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甘肃省不同地区出生缺陷致病因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高人口素质,预防出生缺陷的发生。我们根据甘肃地理特点及经济状况,按随机分层整群抽样方法,抽取当地出生的5岁内婴幼儿作为调查对象。以出生缺陷患儿为病例组,以同年、同性别、居住地相近的正常儿作为对照,对其家庭进行调查。结果显示甘肃省不同地区出生缺陷共有的易患因素为:母亲孕早期服药史;母亲孕早期感染史;父亲年龄在35岁以上亦是产生出生缺陷的危险因素。提示实施出生缺陷干预工程应大力进行孕前、孕早健康教育,深化优生指导,以达到降低出生缺陷发生率的目的。  相似文献   

为了解珠海市常住居民死亡水平、分布和相关危险因素,为制定预防对策提供科学依据,对2000-2005年珠海市常住居民死亡资料进行统计分析发现:常住居民死亡率为3.05‰,男性死亡率为3.40‰,女性死亡率2.67‰;2000-2005年男性、女性死亡率基本呈现下降趋势;珠海市各区之间人口死亡率差异逐渐缩小;城市死亡率低于农村死亡率和城乡结合部死亡率;死亡人口成年组中所占比例男性远远高于女性;疾病和意外死亡是珠海市常住居民主要死因,应加强综合干预措施,积极预防和控制.  相似文献   

一、引言 出生人口素质主要是指出生人口的身体和智能素质,它是人口素质的基础。人口素质本身不仅仅是社会经济发展的一个重要指标,而且是决定社会经济发展的重要因素。相关研究表明,深圳市0~5岁户籍儿童的出生缺陷发生率为10.23‰;另据深圳市卫生局统计,深圳市每年的新生儿中平均有13.06‰存在出生缺陷,2005年总的出生缺陷率为15‰。  相似文献   

本文介绍了甘肃省开展“出生缺陷干预工程”的基本情况,总结了取得的经验。  相似文献   

国家免费孕前优生项目是一项利国利民的重大民生工程,对于预防出生缺陷,促进出生人口素质提高具有重大而深远的意义。浙江省按照国家免费孕前优生项目要求,积极推进项目工作,在出生缺陷预防工作中发挥了积极作用。据浙江省卫生部门出生缺陷监测数据显示,2011年,全省出生缺陷发生率首次出现下降情况,从2010年的27.20‰下  相似文献   

2010年4月20日,甘肃省张掖市甘州区召开全区优生促进工程启动仪式,对优生促进工程全面进行安排部署。工程开展以来,全区各乡镇高度重视,积极行动,将优生促进工程作为当前人口计生工作的重点,将叶酸片发放作为出生缺陷干预的切入点,着力提高全民预防出生缺陷的健康意识,效果明显。  相似文献   

出生缺陷干预工程是惠及民心的德政善举。四川省成都市青羊区为做好出生缺陷干预工作,结合城市人口计生工作特点,积极探索、拓展出生缺陷干预的新思路、新方法,力求将出生缺陷干预工程打造成群众满意的"精品工程",为构建和谐社会,提高出生人口素质做出积极贡献。  相似文献   

2007年底,番禺区被广州市确定为出生缺陷干预模式研究试点单位之一,对此,区委、区政府高度重视,制定出台了《番禺区出生缺陷干预工程项目实施方案》,成立了区出生缺陷干预工程领导小组和专家小组,于2008年投入了180万元启动专项经费,将广州地区出生缺陷高发病种(即地中海贫血、G6-PD缺乏症、唐氏综合征、体表及内脏重大畸形)列为干预的目标病种,  相似文献   

本文利用第三、第四两次人口普查以及自1955年甘肃省开始死亡统计工作至今的死亡统计资料对甘肃省人口的死亡状况进行分析,同时对社会经济因素指标与死亡率进行相关分析,为未来甘肃省降低死亡率寻找重点,提供依据。一、甘肃省人口死亡水平概况  相似文献   

死亡率是影响人口再生产的基本因素之一。本文根据香港1946年以后,即第二次世界大战以后有关死亡率的资料,对死亡率变化的基本情况、死亡率的性别年龄差异、以及死亡原因,作一初步分析。一、死亡率的下降与稳定第二次世界大战以前,香港人口死亡率高,而且波动大,死亡率变动于37‰~26‰之间。这也是当时社会经济背景的反映。战后,死亡率迅速下降,1961年达到6.1‰,  相似文献   

