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当前,随着劳动力资源的市场化、劳动用工制度的改革及社会保险制度的逐步建立,职业生涯中劳动者与用人单位之间因劳动权利和义务而引发的劳动争议纠纷呈日趋上升之势。这类案件不同于其他类型民事案件,有其特殊的处理机制,应合理科学地对待劳动争议案件的仲裁程序与诉讼程序,把握好二者的关系,解决劳动争议纠纷。  相似文献   

问:我退休在即,与公司发生了关于养老保险、医疗保险待遇问题的争议,这属于劳动争议吗?我该通过怎样的途径来维护自己的权益?答:劳动争议是指劳动关系当事人即用人单位与劳动者之间因执行劳动法规,履行劳动合同以及其他劳动问题所发生的劳动权利、义务方面的纠纷。调整劳动关系的重要法律是《劳动法》。根据《中华人民共和国企业劳动争议处理条例》规定,因企业开除、除名、辞退职工和职工辞职、自动离职发生的争议,因执行国家有关工资、保险、福利、培训、劳动保护的规定发生的争议,因履行劳动合同发生的争议等,都属于劳动争议。这里的“保…  相似文献   

黄乐平  朱茂林 《职业》2008,(4):40-42
2007年12月29日,<中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法>(以下简称为"<劳动争议调解仲裁法>")由第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议通过,将于2008年5月1日起开始实施.<劳动争议调解仲裁法>本着以人为本、及时有效地解决劳动争议、建构和谐的劳动用工关系的原则,针对我国现行的劳动争议处理制度进行了大胆改革,有效地解决了我国现行劳动争议处理过程中存在的争议处理周期过长、申请仲裁时效过短和争议处理成本过高等问题.<劳动争议调解仲裁法>是2007年通过的第三部关于劳动方面的法律,加上之前通过的<劳动合同法><就业促进法>,对中国劳动法律制度的完善具有重大意义.  相似文献   

因养老待遇与单位发生纠纷,应找谁解决?问:我因养老待遇问题与单位发生纠纷,向法院起诉,法院却告知不予受理。请问我与单位的纠纷应该找谁解决?老李答:我国对劳动争议采取“先裁后审”的原则,即:劳动争议发生后,当事人可以向本单位劳动仲裁委员会申请调解;调解不成,当事人一方要求仲裁的,可以向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁;当事人也可以直接向劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。对仲裁裁决不服的,可以向人民法院提起诉讼。根据《中华人民共和国企业劳动争议处理条例》,劳动争议仲裁委员会受理下列劳动争议:(一)因企业开除、除名、辞退职工和职工…  相似文献   

黄乐平  朱茂林 《职业》2008,(2):40-42
2007年12月29日,《中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法》(以下简称为“《劳动争议调解仲裁法》”)由第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第三十一次会议通过将干2008年5月1日起开始实施。《劳动争议调解仲裁法》本着以人为本、及时有效地解决劳动争议、建构和谐的劳动用工关系的原则,针对我国现行的劳动争议处理制度进行了大胆改革,有效地解决了我国现行劳动争议处理过程中存在的争议处理周期过长、申请仲裁时效过短和争议处理成本过高等问题。《劳动争议调解仲裁法》是2007年通过的第三部关于劳动方面的法律,加上之前通过的《劳动合同法》《就业促进法》,对中国劳动法律制度的完善具有重大意义。  相似文献   

吴红玲  宋学锋 《职业》2006,(7):38-39
我国劳动争议的新特点劳动争议是劳资双方的利益矛盾,是劳资双方劳动关系不协调的表现。改革开放以来,我国经济迅速发展,城市化进程加快,劳动力市场暂时处于供过于求的状态。同时由于相关制度不尽完善,劳动执法、司法不能满足现实需要,劳动争议中的双方当事人,虽然在法律上具有平等的  相似文献   

企业不愿接收顶岗实习生。学生对于顶岗实习热情不高。学校、老师在中间颇费周折多方联络来落实学生顶岗实习单位却引来了质疑。是不是校企合作安排学生顶岗实习这条路走不通呢?答案是否定的。校企合作是我们高职院校培养高质量人才的有效途径。只是,通过校企合作培养高职人才在我国尚处于成长阶段,相关的政策、法规和方法尚未成熟。建议通过健全法律制度,明确项岗实习生法律身份;保险公司开设顶岗实习生人身伤害险;国家对于校企合作企业给予税费等相关政策上的优惠;学校做好顶岗实习前的教育动员工作;顶岗实习生与企业间实行双向选择;把顶岗实习与学生就业相结合;学校深入企业,与企业合作开发项目进而提升学生顶岗实习层次等措施促进校企合作,提高顶岗实习效率。  相似文献   

