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In 1912 Emile Durkheim predicted that testators would shift their beneficiaries in their last wills from their families to organizations as societies industrialized, primarily because the family would decline as an economic institution. This article analyzes and expands Durkheim's prediction into a “Durkheimian’ theory of organizational inheritance. The 429 last wills filed in the probate court of Providence, Rhode Island, from 1775–1985 are content analyzed in order to test Durkheim's prediction and to determine if other fundamental changes have occurred in testamentary behaviors. Contrary to Durkheim's prediction, families and kin remain as the beneficiaries in more than 90 percent of the sole beneficiary wills and in more than 80 percent of the combined beneficiary wills. Spouses, children, and grandchildren remain as the most frequent beneficiaries. Although many other types of beneficiaries besides family members and voluntary associations were named by testators in 1985, these other types accounted for a relatively small percentage of the beneficiaries. Other factors are suggested that could bring about widespread organizational inheritance during the next twenty years. The family was in the past better suited to ensure the continuity of economic life as well, because it was a small group in direct touch with things and people and also itself endowed with a genuine continuity. To-day this continuity no longer exists. The family is all the time in process of breaking up; it lasts only for a period and it may die out here and there. It no longer has sufficient power to link the generations one to another, in the economic sense. But only a secondary, fairly small medium can be a substitute. This can and should have greater scope than the family because the economic interests themselves have grown. It is not possible for any central organ to be everywhere present and everywhere active at the same moment. All these points, then persuade us in favour of the professional groups. -Emile Durkheim  相似文献   

Using data from the HIS-Graduate Panel 1997, this analysis scrutinizes competing explanations for the gender gap in attainment of first management positions. Homophily, allocative and statistical discrimination as causal mechanisms which studies with a focus on organizations emphasize, in this analysis exert no explanatory power for gender inequality. Two non-organizational factors here fully account for the gender gap. Besides women??s and men??s self-selection into different fields of study, the gender-specific consequences of family formation explain the major part of the gap. Our findings show that motherhood nearly reduces the probability by half for a woman to hold a management position ten years after graduation from university. We argue that family policy and the availability of child care services moderate the size of the mother gap. In line with this reasoning, our results show that the mother gap in early management positions is smaller in East-German states than in West-German states.  相似文献   

This study investigated cross‐level mediational and moderational community and family influences on adolescent depressive symptoms. Using multilevel data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, we predicted that structural community characteristics such as community poverty and ethnic heterogeneity would influence community social resources, which in turn would influence adolescent depressive symptoms. We further predicted that community social resources would influence adolescent depressive symptoms through family social resources. Findings also suggested that the influence of the parent‐child relationship on adolescent depressive symptoms is weaker in more adverse communities than in less adverse communities. The findings underscore the importance of placing family process models within the community context when adolescent outcomes are investigated.  相似文献   

基于全国范围内4739个样本的调查研究发现,青年的婚姻观呈现出多样性和差异性。婚姻基本观念层面,"相互扶持"是结婚的最主要目的,"个人品质"是最重要的择偶标准,六成左右的受访者认为理想的结婚年龄是26-30岁,超过五成的人不能接受同性恋,六成左右的人能接受"裸婚",四成左右的人能接受"闪婚";婚姻经济观念层面,女方家庭更重视对方的经济状况,超过四成的人要求先有房才能结婚,接近六成的人认为买房应由男女双方共同负担;婚姻破坏因素层面,强利益诱惑和弱自身节制促使了婚外情,一成左右的人曾遭受过家暴;生育观念层面,延绵子嗣和老有所依仍是重要的生育目的,性别平等已成为生育中的基本共识,超过五成的受访青年表示在法律和政策允许的情况下想生两个孩子。  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship of women's role modernity to pregnancy planning. The subjects were 59 married primiparous women aged 18 to 33 who had given birth in a metropolitan midwestern hospital. Over 1/2 the sample had some college eduction. The pregnancy planning variable is operationalized as the implementation of family planning goals. Subjects who desired pregnancy and actively attempted to conceive are considered to be planners. In contrast, nonplanners are defined as women who preferred to avoid pregnancy but were not successful and women who did not actively seek or avoid pregancy. The modernity of sex roles variable is operationalized through use of the Scanzoni instrument. This instrument is constructed from a series of items that measure 3 social positions related to sex roles in the family context: those of wife, husband and mother. The instrument is modified in this investigation, leaving 21 5-point scale items to be included in the data analysis. Smallest space analysis of the inter-item correlation matrix demonstrate that the social positions of wife and husband do not clearly reflect different aspects of sex role modernity. A comparison of the average inter-item correlation for the variables within each social position with the average inter-item for the variables across the positions reveals that the dimensions proposed by Scanzoni are not empirically different. In light of these findings, further exploratory data analysis of all items was conducted to discern which items do empirically cluster together. Scanzoni's 21 sex role items were submitted to principal component factor analysis; 3 factors emerged. 1) wife-husband equlity; 2) flexibility in role integration; and 3) values regarding primary role. 3 new sex role modernity values were created to correspond to the 3 factors and were then used to explore the relationship between sex role modernity and pregnancy planning. Chi square analyses were not statistically significant. Therefore, the hypothesis that women at the extremes of the modernity continuum would be more likely to plan than women who fall in the middle, was rejected. Although no relationship between the sex role factors and pregnancy planning was found, 6 of the Scanzoni items, when linearly combined, manifested a strong relationship to planning: 1) wife's emotional nature; 2) wife's most important task is caring for husbands and kids; 3) wife takes job if not satisfied with wife/mom role; 4) wife gives up job if inconveniences husband/kids; 5) wife's job as important as husband's job; 6) women's pay equal to man's. Although 4 of these items load on the sex role factors, it is unclear whether they are truly reflective of these factors.  相似文献   

