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甘肃省少数民族地区的计划生育工作在省委、省政府和各级党委、政府的重视和领导下,在计划生育各部门同力协作,广大群众的大力支持下,近几年取得了显著成效。一是少数民族地区干部、群众对实行计划生育的必要性和紧迫性的认识有了明显提高。通过近几年广泛、深入的宣传教育,广大少数民族干部、群众对民族地区人口与社会经济发展的关系,以及实行计划生育对促进民族繁荣,  相似文献   

新疆维吾尔自治区是一个多民族聚居区,除汉族外,有维吾尔、哈萨克、回、蒙等十几个少数民族。在少数民族中如何开展计划生育?笔者曾就此问题走访有关计划生育部门,并做了一些调查。现就这个问题谈一些看法。 一、开展计划生育的政策依据 少数民族实行计划生育,中央和自治区已有明确规定。1982年2月中共中央、国务院《关于进一步做好计划生育工作的指示》  相似文献   

中国1990年人口普查民族人口研讨会于1993年5月18—22日在北京举行。国务委员兼国家计生委主任彭珮云到会听取大会发言并即席讲了话。她说:我国要建成一个有中国特色的、文明、富裕的社会主义强国,实现各民族共同繁荣的目标,就必须贯彻控制人口数量、提高人口素质这一基本国策。少数民族也要实行计划生育。在今年党中央召开的计划生育座谈会上,江泽民总书记专门讲了关于少数民族人口实行计划生育的问题。彭任说,据她了解,少数民族地区在计划生育工作方面,在原来基础上已经取得了很大成绩,但困  相似文献   

侗寨占里长期实行计划生育的绩效与启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
笔者通过实地调查,对侗寨占里长期以来实行计划生育的绩效进行了总结,探析了该地实行计划生育、保持人口恒定的社会机制和具体方法.认为占里侗族的人均意识、生育文化及其实践经验,对搞好中国少数民族地区的人口与计划生育工作具有重要的现实意义和参考价值.  相似文献   

一九八二年八月二十三日至八月三十日,在兰州召开了全国少数民族人口调研会。与会代表一致认为:少数民族也应实行计划生育。近几年来,中国人口学会非常重视少数民族人口调研工作,积极组织人口工作者对少数民族人口的现状、特点、发展趋势进行调查研究。人口工作者通过调查掌握了大量的第一手材料,前不久他们在兰州专门召开这方面的会议。来自四川、云南、贵州、广西、湖南、青海、新疆、宁夏、甘肃、北京、内蒙古等省、市、区的代表,向会议提交了四十一份论文和调查报告,他们用这些材料说明,少数民族也应立即实行计划生育。  相似文献   

一引言随着我国计划生育工作的深入开展,少数民族,特别是农村少数民族的计划生育工作日益受到重视。由于农村少数民族在地理分布、经济发展、受教育程度、卫生与健康水平等方面同农村汉族相比均有其一定的特殊性,因而农村少数民族妇女与汉族妇女的生育意愿与实际生育水平必然存在着相应的差别。在制定和完善计划生育政策的过程中,虽然从总体上来说,少数民族也要实行计划生育,但是在具体要求和做法上,与汉族有一定区别。同时,由于各个少数民族的历史及现有人口的规模、人口增长的趋势和速度,生育率水平等方面的差异,因而对各个不同少数民族的具体要求也不完全一致。  相似文献   

青海省地处青藏高原东部,境内居住着汉、藏、回、土、蒙、撒拉等35个少数民族,少数民族人口占全省总人口的40.07%,自70年代实行计划生育以来,在控制人口过快增长,促进社会经济发展方面取得了明显成效.为提高计划生育管理,进一步贯彻“三为主”方针,走符合青海多民族地区实际的计划生育工作道路,笔者谈一点粗浅的认识.  相似文献   

