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刘鑫 《现代交际》2014,(12):4-5
大学生"村官"作为一个新的社会角色,近几年来成为专家和学者普遍热议和调查研究的一个话题。大学生"村官"作为知识精英,下到偏远农村工作,这种现象就像当初的知识青年下乡一样,在社会上引起不小的"风波"。作为特殊历史时期,国家政策下产生的一个新的社会角色——大学生"村官",一方面他们是"大学生",是国家的栋梁和希望,是"天之骄子",拥有着较高科技和知识的佼佼者;另一面他们同时又是"村官",政策话语赋予了他们另一个身份。"村官"是很多人用来称呼农村的党支部书记和村长的用语。大学生"村官"这个集合着知识和权利的角色名词诞生了,同时,大学生"村官"这一角色开始活跃在农村的广袤大地上。初出茅庐的大学生如何让自己演绎好"村官"这个角色?如何让自己在角色扮演过程中明确角色的责任、权利、义务和行为方式?如何明确这一新角色的定位?本篇论文在社会学视角下,试图研究大学生"村官"在国家话语的召唤下,其在角色期待、角色认知和角色领悟等角色社会化的过程。随着外部话语环境改变和他者期待的明确,大学生"村官"不断明确"村官"的责任、权利和义务,以及明确"村官"的行为方式和角色定位。大学生"村官"角色社会化成功与否直接关系到其在农村建设中发挥的作用,希望为政府部门提供改进大学生"村官"政策的参考,让大学生"村官"更好地适应农村的生活和工作,更好地为农民服务。  相似文献   

从2008年大学生"村官"政策实施至今,已经有5年的时间。大学生"村官"因角色认知的价值取向和角色领悟的建构张力不同发生了群体分化,形成了四种不同的角色建构类型,分别是社会价值取向下的主动变革模式、社会价值取向下的被动适应模式、个人价值取向下的主动变革模式、个人价值取向下的被动适应模式,这四种模式下的大学生"村官"在角色建构的不同阶段表现出不同的建构张力,呈现出不同的特点。  相似文献   

大学生“村官”的适应性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近几年国家相关政策的鼓励和支持下,全国开始了大范围的大学生"村官"引进工程。但大学生"村官"由于受年龄、阅历及心理等诸多因素的影响,其与农村工作、生活的不适应逐步显现。要做好大学生"村官"培养工作,这既要从"村官"自身的努力入手,也要从用人机制的健全入手,以确保大学生"村官"能够下得去、用得上、干得好、留得住,充分在推进社会主义新农村建设中发挥作用。  相似文献   

关于"大学生村官"的话题。可追溯到1995年。为解决"三农"问题,当时江苏省率先开始招聘大学生担任农村基层干部;1999年海南率先吃螃蟹.启动"大学生村官"计划;2005年6月,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅下发了《关于引导和鼓励高校毕业生面向基层就业的意见》的文件。自那以后,选派优秀大学生到农村担任"村官",便成为一种时代新潮;截至2008年2月底,全国共有28个省市区启动"大学生村官计划".其中17个省市区启动了"村村有大学生村官计划";2008年3月,中央组织部会同教育部、财政部、人力资源和社会保障部召开选聘高校毕业生到村任职工作座谈会。部署选聘高校毕业生到村任职工作,大学生"村官"工作进入一个全新的发展时期。  相似文献   

后扶贫时代,我国脱贫攻坚工作已进入关键期,亟待冲破数量多、难度大、时间紧的难题,急需充分发挥大学生村官的作用。在对后扶贫时代农村贫困人口贫困的现状和成因进行分析的基础上,分析大学生村官助力精准扶贫的主要方式,并从加强对大学生村官的培训、建立大学生村官激励机制、完善大学生村官长效机制、加强社会合力等层面提出了激发大学生村官在精准扶贫工作中作用发挥的建议。  相似文献   

文中从角色理论、社会资本理论、经济人、社会工作、乡村治理、社会性剐理论等视角探讨了大学生村官工程的提出、发展及其所存在问题等相关议题.大学生村官是国家和大学生个人作为经济人的理性选择,他们理应扮演着协助者与农村社会工作者的角色,但大学生村官在熟人社会的农村缺少必要的社会资本和权威,代表国家权威的大学生村官难以成为国家的代理人和村民的保护者,对于相对弱势的女大学生村官而言更是如此.  相似文献   

在对福建泉州大学生"村官"基层社会关系调研的基础上,文章首先分析了大学生"村官"基层社会关系呈现的社交格局差序化、社交联结功能化、社交互动结构化和社交测量复杂化等特质,随后指出其在基层社会交往中存在的问题,并从大学生"村官"软实力打造和政府层面的制度保障两个角度进行思考。  相似文献   

