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无外部市场条件下中间产品转移价格的研究   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
系统地讨论了不存在外部市场条件下中间产品最优转移价格的确定方法. 首先在各分厂 成本函数和最终产品需求函数已知条件下, 分别讨论了各分厂产量相同和产量不同情形下中 间产品最优转移价格的确定问题. 接着讨论了各分厂成本函数和最终产品需求函数未知条件 下中间产品转移价格的确定问题. 本文提出的三种确定中间产品转移价格的方法均给出了具 体的计算公式, 具有较大的理论价值和应用价值.  相似文献   

一种新型的商品最优化定价方法   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
本文在偏态分布[5]及收益区间定位分析[6]的基础上,给出了商品的市场最优定价方法,从而可以方便地计算出商品在市场中的最优销售价及相应的预期利润额;本文同时给出了偏态分布的参数估计方法,这使本文所述最优化定价方法更具实用性。  相似文献   

温瑜 《秘书之友》2023,(1):29-32
<正>2012年秘书学正式列入教育部本科目录,秘书学本科专业课程体系的设置开始进入人们的研究视野。自2013年起,一批学者如石恪[1]、郑美平[2]、李志瑾[3]、蔡茂[4]、杨志兰[5]、高凯山[6]等针对秘书学本科专业课程体系存在的问题提出了有益建议,然而极少有人提及基于OBE教育理念的课程体系建设。而以“学生中心、产出导向、  相似文献   

到目前为止,有关灰色线性规划问题有不少研究,如灰色预测型线性规划[1~6]灰色区间型线性规划[7]等.本文在文献[1~7]的基础上,针对漂移型线性规划问题,运用参数线性规划理论与方法,对其满意解及其性质等进行探研,并提出了一些新的结论,不仅为漂移型线性规划作了一些理论讨论,而且还以应用实例给予示范.  相似文献   

大规模集成电路预烧作业中分批排序问题的数学模型   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
分批排序(Batch Scheduling)是在半导体生产过程的最后阶段提炼出来的一类重要的排序问题。单机分批排序问题就是n个工件在一台机器上加工,要将工件分批,每批最多可以同时加工B个工件,每批的加工时间等于此批工件中的最大的加工时间。Skutella[8]1998年把平行机排序的P||∑ωjCj和R||∑ωjCj表述成二次的0-1整数规划,得到一些令人满意的结果;国内罗守成等[9]、张倩[10]给出了单机排序问题1||∑ωjCj的数学规划表示,对于用数学规划来研究排序问题是一个很有意义的进展。本文首先介绍总完工时间和最小的带权单机分批排序问题1|B|∑ωjCj,然后将1|B|∑ωjCj表示成数学规划的形式,并且用数学规划中的对偶理论证明了SPT序是其特殊情况1|B=1|∑Cj的最优解。  相似文献   

在偏尾分布[2-3]的基础上,本文首次给出了证券价格行为指标、极限价格、均衡价格、重心价格等基本特征的概念及解析表达式,尤其是给出了极限价格和重心价格的计算方法,前者有助于判断价格运行趋势在不同显著水平下的反转位置,后者有助于判断市场当前的价格重心是否合乎理性。  相似文献   

多分销中心供应链模型及其牛鞭效应的H∞控制   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6  
本文在文[1]具有一个分销中心供应链模型的基础上,建立了具有多个分销中心的供应链结构模型,采用供应链上游库存与订货偏差波动之和与下游顾客需求偏差波动之比描述牛鞭效应。提出顾客末端需求波动最差条件下H控制方法,以抑制牛鞭效应。这一方法本质就是供应链末端需求波动最差情况下,制定供应链管理的最优决策。并且以一个石油分销系统为对象进行了供应链牛鞭效应的H控制仿真实验。  相似文献   

在Gennaioli等人[1]建立的标准模型基础上,引入投资者异质性时间偏好和由投资者过度自信引起的异质性信念,探讨投资者非理性对金融风险的影响。研究发现,与Gennaioli等人[1]的结论不一样,银行金融中介并不会利用投资者非理性发行更多的表面无风险实际有风险的债券,因此,非理性投资者参与资产证券化产品的交易并不会增加金融市场的风险。这一结论为信贷资产证券化产品在交易所发行交易,允许中小投资者参与其中提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

顾客忠诚对盈利能力的影响效应   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过构建顾客忠诚与顾客盈利能力关系的数学模型,探讨该数学模型的函数性质,论证了顾客忠诚与顾客盈利能力并非是单调递增关系.同时发现,只有当顾客忠诚培养成本固定不变时,顾客盈利能力才随着顾客忠诚度单调递增.当顾客忠诚培养成本随顾客忠诚度的增大而增大时,存在阀值θ*,使得盈利能力在[0,θ*)区间随顾客忠诚度的增大而增大,在[θ*,1]区间则随顾客忠诚度的增大而减小.论文还讨论了忠诚培养成本率、顾客实现购买率和每次消费金额的大小对θ*的影响.最后,依据研究结论,提出相应的管理建议.  相似文献   

