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1981—1993年叶叔华任中国科学院上海天文台台长,她是中国唯一的女天文台台长。有人说她是名副其实的“追星族”,因为一颗名为“叶叔华星”(该命名经国际天文家联合会批准)的行星在天际闪耀。从守望星空的小姑娘磨砺成建立“北京时间”的女天文学家,使我国世界时系统的精度进入国际先进行列,叶叔华经历了不平凡的人生路。  相似文献   

上海市人大副主任、市科协主席、论坛组委会主任叶叔华在10月19日召开的“2000上海科技论坛新闻发布会”上宣布:以“世纪之交的思考”为主题的“2000上海科技论坛”,经过300多位科学家一年多的精心酝酿、筹划和准备,于11月7日至10日举行。  相似文献   

曾舞·浪漫红尘中这是一个无知者的提问─—女为谁容?答曰:“女为悦己者容!”“赤橙黄绿,勾勾描描,只要哥哥欢喜。”这是伊的话。这句古语的前提是,先有“悦己者”的存在,而后才是“女”之“容”。能不能较个真儿:其一,如果没有“悦己者”,这“女”还“容”不“...  相似文献   

最幸福的时刻 男:“你一天最幸福的时刻是什么?”女:“一天中最幸福的时刻就是下班后你骑自行车载着我到街角那边吃卤肉饭。”男:“说实话。”女:“你骑自行车载我去吃卤肉饭。”男:“说实话。”女:“吃卤肉饭。”  相似文献   

女研究生属第三种性别“大学校园流行一种说法,现在共有三种性别:男生、女生、女研究生!”在成都市社会科学界联合会第三次代表大会上,成都市妇女问题理论研究会会长吴晓鸣对高校校园流行的“第三性别”现象提出异议:“为什么把女研究生的性别介于女性和男性之间?”“把‘女研究生’单列出来,在女性和男性之间被视为‘第三性别’,其主要原因是觉得她们只会读书,不修边幅,没女人味!”吴晓鸣在成都几所著名大学进行了调查,不少在校生提起女研究生都有点“望而生畏”,“她们知识丰富,书读得多,但我不会找她们做女朋友。”“第三类人”、“女强…  相似文献   

“吵女”的出现“超女”好像一直在“吵”。看李宇春还是周笔畅?喜欢张楚格还是龚贺?一片争执之中忽然有大义存焉,于是就有了“吵女”:有人看“超女”入迷了,就干脆辞职,离开不喜欢“超女”的同事们;有人看“超女”动了气,到处嚷嚷要揭发东南西北各方诸侯……总而言之,老百姓哄吵超级女声是不是好玩意儿;知识分子哄吵超级女声是不是民主时代的预演。这一场“吵女”的事,已经成为今天电视文化中意味深长的现代景观。“吵女”的出现,也就意味着“电视广场”已经呈现在了我们眼前。所谓“广场”,乃是一种人类社会活动的关键空间。在柏拉图那里,…  相似文献   

刘佑华 《老年世界》2006,(19):34-34
八月上旬.内蒙古博物馆文博技术开发中心,特邀河南省中州书画院联合博物馆世纪厅举办了为期六天的“中州书画院名人名家书画作品收藏展”。在展出的近200幅书画作品中,有一幅奇异的古文字“女书”作品引起了不少书家、书画爱好者和广大观众的关注和兴趣。都说:“这样的文字书体过去没见过。”这幅古文字“女书”作品是河南中州书画院院长、著名“女书”研究专家、民俗文学家闫春茂先生创作的。闫先生说“女书”又称“天书”。其笔画为柳叶状,有人称之为“柳叶文”.还有人认为其形如虫,又称“虫体文”,是原始的性别文字,用笔提按明显,轻重分明,字型美观,耐人寻味。  相似文献   

<正>本期话题:女硕士征婚要求“父母双亡”女硕士袁素文在一家人气颇旺的网站发帖,开门见山地表达了她的征婚意愿:“最重要的一点:我心中的他是个孤儿。”袁素文解释道,“没有爸妈的男  相似文献   