通过论述大学生村官融基层、献良计、强宣导、树新风工作理念,提出了大学生村官助推"两学一做"学习教育、农村党员干部现代远程教育和"党性党风党纪"教育月走深走实的具体措施,措施因地制宜、因层施策、因人施教,深入分析了大学生村官参与农村精神文明建设的重要作用。作为服务基层的新生力量,大学生村官要立足农村、服务农民,勇于创新、常于探索,为责任担当、为时代发声,积极为农村精神文明建设奉献青春、智慧和力量。  相似文献   

村官生活,是一种经历,是一次磨练,是一笔财富.回想起到村任职的点点滴滴,很多场景都历历在目. 上面千条线,下面一根针——基层工作的特殊性,让我为自己定下了座右铭:说一千道一万,两横一竖就是干.我要做一名实干型的大学生村官,为我的村子撰写出一篇"干线穿针"的好文章! 2008年的那个夏天,作为天津市委组织部首批招考的大学生村官,我来到东丽区,进入顾庄村.初到村内,并没有看到想象中的"夹道欢迎",映入眼帘的只是村委会领导和村民们的怀疑——"一个乳臭未干的小丫头能干啥?"  相似文献   

为了拓展大学生就业渠道,进一步巩固党的基层组织建设,培养更接地气的基层干部队伍,促进基层农牧区长治久安和长足发展,西藏自治区从2008年开始通过公招考试面向高校毕业生招聘大学生村官。和全国其他省市的大学生村官一样,我区的大学生村官在工作和生活中面临同样的问题,存在共性的不适应。但同时由于,西藏特殊的自然环境、生活条件、基础设施以及社会风俗习惯等原因,我区大学生村官的不适应现象有其特殊性。通过实地调研和大学生村官面对面交谈,我们了解到他们的生活工作和心理状况,发现他们的问题主要表现为环境上、生活上、工作上和精神上的不适应。  相似文献   

Political opportunity theory predicts that increased access to the political system benefits social movements by disadvantaged groups. To test this prediction, this paper evaluates the impact of two elected Hmong American officials on social movement campaigns in their community during their time in office. Content analysis of newspaper reports is used to (i) create a sample of nine local, national, and transnational social movement campaigns in the community; and (ii) determine in which of four possible ways the elected officials supported the campaigns: favorable media interviews, speeches at events, event organization, and legislation initiation. Only the two transnational campaigns which mobilized the entire community received all four types of support. The paper concludes that elected officials, even former activists from an ethnic minority community, carefully select the causes they will fully support. After electoral victory, social movements must still actively engage sympathetic politicians in order to turn an opening in the political system into actual access to power.  相似文献   

This participant observation study examines some of the definitional and dramaturgical work performed by basketball officials attempting to enforce formal rules in the presence of audiences (e.g., spectators, coaches, players and fellow officials). Our analysis begins with the discovery that officiating requires participation in both a real world of physical events and objects, and a social world of subjective identifications. Second, we explore the contexts of legitimation by which decisions are justified. Third, we identify dramaturgical strategies used by officials to enhance legitimacy in the face of problematic decisions. Finally, we consider the assumptions officials make about the character of their work. The paper concludes with a discussion of indexical and interpretive features of organizational and bureaucratic use of formal rules, including the case of basketball officiating.An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Sociological Society, Knoxville, Tennessee, March, 1980. We would like to thank Michael Hughes and James Michaels for abetting suggestions and comments. The authors share equal responsibility for the paper; the names have been listed alphabetically.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to map, in a limited area inside and outside of the worksite, the environmental impact generated by sound pollution coming from the driving of foundation piles for high rise buildings, as well as to observe and check if the noise levels produced by the emitting source are tolerable in the urban environment. The methodology of the work includes a survey of technical references about the subject; measurement of noises surrounding the worksite during the foundation phase for four distinct buildings, with different types of piles: prefabricated piles, continuous helical displacement piles , traditional compaction piles and Terra Probe compaction piles. A grid of points was built due to the time of driving and after that the measurements of environmental noises were performed emitted by the execution of each type of pile using a sound level meter. The interpretation of the measurements and their impacts on the neighborhood of the building were performed using the computational tool Suffer for creating noise level contours. The X and Y axes of the grid represent the distances in meters of the area studied and the Z axis represents the noise measured in dB. The contours developed represent the mapping of the noise at the worksites and their surroundings. The mapping of the urban impact of noise, the measurement of its dimensions, and the examination of its propagation around the building are important subsides to adequate individual and collective protection procedures. Seventy one points were measured at four building sites with different types of piles, and the results showed that at only three points was the noise within the limits of the Municipal Law of Recife of 70 dB, which proves the relevance of the research. Finally, the comparative analysis between the four types of piles shows that the continuous helical displacement pile emits the lowest noise level among the four pile types studied.  相似文献   