滕玫 《职业》2001,(2):36-37
劳动争议主体,即劳动争议的当事人,包括劳动者和用人单位,是劳动法律关系中权利的享有者和义务的承担者。《企业劳动争议处理条例》第三条规定“企业与职工为劳动争议案件的当事人”。 一、作为劳动争议的劳动者主体的法律适用 “劳动者”必须具有劳动权利能力和劳动行为能力。劳动权利能力是指依法享有劳动权利和承担劳动义务的能力和资格。《民法通则》规定,公民的民事权利能力始于出生,终于死亡。而公民的劳动权利能力则从16周岁开始,终于退休,这与民事权利能力明显不同。劳动行为能力是指能够以自己的行为行使依法取得劳动权利和…  相似文献   

2009年劳动争议六大热点预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱茂林 《职业》2009,(1):24-25
2008年,我国有三部重要的劳动法律开始实施,是劳动争议集中爆发的一年.以北京市为例,1~9月各劳动争议仲裁委员会共受理劳动争议案件32954件,与上年同期相比增长了103.8%:1~9月全市各法院共受理一审劳动争议案件12140件,比2007年同期上升了89.7%.由于我国经济受国际金融危机的影响可能进一步扩大,因此在2008年劳动争议发展趋势的基础上,2009年的劳动争议会因此而产生一些新的特点和情况.  相似文献   

娄凯  高莹莹 《职业时空》2013,(9):44-46,51
近年来,我国劳动争议明显呈多发态势,已经不能单靠劳动争议仲裁或者劳动监察查处来解决,因此寻求企业内部的化解渠道是构建和谐劳动关系的有效途径。以苏州高新区为例,阐述了目前企业劳动关系的现状及主要问题,分析和探讨了企业劳动争议的影响因素,在此基础上提出了要充分发挥基层管理人员在构建和谐劳动关系中的作用,最终达到减少劳动争议,构建和谐劳动关系的长远目标。  相似文献   

"This article assesses the notion that the determinants of remittances generated by refugee flows, particularly from Communist-inspired systems, are different from those associated with labor migrations....These differences have a major bearing on how labor migrants and refugees perceive their relationship with countries of origin. The propensity of labor migrants to dissociate themselves from the home country is considerably less than among refugees whose perceptions are mediated by opposition to the ruling regime and other factors, such as political relations between refugee-sending and refugee-receiving countries and whether or not there has been a regime change or one is expected to occur. The conceptual issues elaborated here are based on the Cuban-American experience, but also reflect an assessment of Nicaraguan emigration during the 1980s."  相似文献   

This paper exploits an international bilateral data set over the period 1963–1998 to investigate the relationship between foreign direct investment (FDI) and foreign‐educated labor in an FDI host country. Workers educated abroad acquire country‐specific human capital that is more productive in the host country of study. A foreign subsidiary sharing a parent firm's technology will invest more if it has more foreign‐educated labor, since it can utilize this labor more productively because of the country‐specific human capital. Consistent with our predictions, our empirical findings show that foreign‐educated labor accounted for a sizable portion of growth in FDI flows. (JEL F21, F10)  相似文献   

《Public Relations Review》2001,27(1):103-117
The present study attempts to initiate and motivate interest in communication faculty internships. Based upon a participant-observer, experiential faculty internship at a major international public relations firm, this paper synthesizes direct experience with a review of the internship literature to advance specific conclusions about this activity. Public relations internships are advantageous for faculty with little or no professional experience, those in need of knowledge or technique updating, and for those who need to understand the student internship experience.Problems and disadvantages of faculty internships include difficulty in arrangements, and an insufficient number of sites. Faculty internships pose a major imposition to the internship host, and they may also involve faculty financial sacrifice. A series of ten experiential realizations accruing from the faculty internship are also presented. These included the pace of professional activity, the importance of good communication skills, and the significance of attitude.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the role of source country culture on gender roles for labor market assimilation of immigrant women in Sweden. Sweden ranks as one of the world’s most gender-equal countries and at the same time a recipient of many immigrants from countries with more traditional views on gender roles and gender equality. I find that the labor force participation of immigrant women in Sweden is related to their source country culture, in the sense that women from countries where women’s labor market participation is low (high) also have low (high) participation in the Swedish labor market. However, all immigrant women assimilate towards, but do not reach parity with, the participation rate of native women, and the difference between women from high- and low-participation countries diminishes with length of residence in Sweden. This indicates that source country culture on gender roles does not have a persistent effect on immigrant women’s labor market participation in Sweden. Furthermore, the results highlight the importance of taking into account unobservable time-constant individual and source country factors when estimating the relationship between source country culture and immigrants’ labor market outcomes. Neglecting to control for these factors could lead researchers to misrepresent the rate of assimilation and overstate the effect of source country culture.  相似文献   

