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马相东 《创新》2014,(4):8-13
增强企业国际化经营能力,培育一批世界水平的跨国公司,是当前我国经济金融发展的重大战略任务。从异质性企业贸易理论视角看,增强企业国际化经营能力的关键,在于将产品技术创新摆在企业发展的核心位置和战略高度,不断提高企业劳动生产率和核心竞争力。为此,可以从四个方面实施创新驱动发展战略,推动中国企业国际化发展:一是增强环境责任意识,引领绿色技术创新未来;二是鼓励金融创新,提高金融发展水平;三是加强"新南北合作",从全球视角推动科技创新;四是加大研发投入,提高核心技术创新能力。  相似文献   

农业产业化、乡镇企业工业化和农村城镇化是甘肃农村经济发展的基本方向和现实选择。我们必须以产业化入手,去推动乡镇企业工业化、农村城镇化发展,实现“三化”齐动。一、“三化”是甘肃农村经济发展的基本方向和途径农业产业化、农村工业化和城镇化作为解决农村改革与...  相似文献   

如果以人均GDP指标为基础,同时参考其他指标来衡量工业化的进程,那么到“十五”期末,我国的工业化处于中期第二阶段或重工业化阶段中的高加工度化时期。尽管“十五”时期我国工业化的发展态势良好,但在工业化进程中也存在不少问题和矛盾。在“十一五”时期,应该采取更加有针对性的措施解决和缓解这些问题和矛盾,以推动工业化的持续快速发展。  相似文献   

黑龙江省工业化发展阶段的基本判断及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经过建国 5 0多年特别是改革开放 2 0多年的发展与建设 ,我国的工业化水平不断提高 ,黑龙江省作为全国重要的重化工业省份 ,工业化水平明显高于全国平均水平。正确判断我国及省区的工业化发展水平 ,采取相应的措施推进新型工业化发展进程 ,是我们面临新的研究课题。黑龙江省要因地制宜确立其目标 ,优化产业结构 ,加快市场化进程 ,开放经济 ,推动新型工业化发展道路。  相似文献   

张继焦 《创新》2015,(2):27-34,40,126
有美国人类学家认为,城市化、工业化等不是人类学的研究内容。其实,中国人类学的先驱费孝通先生约70多年前已探讨过中国农村工业化和市场化等问题,30多年前探讨过中国的城镇化,可见,中国人类学具有研究工业化、市场化、城市化的学术传统。目前,我国新一轮的工业化、市场化、城市化正在推动欠发达的中西部地区发生一系列巨大的经济社会转型:从计划经济转为市场经济、从农牧业转为工商业、从农村社会转为都市社会等,这些都是人类学民族学研究必须面对的重大现实议题,企业人类学则为这些研究提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

张卓元 《浙江学刊》2000,(1):156-156
经济全球化已成为世界潮流,对外直接投资正在日益成为经济全球化进程中各国经济相互联系、相互依赖的基本途径,同时也成为国际竞争的重要组成部分。经过20年的改革开放,我国经济国际化的程度已大幅度提高,但目前仍主要处在商品交换国际化阶段,生产国际化方面主要是外商对我国投资大幅度增加,我国企业在资本国际化和生产国际化中参与度还比较低,我国对外直接投资还处在初级发展阶段。我国经济如何逐步适应经济全球化的趋势,如何发展对外直接投资,如何培育一批具有强大国际竞争力的世界知名的跨国公司,这些都是摆在我们面前迫切需要研究的问…  相似文献   

市场化改革作为重要的制度变迁,在推动我国地区创新能力方面发挥了关键性的作用。市场化进程可能对创新活动产生正面作用,也可能对创新活动产生不利作用。研究结果表明:第一,市场化进程能够推动地区创新能力的提升。第二,资本要素市场配置扭曲程度是市场化进程影响地区创新能力的重要路径。第三,市场化进程对地区创新能力的影响具有异质性表现。为推动地区创新能力提升,加速经济高质量发展,建议:第一,推动资本要素市场改革,优化信贷资金配置。第二,继续推进国有企业所有制改革,持续加强创新激励。第三,优化地区营商环境,构建公平竞争制度。  相似文献   

根据日本经济的发展阶段以及跨国公司对外直接投资的规模、行业、地域结构的发展变化,可将日本跨国公司的发展历程大致分为三个阶段,即第一阶段:50、60年代的贸易导向型对外直接投资时期;第二阶段:70年代的调整过渡时期;第三阶段:80年代以后的全球经营战略时期。本文拟就对日本跨国公司这三个不同发展阶段的特征及其成因作初步探讨。一、50、60年代的贸易导向型对外直接投资时期所谓“贸易导向型对外直接投资”,是日本经济学家小岛清在1971年初次发表的宏观经济对外直接投资理论中,对50 、60年代日本对外直接投资的基本形态所作的理论概括。他说:“所谓(顺)贸易导向型(以区别于美国的逆贸易导向型)对外直接投资,其内  相似文献   

WTO、企业集团与产业安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着中美关于中国加入世界贸易组织双边协议的签署,WTO正在向我们走近,WTO意味着贸易的自由化,WTO自由贸易规则下的市场开放给跨国公司进入中国提供了条件和机会,也给我国的产业带来了风险。这种风险来自我国企业与跨国公司在竞争力以及规模上的差距。因此,对我国企业进行组织结构调整,组建在规模、技术创新、市场份额等方面能够与跨国公司相抗衡的企业集团,是提高我国企业国际竞争力,确保国家产业安全的一个必要举措。对于发展中国家来说,民族产业的风险很大程度上产生于开放条件下本国企业与进入本国市场的外国企业在竞…  相似文献   

