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考选权又称考试权,是孙中山提出“五权宪法”中的一权。按孙中山的设想,考选权应由国民大会制定宪法提供法律依据,由考试院独立行使,以保证“最严密、最公平地选拔人材,使优秀人才掌管国务”。考选权是孙中山在长期革命实践中的创造,是孙中山政治思想的精华。一、考选权来自对科举考试制度的批判继承孙中山指出,考选权首先来自对科举制度的批判继承。“外国从前只有三权分立,我们为什么要五权分立呢?其余两个权是从什么地方来的呢?这两个权是中国国有的东  相似文献   

上海总商会1920年的一次历史性改组,标志着上海工商界一代新人开始登上社会活动舞台,取代昔日由绅商包揽商会权力的地位,并在社会经济生活中发挥比前辈绅商更有成效地推动近代化的作用。本文先对改组前后上海总商会的结构变化进行了具体剖析和比较,论证这次改组是当时上海新旧两代民族资本家地位升降、权力转移的信号。继以较多篇幅从知识结构、价值观念、企业精神三个侧面对上海新旧两代民族资本家的基本素质进行比较分析,然后引出三类历史启示:(一)经济近代化是层次演进的历史过程,在不同层次的发展时期,有不同的时代内容和时代要求,企业经营者必须及时更新观念、知识和经营手段,以免被时代淘汰;(二)在近代化潮流中,改革是一切经济行为的主题。时代的紧迫感催人奋发,催逼着人们强化改革意识;(三)适当配置人才,优化企业素质,是企业转入经济近代化轨道的当务之急。二、三十年代大批科技人才和专业管理人才进入企业界,使当时上海一度呈现出一个为近代化浪涛卷起的企业人才济用的高潮。  相似文献   

杨齐福 《唐都学刊》2004,20(1):159-160
为了强化专制统治 ,民国初年北洋政府举行了四届县知事考试。尽管县知事考试的实效不大 ,且依然不能摆脱浓厚的科举残余色彩 ,但它已初步具备现代文官考试的雏形 ,这体现在它有现代性的考试内容以及一整套考试、录取、考核、管理等章程。  相似文献   

本文认为,长江航运的近代化,以中国航运主权良失为代价。西方资本的垄断、控制与彼此争夺,带来近代化严重的半殖民地畸形性质,同时刺激了中国轮船航运的兴起。轮船招商局作为西方轮运企业的对立物,加入长江航运近代化的历史历程。它同西方企业之间对抗与妥协并存的关系,组成了长江航运近代化的复杂画面。西方航运技术的引进引起长江航运的深刻变化,但是传统的木帆船仍然承担重要的运输任务,近代化实现的程度是相当有限的。  相似文献   

军事留学是近代中国留学教育的重要组成部分,也是培养近代化军事人才的重要途径.以19世纪70年代留美幼童的派遣作为近代军事留美活动的发端,考察近代中国军事留美的发展轨迹,就整体而言,近代军事留美多为官费派遣,选拔和管理均十分严格;军事留美生群体在构成情况、家庭和教育背景以及留学生涯方面颇相似,并呈现出成绩甚佳、文武双全的鲜明特点,尽管人数有限,整体水准却远超军事留日生和留欧生.然而,这批接受过关国职业军人训练的新式军事人才在中国军事近代化历程中的建树却并不突出.透过他们归国后普遍存在的"水土不服"现象可以看出,如何更好地接纳与任用留学生无疑是个与放手"送出去"同等重要的课题.  相似文献   

一、日本近代社会问题的意义 日本自从上一世纪中期走上资本主义近代化的道路之后,经过短短100多年时间的发展,到本世纪70年代基本上完成了实现近代化的历史任务。在这个近代化的进程中,随着近代工业经济的成长,社会面貌发生巨大变化,许多重要的社会问题也  相似文献   

清末新政和中国经济与文化的近代化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国的近代化是在中国人的一个个“强国”、“富民”梦想的推动下而发展前进的,从一定意义上讲,一部中国近代史,也是一部中国近代化史,它展现了中国近代化的历程。其间,由清朝统治者为推进中国近代化而进行的改革高潮主要有三次,即洋务运动、戊戌变法和清末新政。而清末新政在政治、经济、文化、军事等诸方面都采取引进了西方资本主义制度和内容的措施,进行近代化的改革,它开创了中国的全面近代化。清末新政涉及面广,对中国近代化的影响也较大,本文只从经济、文化方面着手进行探讨。戊戌维新时期,康有为的发展资本主义经济纲领和…  相似文献   

