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东欧新马克思主义是在东欧独特的历史条件下形成的,这包括地理和语言、不同文化的冲突、与东西方社会的特殊关系以及东欧新马克思主义的理论传统和学术视野。同时,东欧新马克思主义又以其独特的思想把握东欧的时代,包括主要集中对苏联和东欧由“权力”控制的各种扭曲问题的揭露与批判,根植于“现行的社会主义”本土而对东欧社会主义实践和整个共产主义运动作出的内在的体验与反思,及以创新的理论影响社会发展的进程。研究马克思主义必须从历史把握理论、从理论把握历史,而历史与理论互动的结合点不仅是阐释结论,更重要的是研究问题。  相似文献   

纵观20世纪的新马克思主义,只有东欧新马克思主义的学者亲身经历了冷战格局带来的东西方两大阵营的两种意识形态并义无反顾地置身于反斯大林模式的斗争中,因此东欧新马克思主义的学者对社会主义所提出的理论就尤为值得我们去深入研究。弗兰尼茨基是南斯拉夫"实践派"的主要代表人物之一,他曾在第二次世界大战期间参加民族解放军,抗击法西斯对南斯拉夫的攻占。因此他在《马克思主义和社会主义》中对社会主义的理论和实践的理解与阐释对于我们深入地理解东欧新马克思主义  相似文献   

东欧新马克思主义作为国外马克思主义研究的重要领域,其理论资源的丰富性和现实意义的重要性越来越引起国内学界的普遍关注。然而,其真正本质与独特意义并未被学界完全把握。东欧新马克思主义可界定为第二次世界大战后在东欧社会主义国家兴起的一种既坚持马克思思想又对其作出创造性阐释、既坚持社会主义道路又对其历史进程进行反思批判的新马克思主义思潮和运动。东欧新马克思主义的独特意义在于它是一种亲身经历社会主义并对现存社会主义进行反思批判的马克思主义,一种坚持马克思话语并重新构造其话语解释力的马克思主义,一种具有强烈民族精神和高度本土化特征的马克思主义,一种具有国际理论视野从而不断寻求理论超越的马克思主义。  相似文献   

一、西方文化研究两大流派观点的引入 20世纪70年代,佩里·安德森在<西方马克思主义探讨>一书中指出,西方马克思主义理论和经典马克思主义理论的不同就在于,它把研究的重心越来越转向了文化和意识形态问题研究.这种转向是与20世纪20年代西方社会主义革命失败这一历史事件紧密相连的.西方马克思主义理论家认为,革命失败的根本原因在于无产阶级的主观精神准备不足,其根源在于第二国际对马克思主义作了一种唯科学主义的实证论的理论解说,在这种理论的指导下,无产阶级丧失了作为历史主体的革命首创精神.  相似文献   

米哈伊·瓦伊达(Mihaly Vajda,1935—)是东欧新马克思主义的重要代表人物之一。他同赫勒、费赫尔、马尔库什同为布达佩斯学派的主要成员,长期在卢卡奇影响下开展理论研究。20世纪70年代初卢卡奇去世后,赫勒和费赫尔夫妇、马尔库什夫妇移居澳大利亚和美国,而瓦伊达继续留在匈牙利。因此,人们对瓦伊达的关注和研究相比于布达佩斯学派其他几位成员要少一些。在我国学术界,对赫勒、  相似文献   

姜海波在《国外理论动态》2014年第11期撰文指出,《实践》杂志是南斯拉夫社会主义建设进程中至关重要的文化平台,它忠实地呈现了一种反思性的实践哲学,较好地奉行了批判斯大林主义和重建人道主义的马克思主义的办刊方针。20世纪50至60年代,南斯拉夫哲学界分化为相互辩难的两派:正统派和实践派,其中实践派提出"以人为本",强调实践与创造在一个特定社会的人性化过程中的巨大作用。在实践派哲学家看来,作为实践哲  相似文献   

众所周知,三十多年来中国马克思主义哲学研究的进展主要得力于对传统教科书体系的反思、"西方马克思主义"的启示和对马克思恩格斯文本的若干研究资料的关注等三个因素.与三者密切相关,并且在上述历史推进中集中体现了马克思主义哲学研究的方法论自觉的,是老一辈学者在20世纪80年代对于唯物史观创立过程的研究.而正是在哲学史研究的推动下,马克思恩格斯文本研究自90年代末以来逐渐凸显为学术研究的一个热点问题.  相似文献   