迄今为止的中国现代化进程和实践表明,对国情的认识与把握是中国成功的基础与前提,这是“中国经验”的思想精髓所在。基于对国情重要性的认识,本文构造了一个新的基于产业结构演进的经济国情分类框架。应用这个框架,本文分析了经过20余年的快速工业化进程后中国的经济发展状况变化。分析表明,中国已经从农业经济大国转为工业经济大国,这意味着中国经济现代化进程进入了以实现由工业经济大国向工业经济强国转变为核心任务的新阶段。现代化进程的新阶段要求选择新的战略,在技术进步战略方面,应重视战略技术的自主创新和加大基础科学研究领域的投入;在经济增长战略方面,要切实促进经济增长方式的转变,发展重化工业也要坚持走新型工业化道路;在产业发展战略方面,三次产业要有新的战略使命和发展定位;在经济体制改革战略方面,要坚定不移地继续深化市场化改革。  相似文献   

马年过去了。羊年即将到来。岁末年首通常是人们对新的一年满怀美好憧憬和希望的时刻 ,但在对过去的一年进行“盘点”的时候 ,我们却不得不触及一些严肃的话题。2 0 0 1年的“9.1 1”恐怖袭击已经过去一年多了 ,但它的负面影响依然是我们应该认真思考和研究的一个问题。这次事件给本不算太平的世界蒙上了厚厚的阴影 ,受到伤害的远不只是美国 ,也远不只是经济和相关领域。它的影响是世界性的 ,是持久的。在过去的一年中 ,全世界爱好和平的人们都在耕耘希望 :希冀有一个太平的世界 ,让饱受战争和恐怖威胁的人们从此不再生活在仇恨和恐惧中 ;祈…  相似文献   

The author suggests a number of corollaries between practices of contemplative Christianity and concepts found in psychodynamic psychotherapy. The act of looking upon the suffering of another – so central to both contemplative Christianity and psychotherapy – is compared to the monastic spiritual practice of lectio divina, the meditative reading of sacred texts. The practice of psychodynamic psychotherapy is conceptualized as a vocation to the contemplative life.  相似文献   

制造业的服务化和服务业的知识化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务业与制造业之间存在着显著的差别,二者又相互联系.服务业内部的知识化是经济增长的必要条件之一.目前,应大力发展生产性服务业,同时也要大力发展以知识型服务业为主导的新兴服务业.  相似文献   

Acceptable professional behaviour for social scientists has strayed from traditional ideals. Among other reasons, the predominantly middle-class world view of most social science professionals has contributed to a narrow perspective on social matters which often leaves prevailing societal assumptions unchallenged. The emerging vision of a socially responsible role for social scientists calls into question many currently accepted aspects of professionalism, and the paper argues for a change of emphasis within social science to accommodate this new vision within the fold of professional respectability.  相似文献   

Much attention has been given to the use of reflection in socialwork practice and education. The literature shows that reflectivedialogue can take place individually or in small groups. Inthis paper, the concept of dialogue is examined further at theinternal and external levels by referring to the works of Bakhtinand other related scholars. Two other concepts, phronesis byAristotle and kairos by Isocrates, are used to provide furtherinsights into understanding such processes. The relevance ofinternal and external dialogue to social work practice and educationis discussed. The integrated use of internal and external dialoguefacilitates a shift among different perspectives and bringsinto awareness the multiple voices of different parties. Sucha broadened view can limit the misuse of professional authorityand enable the social worker to give fuller expression to coresocial values such as respect, justice and equality.  相似文献   

The article reviews the various ramifications in the discussion on leadership, focusing on the view of leadership as relationships between leaders and followers. Three main types of leader-follower relations are discussed, and their specific characteristics are described: regressive relations, symbolic relations, and developmental relations. After analyzing the major implications, as well as the conceptual limitations, of these perspectives, the article suggests directions for a more integrative conceptualization of leader-follower relations.  相似文献   

The article is concerned with punishment as retribution. A number of reasonable assumptions concerning the punishment of criminals as well as the punishment of innocent individuals are made. These assumptions are consistent and from them a comprehensive justice map is drawn. Several implications concerning justice are derived and there is an analysis as to where slack in the pursuit of justice is most likely to occur. It is then shown that all of the assumptions and consequently all the results can be derived from a simple utility maximization model. Throughout the paper, behavior consistent with the concept of retribution is presented and there is some comparison to other theories of punishment. More generally, the article can be seen as a building of a social welfare function. In contrast to other work on social welfare functions which begin with just methods of aggregating preferences, this article begins with just preferences.I would like to thank David Kaun and Richard Posner for their comments.  相似文献   

Needs as Claims     
People “need” things if they will suffer negative effects without them. Needs are based in problems, but they are not only problems; they have to be understood in terms of a relationship between functional problems and resources. Needs are a form of claim made against services. The concept of “need” is not decisive in the allocation of resources, and this paper argues that the concept has to be understood as a form of claim-language. Once needs are understood in terms of claims, many of the apparent difficulties in conceptualizing the issues dissolve; the main conflicts are between different types of claims, rather than contested definitions of need. Similarly, the establishment of priorities between greater and lesser needs depends on the strength of the claim which the needs present, and the context in which services operate, rather than on intrinsic comparisons between different levels of need. It follows that need is often not the sole, or even the primary, determinant of the legitimacy of a claim. Greater needs only have priority over lesser ones if they also constitute a claim of a different, and stronger, kind.  相似文献   

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