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A nation’s rise or fall hinges, to some extent, upon its national governance quotient. National governance quotient, or NGQ, is a quantitative indicator measuring the governance level of a country in quotient form. Its value is the ratio of the national governance system and capacity to national governance costs, and its nature is that of an amalgam of national governance ideas and techniques quantified on the basis of the figures. It is advanced because its inner core lies in logic and computation, and it is scientific because it is guaranteed by technology platforms such as big data and cloud computing. The formulation of NGQ provides technical support and a basis for the transformation from experiential or experimental governance to quantitative, scientific governance, and it thus has great theoretical and practical significance for the modernization of national governance system and capacity. As well as being used to provide quantitative management of national governance modernization, NGQ can also be used as a measurement standard and key symbol for evaluating the modernization of China’s national governance by 2020. Furthermore, it can be used to compile a World NGQ Report with the aim of taking hold of international governance discourse, as well as to compile China local NGQ reports to improve local governance in China.  相似文献   

新世纪弘扬和培育民族精神的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族精神是一个民族赖以生存和发展的精神动力和精神支撑 ,是民族文化最本质、最深刻的体现。进入新世纪 ,面对世界范围各种思想文化的相互激荡 ,必须把弘扬和培育民族精神作为文化建设的重要任务 ,纳入国民教育的全过程。通过国家主权意识教育、国家安全意识教育、国民素质教育以及国情教育等途径 ,使全体人民始终保持昂扬向上的精神状态 ,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴贡献力量。  相似文献   

Literature is the art of language, so in the light of the profound influence of linguistic transformation on the development of modem Chinese literary forms it is appropriate to present the history of the development of modern Chinese literature as the art of language. Modern Chinese literature starts with the linguistic transformation of the May Fourth Movement’s rejection of classical Chinese and promotion of the vernacular. This language revolution and the transformation of literary language during each subsequent historical period have exerted a profound inf1uence on the overall development of modern Chinese literature, including literary forms, and hence have become an inner source of the development and evolution of modern Chinese literary forms and of the shaping of their main characteristics. An in-depth discussion of the interaction between linguistic transformation and the development of modern Chinese literary forms as well as the rules governing this process will not only disclose the universal linguistic context of literary creation created by the transformation of language but will also enable us to find the historical sources of the phenomena of literary genres and forms, writers’ choice of literary styles, the formal characteristics of literary works, etc., and will offer a correct explanation and evaluation of the May Fourth vernacular movement and the subsequent series of new literary forms and styles. This is instrumental to achieving a better summation of the experience and lessons of the development of modern Chinese literary forms and to finding historical clues to the development of our present-day literary forms.  相似文献   

The era of globalization is posing a variety of challenges to national identity. In order to meet these challenges, it is important to offer theoretical scientific interpretations of them. A scrutiny of national identity as a concept reveals that national identity is actually a “four in one” combination of institutional identity, interest identity, cultural identity and non-national community identity, with formative mechanisms characterized the unity of the primordial state and the constructive, expressive forms characterized by the unity of consciousness and action, content characterized by the unity of politics and culture, and maintenance mechanisms characterized by the unity of emotion and self-interest. In the global age, national identity crisis usually arises in political, economic and cultural levels. The root cause for national identity crisis lies in the ineffectiveness of nation states’ self-governance. In order to promote the construction of national identity in the global age, we need to: (1) promote reform of the political system, explore democratic models of governance, and create the institutional preconditions for national identity; (2) promote economic development, ensure fairness and justice, and guarantee interests in national identity; (3) develop national culture, strengthen value integration and enrich the cultural significance of national identity; and (4) recognize different levels of community development and promote community integration in national identity.  相似文献   

阎雨 《创新》2013,7(1):46-48,77,127
党的十八大的胜利召开为文化发展带来了新的机遇,民族文化通过产业化也将得到迅速发展。实现民族文化的传承与创新及民族文化的价值经济化,发展文化产业是最优路径。通过分析民族文化产业发展形态与模式,并以广西马山为例提出民族文化产业思路与资源对接方式,为民族文化产业发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

韩星 《唐都学刊》2006,22(4):70-73
“和”是中国古代哲学的一个重要范畴。它不仅是一种思想观念,也浸透了中华文明发展的历史。“和”观念的起源很早,先秦“和同之辨”推崇“和”而贬损“同”。中华文明发展历史就体现了“和”的精神中华民族的形成和发展是多民族不断融合的结果,中华文化的发展是吸收、融汇外来文化的结果,中国思想文化自身也以“和”的精神进行自我整合。“和”的思想观念和实践经验对中华文明在21世纪的前途和世界文明的未来提供了有价值的思想资源。  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence is increasing among immigrant women in the U.S., but because of language barriers, abused immigrant women may be unable to access formal services. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of geographical location (urban/rural) and percentage of non-native English speakers on the availability of linguistic support services in one highly diverse state-Florida. Using a sample of 258 service providers for domestic violence victims, the results show significant differences between rural and urban providers’ perceptions of the need for linguistic support services in law enforcement, legal, and mental health needs. Urban service providers perceived a greater need for these services than rural service providers. The study found that a higher percentage of non-native English speakers predicted greater bilingual linguistic service availability. Lastly, the study found the more frequently providers perceived a victim’s basic needs to be met, the more likely that providers indicated linguistic support services were frequently met in their service area. Findings indicate that immigrants experiencing abuse who reside in rural areas might endure added difficulties in accessing assistance. While it may not be cost-efficient for rural service providers to hire translators or multilingual staff, such services may be cost-shared with other agencies.  相似文献   

