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作为战略管理与创业管理的交叉领域,创业导向研究日益成为学界关注的热点,而受到"新生弱性"困扰的新创企业往往缺乏必要的资源基础和实力,尤其在中国经济转型背景下,如何通过外部关系网络来增强创业导向成为新企业面临的关键难题。结合社会网络理论与组织学习理论,对网络导向影响创业导向的内在过程进行剖析,发现网络嵌入机制和创业学习机制是影响新企业网络导向与创业导向关系的两种主要机制。运用多层次回归分析的方法实证研究新企业网络导向影响其创业导向的影响机理,结果显示:(1)网络导向与创业导向之间呈倒U型关系;(2)新企业的网络嵌入与创业学习在"网络导向-创业导向"主效应中能起到正向调节作用,不过其中的利用性创业学习调节作用不显著;(3)网络嵌入与创业学习之间存在一定的匹配互补性,其中关系嵌入与利用性学习、结构嵌入与探索性学习具有显著的协同调节效应。本文研究深化了网络与学习双重视角下的创业导向前因理论研究,研究结论有助于新企业把握网络导向影响创业导向的内在规律,从而指导新企业对网络嵌入与创业学习行为进行科学规划。  相似文献   

本文按照中观、微观、个体的逻辑分析思路,分别从连锁董事网、公司董事会和连锁董事的个人行为特征这三个层面来解析连锁董事产生治理效应的内在机理:认为连锁董事网的嵌入性影响着公司的资源获取能力、协调控制能力和环境应变能力;连锁董事的引进可改善董事会的结构,影响着董事会的战略参与与功能整合;而连锁董事个人的行为动机与个人能力将会约束其治理效应的发挥.从而表现为网络镶嵌、公司行为与个人动机的有机结合与共同作用.本文基于随机抽样的方法选取400家上市公司作为研究样本,通过描述性统计分析与构建时刻固定效应面板数据模型对连锁董事的治理效应进行了实证研究.得出相应的结论:公司所处连锁董事网的规模、公司的网络中心度以及连锁董事所担任的董事数目与公司治理绩效之间具有正相关关系,董事会中连锁董事比例的治理效应没有得到确定性验证,而连锁董事的持股与公司治理绩效之间并不存在显著的相关关系.研究表明,我国上市公司的连锁董事在任职特征及网络嵌入性上具有积极的治理效应,并提出相关的建议.  相似文献   

本文以企业集团网络环境下的子公司主导行为为研究对象,分析了子公司主导行为与网络嵌入的关系,为企业集团网络环境中子公司主导行为的发生机制及其内在规律奠定了理论基础.本文提出企业集团的正式组织结构嵌入在作为非正式组织的关系网络之中的观点.网络环境下子公司的主导行为可以分为内部主导行为和外部主导行为,而服从理性原则的子公司不会无限制增加对企业集团网络的嵌入程度;网络嵌入为实施内部主导行为创造条件;实施外部主导行为的子公司基于理性原则要降低网络嵌入.最后,通过分析海信集团的实际运作对命题进行初步例证.  相似文献   

在具有高度不确定性和资源不对等关系的创业网络中,选择适宜的网络治理机制能够促进创业网络的高效运行,提升新创企业借助创业网络获取资源的效率。但已有研究大多援引成熟企业网络组织的治理理论,未能对"在何种情境下新创企业适宜采用哪种治理机制"的问题给予合理解释。本文结合我国转型经济体制背景以及独特的创业情境,从交易对象隶属性、资产的关系专用性以及新进入缺陷的互动切入,探索其组合情境下创业网络治理机制的权变选择。利用多案例研究发现:针对与体制内组织的网络,投入较高关系专用性资产的新创企业会采用信任机制、辅以信息导向学习机制的混合治理机制,而在关系专用性投资较低的交易中采用基于契约的信任机制、辅以任务导向学习机制的混合治理机制。而针对体制外组织的网络,投入较高关系专用性资产的新创企业会采用基于信任的契约机制、辅以嵌入导向学习机制的治理机制,而在关系专用性投资较低的交易中采用基于契约的治理机制。  相似文献   

