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The relationships between state and society underwent tremendous changes dur- ing state building from the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth century in China. The gradual establishment of the so- cialist planned economic system from the 1950s to the 1990s and of market economic system after the 1990s had a great impact on state-society relationships. Overall, in the interactions between state and society the government as a proxy of the state is always active and in a dominant positi…  相似文献   

The rising of nongovernmental organizations is a spectacular phenomenon since the adoption of reform and opening up policy in our society.They organize the grass root social resources,form public speech and public space,lead to the formation of a citizen society and contribute to the steady social transformation.But due to systematic reasons,this rising also gives rise to the disruption in social structure,and brings pressure to social integration and management.It is a crucial issue to present day social management to keep balance between establishing the legality of nongovernmental organizations with the integration of social resources and keeping the stability of the society.  相似文献   

It has been two decades since the Third Plenary Session of theEleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. Twosignificant events occurred during this period: a shift in emphasis from"class struggle" to economic development; and a shift in the economicsystem from a planned to a market economy. These events have had aprofound influence on China's socio-economic development, and led tospeculation on the relationship between the state and society, public lawsand private laws.The…  相似文献   

Material wealth and cultural resources in present China are partly separated from the state monopoly and enjoyed by citizens and social organizations. A folk society (or civil society) is gradually taking shape and  相似文献   

The old version of modernity centerson the conquest of nature and control ofnatural resources, leading to discord betweensociety and nature and conflict between so-ciety and individuals. This type of moder-nity forces both society and nature to paytwice the price for its realization. If we saythe new version of modernity comes from apositive and active examination of the old one,the post-modernism which calls for post-modernity is usually a negative and passivereaction to the old version of mo…  相似文献   

In the West human rights do not remainonly at the level of appeals and cries fromsome thinkers but are embodied in basic be-lief and the values of the general public. Theconcept of human rights is intrinsically re-lated to the whole intellectual tradition, espe-cially to religion and culture. It serves notonly as a utilitarian rationality but also as valuerationality. However, in their absorption andintroduction of the Western concept of hu-man rights in the 19th and early 20th centuries,the …  相似文献   

Revitalizing the old industrial bases in northeast China is a new strategy the Central Government adopted following its efforts to give priority to the development of the east coastal areas and also to the development of west China. The strategy, which is geared to build a well-to-do society, brings about a historical chance for Liaoning Province to seek self-development.  相似文献   

Establishing a dialogue with the Enlightenment spirit has been a constant challenge confronting the intellectual community. A review of human history reveals that whenever social progress comes to a turning point, the topic of Enlightenment will inevitably be raised, giving rise to a new round of heated discussions triggered by doubts, reflections and criticisms in relation to Enlightenment. Today, although Enlightenment and the modem rule of law have not yet been accepted as general social practices, the'modernization that embodies the Enlightenment spirit and the appeal of the rule of law has actually transcended purely academic boundaries. In a sense, it could be said, "modemization" has taken root in the minds of the majority of Chinese, epitomizing almost all their expectations and imaginations about life in the future. In the final analysis, re-opening the discussion of enlightenment represents a new attempt to unravel the complex of contradictions within the dual tensions between ancient times and modemity and between China and the West, identify the causes of intemal and external conflicts, explore the humanistic foundation of modem states ruled by law and the true values inherent in the Enlightenment, and discover the significance of these values for contemporary China in theory and practice, in an attempt to pursue a realistic path and find the intellectual and cultural resources for the establishment of a modem state ruled by law.  相似文献   

Post-Cold War realities indicate that the "identity crisis" poses a new challenge to national security. It is against this background that Huntington's new book Who Are We? brings to light the relationship between national security and the "subnational" and "transnational" identities brought about by immigration from the perspective of identity and an examination of the realities of "national identity crisis." Huntington is convinced that the present era is one of "global identity crisis" and that the dual identity, dual loyalty and dual citizenship that come with the American social mosaic created by immigrants intensify the weakening of the sense of "national identity" among America's citizens.  相似文献   