Aftercare services are acknowledged in the criminal justice system as critical to enabling drug offenders to avoid relapse and reincarceration, but the content too often is unsupported through research. One program funded under the Department of Justice in Maryland interviewed 150 inmates after three months in the community to determine what environmental influences were having the greatest impact on drug reuse. Findings suggest that more emphasis is needed on family relationships before and after release since satisfaction with family life is strongly correlated with drug abuse.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Older women victims of violence by a partner or family member are more often categorized as victims of elder abuse, not victims of family violence. Their needs are assessed, if at all, by social and health service agencies, often with little knowledge or understanding of domestic violence, while domestic violence policy initiatives, advocacy, and services focus on younger women and children. A survey of domestic violence services in British Columbia and the Yukon found that women over 60 years of age were a very small fraction, generally less than two percent, of women served, and those 50 to 59 years of age were also substantially under-represented. Only four percent of respondents had special services for older women. Comments from respondents confirm that abused older women face enormous difficulties in trying to establish a safe and secure future. It was also evident that better interaction is needed between those providing support and advocacy for abused women, and those who provide health and social services for older persons. A majority of the shelters provided community education to a wide range of agencies. Most have only partial accessibility to women with mobility handicaps.  相似文献   


“Part of living in Britain and being Black entails, at the one end, the denial of difference, and at the other, prejudice and hostility on the grounds of difference” (Ann Kutek, 1987). Local authorities have set up training in Racism Awareness, and more recently, Anti-Racism Training (RAT and ART). These moves have led to the assumption that black clients are now receiving a better service. However, research undertaken at Bradford and Warwick Universities suggests that practice, in terms of social work delivery to the client, still remains unhelpful (Jervis, 1986).

My contention is that the initiatives of RAT or ART may certainly have led to a greater political recognition of the needs of black families, but they have not necessarily led to better service. I find it particularly helpful to look at the Four Life Positions formulated in T. A. Harris' book on Transactional Analysis (1970), “I'm O.K. You're O.K.”. There he says that all human interactions fall into one of the following four categories:

Current training in aspects of Racism emphasises that the white races have perceived black races as being inferior and second class. It then attempts to reverse the situation. From a position where the white races feel “I'm O.K.”, and put down the black races into the “You're not O.K.” position, training reverses the roles. The interaction still remains a struggle for power and control, and moves between positions 1 and 3, often via position 2. The training does not seem to facilitate a move on to the fourth T.A. position above, which involves understanding, valuation and respect for each other's differences, and an ability to move on to a shared equal partnership in the immediate here-and-now situation.

I give below a cast-study of an Asian family, in which I hope to demonstrate clearly how they failed to get appropriate help from both a white social worker and an Asian community worker. In looking at these workers' responses, I will attempt to demonstrate how the various interactions during the history of the case stayed locked in Harris' positions 1 and 3, with occasional forays into position 2. In the meantime, the family was pushed further and further down the spiral of total breakdown because the workers remained unable to move on to position 4. Only in this position could they have respected and trusted each other enough to pool the resources of their two agencies in order to move on to concrete constructive steps forward for an extremely stressed and vulnerable family.  相似文献   

This qualitative interview study examined experiences of racialization and coping among 14 adult international adoptees in Finland. The results show that adoptees encounter a range of racializations by which they are made “other” and excluded from Finnishness. Racialization mostly occurs indirectly and subtly, and often by significant others, and consequently is more difficult to cope with. The findings suggest that the Finnish adoption community and adoption research should pay more attention to experiences of racialization among adoptees and take notice of the context-specific nature of coping when supporting adoptees to develop strategies that reduce discrimination and protect their well-being. However, eliminating racism requires interventions at all levels: from the individual to the family, community, and nation.  相似文献   