母子公司治理是企业集团治理的核心问题,集团内母子公司相互联系又相对独立的关系产生了新的治理问题,成为影响企业集团发挥整体优势的难题。本文运用演化博弈分析模型,充分考虑治理的动态性及子公司能动性对治理的影响,研究企业集团治理中母公司对子公司监督策略选择与子公司策略选择的互动机制,并对影响该系统演化过程稳定的重要因素进行分析,为解决企业集团母子公司间委托代理问题提供一种新的思路。研究结果表明博弈过程在3种情况下存在演化稳定策略,而不存在最优的稳定策略。通过设计合理的激励机制,如在对子公司的激励中引入提成比与子公司为集团创造收益正相关的业绩提成报酬、增加处罚力度、采取定期或不定期抽查等方式,可影响母子公司策略选择的调整速度,使博弈向(集团利益最大化、不监督)的策略演化,促进母子公司之间建立起一种互信互利的良好关系,增加集团整体收益,发挥企业集团的整体优势。  相似文献   

李东红  陈昱蓉  周平录 《管理世界》2021,(4):130-158,232
本文以百度Apollo自动驾驶开放平台为案例研究对象,研究了平台以跨界网络治理驱动颠覆性技术创新的演进过程及其内在机制,研究发现:(1)跨界平台网络是不同于单个企业的新型技术创新组织载体,可以通过技术网络丰富、市场网络丰富和两个网络价值共创的继起性演进在驱动颠覆性技术创新中发挥重要作用;(2)在跨界网络驱动颠覆性技术创新的不同时期,为解决技术与市场不确定性高以及网络参与者关系复杂等难题,平台可以通过网络治理路径的选择促进颠覆性创新的不同过程与结果,在技术网络丰富期,平台可以通过内容治理与关系治理促进技术的内容颠覆与结构颠覆;在市场网络丰富期,可以通过价值治理与关系治理促进市场的价值颠覆与结构颠覆;在技术网络与市场网络协同的价值共创期,可以通过"网络平台包络(内容治理)、跨界网络效应激发(关系治理)、异质性利润焦点获取(价值治理)"的综合治理促进技术与市场的颠覆可持续性;(3)平台治理中的内容治理与价值治理是跨界网络治理的"硬实力",而关系治理是跨界网络治理的"软实力",软硬实力的组合共同促进颠覆性技术的技术突破与市场突破。本文丰富了网络治理理论、颠覆性创新理论和平台理论,并对尝试借助平台推进新兴前沿技术突破、尤其是跨界推进颠覆性技术创新的实践行动具有管理启示。  相似文献   

数字经济背景下,大量制造企业“借力”数字服务企业来推进其数字创新进程,本文提出数字创新网络嵌入用以表征这一现象。相比于具有高价值、相对静态、不完全流动和专有化等属性的传统战略资源,数字资源具有更强的可流动性、非专有性及高价值依附属性,因此,基于传统创新网络嵌入的“祝福”及“诅咒”机制来解释数字创新网络嵌入与新产品开发绩效间的关系会陷入理论解释力不足的困境。本文从数字资源的属性出发,基于资源编排理论与动态能力理论,引入大数据能力为中介变量,组织结构柔性为调节变量,构建了数字创新网络嵌入影响新产品开发绩效的过程机制研究框架,以探究数字赋能制造企业新产品开发的理论路径。本文以华南地区559家制造企业为研究对象,对该研究框架进行检验,结果表明:(1)数字创新网络结构、关系嵌入与新产品开发绩效均呈倒U型关系;(2)大数据能力在适度数字创新网络嵌入与新产品开发绩效间的关系中发挥中介作用,但是,在高度数字创新网络嵌入情境下,大数据能力在数字创新网络结构、关系嵌入与新产品开发绩效间的关系中均无显著的中介效应;(3)组织结构柔性正向调节数字创新网络关系嵌入与大数据能力、新产品开发绩效间的关系,且存在有中...  相似文献   

协同效应最大化作为企业集团持续发展的源动力与价值目标,是防范母子公司"孤岛现象"和战略短视的长效机制。本文结合理论分析与实证调研,构建母子公司协同效应的三维结构分析框架:以两层级内部结构为基点,采用社会网络理论将母子公司协同效应的生成路径还原为交易型和非交易型,根据协同收益分配模式将子公司层面协同细分为自主式和指令式,并通过样本数据实证检验其价值相关性。结果显示,子公司个体协同由于非交易型协同的显著作用能够有效提升其业绩质量,但交易型协同却在一定程度上损害了子公司价值;母子公司整体协同亦能够有效提升企业集团整体价值,其中交易规模和协同稳定性是关键驱动因素;由此可明确母子公司协同效应内部差异化的价值作用机理。  相似文献   

