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讨价还价模型:在企业并购价格谈判中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在企业并购活动中 ,价格的谈判是关键环节 ,也是双方讨价还价的焦点。在讨价还价的谈判中 ,要遵循“耐心优势”、“后动优势”、“先动优势”和“尽快接受”的原则 ,从而在谈判中取胜  相似文献   

基于博弈论的企业绿色管理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态环境的严重破坏已明显制约了我国国民经济的持续发展,环境保护已刻不容缓.在当前条件下,企业的绿色管理进程缓慢,是行业内企业之间博弈的结果.文章在界定绿色管理概念和特点的基础上,通过对企业之间的博弈分析,指出企业绿色管理的有效实施必须在环保意识较高,绿色消费兴旺的条件下,才有可能达到对社会最优的均衡解;同时鼓励企业积极实施绿色会计和绿色审计等.  相似文献   

以博弈论为分析工具,文章建立了中央政府与地方政府的静态博弈支付矩阵,通过引入地方政府过度举债被中央政府监管发现后所付出的成本、地方政府债务风险被媒体曝光而导致公众的担忧等变量,在一定程度上解释了中央政府和地方政府在债务风险控制上达成一致的均衡条件;由于地方政府间在发展经济过程中存在竞争关系,因此文章考察了地方政府间举债发展的重复博弈模型,通过引入奖励变量,改变了地方政府过度举债的纳什均衡解。结论为中央政府严格监管与适当奖励的搭配使用可以把地方政府的债务风险规制在合理的水平。  相似文献   

刘慧宏 《阅江学刊》2016,(4):63-69,147
通过双寡头企业的竞争与收益分析得到企业的支付函数,对非水平行业中企业的创新选择进行博弈分析。由博弈均衡分析竞争对企业创新的影响,在Aghion的逐步创新与自动追赶假设下,只有在市场竞争激烈或缺乏竞争的极端条件下,领先者才会不创新;在市场竞争程度适中的条件下,领先者将随机选择是否创新。非水平行业中,企业创新受创新成本、学习效应、产出能力和串谋程度的影响,竞争抑制非水平行业中企业的创新,即存在明显的熊彼特效应。  相似文献   

在我军后勤保障社会化改革过程中,军队方与地方服务机构不同利益主体行为构成一个博弈。在二个阶段动态博弈过程中,规避后勤保障社会化委托代理风险,需要建立健全法律监控体系和法律约束机制,实施有效的法律监控,加强军队方对地方服务机构的内部监控;在双方的重复博弈过程中,避免地方服务企业“机会主义”行为的策略选择应是合理控制单次交易数量,适度增加交易次数,通过重复博弈使地方服务企业的交易行为更多的基于未来收益考虑,改变其“机会主义”行为的倾向。  相似文献   

共建"冰上丝绸之路"过程中,中俄双方存在利益博弈。基于主观博弈理论,从短期和长期两个视角对此进行了分析。从短期视角来看,合作共建对中俄双方都是占优策略,合作共建"冰上丝绸之路"必然是双方短期博弈的均衡。从长期视角来看,博弈外部条件的变化和内生性积累将对俄罗斯的策略选择产生影响,俄罗斯有可能偏离短期博弈均衡,从而为中方参与建设"冰上丝绸之路"的投资带来利益损失。基于上述分析,进一步提出了中方应通过与俄方政策协调,锁定俄方与中方合作的利益,并实施分阶段投资和加强人文交流等策略以促使俄方在长期博弈过程中不偏离短期博弈均衡,以保障中方在共建"冰上丝绸之路"过程中的长期利益。  相似文献   

人类社会的利他主义本质上是利益搏弈的一种均衡。主要是 :利他主义是实现人类理性均衡的基本条件 ;利他主义有利于实现利益博弈的客体均衡 ;同时 ,利他主义也有利于实现利益博弈的主体均衡。利他主义的最高境界是 :作为工具的利他主义与作为目的的利他主义实现了高度统一。  相似文献   

