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Foralongtime,worksproducedbothinChinaandabroadhaveoftenlumpedtogethertheplantationsinthesouthernUnitedStatesandtheslavesystem.Atthesametime,theyhavetreatedmodernandancientformsofslaveryasthesamething,whichhasresultedinerroneousviewsonthenatureoftheAinericanplantationslaveeconomy.Morethanahundredyearsago,Marxstudiedthisissueindepthandexpoundedmanybrillianttheoreticalopinions.1InhisclassicalworkTheTheoryofSurPlusValue,MarxexplicitlypointedoutthatintheAInericanplantationslaveeconomythere"exi…  相似文献   

In terms of the construction of meaning, what jingxue(study of the classics) deals with is precisely the hermeneutics of the Confucian classics. Jingxue hermeneutics is fundamentally practical statecraft; therefore, its specific objectives do not point to an objective existence unrelated to human beings, but to yi(meaning) or yili(principles), otherwise known as jingyi(meaning of the classics) or dayi(profound significance). “The meaning of the classics” is the product of interpretation. In jing...  相似文献   

This paper is a response to what Professor Zhang Jiang of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) terms as “imposed interpretation.” In his article “On Imposed Interpretation,” Professor Zhang sees imposed interpretation as a fundamental feature and basic defect of contemporary Western literary criticism. The author analyzes some of the interpretations, as criticized by Professor Zhang, imposed on some literary classics by feminist, eco-critical, psychoanalytical, structuralist and deconstructivist methods. She reviews the sources and the limitations of the so-called “French theory” in cultural studies courses in American universities before raising the critical practice she endorses: a synthesizing critical methodology that is based on the specificity of the text, uses multiple applicable theories in relation to the socio-temporal context in which the work was produced, while bearing in mind the author’s intentions and the reader’s active participation. Through rigorous textual analysis, literary criticism can identify some new perspectives offered by the text which enable construction of the meaning of the text and of life. This can highlight the functions of literary reading in enriching people’s lives and enhancing the role of reality and man’s spiritual realm.  相似文献   

重写中国哲学史必须从哲学的一般意义和中国哲学的特殊性出发,积极开发中国哲学特有的问题域,阐明它与时代的互动关系,特别要突出中国哲学的根本特征棗实践哲学的意义。就中国传统哲学特征而言,实践哲学远比心性之学更具有解释力和现实性。近代中西文化全面而深刻的交流接触使得原教旨主义的中国哲学史根本不可能。在撰写中国哲学史时,利用西方哲学的某些资源不但是不可避免的,也是合理的。即便如此,在使用西方哲学观念解释中国哲学时仍要谨慎,概念不是纯粹的形式。正因为如此,建构中国哲学自己的概念体系是未来中国哲学史的题中应有之义;而内在批判和释义学阐发则是新的中国哲学史的基本方法论原则。  相似文献   

Jeremy Goldberg, Women, Work, and Life Cycle in a Medieval Economy. Women in Work and Yorkshire c. 1300–1520 (1992), xiii + 406 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £45.00).

David Shaw, The Creation of a Community. The City of Wells in the Middle Ages (1993), xiii + 334 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £40.00).

Joan Larsen Klein (ed.), Daughters, Wives and Widows. Writings by Men about Women and Marriage in England, 1500–1640 (1992), xviii + 329 (University of Illinois Press, Urbana and Chicago, $37.50, paperback $14.95).

Linda Pollock, With Faith and Physic. The Life of a Tudor Gentlewoman, Lady Grace Mildmay, 1552–1620 (1993), viii + 179 (Collins &; Brown, £25.00).

Lawrence Stone, Broken Lives: Separation and Divorce in England, 1660–1857 (1993), xviii + 355 (Oxford University Press, Oxford, £16.95).

G. J. Barker‐Benfield, The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth‐Century Britain (1992), xxxiv + 520 (University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London, £39.95).