Dictators frequently shuffle their officials to break up potentially threatening cliques within their regimes. Yet, how they go about rearranging their officials is not well understood. Using network analysis and focusing on the last emperor of Ethiopia, this paper offers a systematic analysis of shuffling by tracing the movements of subordinates over the course of thirty four years. The results show that while officials where frequently shuffled, their movements were confined within clusters of different branches. Such circumscribed movements, I argue, represent the mechanism by which dictators reconcile the tradeoff between suppressing potential rivals and encouraging expertise for the proper functioning of the state apparatus.  相似文献   

A national survey using a mailed questionnaire was undertaken to clarify issues of mental health district governance. CMHC, state hospital and district management and governance staff from 49 identified districts classified their districts on 20 types of decision authority and 14 measures of district effectiveness. Each respondent type thought their districts: (1) dealt with state money issues, seeking regional money, and coordinating/changing programs and services, and (2) effectively enhanced planning capabilities. Service providers did not find planning capabilities to be systematically related to specific decision authorities. CMHC management perceived less district control than district officials and, with state hospital management, perceived less effectiveness. District and CMHC officials see a direct relationship between district control and effectiveness. In a subsample of 11 districts each described by multiple respondent types, no item of authority or effectiveness was rated universally positive by all groups. District management subjectivity and legislative implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to move beyond the restrictions of limited representations of women's participation in the union movement. Through a focus on the union movement as a ‘greedy institution’, it is argued that women's union involvement requires complex and dynamic negotiations with its gendered discourses and practices. As a greedy institution, the union movement demands considerable depth of commitment and loyalty, as well as high levels of work and emotional labour. Based on a study of a network of women union officials, this paper discusses the ways women interpret three main aspects of trade union work: commitment, workload and emotional labour. I argue that the strategies the women officials employ do not remain static within a limited frame of gender difference from men. Rather, they must engage with the effects of male dominance of the union movement as well as the difficulties associated with union activism, family, service to members, leadership, and care in order to take up the political opportunities available in this greedy institution.  相似文献   

This paper explores inherent tensions between two democratic ideals: citizen representation and accountability of the state. Specifically, I argue that the method by which state officials make themselves accountable—through their creation of the appearance of transparency—results in the exclusion of alternative, non-scientific ways of knowing, including those that are gendered, local and indigenous, because these ways of knowing often employ non-standardized methods which are not “transparent” in the same way as science and therefore easily dismissed by state officials as indefensible to citizens’ questioning. I explore this tension by drawing on examples from ethnographic work I completed with two groups of knowledge practitioners, Kwakwaka’wakw First Nations (Native American) traditional marine harvesters and government biologists, both of whom work with clams.  相似文献   

改造"城中村",有利于改善居民居住生活质量,促进城乡统筹发展;有利于盘活存量用地,推进土地的节约、集约利用;有利于改善城乡形象、推进宜居城市建设。上海进一步推进"城中村"改造,须加强领导,推进"城中村"改造的体制机制建设;要均衡各方利益,调动政府、开发商和农民三方的积极性;要摸清底数,对纳入全市统一改造计划内的"城中村"实行目录管理;要因地制宜,针对各个"城中村"不同的情况进行分类指导;要突破创新,建立、健全支持"城中村"改造的政策体系;要营造氛围,形成有利于推进"城中村"改造的良好外部环境。  相似文献   

Youth gambling was investigated in a prospective sample of 532 Minnesota adolescents and young adults. Of particular interest was the possible impact among the study sample of a recent state lottery and of reaching the legal age for gambling on changes in the rate and type of gambling. Overall rates of gambling involvement and pathological gambling did not change across the 1.5 year interval. However, a preference for certain types of gambling activities (e.g., lottery, casino machines) significantly increased, whereas more informal and unregulated games (e.g., betting on games of personal skill) significantly decreased. Also, access to gambling activities by underage youths was high, suggesting the need for tighter controls of legalized games and greater awareness of this problem by the gaming industry and public health officials.Support for this study was provided by the Minnesota Department of Human Services, Compulsive Gambling Treatment Program. A version of this work was presented at the Seventh National Conference on Gambling Behavior, July 24, 1994, New London, CT.  相似文献   

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