一种肯定式的批判——哈贝马斯批判理论与马克思主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哈贝马斯的批判理论是法兰克福学派在1940年代与马克思主义疏离之后,重新向理性和现代性传统的回归。它继承马克思主义的批判特质并忠于马克思主义的解放灵感,呈现出西方马克思主义在当代发展进程中的诸多新特征:在元哲学基础、批判模式以及构建目标等方面对马克思主义传统充满了反思和审视;对交往、交往理性、反思以及激进民主制理想的重视又为马克思主义在当今世界的发展提供了新的探索和补充。  相似文献   

布达佩斯学派是东欧新马克思主义的重要流派之一。20世纪晚期,作为卢卡奇的得意门生和学术伙伴,布达佩斯学派的主要成员在研究主题上经历了一次微观的文化转向。他们从早期对异化、人道主义等青年马克思思想的倚重转变到后期对文化、后现代、科学与艺术等主题的研究,用马克思主义的理论视角关注和分析当代现实问题,形成了体现该学派传统的现代性文化理论。通过简要评述布达佩斯学派现代性文化理论的主要内容,可以揭示该学派为现代性文化寻求多元化发展道路的理论共识。  相似文献   

由年轻的哲学博士衣俊卿教授撰著的《东欧的新马克思主义》一书,已由台湾唐山出版社于1993年12月正式出版。这部专著向人们展示的是:在特定的地域空间和特定的历史时代产生的、与传统马克思主义相联系又相区别的新马克思主义哲学流派的演变发展、理论体系及其带来的深刻影响。该著近20万字,分7章,总体分3个部分,即东欧新马克思主义产生的历史背景及理论渊源、东欧新马克思主义的基本格局(主要介绍南斯拉夫的“实践派”哲学、匈牙利的“布达佩斯学派”,波兰及捷克的新马克思主义──构成本书的主体)和对东欧新马克思主义的总结性评价…  相似文献   

After the eastern enlargement of the European Union (EU) and due to increasing labor market integration, wage determination in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) has become a key issue in European economic policy making. In addition, a controversial discussion concerning the monetary integration of CEE countries into the EMU has emerged. Both issues have earned particular academic and political interest because Eastern and Western Europe are at different stages of economic development and volatile international capital flows seem to require either a higher degree of wage or exchange rate flexibility. Based on the Scandinavian model of wage adjustment by Lindbeck (1979), we analyze the role of exchange rates in the wage determination process of the Central and Eastern European countries to identify which exchange rate strategy contributes to faster wage convergence in Europe. Panel estimations suggest that workers in countries with fixed exchange rates are likely to benefit in the long run from higher wage increases.  相似文献   

This paper explores the national rural/village movements now established in some 16 European countries, with special focus on those in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. The aim of the paper is to raise awareness by providing information on the significance of rural social movements, rather than to attempt a detailed analysis. Starting in the 1970s in some Scandinavian and Western European countries, as a local community response to rural decline, the village movements have built into major national forces, and have recently expanded into the EU accession states in Central and Eastern Europe. They were established to address issues of rural decline, agricultural change, migration, centralization and EU accession. They are now also organizing themselves at EU level, to provide a voice for rural communities in Europe. This is a notable example of a structured approach to mobilizing rural communities to become stronger agents of local development and to participate in rural policy‐making at local, regional, national and EU levels. The paper draws on information gained in a recently completed initial investigation of the national village movements in Estonia, Finland, Slovakia and Denmark, together with information from Sweden. The information is based on that gathered from a wide range of interviews and the minimal documentation available from the movements themselves. The experiences of the movements in enabling local structural development, capacity‐building, empowerment and action are documented, as is their work to develop strategic planning and advocacy. The paper identifies the motivating forces, structural and process models, activities and outcomes of the different movements. It takes account of the effects of differing national contexts, and identifies some key elements of experience and learning.  相似文献   

This article surveys recent developments in academic approaches to the history of the working classes in the modern Middle East and argues that the decline of scholarly interest in Middle Eastern labour history is a product of the confluence of political, cultural and disciplinary transformations. Labour history thrived among historians of the Middle East in the late 1970s and 1980s but produced only a small handful of important texts in the following two decades. The marginalization of organized labour by post-populist authoritarian regimes in the Middle East, the sudden rise of political Islam as the dominant paradigm of political opposition to the state, and the general abandonment of class analysis by historians in the wake of the ‘cultural turn’ have all contributed to this decline of academic interest in the lives of Middle Eastern workers. These problems have been exacerbated by the political instability of the region and the corresponding difficulty of accessing state archives. The political spark provided by labour activism and agitation in the years preceding and following the ‘Arab Spring’, however, is once again bringing questions of labour and class to the attention of historians.  相似文献   