The dispute over whether differential or equal protection should be accorded to real right has deep roots in the Constitution and is a manifestation of the contradictions in content and implications among different provisions of the Constitution. On the one hand, Articles 6, 7 and 12 of the Constitution stipulate that "the basis of the socialist economic system of China is public ownership of the means of production," "the state economy is the leading force in the national economy," and "socialist public property is sacred and inviolable," that is, the property of different property holders enjoys different constitutional positions.  相似文献   

多元权利基础、公权力权威与良法之治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
严明  马长山 《求是学刊》2002,29(1):71-74
推进中国法治进程 ,并不仅仅是法律制度的简单植入或法律体系的建构 ,也不仅仅是“依法治理”对秩序的促动 ,而关键在于重构国家与市民社会的良性互动关系。即大力推进市民社会自主性 ,以多元社会权利来平衡和制约国家权力 ,缩减国家权力职能和建立其合法性权威 ,并弘扬正义法精神以实现良法之治。只有这样 ,以权力制约和权利保障为核心取向的法治秩序才能最终确立起来。  相似文献   

市民社会与政治国家的关系问题是当今社会重要的理论问题。本文着重从转型社会这一角度来探析市民社会与政治国家的新型关系,并在政治国家至上的前提下,利用国家力量实现市民社会的良性转型和主体力量的转换。本文认为,国家至上,政治国家优于市民社会,即新国家主义的发展。国家要干预市民社会,要有利于国家整体利益的发展,利用国家强制力来推动社会结构的转型,并实现国家的整体利益,这是中国市民社会与政治国家新型关系的主体力量.特。县转趔社会后.中国未来社会发展的主要动力.  相似文献   

1949年英国社会学家马歇尔提出了公民资格理论,认为公民资格权利由公民权利、政治权利和社会权利构成,并详细描述了英国公民资格的发展历程,认为英国公民权利的发展呈现了线性发展的特征,“公民权利变成了集体谈判的基础,政治权利促进了公众舆论和国民意识,从而公民权利和政治权利的使用增强了争取社会权利的压力性.”新中国成立后,我国公民资格权利的发展经历了一个曲折的过程.改革开放前,国家与社会高度重合,社会各领域都受到政治国家的支配,公民资格权利难有实质性进展.改革开放后公民资格的三种权利都取得了长足发展和进步.我国正处在市场经济建设的关键时期,借鉴马歇尔的公民资格理论,在差异化的市场过程中,不断通过多元化的努力寻求公民资格平等的价值主张,是我们当前建设和谐社会的不竭动力.  相似文献   

连带式制衡:基层组织权力的运作机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈锋 《社会》2012,32(1):104-125
本文揭示了中国基层组织在非正式或半正式治理实践中的内在机制及其社会基础和价值基础。研究发现,村级组织在国家权力体系中的位置构成了乡村治理的部分外部条件和压力,具有普遍性的半正式治理实践中的村级组织权力的运作则根植于乡土社会。乡村治理中,村组干部将各种正式与非正式的资源统筹配置、捆绑连带,主要通过利益和情感等连带方式来规制村民,以完成其治理目标,村民同样也将其需要履行的各种义务与应该享受的各项权利捆绑连带,并主要以责任连带的方式对村组干部实行反制。正是这种治理中双向的连带关系使得干群之间的权利义务达到总体平衡,并保证了乡村社会秩序的形成,笔者将其归结为“连带式制衡”。乡土社会的不规则或规则的多元化是连带式制衡的社会基础,与西方有所差异的中国农民的“捆绑式的权利义务观”则构成了基层组织权力运作的价值基础,两者共同支撑使得“连带式制衡”成为基层组织权力的常规化运作机制。  相似文献   