中印在边境地区的互动是一个动态博弈过程。表征相同或近似的边境情境实则蕴含着不同的策略均衡,即从"鹰—鸽"纯策略均衡到威慑下的"一报还一报"混合均衡,再回归到准协调机制下的纯策略相关均衡。中印边界博弈的"外溢效应"明显,并抑制了边境紧张或危机的扩散升级。中国和印度在边界认知上的巨大反差、互信赤字、国内政治影响决定了边界纠纷难以在可预期的中近期内妥善解决,武装共处下的和平并伴有可控的、低烈度的局部危机将是中印边境地区的常态。延展到全方位中印关系领域,非合作博弈下的竞争性合作将是双边关系的基本特征。  相似文献   

循环经济增长模式的经济主体利益博弈分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈红 《学术交流》2005,(12):124-128
循环经济是在长期的探索中找到的一种符合可持续发展目标的有效模式。博弈的纳什均衡实现循环经济发展模式是不利的或低效率的,而在政府有效政策的支持监督下,博弈的纳什均衡可以得到改善,使博弈达到有利于促进循环经济发展模式的形成,进而形成政府、企业、消费者各个经济主体都受益的互动的循环经济发展模式。  相似文献   

博弈论在税收征收管理中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
蔡德发  王曙光  毕蕊 《学术交流》2005,(12):129-131
博弈现象广泛存在于人类社会的各个领域,是影响人与人之间相互行为的一种方法论。博弈分合作博弈和非合作博弈两类,通常意义上的博弈是指非合作博弈,具体又分为完全信息静态博弈等四种类型,与之相对,应有纳什均衡等四种均衡概念。在税收征收管理中存在税务机关和纳税人之间稽查与逃税的博弈,其均衡解是纳税人逃税涉及稽查成本等四个因素,税务机关的税收稽查成本与纳税人的逃税概率成正比。  相似文献   

谢沛善 《创新》2009,3(6):17-20
目前,广西创业风险投资基金市场发展面临诸多困境,有必要通过加快出台有关法规政策文件;推动开发性金融支持广西创业风险投资基金工作联席会议制度的建立;积极落实国家对创业风险投资的财税支持政策;培育和完善区域风险资本的退出机制;注重创业风险投资中介服务平台建设;加强创业风险投资专业人才引进、培养和激励制度建设等措施促进广西创业风险投资基金市场发展,推动区域自主创新能力的提高与北部湾经济区开发建设目标的实现。  相似文献   

大学生创业融资研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外对创业融资的研究以资本结构理论为主线,为我国大学创业融资的研究提供了理论观点和研究方法。国内对大学生创业融资理论和实践的研究主要集中于创业融资需求与供给、创业融资渠道、创业融资风险、创业融资支持体系等几个方面。  相似文献   

Children and adolescents in developed countries are heavily immersed in digital media, creating an inexpensive, far-reaching marketing opportunity for the food industry and the gaming industry. However, exposure to nonnutritious food and beverage advertisements combined with the use of stationary media create a conflict between entertainment and public health. Using the popular digital gaming platforms advergames (online games that market branded products) and exergames (video games that involves gross motor activity for play) as exemplars, the following article provides an analysis of the negative and positive health impacts of digital gaming as they relate specifically to overweight and obesity outcomes for children and adolescents. Theoretical explanations including the food marketing defense model, persuasion knowledge model, and social cognitive theory are used to explain the influence of gaming on young players' health. Throughout the article, we discuss the role of public policy to encourage the development and use of health-promoting digital games as an innovative, effective tool to combat the pediatric obesity crisis.  相似文献   

上市公司产业创新战略探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
产业创新是上市公司可持续成长的基本战略。上市公司产业创新有企业剥离、企业购并、风险投资和股权转让或股权互换四种主要策略。上市公司可灵活运用这四种策略来建立近期、中期和远期三个层面的产业梯队 ,以保持新旧产业或业务更替的管道畅通。  相似文献   