Using data from the national linked birth/infant death cohort files, we examined race/ethnicity/nativity disparities and changes in infant mortality due to the five leading causes of infant death between 1989 and 2001. Our results indicate substantial decreases in infant mortality from three causes (congenital anomalies, sudden infant death syndrome, and respiratory distress syndrome) for which specific perinatal health innovations emerged or were expanded. However, for these three causes, the relative disparities in infant mortality between infants born to U.S.-born black women as compared to infants of U.S.-born white women increased following the introduction (or expansion) of beneficial interventions. Among infants of U.S.-born Mexican American mothers, the findings differed. In the static comparisons, our results show the often-reported similarity in the risk of death of these babies compared to those born to non-Hispanic white mothers. However, when changes over time were modeled, there was an erosion of the relatively favorable survival chances of Mexican American infants. Our models show little change in the relative risk of death for infants of immigrant women. Regarding the other two causes (disorders relating to short gestation and unspecified low birth weight and maternal complications) for which no efficacious innovations occurred, either little change or actual increases in risks were observed. Future studies and health policy efforts should be geared toward further understanding and aggressively working to close infant mortality gaps, especially for infants of U.S.-born black mothers—an effort that will be facilitated by research focused on cause-specific infant mortality.  相似文献   

在分析出生缺陷疾病的经济负担时,由于疾病的特殊性(如发病早、可能持续终身、早期死亡比较常见、二胎补偿等),需要注意与以往估算一般疾病经济负担模型不同的几个问题。主要有:相对经济负担和绝对经济负担的区别、估算起始点的确定、参照人群的选择。综合特点和问题,构建出生缺陷疾病经济负担估算的人口学模型,利用生命表原理,考虑了相对一般人群的经济负担、估算起始点提前至胚胎期、考虑人生中家庭的投入和产出等因素,为出生缺陷疾病的终身经济负担估算提供思路。  相似文献   

Abstract Family history data derived from the records of three parishes in Bavaria provide evidence for several important demographic questions when analysed in conjunction with information concerning the prevalent breast-feeding practices. The results suggest strongly that breast feeding can prolong birth intervals substantially. The evidence concerning the independent influence of infant deaths on subsequent birth intervals is inconclusive. It is clear, however, that even if such an influence did exist it was relatively small, compared to the effect of lactation. In addition the results do not lend support to the hypothesis that couples experiencing low child mortality practised family limitation more than couples experiencing high child mortality. In all three parishes, however, fertility appeared to influence infant mortality. Infants born after short intervals were subject to considerably higher mortality risks than infants following longer intervals.  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle empirical research exists about what motivates birth mode preferences, and even less about this topic in Latin America, where obstetric interventions and caesareans are some of the highest worldwide.AimTo identify factors associated with caesarean preference among Chilean men and women who plan to have children and to inform childbirth education and informed consent procedures.MethodsAn online cross-sectional survey measuring attitudes toward birth was administered to graduate students at a large public university in Chile. Eligible students were under the age of 40 and had no children but intended to have children. Logistic regression modelling was used to determine which sociodemographic factors, knowledge and beliefs were associated with caesarean preference.FindingsAmong eligible students, 730 responded and 664 provided complete answers to the variables of interest. Respondents had a mean age of 28.8; 38% were male and 62% female. Positive attitude toward technological intervention (Odds Ratio 7.4, 95% Confidence Interval 3.9–14.0), high risk perception of vaginal birth (Odds Ratio 1.8, 95% Confidence Interval 1.1–2.8), family history of caesarean (Odds Ratio 1.9, 95% Confidence Interval 1.0–3.8) and high fear of birth (Odds Ratio 3.7, 95% Confidence Interval 2.0–6.8) were associated with caesarean preference.DiscussionPreference for caesarean birth was highly associated with positive attitudes toward technological intervention and may be related to a lack of knowledge about the realities of caesarean and vaginal birth.ConclusionsPatient-centered education on the relative benefits and risks of birth modes has the potential to influence preferences toward vaginal birth.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Data from Hungary and Sweden are used to investigate the extent to which prematurity confounds the relationship between length of preceding birth interval and perinatal mortality. Controlling for length of gestation removes between 65 and 90 per cent of the excess mortality associated with birth intervals of less than 18 months; however, mortality among infants who are born less than 18 months after the birth of their previous sibling is still higher than among infants born after longer intervals. These results suggest that, although short birth intervals are associated with high perinatal mortality, estimates of the risks attributable to birth-spacing are overstated, if length of gestation is not taken into account.  相似文献   

