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分红保险和投资连接保险是在传统寿险的基础上发展起来的保险新品种,它们不仅具有保险“先天固有”的保障功能,还具有“后天衍生”的投资功能。它们不但对投保人的身故、全残、高残等保险事故承担保障和赔付的责任,而且可以在不同程度上让投保人分享保险公司的投资收益。这是其共同点。   但对于客户所承担的风险,这两个险种却是截然不同的。分红保险的收益由保险公司和客户共同分享,其投资风险也要共同分担。而投资连接保险的收益由客户完全享有,客户也相应地承担投资过程中的全部风险。   保险公司的盈利能力和管理水平直接决定…  相似文献   

随着经济全球化和金融一体化的不断发展,保险国际化的发展趋势越来越明显。为了适应国际化发展的需要,培养能够适应国际竞争激烈的保险人才,我国的保险教育也必须与时俱进,进行相应的改进和完善。本文具体论述了保险国际化的发展趋势,并对我国保险教育的改进完善进行了探讨。  相似文献   

沙鸥  刘阳 《现代交际》2013,(9):20-20
随着保险的产生和发展,保险欺诈行为也随之而来,其行为给社会与人们的合法权益造成了严重的危害,阻碍了我国保险业的健康发展,更对商品经济中保险对其保障的职能作用严重破坏,本文对现行《刑法》的相关规定进行解释分析,同时提出了一些对保险诈骗行为的相关抑制建议,提出一些正确的导向。  相似文献   

保险的意义,只是今日作明日的准备,生时作死时的准备,父母作儿女的准备,儿女幼小时作儿女长大时的准备,如此而已。今天预备明天,这是极稳健;生时预备死时,这是真旷达;父母预备儿女,这是真慈爱。能做到这三步的人,才能算作是现代的人。———胡适对于一个愿意帮助他自己的人,我没有想出比购买保险更好的办法。———约翰逊如果我办得到,我一定要把“保险”这两个字写在家家户户的门上,及每一位公务人员的手册上。因为我深信:通过保险,每个家庭只要付出微不足道的代价,就可免遭万劫不复的灾难。———丘吉尔别人都说我很富有…  相似文献   

涂俏 《中外书摘》2000,(6):12-13
对于从事保险代理的业务人员,社会的评价众说纷纭。有人说,这是一群来自“朝阳产业”的“幸运者”,有人说,这是一群“跑街小姐”、“扫楼先生”。不管社会以何种眼光看待这个行业,“敬请加入”这个行业的群落一直在迅速扩大。  相似文献   

随着现代保险在社会经济生活领域中发挥功能的不断延伸,要求我们对保险的功能认识有一个逐步提高的过程。这对于正确把握我国保险业的发展方向,将保险业的可持续发展融入国民经济和社会发展之中具有十分重要的意义。本文从保险的定义出发,结合保险的发展历程,对保险的功能做一个更深入的探析,提高人们对现代保险的认识。  相似文献   

去年春天,母亲从执教35年的讲台退下来。刚开始,她还悠闲地下乡走亲访友,生活得十分轻松和安宁。谁知,我们兄弟姐妹为母亲举办60岁寿宴以后,母亲就变得不那么安分了。她好像不愿接受年过六旬的现实,时常唉声叹息:难道我这一辈子只能教教书吗?每当看到儿女上班、孙子上学离去的背影,她心中莫名地多了一份失落感。不久,母亲就开始拜托亲朋好友为她找工作。她说,这不仅仅是为了挣钱,更重要的是要在晚年实现人生第二职业的梦想。没过几天,在一个朋友介绍下,母亲到一个皮装商老板那里上班去了。她每天的工作就是开开账单,月薪…  相似文献   

天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,在人生道路上,即便我们小心翼翼,还是会有种种的意外让我们措手不及。疾病、婚变、意外等等都是人生旅途上的暗礁,学会用保险保障未来,让我们在面临挫折时,至少有一份金钱的保证。  相似文献   