Analysis of internship grades earned by 132 public relations and communication majors registered for internship credit at a major Northeastern university show that students with a 2.7 grade point average (GPA) predictably do as well as students with a GPA ranging from 3.0 to 3.3.Accordingly, it is recommended that the GPA cutoff point for internship eligibility at this school be lowered from the previous 3.0 standard to 2.7. This case study demonstrates the value of measuring actual performance against idealized standards.In addition to his interest in the internship curriculum, Temple University Associate Professor Michael L. Maynard’s areas of research include mass media analysis, the relationship between mass communication and culture as well as textual and semiotic analyses of Japanese television and print advertising.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a survey that examined the implementation of the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE) internship requirement by accredited doctoral Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) programs. Representatives from each of 10 doctoral MFT programs provided responses to questions regarding program objectives for internship training. Respondents also provided subjective impressions regarding the effectiveness with which established internship goals are accomplished, associated benefits and difficulties, and adequacy of the standards. Results suggest that although most programs perceive the internship requirement as beneficial, many express concern regarding the effects of the internship requirement on other aspects of training and in relationship to the overall goals for doctoral MFT education. Conclusions and recommendations are offered based on the mixed findings.  相似文献   

This article presents an overview of international migration in the Czech Republic, with a special focus on labor immigration. Currently, the Czech Republic is an immigration and transit country. The most important immigratory segment — economic immigrants — create a colorfulmosaic of various ethnicities (80% of them from Europe), each group with their own different economic strategy and niche. After sketching historical patterns and data problems, the focus is on the current situation of labor migrants in the country. A number of issues are addressed: e.g., the relationship between immigrant inflows and the economic situation of the country; immigrants' regional concentration/deconcentration processes; the popularity of the capital city of Prague and western regions vis‐á‐vis eastern ones; and the different structural backgrounds of immigrants coming from the East versus the West. Special attention is placed on undocumentedlillegal immigration, mainly in relation to the misuse and evasion of immigration legislation. Finally, the immature Czech migration policies and practices are discussed, as are needed policy improvements and the need for new immigration legislation. It is clear that the major trend over time leads to more restrictive migratory policies, in line with efforts to harmonize Czech migratory policies and practices with those of the European Union (EU).  相似文献   

Sexual Consent     

What role can the criminal law play in the battle against child sexual abuse? Should sexual relations of, and with, persons under a certain age be criminalized regardless of the circumstances, even if they are consensual (“age of consent”, “minimum age”)? Where should such a minimum age-limit be fixed? Should there be a special, higher age-limit for particular conditions (e.g., “seduction”, “corruption”)? Should sexual contacts with minors within a relationship of authority be criminalized generally or just if authority is abused? Should criminal proceedings be instituted ex officio or upon complaint only? Should authorities be provided with a power of discretion or should they be obliged to prosecute and sentence in each case? In answering these important questions, it is highly beneficial to have a look across the borders to the solutions other countries have reached in this area.

This analysis will provide an overview on the criminal law governing the sexual behavior of, and with, children and adolescents in all European jurisdictions and in selected jurisdictions outside of Europe. It will show which categories of offenses exist and from which age onward young people can effectively consent to various kinds of sexual behavior and relations in the different countries. It turns out that all states in Europe and all of the studied jurisdictions overseas do have minimum age limits for sexual relations, do punish sexual relations with persons under a certain age. Nowhere is this age set lower than 12 years. In Europe in one-half of the jurisdictions, consensual sexual relations with 14-year-old adolescents are legal; in two-thirds with 15-year-olds; in a majority, this is also the case when the older partner has started the initiative (and also when the initiative contains an offer of remuneration). In nearly all jurisdictions, such relations are legal from the age of 16 onwards. Nearly all European jurisdictions set the same age limit in the criminal law for depicting sexual activity as for the sexual activity itself. Most states apply a higher age limit for contacts in relationships of authority. If the authority is not misused the age limit in most jurisdictions is set between 14 and 16; if it is misused between 16 and 18. Most states make no difference between heterosexual and homosexual relations.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between source‐country gender roles and the gender division of paid and unpaid labor within immigrant families in the host society. Results from Canadian Census of Population (N = 497,973) data show that the 2 indicators of source‐country gender roles examined—female/male labor activity ratio and female/male secondary education ratio—are both positively associated with immigrant wives' share in their family labor supply and negatively associated with their share in housework. The association between source‐country gender roles and women's share in couples' labor activities weakens over time. Moreover, the relationship between source‐country female/male labor activity and immigrant couples' gender division of labor is reduced when immigrant women have nonimmigrant husbands, indicating that husband's immigration status matters.  相似文献   

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