Older women victims of violence by a partner or family member are more often categorized as victims of elder abuse, not victims of family violence. Their needs are assessed, if at all, by social and health service agencies, often with little knowledge or understanding of domestic violence, while domestic violence policy initiatives, advocacy, and services focus on younger women and children. A survey of domestic violence services in British Columbia and the Yukon found that women over 60 years of age were a very small fraction, generally less than two percent, of women served, and those 50 to 59 years of age were also substantially under-represented. Only four percent of respondents had special services for older women. Comments from respondents confirm that abused older women face enormous difficulties in trying to establish a safe and secure future. It was also evident that better interaction is needed between those providing support and advocacy for abused women, and those who provide health and social services for older persons. A majority of the shelters provided community education to a wide range of agencies. Most have only partial accessibility to women with mobility handicaps.  相似文献   

Readmissions to mental hospitals are often cited as evidence of the failure of the contemporary mental health system. This essay proposes a different interpretation of readmission. Building on fieldwork and participant observation methods, the authors argue that the "veteran" patient is less a victim of poor psychiatric care and misdirected reform than he is a citizen with few personal resources, using public services to cope with the exigencies of life. Lacking family, job, and income, the ex-patient incorporates the hospital and other "therapeutic stations" into a resource pool upon which he or she can call when the need arises. The essay also discusses the implications of these findings for assessments of the community mental health movement.  相似文献   

Previous research on occupational sex segregation agrees that the workplace is not an isolated world but instead influences, and is influenced by, other spheres of social life. Identifying specific social factors both internal and external to the workplace, and how these may interact, can provide deeper insights into how occupational sex segregation is created and maintained. This study focuses on individual family businesses in American harness horse racing, a previously unexamined and highly sex‐segregated industry, and provides insights in how vertical and horizontal sex segregation may develop in family businesses. The findings show how the belief that married couples cannot debate and resolve work‐related conflicts without undue strain on their personal relationship leads some of these couples to organize their work into gendered tasks and workspaces, contributing to the maintenance of vertical segregation in the trainer position. The implications for segregation of other solutions, such as operating separate businesses, or working for another business, are less clear.  相似文献   

Abstract The extended family's role in economic improvement has been extensively debated. From a modernization theory perspective, the extended family is viewed as an institutional obstacle to economic progress, while a social capital perspective suggests that it is an “engine” insofar as it permits individuals to activate networks and pool resources beyond their own. This paper examines, from these perspectives, extended family influences on the use of remittances from transnational migrants. The research asks whether family influences are positive or negative and are more or less important than other factors in determining business investments. The research draws on interviews with 170 family heads in a small community in Pakistan. The results show that relatively little remittance income from family members working in the Middle East was channeled into business investments, despite government incentives offered to migrant households. Most of the extended family measures used in the research are statistically unimportant in explaining level of business investment. There thus appears to be little support for either modernization theory or social capital arguments on the role of the extended family. Of the five operationalized extended family dimensions only one was related to business investment, and that positively. However, “family” considerations are not irrelevant. The best predictors of business investment were a preexisting level of business exposure/experience within the family and whether or not the family head was aware of business investment opportunities. The results raise questions about the need to reconceptualize family influences beyond the formal dimensions of extended family structure.  相似文献   

In addition to coping with intergenerational and spousal problems related to aging and/or immigration, elderly immigrants in Israel are also often burdened with domesticating information and communication technologies (ICTs). Thus, the goal of this study is to explore how relationships within the elderly immigrant’s family are manifested in a home computer context and to determine the roles that domestication of the relevant technologies plays in their family life. This qualitative study is based on in-depth interviews with 26 elderly users who immigrated from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) to Israel about 20 years ago. The findings show that ICT domestication and family dynamics are complex, interrelated processes: Technologies have dramatically changed the elderly immigrants’ family situations, yet immigrants have accorded these technologies unique meaning, adapting them to respond to their family needs and negotiating ICT domestication as a means of discussing and rebuilding family communication.  相似文献   