小说观念的近代化是中国社会近代化的一个重要侧面,其以浓郁的现代性色彩,形成区别于传统小说的显明时代特征,艰难跋涉的近代化进程抒写了新小说家孜孜探索文体独立的小说理念。当今学者对小说观念近代化进程做历时性和共时性的综合考察,就小说观念近代化的义界和时限、标志与维度、动力与机制的分析,为考究近代文化语境下的批评话语变迁提供了一个绝好的参数。  相似文献   

中国城市文化近代化的多重路径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于中国城市文化近代化的历程问题,是学术界颇为重视的一大课题。本文作者对中国城市文化近代化的多重路径作了十分有益的探索,提出了不少真知灼见。  相似文献   

2008年我国内地首次全国社会工作者职业水平考试,成为我国社会工作人才建设进程中的重要里程碑,标志着我国社会工作逐步走向规范化、专业化、职业化。到目前为止,我国已经进行了两届社会工作者职业水平考试,并即将迎来第三次考试,我们社会工作队伍从无到有,逐步呈现规模化,现有社会工作者队伍正在发挥着越来越大的社会影响。  相似文献   

涂俊 《唐都学刊》2012,28(3):101-106
以关中民居建筑的管理制度为重点,研究在森严的等级制度和宗法制度影响下民居建筑谨慎的表达方式。民居建筑在等级制度的干预下虽处于被动的情况,但是物质生活的提高使人们在建造房屋的同时寻找着中庸变通之道,使得民居建筑在装饰艺术方面受等级制度和宗法制度制约中显得灵活多变。  相似文献   

辨析以人为本的人   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“以人为本”的“人”是指生而平等的作为类的独立的人,这种人摆脱等级和人身依附关系,是在世界历史中形成的。中国作为典型亚细亚生产方式的东方国家,经过了“民”—“人民”—“人”的转换历程。中国封建社会民不同于欧洲的农奴,中国的民在人格、经济、政治地位上都是平等的,与“官”相对立。“人民”是“人”与“民”的结合体,兼具人与民的双重特性,人民是与敌人相对立的政治概念,是原来“民”的主体,但已排除了地主富农、官僚资本主义等反动阶级,它是共产党服务的对象,同时,用人民概念表明政权的性质。“人”和“人民”一字之差但不可等同。随着历史的进步,敌人这一与人民相对立的阶级力量退出历史,使人民概念失去了与其相对应的存在前提,人民开始向马克思所说的作为类的人回归,正是在这个意义上,党的十六届三中全会才提出“以人为本”而不是以人民为本。当然,人民作为世界通用的概念将长久使用,在非严格意义上,称“以人为本”为“以民为本”或“以人民为本”也未为不可。  相似文献   

Objectives. This article attempts to directly observe the effect of being a tied migrant on the economic status of the civilian husbands and wives of military personnel in order to confirm whether previously observed trailing‐wife effects are consistent with being a tied migrant. Methods. A sample of the civilian husbands of women in the military and the civilian wives of men in the military are drawn from the Public Use Microdata Sample of the 1990 U.S. Census. Ordinal logit models of labor‐market status and tobit models of hours worked are estimated, which include a migrant status variable. Results. Migration is associated with a 10 percent decline in employment among all civilian wives and a four‐hour decline in hours worked per week among civilian wives who remain employed. Migration is associated with a statistically insignificant but very similar 6 percent drop in employment among all civilian men and a five‐hour decline in hours worked per week among civilian men who remain employed. Conclusions. The results provide solid evidence that being a tied migrant, irrespective of gender, is disruptive to both labor‐market status and hours worked. Thus, the assumption that wives are harmed because of their disproportionate status as tied migrants is supported.  相似文献   