Lynn Hunt, The Family Romance of the French Revolution (1992), xvi + 213 (Routledge, £19.99).

Anne Hardy, The Epidemic Streets. Infectious Diseases and the Rise of Preventative Medicine, 1856–1900 (1993), xiii + 325 (Clarendon Press, Oxford, £40.00).

Robert Fox and Anna Guagnini (eds), Education, Technology and Industrial Performance in Europe, 1850–1939 (1993), xi + 302 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00).

Thomas Childers and Jane Caplan (eds), Re‐evaluating the Third Reich (1993), xvi + 270 (Holmes &; Meier, New York and London, £35.00, paperback £13.95).

J. Arch Getty and Roberta T. Manning (eds), Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives (1993), viii + 294 (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, £35.00, paperback  相似文献   

"Root-seeking literature" was so namedin 1985. When writers from the "educatedyouth" came on stage as a group and magni-fied their individual memories into collectiveones and into memories of the era and of the  相似文献   

The data on COVID-19 show an irrefutable and disturbing pattern: Black Americans are contracting and dying from COVID-19 at rates that far exceed other racial and ethnic groups. Due to historical and current iterations of racism, Black Americans have been forced into conditions that elevate their risk for COVID-19 and consequently place Black children at the epicenter of loss across multiple domains of life. The current paper highlights the impact of the pandemic on Black children at the individual, family, and school levels. Based on an understanding of the influence of structural racism on COVID-19 disparities, policy recommendations are provided that focus on equitable access to quality education, home ownership, and employment to fully address the needs of Black children and families during and after the pandemic. Research, practice, and policy recommendations are made to journal editors, funding agencies, grant review panels, and researchers regarding how research on COVID-19 should be framed to inform intervention efforts aimed at improving the situation of Black children and families.  相似文献   

Pareto-inefficient perfect equilibria can be represented by the liberal paradox approach of Sen, appropriately reconfigured to model intertemporal decision-making by an individual. We show that the preference profile used by Grout (1982) to construct a case in which naive choice Pareto-dominates sophisticated choice can be so represented, if tastes change and if the individual can make decisions at time t, which restrict or determine opportunities available in period t + 1 and beyond. This ability to make a decision that binds oneself in the future is a form of rights assignment. We also show how two resolutions of the liberal paradox work out in the individual decision framework.  相似文献   

文章针对21世纪科学哲学如何应对自然科学和社会科学的新发展、国内科学哲学研究如何解决学科边缘化的危机等关键问题,通过对国际科学哲学发展趋势的把握和对“语境”理论的研究,提出把“语境”作为我们自己独特的研究范式和研究纲领,作为一种思维的平台,来把握主流思想的逻辑路径并探索面向未来的演变趋势。目的在于规范科学哲学学科在我国的发展,并将其引入主流发展的轨道,与国际科学哲学接轨。  相似文献   

The variables and constants in literature are as difficult to separate and understand as the intricacies of quantum physics. This is the basic mode of literary existence and also an important precondition for the longevity of literary classics. However, since the late 19th century, literary currents have been turbulent, and wave upon wave of critical theory has evinced a discord between “the intrinsic and the extrinsic,” even amounting to mutual exclusion, with the result that literary constants...  相似文献   

解决死刑案件质量问题,首先应保障死刑案件的实体公正,即案件的事实和证据 不至于存在问题。而在保障死刑案件的事实和证据无质量问题中,首先需要考虑的是 不会发生不可挽回的错误,同时,还需要防止发生不可饶恕的错误。为此,我们必须 达到可以判处死刑的“证明标准”即证明要求。由于证明要求的实现应当以完善的程 序作为保障,因此,中国的刑事诉讼法需要对死刑案件的相关程序予以进一步完善。