葛婧 《秘书之友》2023,(6):41-43
<正>教育部发布的《高等学校数字校园建设规范(试行)》(教科信函[2021] 14号),鼓励教师开展嵌入式教学,积极促进信息素养与通识课教学内容有机融合,提升学生的综合素质。[1]培养学生的信息素养,有助于提高学生的学习效率,帮助学生快速准确地获取资源,拓宽新知识领域的深度与广度,进而培养学生发现和分析问题的能力,满足国家对高素质技术技能人才的需求。应用文写作课程与信息素养课程在课程设置和教学内容上互相交叉又互为补充[2],目前关于两者结合问题的研究与实践主要集中在应用文写作微课嵌入式教学法方面,将微课作为信息化教学资源,优化教学过程[3]。  相似文献   

耐用品的耐用性会抑制了新一代耐用品的销售,企业通常会采用以旧换新政策来激励新一代耐用品的销售。企业有两种产品设计架构策略:一体化架构策略与模块化架构策略,同时企业也有两种定价策略:静态定价策略和动态定价策略。在这种情况下,企业该如何确定产品设计架构和定价策略?在假定两期内消费者是短视情形下,论文建立了消费者与企业博弈模型分析和比较了三种情况。研究发现,无论是静态定价还是动态定价,无论是模块化架构还是一体化架构,购买了第一代产品的消费者都会整体更换成第二代产品;随着第二代核心系统的质量提升,以旧换新促使企业产品架构选择从一体化架构转变为选择模块化架构;当采用动态定价、第二代核心系统质量提升适中和折扣因子高时,企业会选择模块化架构;当企业采用模块化架构时,以旧换新政策会降低模块化产品第二代核心子系统和基础子系统之间的兼容性;如果两代产品之间的质量差距比较大,企业将会选择动态定价策略,反之会选择静态定价策略。  相似文献   

存在产量和价格竞争外部市场的企业集团转移定价研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文分析了存在产量和价格竞争中间产品外部市场的企业集团转移定价决策问题。得出当存在产量竞争的中间产品外部市场时,均衡转移定价策略是各集团隐藏自己企业的转移价格信息,且转移价格等于边际成本。当存在价格竞争的中间产品外部市场时,若对中间产品的内外部市场实行单一定价,则转移价格决策与中间产品的外部销量大小有关:若对中间产品的内外部市场实行差别定价,则均衡定价策略为转移价格等于边际成本。  相似文献   

目前关于转移定价决策方法的研究文献中,大都忽略了中间产品流转过程中的库存管理成本问题.本文针对这种不足,在充分考虑中间产品流转过程中产生的库存持有成本、订货成本、订单处理成本和启动成本的基础上,研究了企业集团的转移定价决策问题.论文主要讨论了存在竞争性下游子公司的企业集团的转移定价决策问题,得出企业集团提供给一家子公司的最优转移价格为该子公司的边际成本与另一家子公司的最终产品利润加成.加成比例取决于最终产品市场的竞争程度.  相似文献   

We analyze a model that integrates demand shaping via dynamic pricing and risk mitigation via supply diversification. The firm under consideration replenishes a certain product from a set of capacitated suppliers for a price‐dependent demand in each period. Under deterministic capacities, we derive a multilevel base stock list price policy and establish the optimality of cost‐based supplier selection, that is, ordering from a cheaper source before more expensive ones. With general random capacities, however, neither result holds. While it is optimal to price low for a high inventory level, the optimal order quantities are not monotone with respect to the inventory level. In general, a near reorder‐point policy should be followed. Specifically, there is a reorder point for each supplier such that no order is issued to him when the inventory level is above this point and a positive order is placed almost everywhere when the inventory level is below this point. Under this policy, it may be profitable to order exclusively from the most expensive source. We characterize conditions under which a strict reorder‐point policy and a cost‐based supplier‐selection criterion become optimal. Moreover, we quantify the benefit from dynamic pricing, as opposed to static pricing, and the benefit from multiple sourcing, as opposed to single sourcing. We show that these two strategies exhibit a substitutable relationship. Dynamic pricing is less effective under multiple sourcing than under single sourcing, and supplier diversification is less valuable with price adjustments than without. Under limited supply, dynamic pricing yields a robust, long‐term profit improvement. The value of supply diversification, in contrast, mainly comes from added capacities and is most significant in the short run.  相似文献   