Approximately 60% of deployed service members leave behind immediate family members, and although military families tend to be adaptive and resilient, evidence suggests that deployments are challenging and difficulties can arise during transitions and family separation, especially for adolescents. Grounded in the family attachment network model and the ABC-X model of family stress, the current study utilized a sample of 204 military families with an active-duty father, civilian mother and adolescent and examined parents' perceptions of adolescents' difficulties during deployment in relation to all three family members' perceptions of the adolescents' mental health (i.e., anxiety symptoms) following deployment. First, analyses of measurement invariance indicated that service members and civilian parents were generally reporting on the same underlying construct of their adolescents' difficulties during parental deployment. Next, a structural equation model demonstrated considerable overlap in service member and civilian parent reports of their adolescents' difficulties during a parental deployment (r = 0.47). Finally, both parents' perceptions of adolescent difficulties during parental deployment were related to their own perceptions of the adolescent's current anxiety but not to the adolescents' reports of their own anxiety symptoms or to the other parent's report of the adolescents' anxiety symptoms. Findings provide support for utilizing these theories in combination, such that disruptions to the family system, and the attachment relationships within that system, in one stage of the deployment cycle, may imply that there are implications for individual-level functioning, namely, anxiety, in the next stage of the deployment cycle. Findings also underscore the importance of examining our measurement tools and collecting data from multiple family members to understand family processes.  相似文献   

从民到人的历史切换--深刻理解"以人为本"的新视角   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张奎良 《求是学刊》2006,33(1):21-25
在近代西方,人是一个类概念,从中发展出自由、平等等抽象价值。中国自古以来没有与之相应的人的概念,而只有民的概念,民与官处于对立之中。中国共产党创造性地把人与民两个概念结合起来,并提出以人为本的宗旨,从而实现了对人的理解的历史性转折。  相似文献   

市民授权政府,政府服务市民,这是城市"二元政治"的本质和逻辑。在我国的城市发展进程中,出现了经济主体僭入政治系统并影响政治过程的现象,尤其是强势经济主体的诉求与行动冲击了城市"二元政治"的格局,甚至部分替代了政府与市民的政治空间。在政治主体的角度,这是城市"二元政治"异化的表现,克服的路径是区别政府和企业的行动者逻辑,彰显市民的作用与机制,以消弭经济主体过度活跃的消极后果,最终实现城市公共利益的目标。  相似文献   

The devastation, chaos, and horror that characterize combat reveal aspects of the human condition that most individuals, and much of society, would rather remain unseen. And the reality of killing renders most individuals viscerally and existentially uncomfortable, and thus is often turned away from. Civilian psychotherapists are not immune to this. This article explores how civilian therapists’ subjectivities manifest in therapeutic work with service members who have killed or think they may have killed in combat. The experiences of previous generations of psychotherapists as well as findings from interviews with current-day clinicians point to significant ways in which the distressing and dissonant reverberations of killing in combat are manifest in the dyad between civilian therapists and service members.  相似文献   

杨军 《唐都学刊》2011,27(5):93-96
邓中夏是中国共产党早期重要的理论家和革命家,工人运动的卓越领袖。他在研究和宣传马克思主义、领导工人运动的过程中,为了更好地向平民、工人、青年学生宣传新思想、新文化,创办了贫民教育讲演团,成立劳动补习学校,改革上海大学的办学理念,等等。唤起了国民的觉醒,为马克思主义的广泛传播准备了群众基础并培养了大批党的干部。  相似文献   

Transitioning from military to civilian life is challenging for a substantial number of veterans. Successful transitions require veterans to function well in various well-being domains including employment, education, financial, health, and social relationships. There are many programs and services designed to assist veterans transition to civilian life. However, veterans rarely avail themselves of supportive resources. This study examined veteran nonuse of programs and services within the first three months of their transition to civilian life. Results revealed that male veterans often reported that they did not need programs. Female veterans and veterans from the lowest enlisted ranks were more likely to report that they did not know if they were eligible for support programs. A small percentage of veterans indicated they had not found the right program or did not know where to go to get help. Veterans need clear information about available programs, eligibility requirements, where to locate them, and how to identify which programs will benefit them. Future research should focus on what predicts veteran use of programs and services, how use changes over time, and how programs and services should be advertised/marketed to different veteran populations, particularly those at risk for poor transition outcomes.  相似文献   

中国古代官学选士制度的发展,经历了先秦国学选士与稷下养土、汉代太学射策课选与鸿都门学文学取士、宋代熙丰舍选与明清监生出仕等基本阶段;而在其发展的不同阶段,官学取士与其他选士制度的关系类型也各不相同,西周以国学选士为主体汉代太学射策课选与察举诸科并行,隋唐以降则官学课试与科举铨选逐渐结合;同时,随着中国古代官学体制的不断完善和选士制度的进一步发展,古代官学选±又表现出国学选士、太学射策、熙丰舍选、伎术人流、监生出仕等具体形态。  相似文献   

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