. This study begins with an intensive literature review of the factors that contribute to the goal of sustainable development in the conservation of built heritage. This is followed by in-depth interviews with practitioners who have participated in adaptive reuse projects in Hong Kong. These interviews confirm the reliability of the shortlisted sustainability factors. More importantly, this paper examines the challenges in incorporating a sustainability framework into adaptive reuse projects. The authors stress that the framework for achieving sustainable, low carbon adaptive reuse should be viewed more holistically, integrating social, economic, environmental, urban and political policies.  相似文献   

开埠之初就被定位为“自由港”的香港,是“以港兴市”的典型例子,港口的发展为香港经济的起飞和就业作出了巨大的贡献;而香港的产业发展以及与内地的区域合作,又促进了港口的繁荣,并使得香港成为国际航运中心。但目前,在金融海啸、珠三角产业转型、内地港口蓬勃发展等因素的影响下,香港港口的发展前景不容乐观。本文在回顾香港港口与城市发展关系的基础上,深入探讨了香港港口业务增长放缓的原因,并提出着力发展航运服务业,是香港航运中心转型升级、提高香港城市竞争力的重要方向。  相似文献   

Located just north of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, the largest and oldest of China's Special Economic Zone (SEZ) has been both a project and symbol of post-Mao modernization. In this paper, I trace how the Shenzhen built environment mediates images and experiences of ‘Hong Kong’, arguing that transnationality in the SEZ is an everyday practice where tradition, colonialism, and the Cold War provide raw materials for the local reworking of the changing relationship between the Chinese state apparatus and finance capital. My story has a double focus: the ideology of urbanization as modernization and historic preservation. On the one hand, the ideology of urbanization-as-modernization legitimates a spatial order in which the rural is always posed to be superseded by the urban. Both the rural and the urban are empty signifiers that are created through comparison and deployed to guide action. In this important sense,‘Hong Kong’ has been urban with respect to rural ‘Shenzhen’ (formerly Baoan County), even as ‘Shenzhen’ has been urban with respect to the Chinese hinterland (neidi). On the other hand, historic preservation domesticates ‘Hong Kong’ as Shenzhen's past through the figure of Xin'an County, the geographic predecessor of both Shenzhen and Hong Kong. These complimentary displacements produce a nostalgia peculiar to the SEZ: a desire for a past that entitles contemporary Shenzhen residents to Hong Kong's prosperity. This nostalgia is structured with reference to a shared origin - Xin'an County - where Hong Kong's postwar history (1950–1979) becomes the past that Shenzhen (rural Baoan) would have had, if not for a cruel twist of socialist fate.  相似文献   

随着经济和商业社会的发展,城市开发建设不同程度地蚕食历史建筑,破坏历史街区的整体风貌。历史建筑是人类发展痕迹的见证,一定程度上反映着地域文化。保护历史建筑也是保护地域文化。粤港政府在历史建筑保护工作方面积累了不少经验,通过分析粤港两地历史建筑保护措施,提出对城市历史建筑保护与利用的对策建议。  相似文献   

In 2009, a political youth movement known as the Post-80s emerged in Hong Kong to protest against the construction of a high-speed railway. While local academics and government officials framed the motivations of these youth protesters using economic rationales, I argue here that the Post-80s are better understood as conveying their dissatisfaction towards existing political structures in the city. This profile sets out Post-80s criticisms of the entrenched hierarchical dynamics in Hong Kong political culture that has shaped interactions between the government, political parties and the wider population, and discusses how the Post-80s have responded to the representational imbalances imposed by these hierarchical practices in the local political sphere by advocating for a way of doing politics where individual voices (as opposed to the collective) are emphasized, and where horizontal structures are used. I conclude by exploring the repercussions of this critique on recent political discourses and protests observed in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

城市既是本地居民的生活空间,也是外来游客的旅游目的地。长期以来,我国城市建设以工业生产为主,服务业落后。在城市规划和开发中对于公共服务设施大都是以常住居民人口作为基础,很少考虑外来游客的规模数量,致使旅游城市功能残缺,对外来游客环境不友好。尤其是在城市改造过程中的大拆大建和推陈出新,割裂了城市文脉和历史传统的有机联系,成为国外设计师的试验场。在新型城镇化建设中,应该重新思考旅游城市建设方向。  相似文献   

This study examined pluralistic ignorance in the context of conflicts between Hong Kongers and mainland Chinese in Hong Kong. This focus differs from past studies, which have mainly explored in-group pluralistic ignorance regarding whether people could correctly perceive the opinions of others who belonged to the same social group as they did. The present study investigated whether people could correctly perceive the public opinion of a collective to which they did not belong. Using two representative samples of mainland Chinese students and local students from three universities in Hong Kong, this study found that mainland students overestimated the local public’s unfavorability regarding Chinese mainlanders and the Chinese government. This overestimation was found to be positively associated with their attention to media content about the Sino–Hong Kong relationship and the extent to which they perceived the pertinent media content to be biased toward Hong Kong but negatively associated with their interpersonal communications with Hong Kongers about issues regarding the Sino–Hong Kong relationship. The overestimation of the local public’s unfavorability of Chinese mainlanders and the Chinese government reduced the willingness of mainland students to stay in Hong Kong for further study, work, or domicile. Based on the findings of this study, further research on pluralistic ignorance is recommended in order to determine how migrants perceive the mainstream opinion in the society to which they migrate.  相似文献   

This paper examines the formation of modernity in three colonialist epics of Hong Kong and the recent historical and fictional works that aim to rewrite the history of the ‘local’. Adopting a challenge-response structure, the paper argues that the colonialist epics construct a monolithic discourse of modernity-as-progress via the amnesia of conflicts, tensions, and processes of domination and negotiation in the rural and everyday space of colonial Hong Kong. It is stressed that to piece together the above anomalies is not an attempt to restore a pre-given ‘native’ to but rather an endeavour to examine how the ‘local’ as divergent historical agents shaped and has been shaped by the political, social, and economic environment of Hong Kong and the larger world outside. This can be called a model of dialectics composed of an internal dialectic and a dialectic of articulation. In this regard, with the benefit of the rapprochement of history and anthropology and a non-linear view of history, this paper is a historical bricolage of the anomalous history of Hong Kong, aiming to destabilize the Hong Kong historical grand narrative. Through rethinking the impact of the colonial experience, this paper hopes to liberate alterity and diversity in historical interpretations and imaginations.  相似文献   

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