娶个﹃能妻﹄又何妨菲尔周围不少女孩子,聪明能干,学历高,人品好,工作也不差,偏偏到了婚嫁年龄迟迟未嫁。有人分析个中原因:现在的择偶标准是“中男”找“下女”,“上男”找“中女”,“下男”找“下女”,最后只剩“上女”无人娶。上自国家相当一级干部,下到普通...  相似文献   

“女汉子”这一词,很早就有,但是火起来,是由名模、主持人李艾在新浪微博发起的“女汉子的自我修养”这一话题引起的。通常用来形容那些性格“纯爷们儿”的姑娘。有人把女汉子归为男人和女人之外,世界上存活的第三种人。  相似文献   

Lisa Disch 《Cultural Studies》2013,27(2-3):207-222
This article compares the conceptions of democratic representation found in the work of Ernesto Laclau and Hanna Pitkin. Whereas Laclau takes Pitkin as his foil, I contend that her treatment of representation has much more in common with Laclau's than he gives her credit for. Pitkin made a bold critique of foundationalist notions of responsiveness and acknowledged representation's constitutive function. Yet, her antipathy to symbolic representation made Pitkin recoil from the most radical implications of her argument: she would see as a threat to democratic politics that which Laclau casts as its vitality. Laclau's work, then, does not merely refute Pitkin's but advances a line of argument that she set into motion.  相似文献   

1998年7月21日,在美国参加第四届友好运动会的中国女子体操队队员桑兰在赛前练习中颈椎受重伤,胸部以下瘫痪。在遭受如此重大的变故后,当时仅17岁的桑兰表现出难得的坚毅。她说:"我对自己有信心,我永远不会放弃希望。"10年来,桑兰用她的勇气延续着自己的梦想,坚持治疗、在北大求学、担任北京申奥大使、主持奥运电视节目、当选北京奥运会火炬手……她充满力量的笑容总能给人希望!  相似文献   

The Fairy Tale of Andersen is the most popular children’s book in the world.It is a story set,which has many interesting and full of philosophy.It has been translated into many languages and many different versions.But Ye Junjian’s translation is that I think the most literary.His translation not only follows Yan fu’s"faithfulness,expressiveness,elegance"but has his own unique creative.His translation of Andersen’s Fairy Tales is not only easy to understand its language and fluent and elegant,but also has the rich value of literature appreciation.So,my thesis is to study the literary nature of the Fairy Tales of Andersen in Ye Junjian from his translation language.  相似文献   


How can women deal with unwanted sexual advances from male dating partners in ways that are effective and that, at least initially, take the men's feelings into account? In Study 1,354 under graduate men watched videotapes in which a woman either did or did not openly communicate early during a date that she did not want to do more than kiss. Open communication decreased men's ratings of how much she wanted petting and intercourse, how likely they would be to attempt these behaviors with her, and how “led on” they would feel if they attempted these behaviors and she refused. In Study 2, 424 undergraduate men were presented with 28 responses women could make to a man's sexual advances. They rated each on its effectiveness in getting them to stop their advances and its effect on the relationship. Women can use this information when responding to unwanted sexual advances, taking into account the relative importance of stopping the advance and maintaining the relationship.  相似文献   

This paper develops a strategic model of procrastination in which present‐biased agents prefer to perform an onerous task with someone else. This turns their decision of when to perform the task into a procrastination game—a dynamic coordination game between present‐biased players. The model characterizes the conditions under which interaction mitigates or exacerbates procrastination. A procrastinator matched with a worse procrastinator may perform her task earlier than she otherwise would: she wants to avoid the increased temptation that her peer's company would generate. Procrastinators can thus use bad company as a commitment device to mitigate their self‐control problem. (JEL C72, C73, D03, D91)  相似文献   