本文系统分析了分拆上市与母公司股权价值的关系。分拆上市涉及两项资本事件———分拆与上市 ,本文首先基于期权理论研究了分拆事件对母公司股权价值的影响 ,并构造出了基于期权理论的分拆对母公司股权价值效应模型。模型显示分拆能够为母公司股东财富带来正的溢价效应 ,并运用同仁堂分拆子公司这一案例进行了市场反应检验。检验结果显示 ,期权理论在公司分拆动机方面具有很强的解释力度。其次 ,由于子公司上市之后 ,母子公司的股票都在资本市场上交易 ,因此文章构造了基于市净值不变假说的母公司股权价值分拆溢价效应观察模型。并运用该模型对同仁堂案例进行了实证检验。实证结果发现 ,与分拆创造期权假说不一致的是:子公司上市初期母公司股权分拆溢价效应为负数 ,直到后期才转为正值。不一致的原因主要是两事件时刻的差异和不同资本市场运行机制方面的差异  相似文献   

商业模式内容创新意味着创造新价值或增加新价值创造活动,是创业企业实现快速成长的重要途径,但我们对于"创业企业如何实现商业模式内容创新"仍知之甚少。本文以企业网络理论为基础,从商业模式内容创新事件入手,横向比较与纵向分析相结合的归纳式跨案例研究方法探索了上述问题。本文发现商业模式内容创新是一系列事件的递进式组合过程,在这一过程中,横向跨案例分析表明,创业企业所嵌入网络结构通过促进以知识获取为核心的获得性学习影响商业模式内容创新,而网络行为依赖以知识创造为核心的试验性学习作用于商业模式内容创新;纵向跨案例分析显示,与网络理论强调的"结构—行为—绩效"逻辑不同,网络结构和网络行为在商业模式连续性内容创新事件中存在着互动关系,在创业企业成长阶段,与基于网络结构的知识获取机制相比较,基于网络行为的知识创造机制是诱发商业模式内容创新的更重要途径。  相似文献   

Many multinational corporations (MNCs) operate multiple subsidiaries in a foreign country. Drawing upon literature of organizational network and business group, we hypothesize that the number of subsidiaries of an MNC has an impact on subsidiary financial performance in China. We further hypothesized two moderating effects, namely subsidiary's country of origin and subsidiary size. The results show that subsidiary grouping effect is more salient for subsidiaries from Japan and South Korea, and that larger subsidiaries are less affected by the subsidiary grouping effect. Our empirical results were based on a sample of 40,315 MNC subsidiaries in China. The findings underscore the importance of group-based competitive advantages of MNC subsidiaries in international business.  相似文献   

张晓燕 《管理评论》2012,(1):26-31,66
在跨国公司(MNCs)子公司演进模型中,子公司有着明显的自主愿望,自主权可以超越母公司的控制,引起对闲置资源的很大兴趣,激发子公司的积极性和创造性,但母公司也常常担心子公司的自主行为带有投机性,有可能偏离母公司的资源配置目标,使得MNCs迷失方向。而本论文认为母公司的有限理性是管理子公司自主性活动的主要交易成本,而非子公司的机会主义,母公司除了利用传统的克服机会主义的控制和协调工具之外,还应当重视使用内部市场机制和社会化方法,来减轻母公司的有限理性约束,形成母子公司间共同的认知地图,达成有意义的双方互利的联盟,从日益增多的子公司自主性活动中受益。  相似文献   

This paper explores distinctive marketing knowledge of subsidiaries as an important resource contributing to the performance of the multinational corporation (MNC). Two different paths are analyzed. The first is the direct effect of the usage of subsidiary marketing knowledge on the perceived performance of other MNC units. The second is the indirect effect in which an MNC's usage of subsidiary marketing knowledge affects its performance via capability development in technology and market expansion within the MNC. Using data on 237 MNC subsidiaries in Sweden, six hypotheses are tested in a LISREL model. The results indicate that an MNC's usage of subsidiary marketing knowledge directly affects its performance. Additionally, the results reveal a strong relation between subsidiary marketing knowledge and the subsidiary's impact on development of the capabilities of other MNC units' technology and their expansion on the market, which in turn, positively impacts the performance of the MNC.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility of regulatory institutional distance exerting an asymmetric effect on multinational corporations' (MNCs') subsidiary performance depending on the direction of institutional distance. We use the term ‘institutional ladder’ to differentiate between upward distance, referred to as when the subsidiary is operating in a relatively stronger institutional environment than its parent-firm's home country, and downward distance for vice versa. Combining institutional theory with organisational imprinting and learning perspectives, we argue that the implications of regulatory institutional distance on subsidiary performance are relatively more positive (or less negative) when MNCs are climbing down the institutional ladder as compared to when MNCs are climbing up the institutional ladder. We also argue that subsidiary ownership strategy – i.e. the choice of a wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) versus joint venture (JV) – moderates the above-mentioned implications of institutional distance on subsidiary performance. We test these hypotheses based on a panel data-set of 1936 foreign subsidiaries representing 70 host countries and 66 home countries and spanning the 12-year period: 2002–2013.  相似文献   