人口较少民族人口与计划生育地方立法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于《人口与计划生育法》的授权及《宪法》、《立法法》关于民族自治地方变通立法权的规定,各省、市及部分自治地方相继进行了少数民族人口与计划生育的地方立法,但考察表明,地方立法中对人口较少民族的立法保障存在着立法遗漏、法制不统一、地域狭隘性等问题,加之地方立法制度固有的弊端,难以实现对人口较少民族人口利益的有效保障。为此,应提高立法层次,实行国家统一立法,对少数民族、人口较少民族实行合理差别的计划生育政策。  相似文献   

新疆妇女处于生命周期不同阶段的婚姻家庭结构及老年赡养问题任强(新疆大学人口研究所乌鲁木齐830046)新疆自70年代开始在汉族人口中实行计划生育政策,并于1988年开始在少数民族人口中推行计划生育政策以来,妇女的婚姻家庭伴随着主要的人口要素(如生育、...  相似文献   

新疆少数民族人口实行计划生育始于80年代末期,短短几年来,已取得明显的成绩。喀什地区是新疆最大的少数民族地区之一,1990年普查,总人口为2.853 634人,占全疆总人口的18.83%。其中少数民族为2 649 700人,占该区总人口92.85%,占全疆少数民族人口的28.10%。喀什地区少数民族人口中又以维吾尔  相似文献   

Pingtang County, Guizhou Province, is the home of the Bu-i and Miao minorities, who comprise 55% of the county's population. Since 1980, the county has vigorously followed family planning such that the rate of birth control rose from 20% in 1978 to 95% in 1985, the rate of natural growth went from 34/1000 to 3.6/1000, and the multiple child rate dropped to about 6% from 37.7% Following 5 years of work, the following observations are made: 1) The first step is to determine whether or not to have family planning because the common feeling about minorities is that by virtue of being a minority, family planning is not a serious issue. But family planning became a necessity when it was realized that population was growing faster than food production, creating problems in housing and public health, and in a dependence on the nation at large. 2) The initial step in family planning is ideological; a plan should be implemented whereby goals to reform old customs and thoughts (such as favoring males over females) are carried out by local leaders and cadres at all levels.  相似文献   

X Xu 《人口研究》1987,(1):36-40
The Uighur Autonomous region in Xinjiang includes a number of minority groups such as the Uighur, Kazakh and Hui. The question of how to implement family planning in minority areas if of utmost importance. In February 1982, the State Council decreed that family planning policy for minority groups could justifiably be more lax than for the Han people, who comprise a majority of Chinese population. Instead of advocating 1 child per couple, as is the current national policy, urban minority groups are permitted 2 (with exceptions, 3) children per couple and rural villagers are permitted 3 (with exceptions, 4) children. The 1982 National Census showed that the natural rate of growth for Xinjiang was 13.63/1000 (compared to the national rate of 11.45/1000) with individual minority growth rates as high as 20.11/1000. The area's gross output value cannot keep up with this population increase. Over half of Xinjiang's minorities are of the Islamic faith, which teaches that births are not self-willed. It is crucial to inculcate in them that births can indeed be planned. Also, their custom of early marriage (age 15 for girls and 16 for boys) which leads to a high fertility rate, must be changed. Although Xinjiang's land mass is great, only 38.4% is arable, so the common belief that its population can grow without limit is fallacious. When family planning was being implemented nationwide, for minorities it was only propagandistic. After the population growth for the majority Han was under control, the minority groups declared family planning programs would also benefit them. Symposiums were held contraceptive use became voluntary among many women. The birth rate fell from 22.5/1000 in 1981 to 14.09/1000 in 1985. Family planning also received approval from religious leaders. But because population distribution and growth are uneven in Xinjiang, family planning policy must reflect these differences.  相似文献   