肖洋 《太平洋学报》2013,21(1):77-85
国际海运减排是环境政治发展的必然趋势,本文从国际海运减排博弈现状入手,提出"碳陷阱"的概念并进行理论解析,在深入剖析国际海事组织的海运业减排约束机制及其法理性原则问题的基础上,探讨符合中国利益的国际海运减排方案及实施模式,提出中国规避海运减排"碳陷阱"的对策。  相似文献   

The complexity of the relationship between gambling and crime make empirical establishment of a relationship between the two difficult. Focusing on one state, we examine the impact of Indian gaming on crime in New Mexico. Specific crime rates in New Mexico counties with tribal gaming are discussed. Comparisons of the rates of specific crimes are made between New Mexico counties with tribal gaming and those without.  相似文献   

Objective. This study examines the economic and social impact of Indian gaming on the residents of the 22 pueblos and tribes in New Mexico. Method. We employ a naturally occurring quasi‐experimental design that classifies each of the Indian Nations into one of two groups, gaming and nongaming, depending on the continuous operation of a “Las Vegas” style casino for multiple years in the 1990s. For these two groups we compare aggregate, primarily U.S. Census, data spanning 25 indicators in both 1990 and 2000. Results. Although improvements were evident for both groups, nine of the 12 economic measures and six of the 13 social measures revealed a growing disparity favoring gaming nations during the 1990s, while six other measures suggested declining but continuing differences. These findings persisted in light of controls for population and urbanization, though many of the economic differences disappeared for the rural nations. Conclusion. Gaming has had a positive economic and social impact on the gaming pueblos and tribes in New Mexico, especially for the more urbanized nations. The gaming nations are enjoying higher incomes, lower levels of poverty, and improvements in selected social areas compared to those nations opting not to pursue casino gaming in the 1990s.  相似文献   

环境污染已经严重制约我国经济和社会的发展。全社会对环境改善的期望与政府、企业、社会利益的矛盾日渐凸显,节能减排问题迫在眉睫。减排过程中的博弈者由三方利益相关者组成,分别是政府,企业和社会公众,三方都是追求自身利益最大化的完全理性个体。由此建立完美信息动态模型,分析博弈均衡解,以促进企业减排,遏制企业通过行贿等手段损害社会公众利益、政府部门为一己私利而收受贿赂等行为。社会组织应当在企业、政府部门和公众三者之间进行有效地协调,加强对政府部门的监管,加强信息沟通,促进减排目标的实现。  相似文献   

Using data from the 1990 and 2000 U.S. Census of Population and Housing, we examine five social and economic characteristics of individuals and households living on reservations in Arizona and New Mexico that have a casino to those that do not. This research differs in two ways from previous studies that have attempted to assess the social and economic impacts of Indian gaming. First, the unit of observation and analysis is the reservation, not a tribe. A focus on reservations allows us to assess the role casinos play in “place-based” economic development. Second, since reservations and tribes are not coterminous, we seek to differentiate the effects of casinos on the Indian population living on reservations from the effects for all reservation residents (Indians and others). The results show that casino gambling is associated with improvements in social and economic welfare for both the Indian and non-Indian populations alike. However, Indian gaming did not contribute to positive outcomes in all cases. Indeed, the effects of gaming are filtered through a myriad of structural and cultural contexts that shape who wins and who loses when a casino opens on a reservation. The implications of Indian gaming for economic development are discussed.  相似文献   

The legitimacy of government-sponsored gambling and its continued expansion depends in part on the impact that gambling has on society and the extent to which gambling revenue is derived from vulnerable individuals. The purpose of the present article is to try to establish a valid estimate of the proportion of gaming revenue derived from problem gamblers in Canada. Using recent secondary data collected in eight Canadian provinces, we estimate this proportion to be 23.1%, compared to a problem gambling prevalence rate of 4.2%. This estimate must be seen as tentative, however, as self-reported expenditures are 2.1 times higher than actual provincial gaming revenues.  相似文献   

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