关键词: 死刑?案件质量?实体公正?证明标准?程序

To guarantee quality in capital cases, the first essential is to ensure substantive justice, which means that there must be no problems with regard to the facts and evidence in the case. In ensuring that there is no qualitative problem with either the facts or the evidence in capital cases, the first consideration is that there should be no chance of an irretrievable error. At the same time, it is necessary to forestall any unforgivable miscarriages of justice. To do this, it is necessary to meet the “criterion of proof” for imposing a death sentence, that is, the requirements for proof. As the requirements for proof can only be guaranteed by adequate procedures, China's Criminal Procedure Law needs to improve its handling of procedures relating to capital cases.  相似文献   

To promote interdisciplinary communication and cooperation and find an academic growth area better able to explain reality and stimulate creative thinking amid the interaction and cross-integration of different disciplines and their different visions, Social Sciences in China Press sponsored in succession “Dialogue on Social Sciences Frontier Studies in China,” of which “Facing a Shared Future: A Dialogue Between Economics and Philosophy” was the second. It was co-sponsored by the College of Humanities and the Research Center for Economic Philosophy, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and held at the University between May 31 and June 2, 2008.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(2-3):77-99

This paper explores the connection between social group work and creativity. Parallels are drawn between the techniques and discipline of the creative artist and those of the social group worker. Four prominent themes of group work are discussed in relation to the work of the artist: empathy, accessibility to a range of emotions, maintaining a sense of humor, and full use of self within the group environment. Examples from a range of group populations are used to highlight the four identified “ingredients” in the art of social group work practice.  相似文献   

Robert Michels and Alfred Schutz might not seem to have much in common. Michels was a political sociologist and Schütz was a philosopher of phenomenology, but they shared one crucial thing: they were both strangers in foreign countries. Michels left Germany for Italy and Switzerland because he was not permitted to complete the second degree necessary to teach at the university level while Schutz was compelled to leave Austria for France and the United States because of his Jewish background. Their experiences of trying to adapt in a foreign country prompted them to reflect on what it means to be “the stranger” (“Der Fremde”). Michels wrote “Materialien zu einer Soziologie des Fremden” in 1925 and Schutz published “The Stranger: An Essay in Social Psychology” in 1944. While Schutz’ article has been repeatedly cited, there does not seem to be a study devoted to it. Michels' article remains among his most neglected writings. However, both works offer a theoretical and contextual account of the obstacles the stranger encounters when trying to understand and to acclimate oneself to a new environment. As Schutz noted, the stranger is a person “without a past”, and Michels suggested, is also a person with an uncertain future.  相似文献   

Asia has a special significance in China’s neighborhood strategy. Geographically, the Belt and Road Initiative faces the countries of Asia or China’s neighbors in the first place. Asia is clearly marked by an imbalance in and “absence” of regional economic integration. This “absence” is two-fold: it is expressed on the one hand as a lack of unified institutional arrangements for regional economic integration, and on the other as the inability of underdeveloped countries in the region to truly participate in regional economic integration and thereby gain opportunities for development. Compared with the rule-oriented nature of existing regional economic integration mechanisms, the Belt and Road Initiative, as a new type of regional cooperation mechanism, displays an orientation towards development. All existing regional economic integration arrangements, regardless of their form, establish specific rules on access thresholds, the rights and duties of member countries, schedules and roadmaps, dispute resolution mechanisms and so forth. This is not the case for the Belt and Road, which is not predicated on specific rules, but establishes its overall framework by orienting itself towards development. Overall, the development orientation of the Belt and Road is helpful not only in overcoming the inherent defects of Asian regional economic integration, but in responding to the new challenge of anti-globalization. This is an institutional public good that China offers to Asia and to the world.  相似文献   

I.Introduction  TheJiugongmatrixoutlinestherulesgoverningthemodesofChinesebasicintonations,anddividesthediscoursepitchandthesoundlengthrespectivelyintothreelevels,low (A) ,medium (B) ,high (C) ,andthethreetemposofslow (c) ,medium (b)andfast (a) ( 3times 3) .Thepitchand…  相似文献   

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