从近代西方的立宪史来看,政党曾被作为派系斗争的工具或纯粹的市民社会组织,而为立宪实践所敌视或漠视。随着政党国家现象和政党异化现象的出现,通过立法实践和司法实践将政党纳入宪政体制之中遂成为现代西方立宪实践的潮流。从政党与宪政的逻辑关系来看,现代西方国家普遍认为政党不仅是基于公民自由结社的市民社会组织,更因其组织的准国家机构特性和党权的准公共权力性质而在宪政体制中发挥着不同于一般市民组织的宪政功能,理应获得"宪法机构"之公法地位,成为宪政规范的对象。  相似文献   

"Community" has taken on a new significance in Australian social policy discourse. Seemingly sound and morally justifiable, in the context of neo-liberalism the language of community positions non-profit delivery of services as superior to state-provided services. As a consequence, non-profit community services are being centrally positioned to mediate the relationship between the state and citizen subjects. In the first part of this paper we trace some of the key historical developments in Australia's welfare state and patterns of governance that are propelling the non-profit sector from the margins to the centre. The second section examines the relationship between Australia's shifting political landscape and the emerging welfare regime. One key feature of this new regime is the attempt to relocate citizenship away from the domain of the state and into that of civil society. The article concludes by sketching out some research themes, focusing, for example, on the impact of devolution of governance in terms of client rights and public accountability.  相似文献   

郭于华  黄斌欢 《社会》2014,34(4):49-66
面对新时代的劳工问题,特别是“新生代农民工”问题,经典理论遭遇“中国特色”的诸多挑战。本文从社会结构性视角探讨权力、资本和劳工的关系与互动,讨论在中国特定的制度背景与转型过程中,工人阶级的形成与公民社会的生成有着怎样的关系。研究认为,对工人而言,公民的基本权利就体现为各项劳动权利的实现和保障、劳工的组织化权利的落实;公民权利是工人阶级形成的前提条件,劳工阶级的出路在于形成自主的社会力量。工人的公民化过程,劳工权利亦即公民权利的获得与保护是解决劳资矛盾和转型正义的根本途径。就劳工问题而言,以能动社会的建设为先导,同时推进公民社会的建设,也许更为可行。  相似文献   

俄罗斯的市民社会诉求与"法治国家"定位   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
马长山 《求是学刊》2003,30(1):67-70
俄罗斯"法治国家"的理论路径是与俄罗斯社会结构转型进程相回应的,并以市民社会为其逻辑起点,即认为市民社会构成了法治国家的社会基础;市民社会的自由、权利和秩序诉求提供了法治国家的价值原则;公民法律意识是法治国家的重要条件和保证.这不仅反映了俄罗斯社会结构转型条件下的法治要求和特有关怀,也反映了俄罗斯国家控制能力衰弱和市民社会"畸变"背景下的法律秩序要求.文章指出,要推进法治,不仅要推进国家和市民社会二元化进程,更重要的是确立二者良性互动关系,而不可简单移植和照搬西方.  相似文献   

A study on activities launched by the civil society in dealing with the SARS crisis in Hong Kong identifies that civil society in Hong Kong simultaneously performs the collaborative and adversarial functions, embracing a sensitive balance between trust and risk when entrusting the state to serve the public good. Drawing on the survey analysis, the article argues that the complexity of state and civil society relation has to be understood as dialectics in the “collaboration/adversary” duality. Several hypotheses are generated from the study for further research.  相似文献   

The potential and challenge of constructing a democratic developmental welfare state through synergistic state‐civil society relations is the focus of this article. The author argues that while South Africa's pluralist approach, involving a leading role for the state in partnership with voluntary organizations, is a viable policy option to address the country's developmental challenges, anomalies between policy proclamations and actual practice raises questions about the efficacy of the partnership model and the gendered nature of welfare provision. Key governance issues and challenges, namely financial policies and institutional capability, underlie current failures in the delivery of welfare and care services, resulting in the non‐realization of these constitutionally guaranteed social rights. Further public action is needed to remedy the situation. Non‐profit organizations can advocate for policy reforms and challenge the instrumental nature of state‐civil relations and the abrogation of state responsibility for welfare services in contemporary South Africa.  相似文献   

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