Premarital sex is becoming increasingly more common in China. As a result, there is a greater need for pregnancy termination, often in very young women. This paper presents case vignettes of 4 Chinese women who were forced, by a variety of circumstances, to undergo induced abortion. C, a 23-year-old shop assistant, was planning marriage and had obtained housing when she discovered she was pregnant. However, her shop manager, whose sexual advances she had spurned, refused to give her a letter of reccommendation for a marriage certificate. M came from the countryside to Shanghai, hoping that through her work as a maid, she would be able to amass modern possessions such as a television and stereo. When this proved impossible on her wage of 40 yuan/month, she engaged in prostitution for 10 yuan/night and did not even know the name of the man who impregnated her. W, a 13-year-old aspiring actress, found that having sexual relations with the director of her theater troupe was the only way to get a leading role. She won the role, but was unable to perform due to her pregnancy. B, a college woman, planned to marry when she learned she was pregnant but broke off the relationship when she discovered the extent of her financee's possessiveness. She became engaged to another man, but he rejected her when she revealed that she was not a virgin. These vignettes demonstrate the extent to which modernization has placed Chinese women in complex psychological situations as they struggle to liberate themselves from traditionalism.  相似文献   

This exploratory case study investigates pathways taken by a Canadian French immersion high school teacher invested in pedagogical change. To fairly evaluate the successfulness of her attempt to effect change, Cummins’ ‘framework of coercive and collaborative relations of power manifested in macro- and micro-interactions’ was employed. Its use shed light on the structural adaptations needed for the innovation she was attempting to introduce to succeed. The teacher wanted to introduce plurilingual pedagogy informed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) into a French-medium content-based course by drawing on student ease with using technology such as i-Movie. The findings gained through an analysis of classroom-based observation, interviews, documents and artefacts suggest the structural challenges she faced led her to make decisions at odds with her beliefs and goal of implementing innovative pedagogy (she modified a key aspect of a social justice task). They further suggest a mismatch between what she anticipated student reactions to the innovation would be as compared to their actual reactions. Students welcomed the chance to draw on their out-of-school digital knowledge to reflect their (linguistic) identity through their work, suggesting IT-enabled plurilingual pedagogy informed by the CEFR merits further exploration.  相似文献   

An examination of birth mothers' perceptions of the relationship between the children she is parenting and the children she placed for adoption offers unique insight into the life course of openness. In the present study, 94 birth mothers from the United States participated in a semi-structured interview, discussing their oldest parented children's knowledge of and experience with their siblings placed for adoption. Results show that 59 birth mothers have an oldest parented child who is aware of their adopted sibling, although 4 of these do not know their true relationship with the adopted sibling. Of these, 27 had direct contact with the adopted sibling, 4 had indirect contact through the birth mother, and 1 had previous contact that has since ceased. A majority of birth mothers indicated that their oldest parented child would like more contact, direct contact, or more information about the adopted youth. Implications for research and practice with birth mothers and their children separated by adoption are discussed.  相似文献   

When the Western Australian government announced in 2010 that Indigenous people would be compensated for unpaid wages, a Yindjibarndi woman named Bigali Hanlon submitted an application to access her government files so that she could lodge a claim. At the age of four, Bigali was taken from her home in Mulga Downs, Western Australia to live in a church‐run hostel for ‘fair‐skinned’ Indigenous children until she was sent into indentured domestic service as a teenager. Three large files document her history. These files, combined with in‐depth interviews, and a film about Bigali and other Indigenous Australian people, Walking Tracks Back Home, form the basis of this article. In reflecting on the issues raised by Bigali's story, we draw on feminist writing on the costs associated with being called to give an account of oneself, considering how listening might form the basis of an ethics of recognition in feminist praxis.  相似文献   

Introducing Lisa K. Bernhardt , who now heads her LKB Strategies, which lobbies for public health organizations. For many, she needs no introduction: She has a long history on Capitol Hill and in the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Nobody on the Hill knows more about the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment block grant (SAPT BG). From 2010 until last fall, she was the top staffer at the Senate Appropriations Committee, Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education & Related Agencies. Prior to that, she was a budget analyst at HHS for eight years and interned there for two years previously. She knows how things work. When she left Capitol Hill last October, she did so because she felt she could do more good as an advocate helping public health navigate the appropriations process. We have known her for years as a source. Now she is out there helping people work through the systems she knows inside and out. When she worked for the great Sen. Tom Harkin (D‐Iowa), with whom she was in lockstep on policy, legislative language was clear and to the point. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, which had been hankering to get SAPT BG money into mental health, was put in its place more than once. There was no tinkering with the law. Thank you for your years of service, Lisa, and welcome to the exciting world of the private sector. To reach her, email Lisa.Bernhardt@LKBStrategies.com .  相似文献   

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