江怡 《求是学刊》2006,33(1):39-45
身心问题是西方形而上学传统中的一个重要问题,通常也被看作形而上学问题的主要内容。但自从20世纪初的一场哲学革命之后,随着形而上学的被抛弃,身心问题也被英美哲学家们看作思辨哲学的最后堡垒而被抛弃了。由于语言哲学的深入发展,特别是因为后期维特根斯坦的工作,哲学家们愈加关注语言使用者的心灵活动对语言使用所产生的重要的甚至是关键性的影响,对心灵问题的研究正逐渐成为英美语言哲学发展的最新形式,“心灵哲学”被看作是语言哲学的核心。而在这个领域中,他心问题则是实在论与反实在论争论的焦点所在。  相似文献   

全球化时代的到来,对国家认同产生了诸多的挑战。要应对这一挑战,需要我们从理论的层面加以科学阐释。考察国家认同的概念可以看到,国家认同实质上是包含制度、利益、文化、非国家共同体认同的“四位一体”,其基本特征包含生成机制的原生性和构建性、表现形式的意识性和行动性、内容体系的政治性和行动性、维持机制的情感性和利益性,以及发展状态的稳定性和发展性。全球化时代国家认同危机包含着政治、经济、文化三个层面,民族国家认同危机产生的根源是国家治理的失效。要在全球化背景下推动国家认同的构建,着力点在于:推动政治体制改革,探索治理民主模式,构建国家认同的制度性前提;促进经济发展,维护公平正义,构建国家认同的利益性保障;发展民族文化,加强价值整合,丰富国家认同的文化内涵;正视不同层次共同体的发展,促进国家认同的共同体整合。  相似文献   

The Chinese national governance system includes the Party’s governing system, the People’s Congress system, the administrative system, the court system and the procuratorate. Judicial power is neutral, passive, independent and final, features that reflect the irreplaceable nature of its role in national governance. The growth of judicial power is diachronic, complex and evolutionary, which means that its construction will be a tortuous and difficult process. Given the limitations of the functions of judicial power in China and their immediate results, we should fix our gaze on the construction of a socialist country under the rule of law and the optimization of the structure and functions of our national governance system by taking checks and balance as the principle in the allocation of judicial power, taking rights protection as the heart of the operation of judicial power, taking harmonious operation as the standard for guaranteeing judicial power, and cultivating legal culture as the foundation supporting judicial power. In optimizing national governance itself, we should strengthen its functions of adaptation, integration, goal attainment and latency.  相似文献   

人类世界由诸多民族构成。民族与文化间的联系是深刻而密切的,而决定民族文化发展方向的是居于核心地位的伦理文化,可见伦理对于一个民族所具有的不言而喻的重要性。作为伦理钍的共体的民族与作为普遍物或普遍定在的精神的结合就是民族精神。民族精神是伦理精神的具体化,伦理精神内在于民族精神之中。伦理精神和民族精神实质上是一个精神,即民族作为伦理实体的精神。民族伦理实体一经形成,其内在的伦理关系与伦理秩序便处于相对稳定的动态平衡之中,并以“整个的个体”即主体的形式出现在由诸多民族伦理实体所构成的伦理世界之中。在全球化语境下,要增强作为伦理实体的中华民族的伦理认同,以提高中华民族的自觉、自信、自强及在世界文明对话中的地位,并为构建和谐世界、推动人类社会整体进步做出积极贡献。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,国家间的关系日益密切,软实力越来越成为决定一国国际影响力的关键因素。作为文化“走出去”战略的重要组成部分,汉语国际推广与我国的国际关系和国际教育发展密切相关。我国汉语推广的国际教育发展还处于初级阶段,仍存在着招生宣传方式单一、师资力量不足、教学资源配置不均衡等问题,这严重制约了我国汉语国际推广的发展。汉语推广的国际教育应积极建立双向机制,调整教育管理模式,培养教育师资队伍,着力推进汉语推广国际教育的发展。  相似文献   

纽埃从前殖民时期封闭、独立的民族主体,正一步一步向以新西兰为代表的西方国家文化价值延伸。随着文化价值取向的演变,大量的纽埃人移居海外,留守本土的纽埃居民数量急剧减少,但无论留守居民还是海外移民,都经历着前所未有的文化失落与身份困惑,从而产生了深刻的自卑感。本文认为,纽埃的自然资源严重匮乏、地理位置孤立、自然灾害频发,它的生存与发展亟需国际社会各方面的援助,而这些援助又不可避免地加重了纽埃民族的失落与困惑。  相似文献   