Strategy‐making and entrepreneurial behaviour at the subsidiary level, in particular the phenomenon of subsidiary initiative, has received increasing research attention in recent years. In the fields of international business, strategy and entrepreneurship, several studies addressing aspects of this phenomenon have been conducted. They focused on different stages of the subsidiary initiative process, different theories and also different methodological levels. This puts subsidiary initiatives as a topic at the crossroads of several disciplines, so that theory‐building remains fragmented, and there is a lack of perspective capturing the complexity of the entire subsidiary initiative process. Based on a comprehensive literature review, this paper discusses theoretical concepts and streams of thinking that have contributed to our understanding of the subsidiary initiative process, and develops an organizing framework based on stages and levels of the subsidiary initiative process. In order to integrate theories across levels, the authors identify ‘aggregation’ theories that guide the emergence of initiatives from the individual up to the network level, and also acknowledge theories that link the micro–macro divide and may help in the development of a more holistic view of subsidiary initiatives.  相似文献   

We propose that individual-level knowledge transfer between subsidiaries within a multinational enterprise depends on the perceived relative power of the subsidiary and the cultural intelligence of individuals. Using a sample of 333 research and development (R&D) subsidiary employees of foreign Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) in India, we find that the perceived subsidiary power has a direct positive significant effect on knowledge sharing, and an indirect significant effect, through organizational identification, on knowledge seeking. Further, cultural intelligence moderates the effect of organizational identification on knowledge seeking, and the indirect effect of the perceived subsidiary power on it. The findings highlight the role of organizational identification and cultural intelligence in explaining the impact of the perceived subsidiary power on interpersonal knowledge transfer within the MNE.  相似文献   

This paper conceptualizes divisional headquarters as an important hub-firm within the MNE, orchestrating innovation transfer processes between subsidiaries. It is argued that the internal and external embeddedness of a subsidiary hosting an innovation development project subsequently influences divisional headquarters involvement in the transfer of that innovation. In this way, embeddedness, i.e., the relationships that firms have with each other in the innovation development phase, is brought to the fore as an important factor for MNE subsidiaries hosting innovation development projects for explaining the involvement of divisional headquarters in a subsequent transfer. This highlights divisional headquarters as an active orchestrator of innovation transfers within the MNE. Data from 169 innovation transfer projects as well as 146 internal and 121 external embedded relationships at subsidiary level support the argument of embeddedness as a driver of divisional headquarters involvement in subsidiary innovation transfer projects. From a business network perspective, the findings highlight the role of internal and external embeddedness during innovation development in the subsequent involvement of divisional headquarters in the transfer phase. Embeddedness is not only important for subsidiaries in the innovation development phase but also for divisional headquarters involvement in, and orchestration of, innovation transfer.  相似文献   

Drawing on a deep single case study of a Polish subsidiary of a US‐headquartered pharmaceutical multinational company (MNC), the paper contributes to the study of power and politics in international business (IB) by advancing understanding of the interactional and processual dynamics of micropolitics in MNCs, which supplements the current dominant actor‐centred approach. The paper advances understanding of translation in IB by demonstrating how interlingual translation can be deliberately used as a management tool to pre‐empt resistance and promote managerially desired attitudes and behaviours at the subsidiary level. It highlights how hitherto largely ignored processes of interlingual translation provide an important internal forum for the exercise of power and micropolitics. The paper puts forward an emergent model of the micropolitical dynamics of interlingual translation and demonstrates how subsidiary managers can use interlingual translation to support and oppose the views of both corporate and local managerial colleagues, and thereby influence how HQ‐level decisions will be received by subsidiary‐level employees.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a conceptual model of national competitiveness, focusing on the influence of foreign subsidiaries on the competitiveness of their host countries. Essentially, we view foreign subsidiaries as potential sources of resources important to a nation in developing and maintaining its international competitiveness. We argue that there is a set of subsidiary characteristics that enables a foreign subsidiary to contribute to the national competitiveness of its host country. These characteristics include the strategic role of the subsidiary, the level of technology employed in the subsidiary's processes, the type of training provided by the parent company, and the degree to which the subsidiary is part of an interdependent network of international subunits of the firm. National policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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