While many academic accounts treat post‐communist Europe as just another site of Europeanization with an emphasis on ‘adaptation’ and ‘learning’, this article argues that EU integration and the transformation of post‐communist Europe is a much more complex, volatile and uncertain process; not so much one of adaptation but more a ‘quantum leap’, apparently bypassing the stage of a Keynesian regime. Post‐communist Europe is asked to join an EU agenda that has many features of what Jessop calls the ‘Schumpeterian Workfare Postnational Regime’ (SWPR). In that sense, EU integration of post‐communist welfare is not simply a ‘catch‐up’, it is a complex transformation process whereby, rather than EU Enlargement and Eastern Europe being seen as a threat to ‘Social Europe’, the EU imposes its own ‘social deficit’ and economic hegemony onto Eastern Europe.  相似文献   

The authors outline demographic trends in Eastern Europe and Russia since 1970. Aspects considered include population size, birth rate and number of births, marriage and divorce, death rate, infant mortality, natural increase, sex ratio, and life expectancy.  相似文献   

Immigration to the United States has experienced a phenomenal increase in the last decades. Following the dissolution of the “Iron Curtain” in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Eastern Europeans have been free to emigrate. Since then, there has been an increase in their numbers in the U.S. This study is an analysis of the socio-demographic profile characterizing the immigration from Eastern Europe. It examines income levels and the poverty status for Eastern European immigrants (at the individual and family levels). The study also examines educational attainment and language proficiency. The findings show that, generally, the educational attainment of people coming form Eastern European (e.g., Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia) countries is high compared to those coming from other region (e.g., Mexico). The results also indicate that while some immigrants from Eastern Europe have relative low levels of poverty (e.g., Slovenia), the majority of them are confronted with high levels of economic strain.  相似文献   

李连芬  刘德伟 《创新》2010,4(5):38-41
1950~1960年代,福利国家在西欧和北欧得到了充分地发展。其中,瑞典以其福利最广泛和最优厚而闻名于世,获得了"福利国家橱窗"的称号。1970年代后期,以瑞典为代表的福利国家出现了过度福利的问题,相继进入"福利国家危机时代"。经过一系列的改革,瑞典取得了积极的成效。我国国情与瑞典不同决定了我们不可能建立一个完全瑞典模式的社会保障体系,但是瑞典的一些经验和做法对于完善我国的社会保障制度有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Welfare state theories tend to use concepts of clustering for defining the affiliation of national social security systems to overarching worlds of welfare. A closer look at the transformation processes of welfare policies in Central and Eastern Europe shows a great variability among those countries in approximating their welfare states to Western European standards. In the design of their pension systems, their health care provision and their unemployment protection, Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC) follow different reform paths. Welfare clusters in Western Europe are used as reference models, but no single example applies to all sectors of social security. Thus, a generalizing picture of welfare provision cannot be drawn for Central and Eastern Europe. Instead of constituting a new individual type of welfare arrangement, a hybridization process is observable.  相似文献   

王进  陈晓思 《社会》2013,33(5):159-180
近几十年来,随着女生受教育权利越来越得到重视,男女生在受教育机会方面趋于平等,但学校中却出现了男生平均成绩相比女生普遍偏低的现象,学生学习成绩的性别差异越来越明显。本文采用学校固定效应模型,分析不同的班级环境对学生学习成绩造成的影响及其性别差异。研究结果显示,男生学习成绩落后的现象多存在于学习环境相对较差的学校。进一步加入中间变量,初步探析其形成机制后发现,在较差的学校中,男生容易在同伴群体中形成反学校的认知、态度和行为,女生则较少受到这种影响,因而容易造成学习成绩上的性别差异。  相似文献   

This study examined early adolescent autonomy and relatedness during disagreements with friends as key social competencies likely to predict academic achievement during the transition to high school and academic attainment into early adulthood. A sample of 184 adolescents was followed through age 29 to assess predictions to academic success from observed autonomy and relatedness during a disagreement task with a close friend. Observed autonomy and relatedness at age 13 predicted relative increases in grade point average (GPA) from 13 to 15, and greater academic attainment by age 29, after accounting for baseline GPA. Findings remained after accounting for peer acceptance, social competence, scholastic competence, externalizing and depressive symptoms, suggesting a key role for autonomy, and relatedness during disagreements in helping adolescents navigate challenges in the transition to high school and beyond.  相似文献   

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