The historical position for Comrade Mao Zedong's thoughts about population cannot be ignored. History has told us that the Party and Government of China have always treated the problem of birth control and family planning seriously. In 1957, Chairman Mao lectured both inside and outside the Party on the importance of family planning. Regulations were drafted to govern the excercise of family planning. According to these regulations, people who live in the populated areas should be educated concerning the need for and practice of birth control, and they should have children according to family planning regulations. In this way, the overburden for families may be reduced, the younger generation may receive a better education, and they will have sufficient employment opportunities when they grow up. In the areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, and exception should be made as far as family planning is concerned. In general, family planning should be integrated as a part of the overall plan for the development of the national economy. On the need for emphasizing both quantity and quality in population policy, Mao Zedong pointed out that people should learn how to manage material production and how to "manage themselves." Such thoughts of Mao Zedong provide an essential guideline in China's revolution and social construction.  相似文献   

The population reproduction patterns of China's minority groups differ to some extent from those of China as a whole. The population of some of the national minorities, such as the Mongolian, tibetan, and Hezhen nationalities, was actually decreasing before liberation. Cited as causal factors are the oppressive policies of past dynasties, lack of medical care in minority areas, and, in some instances, the religious imposition of strict celibacy on significant numbers of the male populaton. After libertation, reproductive patterns were characterized by a high birth rate and low mortality, resulting in a high growth rate. For example, in 1939-408 the birth rate among the Mongolian nationality in Inner Mongolia was 21.7, and the death rate was 28.3, resulting in a negative growth rate. In the period 1952-3, the birth rate rose to 41.5 while the death rate fell to 17.9 resulting in a growth rate of 23.6. This rapid transition is attributed to State policies of accelerated economic and cultural development in the minority areas, and the development of medical facilities. At present, a 3rd population pattern, characterized by a low birth rate, low mortality, and consequent low growth rate, is being seen among the national minorities. This is attributed to the leadership exhibited by minority cadres in family planning work. While advocating family planning, the State adopted a more flexible policy towards the minorities. A government directive stipulates that the specific rules can be drawn up according to the actual conditions by the nationality autonomous local authorities and the related provinces and autonomous regions. Family planning work has been achieved through the mobilization of the minority populations by the cadres, and by mass education on population theory and the relation between religious beliefs, marriage, and customs and family planning. Freedom of the minority people to preserve or reform their religious belief and customs has been absoluetely respected.  相似文献   

C Wang  S Di 《人口研究》1983,(3):42-45
The Guangxi Autonomous Region has the largest number of minorities in China. Since 1949, great progress has been achieved in the areas of politics, the economy, culture and education, public health, science and technology, and production businesses. The living standard for the minorities as been raised, and the minority populationshows a trend toward rapid growth. As a matter of fact, the population growth for the minorities exceeds that of te Han people, and an imbalance exists in the population growth of minorities. Population growth does not match the development and production of material resources. The rapid population growth has an adverse impact on the increase in average income and an adequate supply of consumer goods for all the people. In addition, great pressure has been experienced in education, public health, and other developments at the local level. The promotion of population quality for the minorities has also been slowed because of the rapid population growth in quality. At the present time, minorities in the Guangxi area need to develop their economy with greater effort. In addition, they need to practice effective family planning measures with more enthusiasm so that they may gradually reduce the population growth rate and reach a harmony between economic growth and social development.  相似文献   

西部少数民族人口与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部是我国少数民族的聚居地 ,绝大部分是民族地区。把握西部少数民族人口的现状和趋势 ,正确认识人口控制与民族繁荣的关系 ,做好计划生育工作 ,控制人口数量、提高人口素质 ,促进少数民族发展 ,对西部开发至关重要  相似文献   