农业保险在我国已经存在了23年,但却没有一如人们期望的那样走上起步、发展、壮大的路子,反而日益萎缩,陷入“农民保不起,保险公司赔不起”的尴尬境地。但是,由于农业保险在现阶段仍应属于以政策性为主的保险业务,所以农业保险要想回到人们期望的路子上去,“立法先行”就成为解决问题的关键。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, the health insurance literacy of Americans became a critical issue. In response, a consumer education program was created and tested by university researchers and educators associated with Cooperative Extension. This article draws extensively on the emerging literature on health insurance literacy and on data from participants in the Smart Choice Health Insurance? program. The intent of the study was to understand socio-demographic and environmental variables that predict initial health insurance literacy and gains in health insurance literacy. A standardized instrument measuring health insurance literacy was used to collect the data. Multivariate analysis showed higher income consumers demonstrated greater initial health insurance literacy scores compared to middle income consumers, whereas younger, male and lower educated consumers reported lower initial health insurance literacy. After participating in the Smart Choice Health Insurance? program, consumers who made greater gains in their health insurance literacy tended to be female, higher income, and consumers residing in states that showed supportiveness of the ACA. The findings highlight the importance of considering sociodemographic characteristics in program design and delivery, as well as how contextual issues, such as the political environment, might impact the delivery of educational efforts. Findings from the analyses help inform ways to adapt and tailor educational opportunities that focus on health insurance literacy for a range of consumers.  相似文献   

刘雁 《职业时空》2005,(11):10-11
身价达16亿美元的全球最大的网上拍卖公司eBay的公司总裁兼CEO梅格·惠特曼刚刚被<财富>杂志评为2005年"世界上最有权力"的女商人.  相似文献   

This paper examines the structure and performance of the insurance industry in Jordan during the period of 2000–2005. The Jordanian insurance industry is free of state ownership in both primary insurance and reinsurance markets and has been spared the pervasive premium, product, investment, and reinsurance controls that have bedeviled the insurance markets of so many developing countries around the world. Despite these positive features, the insurance industry is not developed, which mainly reflects the underdevelopment of life insurance that has annual premiums of only 0.27 percent of GDP. In contrast, the level of general insurance is comparable to that of several other developing countries in the region. To overcome this situation a major modernization effort should be undertaken.   相似文献   

A survey of 241 members of Gamblers Anonymous was conducted in order to find out the impact of pathological gambling on the insurance industry and whether Gamblers Anonymous reverses that impact. Fifty-two percent of the respondents cashed in, surrendered, lapsed or had policies revoked for non-payment. Forty-six percent borrowed on or used the cash value of their life insurance policies while gambling. Forty-seven percent admitted to some form of insurance related fraud, embezzlement or arson in connection with their gambling. The cost to the insurance industry was estimated at 66 billion dollars in surrendered policies and 33 billion dollars in fraud. Attendance at Gamblers Anonymous reversed much of this loss as members picked up new policies and engaged in programs of restitution after attendance. A discussion is made of the insurance related activities in terms of the usage of options up to and including suicide. Possible insurance industry responses are presented.  相似文献   


Among all the industrialized countries, Japan has the fastest rate of population aging and the highest life expectancy at birth. It is projected that the proportion of elderly people will reach 35.7% in 2050. In this demographic environment, Japan launched a social insurance program for long-term care for the elderly in 2000. What were the forces that led Japan to establish a long-term care program for elderly people? What are the provisions for financing, benefits, and service delivery? What aspects of policymaking in developing such a program are unique to Japan? This article presents answers to these questions.  相似文献   

This article deals with the social meaning of insurance contracts in the late medieval and modern society. Starting from the empirical analysis of one of the early marine insurance contracts which were stipulated in the second half of the 14th century, the hypothesis is suggested that the premium rate coincides with the estimated average frequency of sea accidents. By means of a proto‐probability calculus, rate was used by the early insurers for trading risks. Therefore the main thesis arises that insurance premium is a way of giving a certain price to the uncertainty of the future and that it indeed represents the cost of such observation. A comparison with the original function of money in primitive societies based on reciprocity is finally developed in order to explain how time construction is contingent on social structures.  相似文献   

Health insurance coverage continues to be an important benefit of employment and employer-sponsored insurance is the most prominent form of health coverage in the US. We examine trends in both employer and employee contributions to the costs of health insurance premium between 2002 and 2005 and assess these contributions relative to changes in worker wages. We do this for the US overall and for the 50 states plus the District of Columbia. We found a significant increase of 15.5% in the share of total compensation going toward health benefits (from 12.3–14.2%) for workers with individual coverage and an increase of 13.5% (from 20.6–23.4%) for workers with family coverage. Wages over this time period decreased 3.0% for workers with individual coverage and increased 0.8% for workers with family coverage.  相似文献   

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