In today's complex and dynamic supply chain markets, information systems are essential for effective supply chain management. Complex decision making processes on strategic, tactical, and operational levels require substantial timely support in order to contribute to organizations' agility. Consequently, there is a need for sophisticated dynamic product pricing mechanisms that can adapt quickly to changing market conditions and competitors' strategies. We propose a two‐layered machine learning approach to compute tactical pricing decisions in real time. The first layer estimates prevailing economic conditions—economic regimes—identifying and predicting current and future market conditions. In the second layer, we train a neural network for each regime to estimate price distributions in real time using available information. The neural networks compute offer acceptance probabilities from a tactical perspective to meet desired sales quotas. We validate our approach in the trading agent competition for supply chain management. When competing against the world's leading agents, the performance of our system significantly improves compared to using only economic regimes to predict prices. Profits increase significantly even though the prices and sales volume do not change significantly. Instead, tactical pricing results in a more efficient sales strategy by reducing both finished goods and components inventory costs.  相似文献   

We consider a dynamic pricing problem that involves selling a given inventory of a single product over a short, two‐period selling season. There is insufficient time to replenish inventory during this season, hence sales are made entirely from inventory. The demand for the product is a stochastic, nonincreasing function of price. We assume interval uncertainty for demand, that is, knowledge of upper and lower bounds but not a probability distribution, with no correlation between the two periods. We minimize the maximum total regret over the two periods that results from the pricing decisions. We consider a dynamic model where the decision maker chooses the price for each period contingent on the remaining inventory at the beginning of the period, and a static model where the decision maker chooses the prices for both periods at the beginning of the first period. Both models can be solved by a polynomial time algorithm that solves systems of linear inequalities. Our computational study demonstrates that the prices generated by both our models are insensitive to errors in estimating the demand intervals. Our dynamic model outperforms our static model and two classical approaches that do not use demand probability distributions, when evaluated by maximum regret, average relative regret, variability, and risk measures. Further, our dynamic model generates a total expected revenue which closely approximates that of a maximum expected revenue approach which requires demand probability distributions.  相似文献   

鉴于交叉网络效应导致用户加入双边平台的效用随用户规模动态变化,提出根据用户规模进行适应性动态定价的策略思想,并运用数值计算方法对该定价策略的效果进行深入研究。首先,引入平台动态竞争建模方法,构建了包含用户规模的双边平台适应性动态定价模型;接着,根据数值计算结果对动态定价与静态定价的效果进行比较;最后,考察了平台竞争主要参数的变化对动态定价策略效果的影响。研究表明:(1)动态定价显著优于静态定价,模型主要参数的取值变动不会改变动态定价具有相对优势这个定性结论;(2)提升服务质量或改变基准用户数不会明显增加动态定价的相对优势,但强交叉网络效应或前瞻性用户都会增强动态定价的相对优势。研究结果有助于平台企业管理者更好地制定平台定价策略。  相似文献   

In the last few years, adoption of cloud computing has shown a marked increase across the world. Moreover, the smaller markets, viz., Asia-Pacific, Latin America, Middle-East, etc., are expected to grow at more than the average rate for the next few years. While this is good news for cloud service providers, significant obstacles to cloud adoption still remain a major cause of concern, for example, the quality of broadband services. As the quality of broadband services is not uniform across the different geographies, pricing of cloud services must take this non-uniformity into account. This paper provides managerial guidelines for cloud service providers on pricing their offerings. We develop optimal pricing strategies for a typical cloud service provider by modeling the utility of a customer of cloud services as a function of two vectors. The first vector is a set of parameters which contribute positively to the utility of a customer, and the second vector is a set of parameters which have a negative effect on the utility. We explore two pricing plans: usage based and fixed fee plan; determine the conditions under which customers would select one plan over another, and discuss the significance of these conditions for cloud service providers.  相似文献   

为了研究该问题,本文构建了一个广告和价格的动态模型,来研究一个双寡头市场环境下两个寡头企业的价格和广告决策,并以此分析参考价格效应的作用。具体而言,我们假定企业可以采用广告承诺和价格承诺中的一种,其中前者承诺其在一段时间内的广告投入量恒定不变,而后者确保价格不变。两种策略不仅会影响消费者的购买决策,也会影响竞争对手的选择。在上述假定下,我们探讨了两个寡头企业在都采用广告承诺、都采用价格承诺及一个企业采用广告承诺而另一个企业采用价格承诺等三种不同情形下的最优广告和价格决策,并以此分析了三种情形下参考价格效应对最优的广告投入及定价策略的影响。最后,通过数值分析,探讨了不同情形下企业的最优策略选择。  相似文献   

首先,从一般需求函数出发,得出两部技术转移定价法的一般解析表达式。然后,以线性需求函数为例,通过数值计算,对比分析了收益分成比例、最终产品价格、研发企业利润和受让方企业利润随着转让方和受让方股权比例的不同而变化的趋势。最后,分析得出,通过采用前期固定费用加后期收益分成的两部转移定价方法,不仅可以使研发企业的利润最优,同时还可以缓解技术受让方在单一定价方法下的一次性支出所带来的巨大资金压力和较高风险水平,并且将研发企业的利润与受让方的未来收益紧密联系,实现了双方的收益共享和风险共担。  相似文献   

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