In the process of Socialist construction and modernization, the development of the population of national minorities deserves our attention because it is directly related to the economic and cultural development in the areas inhabited by such national minorities, and it has a great impact on the welfare and future of those people. Moreover, the population growth of the minorities is a key factor in the national population control strategy. A rapid population growth among the minorities has caused serious problems in distribution of farm land and food supply, low personal income, a rise in the unemployment rate, and a rise in the illiteracy rate. This has prevented a rise in the living standard among the minority population. In order to prevent and solve population problems among the minorities, we must take appropriate measures according to local conditions to control population increases. Through popularization of education, population growth may be put under control. For those people who volunteer to practice family planning, the government should provide all kinds of assistance. At the same time, an effort is needed to introduce the necessity of improving birth quality, to popularize new methods of child birth, and to develop health and medical care for the general public, so that the quality of the minority population may be gradually improved.  相似文献   

Q Zhou  Y Xiong 《人口研究》1982,(3):33-37
China is a Socialist country which is composed of numerous ethnic groups. In addition to the Han people, there are 55 minorities in various parts of China. Since liberation (1949), the lives of the minorities have improved greatly. There has also been reasonable advancement in their local economic situation, cultural and educational establishments, and health care, and the population growth among ethnic minorities has also increased rapidly. At the present time, the rate of population growth among the minorities is extremely high, and the age structure of the minority population is young. The custom of early marriage and having children at a young age is still popular. The levels of economic development, cultural and educational establishments and medical and health care are still too low to satisfy current needs of the local people. Within a short period of time, population growth among the minorities may reach among climax, and the problem of overpopulation may become more serious. This new trend is not encouraging for the economic and cultural development of the minority people. In order to protect the economic situation of the minority population, various rules and regulations should be established according to local situations, and work in family planning and birth control is also urgently needed for the minorities.  相似文献   

In seeking a solution to its population problem, China, as a developing socialist country, has been making unremitting efforts to develop economy while controlling the rapid growth. The objective is to control rapid population growth so that population growth may be in keeping with socioeconomic development and commensurate with utilization of natural resources and environmental protection. In the past decade, and particularly since 1979, China has made much progress in developing economy and gained remarkable successes in controlling population growth. The natural population growth rate dropped to 1.15% in 1983, from 2.089% in 1973. Living standards have improved with a gradual annual increase of per capita income. All this proves that the policy of promoting family planning to control population growth along with planned economic development is correct. In China family planning is a basic state policy. The government has advocated the practice of "1 couple, 1 child" since 1979. This does not mean that 1 couple could have 1 child only in every case. The government provides guidance for the implementation of family planning programs in the light of specific conditions such as economic developments, cultural background, population structure, and the wishes of the people in different localities. The requirements are more flexible in rural than in urban areas and more so among the people of national minorities than among the people of the Han Nationality. In rural areas, couples who have actual difficulties and want to have 2 children may have a 2nd birth with planned spacing. In carrying out its family planning program, China has consistently adhered to the principle of integrating state guidance with the masses' voluntariness. The government has always emphasized the importance of encouraging the people's own initiatives, through publicity and education, which is the key link in implementing the family planning program.  相似文献   

Shuangyang County is located in the southeast of the Changchun City, Jilin Province, with a total population of 385,000 and a total area of 2,000 square kilometers. The rural population makes up 96% of the total with 8.2% minorities. As the county government vigorously promoted the family planning program in the period of the 6th Five-Year Plan, the rapid growth of the population was effectively controlled. Since 1982, the county government has put the emphasis of the family planning work on publicizing scientific knowledge, on provviding technical services and on training the working staff at the grass-roots level. In response to the different needs of the community for knowledge about premarriage, preconception, and postnatal cares as well as infant feeding, the county government started a program in 1985 for popularizing knowledge about puberty, hygiene, sexual physiological hygiene, pregnancy care, and birth control. As a result, a number of young people have delayed their former marriage date to the ideal marriage age. Many newlyweds voluntarily chose the most proper age for giving birth. To improve the effectiveness of contraception, the county government promoted widely the use of a new type of IUD. Finally, the county government believes that it is most important to improve the quality of the family planning workers at the grass-roots level. Accordingly, the government worked out a plan to train the community workers regularly.  相似文献   

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