美国自喻为海洋国家,控制海洋不仅是保护其地缘政治和商业利益的需要,也是其称霸世界的手段。美国正倾全力转向大国竞争,美军从冷战后控制沿海区域和由沿海向陆地投送影响力转向既控制沿海,又主导大洋。从地缘政治和军事等方面考察,不论是美国的“印太战略”“海洋控制”,还是“太平洋威慑计划”和“分布式杀伤链”战法,都表明美国把与中国战略竞争的方向放在海上,特别是西太平洋。近代以来,中国遭受的帝国主义侵略大多来自海上。2012年,中共十八大提出“建设海洋强国”的战略目标。2015年中国国防白皮书强调,海洋关系到中国的长治久安和可持续发展。因此,经略好海洋成为中华民族复兴的大计。从时空上看,美国回归海洋控制与中国建设海洋强国正形成剧烈对冲。近年来,两国在东海、台海和南海的对峙背后是传统海洋大国与新崛起海洋国家在构建海上力量平衡的必然结果。在大国战略竞争的环境下,这场围绕海洋权益的博弈将决定未来两国关系走向与状态。  相似文献   

国家主义派的国家观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国家主义派的国家观体现了他们对现代民族国家的思考和追求。在20世纪20年代,其国家观倾向于以个人为目的,以国家为工具。30年代后,随着国家危机的加深,他们的认识发生了逆转,最终走向了"国家至上"论。  相似文献   

In the era of globalization, China’s national identity is in close interaction with ethno- cultural and cultural identity, and is facing great challenges and is under pressure to reshape itself. An in-depth analysis of the Chinese national identity in its institutional, economic, cultural, political and strategic dimensions from both domestic and international perspectives can help us grasp the transition that has taken place in China’s national identity since 1978. In order to strengthen China’s national identity by building domestic consensus and increasing international recognition, China needs to further foster its civic consciousness, increase its soft power, enhance the ties between its national, regional and global identities and actively assume the role of a bridge between the developing and the developed countries.  相似文献   

杨晔  朱晨  谈毅 《社会》2019,39(1):211-236
本文旨在探讨方言能力对城市移民创业行为的影响和对语言环境的调节效应。基于“身份认同理论”,以2010年和2012年中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据为样本,通过区分移民方言能力的沟通属性与文化属性,建立基于线性概率模型的创业决策模型和基于多元回归模型的创业收入模型。研究发现,方言能力的文化属性使移民创业的概率增加1.8%。在采用“双胞胎样本”方法排除样本选择偏误和内生性后,这一结果依旧稳健存在。分样本回归分析发现,方言能力只对教育水平较低的移民有显著的正向影响,对拥有不同物质资本的个体没有敏感性。进一步分析发现,方言能力对移民创业决策的促进作用在语言种类较少和普通话普及程度较低的地区更加明显,但对创业收入没有上述影响。本文有助于揭示语言在移民创业活动中的重要作用。  相似文献   

习俗文化是劳动人民在日常生活和交往活动中创造并沿袭的以风俗习性为主要内容的文化形态,是一个民族共同体在语言、行为和心理上的集体习惯。习俗文化是民族伦理文化的集中体现,我国少数民族的习俗文化与汉民族的习俗文化相比,有其自身的特色,少数民族的礼仪、信仰、饮食、服饰、居住等习俗文化,蕴含着重要的道德功能。面对少数民族习俗文化传承发展的困境,必须从文化大发展大繁荣的国家文化建设战略高度来思考,通过综合创新,以寻找有利于少数民族习俗文化传承发展的路径。  相似文献   

After the 1990s, with the end of the Cold War, great changes have occurred in the world scenario, with ethnic clashes and national conflicts becoming all the more salient, making national identity a hot topic in reality and the academia. To address the issue of national identity in the age of globalization, a deep-going theoretical discussion of the logic behind it is necessary, a discussion that covers the nature of both ethno-cultural identity and national identity, the superiority of national identity to ethno-cultural identity and the logic behind national identity crisis. In terms of the need for social identity, globalization, while changing the power structure of the world, weakens the autonomy of developing countries, especially that of those which are still in the process of modernization and are confronted with risks inherent in social transformation and where a resultant structural imbalance undermines the state’s integrity and control, making national identity less appealing to ethnic groups. As a result, regional ethnic identity comes to the fore, leading to national identity crises in developing countries.  相似文献   

State and local governments in Western Australia increasingly identify ‘community development’ as a key approach for the delivery of community services. In this paper I explore how the concept of community development is understood and practiced by workers in the context of government community services. While definitions are most often presented as a universally understood approach, my key argument is, that there are instead, community development ‘discourses’ that are variously applied to diverse situations. Foucauldian notions of discourse and power are used to propose that, while there may be core and recognisable traits found within the language of community development, in any given situation these combine with a number of variables (most notably stemming from the organization responsible for community services) to form a ‘situated’ community development ‘discourse’.  相似文献   

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