Reproductive patterns and child mortality in guatemala   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
In this paper, we investigate the association of child mortality with maternal age, parity, birth spacing, and socioeconomic status, in a sample of Guatemalan children who were included in a public health intervention program. Our results indicate that maternal age, birth order, and the length of the previous and following birth intervals all have a significant impact on the risk of child mortality and that these associations cannot be accounted for by differences in breastfeeding, socioeconomic status, or the survival status of the previous child.  相似文献   

This paper examines absolute change in infant mortality from 5 leading causes of death for whites and blacks over a 20 year period. Change in infant mortality varies by cause, race, and birth weight. Absolute decline in mortality from respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) in the overall study population has been more rapid for black infants during the period after specific technological innovations were approved and behavioral practices were recommended for these conditions. For low birth weight infants, blacks experienced greater decline in mortality from SIDS and whites experienced greater decline in RDS mortality. Despite remarkable declines in mortality from these causes, relative racial disparities have increased over this time period. For the overall study population, blacks and whites experienced similar rates of mortality decline from congenital anomalies. Mortality decline from this cause among low birth weight infants occurred at a faster pace for whites. Mortality from causes for which no specific innovations were developed increased for blacks but remained relatively constant for whites. An analysis of absolute change complements the relative disparities approach by revealing the dynamics of change, thus providing a more complete understanding of changing racial disparities in infant mortality.  相似文献   

The Cocos Islands, which are situated in the Indian Ocean approximately halfway between Colombo and Fremantle, were first peopled early in the nineteenth century and were gradually developed as a very isolated coconut plantation with a labour force consisting partly of persons of Malay stock descended from the original group of settlers and partly of Bantamese contract labourers from Java. As the Cocos-born population increased in size, the dependence on contract labour decreased and, before the end of the century, all immigration ceased. The 1947 Malay population of the islands was about 1,800.

The islands are fascinating from a demographer's point of view because there was a virtually complete registration of live births, deaths and marriages and a partial registration of stillbirths. With these registration records it was possible to construct the life history of every individual from birth, through infancy and childhood to marriage, and thence through fatherhood or motherhood to death.

The picture revealed by an analysis of these records is that of a population with very high fertility and with mortality at a high level before the first World war and at a medium level after that war. Crude birth rates varied between 50 and 60 per thousand population during the period 1888 to 1947. Crude death rates were between 30 and 40 per thousand population until 1912 but under 2.0 per thousand population after 1918.

Most Cocos girls married before reaching the age of 20 and there were an average of between eight and nine live births per woman living through the childbearing period. There was a steady decline in the average number of live births with advancing age at marriage from age 16 onwards. A significantly high proportion of those dying in the middle of the childbearing period had never married, but the fertility of those marrying at an early age (14, 15 and 16) and dying before reaching the age of 36 was slightly higher than that of those who married at a similar age and survived. Women who survived to the age of 55 were of higher fertility than those who died between the ages of 40 and 55. An analysis of birth intervals revealed significant differences (a) between birth intervals after a stillbirth or after a live birth in which the child died in early infancy, and birth intervals after a live birth in which the offspring survived for longer than 0.4 years, and (b) between the interval from first to second birth and the subsequent birth intervals. There was a difference of almost exactly a year between the average birth interval after a stillbirth or live birth ending in a neo-natal death and the average birth interval after the birth of a child surviving to age 2; there was a similar difference of a year between corresponding median birth intervals.

From 1888 to 1912 infant mortality was well above 300 per thousand. After 1918 infant mortality averaged rather under 100 infant deaths per 1,000 live births. The reduction in infant mortality rates was accompanied by an increase in the mortality of children aged 1 to 4, and the heavy incidence of mortality at these ages after 1918 is the most striking feature of the analysis of mortality by age. Whilst mortality in infancy fell much more heavily on males than on females, early childhood mortality was much higher in Cocos for girls than for boys. The life table computed for the period 1918 to 1947 indicated a life expectancy of about 50 years for males and 47 years for females.  相似文献   

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