Although research has explored social factors influencing memory performance during adolescence, the impact of adolescent social network positions remains largely unknown. This study examines whether adolescent network position is associated with memory performance in adulthood, while also considering potential gender differences. The study used a sibling sample from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (N = 2462) and employed sibling fixed effects models to account for unobserved family background factors, such as genetics, parental characteristics, family environment, and childhood neighborhood. Four dimensions of adolescent network position—i.e., popularity, sociality, degree centrality, and closeness centrality—were sociometrically assessed in schools. Memory performance in adulthood was measured using the Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. The sibling fixed effects estimates indicate that sociality, degree centrality, and closeness centrality are significantly associated with increased memory performance in adulthood, even after controlling for unobserved family heterogeneity as well as a set of individual-level covariates. In contrast, controlling for unobserved family heterogeneity attenuated the association for popularity, making it statistically insignificant. This study also provides evidence of gender differences in the association between social network position and memory performance. The associations for popularity, sociality, and degree centrality are more pronounced among men than women. This study’s findings highlight the importance of adolescent network positions as social determinants in shaping cognitive outcomes over the life course. Interventions that encourage positive peer interactions and reduce social isolation during adolescence may help improve cognitive health in the population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of young adults regarding stepparents and parents and to determine whether the family status (intact, single-parent, stepparent) and family satisfaction of the evaluating individuals influenced those perceptions. The 112 college student participants, 79 from intact families, 20 from single-parent families and 13 from stepparent families, rated four family positions on nine bipolar evaluative adjectives. Consistent with the findings of other studies, mothers were perceived more positively than stepmothers and fathers more positively than stepfathers. However, no differences were found between students' perceptions of stepfather and stepmother. Satisfaction influenced perceptions across all status groups and as expected, the satisfied intact family group rated stepmother more negatively than the other two status groups. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   


More than 80 percent of Korean immigrants in the United States attend church on a regular basis. Churches, as informal community organizations, can play a very significant role in protecting children from abuse. This study examines Korean American clerics' knowledge of child abuse, their definition of child abuse, and their familiarity with mandatory child-abuse reporting laws. The study also examines how culture, demographic variables, and individual theological orientation affect their attitudes toward child abuse, mandated child abuse reporting by clergy, and preference of intervention strategies. Major findings include that more than 50 percent of respondents have seen child abuse and neglect among their church members, but the majority who have witnessed child abuse prefer to provide pastoral counseling to the family instead of reporting the case to a child protective agency.  相似文献   


A survey of social workers employed in mental health services was conducted in Victoria in mid-1997. Approximately 300 social workers were identified as working in the sector. About half were employed in adult clinical services, 23% in psychiatric disability services, 12.4% in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services, and the rest in a range of other services. More than 90% worked in a community based service or team. The number of entry-level (SW I) positions in clinical services was found to have declined over the last ten years from 61 to 14, resulting in a lack of opportunities for social workers to gain experience in base grade positions, and difficulty in recruiting to SW II positions. Major issues of concern reported by social workers included: the lack of accommodation and other community resources for consumers; diminished opportunities for professional development, supervision, and discipline-specific training; lack of professional recognition; increasing workloads; and organisational emphasis on throughput rather than quality.  相似文献   

Women migrating transnationally as "entertainers" within Asia are particularly exposed to the possibility of forming relationships in these transnational sites. This is because the nature of their work, which entails chatting and dancing with customers and various forms of sexual labour, including fondling, kissing and sometimes sex, often leads to romantic liaisons with customers in the clubs where they are deployed. This possibility is even more pronounced for women who are trafficked (that is, deceptively recruited and employed) as entertainers, as they often counter the severe vulnerabilities associated with their positions by relying on customers-cum-boyfriends for support and assistance. Marriage is one common result of these liaisons. This paper considers the multiple impacts of such marriages for foreign female entertainers on family. I focus particularly on the ways such marriages can both constrain existing family responsibilities and facilitate new ones. The paper draws on the case of Filipinas married to American soldiers in Korea as a case study for discussion. I suggest that migrant women who become involved in such marriages are often pulled between the potentially conflicting demands of old (within their home countries) and new (with their American soldier husbands) family ties and responsibilities. I also suggest that these women's new families, whilst outwardly displaying elements of traditional gendered household roles and structures, are often characterised by long absences of the husband (to other countries or within the country of residence) and long-term patterns of transnational migration that can have a highly disruptive impact on family arrangements.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes and estimates a model of welfare participation that tests for community effects. Theoretically, the model is consistent with Fischer's (1984) notion of urban life, and a welfare participation model developed by Rank and Hirschl (1993). The empirical analysis includes aggregate and multivariate tests, and an identification of these effects in terms of household knowledge and behavior. We find strong evidence that community structure influences the decision to get food stamps, and one notable difference with the Rank and Hirschl findings: community poverty level is a more powerful and global predictor of participation than is population density. The findings suggest emendations to Wilson's notion of the truly disadvantaged insofar as residence in high poverty areas afford opportunities for information exchange and the development of specialized networks.  相似文献   

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