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为推动开罗国际人口与发展大会《行动纲领》及千年发展目标在亚太区域如期实现,2009年10月18-20日,由中国国家人口计生委、中国计划生育协会、中国人口学会、国际计划生育联合会、联合国人口基金、人口与发展南南合作伙伴组织等共同举办的第五届亚太生殖健康大会在北京召开。  相似文献   

1994年,开罗国际人口与发展大会通过了《国际人口与发展大会行动纲领》,创造性地指出人口问题是一个综合问题,人口要适应可持续发展的要求。自此之后,中国积极接受先进发展理念,尊重公民生育权利,在生殖健康、出生性别比失调综合治理、优质服务、提高人口素质等方面做出了积极且有效的努力。新世纪我国人口与发展形势发生了深刻变化,人口要素之间相互交织,人口与发展各种问题更加复杂,虽然低生育水平继续稳定,  相似文献   

1994年开罗国际人发大会以来,中国认真履行对国际人发大会《行动纲领》和“千年发展目标”的承诺,统筹解决人口问题,在人口和计划生育及生殖健康领域取得可喜进步,并促进了经济社会的全面、协调和可持续发展,促进了人民健康水平和生活质量的提高。  相似文献   

迎接国际人口与发展大会国务院总理李鹏今年9月初,联合国将在开罗召开国际人口与发展大会,并以“人口、持续的经济增长和可持续的发展”为主题。这表明国际社会日益清醒地认识到人口与发展密不可分,并准备采取共同行动。我认为这是一次具有重要意义的会议,中国政府予...  相似文献   

中华人民共和国人口与发展报告(摘要之一)为了迎接将于1994年9月5日至13日在埃及首都开罗召开的“国际人口与发展大会”,中国政府于1993年3月成立了出席“国际人口与发展大会”全国筹委会,并由国家计生委负责组织起草了“中华人民共和国人口与发展报告”...  相似文献   

在国际人口与发展大会筹委会第三次会议上的发言(搞要)(1994年4月4日于纽约)彭玉今年9月在开罗召开的国际人口与发展大会是一次具有跨世纪的重要意义的大会。会议将对今后20年人口与发展产生重要的影响。中国作为一个人口大国,和许多发展中国家一样面临解决...  相似文献   

背景 世界四分之一以上的人是在1994年国际人口与发展大会以后出生的。然而即使在今天,连这些人都还没有充分享受到179个国家在国际人发大会上所承诺的服务和权利。许多青少年仍然对自己的生殖权利与性权利一无所知。  相似文献   

国际人口与发展大会及其给予我们的启示王国强联合国国际人口与发展大会于1994年9月5日至13日在埃及开罗召开,182个国家的代表团和60多个国际组织以及1000多个非政府组织的代表共约2万人出席了会议。这次大会虽然是部长级会议,但一些国家的元首和政府...  相似文献   

背景1997年10月国际人口科学联盟第23届国际人口科学大会在北京召开,来自80多个国家的千余名代表参加了此次大会,这是国际最高级别的人口科学大会。半年后,1998年5月中国人口学会在北京召开了第7次全国人口科学讨论会,200多位代表出席了这次大会,这是国内最高级别的人口学术会议。这两次大会是对国际和国内近年来人口研究成果的检验,是世纪末人口学发展的展示一人口学将以怎样的姿态进入21世纪。然而一种明显的迹象是,无论从国际还是国内的人口研究成果的水平来看,人口学似乎已走过了昨日的辉煌,中国的人口学…  相似文献   

关于计划生育与生育健康关系的讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
关于计划生育与生育健康关系的讨论乔晓春,高凌1994年9月国际人口与发展大会通过的《国际人口与发展大会行动纲领》引用了生育健康这一概念。目前这一概念已被国际社会普遍接受,世界各国和有关机构都在调整方向,向《行动纲领》所提出的目标靠拢。中国政府对此也应...  相似文献   

The goal of the United Nations International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD), held in Cairo in September 1994, was to agree on a Programme of Action in the field of population and development which would supersede the Plan of Action agreed to at Bucharest in 1974 and subsequently amended ten years later in Mexico City. The main purpose of the present paper is to characterize some of the principal intellectual and ideological developments of the last 20 years which have had an impact on the definition of this goal. I conclude with some brief comments on the Programme of Action adopted by consensus at the Conference. This is an amended version of the paper I presented at the Seventh National Conference of the Australian Population Association (in a Plenary Session entitled ‘Messages from Cairo’), held in Canberra in September 1994.  相似文献   

张刚  王钦池 《当代中国人口》2008,25(6):7-11,32-34
2008年12月7—8日,由北京大学数字中国研究院和中国人口与发展研究中心主办、中国标准化研究院人口与健康信息技术研究中心和中国仪器仪表学会医疗仪器分会电子健康专业委员会协办的“数字健康论坛”在北京大学举行。此次论坛是北京大学和国际数字地球学会联合主办的“第五届数字中国发展高层论坛暨信息主管峰会”的分论坛,主题为电子信息与空间技术在人口与健康领域的应用。  相似文献   

We use data from the nationally representative 1997 Demographic and Reproductive Health Survey to examine use of maternity services in rural China. The data indicate that roughly 60 per cent of women had at least one prenatal visit, while 40 per cent had a professionally assisted birth over the period 1988-97. Despite China's shift from a more socialist to a more privatized health care system, use of maternity services increased over this period. These increases are consistent with the push toward integration of reproductive health into family planning that emerged after the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and the 1995 Fourth World Women's Conference held in Beijing. At the same time, we find indirect evidence that the target-based population policy may well have exerted downward pressure on use of maternity services; differences by parity are marked and multilevel models predicting use of maternity services indicate underdispersion at the individual level.  相似文献   

We use data from the nationally representative 1997 Demographic and Reproductive Health Survey to examine use of maternity services in rural China. The data indicate that roughly 60 per cent of women had at least one prenatal visit, while 40 per cent had a professionally assisted birth over the period 1988–97. Despite China's shift from a more socialist to a more privatized health care system, use of maternity services increased over this period. These increases are consistent with the push toward integration of reproductive health into family planning that emerged after the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development and the 1995 Fourth World Women's Conference held in Beijing. At the same time, we find indirect evidence that the target-based population policy may well have exerted downward pressure on use of maternity services; differences by parity are marked and multilevel models predicting use of maternity services indicate underdispersion at the individual level.  相似文献   

Ten years after the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, also known as the “Earth Summit,” held in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, the United Nations will convene another summit of world governments and other major actors to assess global change during the last decade. The meeting will be held in Johannesburg, 2–11 September 2002. One of the reports prepared for the 30 April–2 May 2001 session of the preparatory committee for the Johannesburg meeting discusses developments in global health. The report, prepared by the World Health Organization with “contributions from other United Nations agencies and international organizations” and formally presented as a Report of the Secretary‐General (E/CN. 17/2001 /PC/6), is reproduced below in full. It notes some of the remarkable gains in health during the past decade and, in greater detail, enumerates the major problem areas and outlines future trends and challenges. The document is available at « http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/health.htm#doc ».  相似文献   

On 22 January 2001, the third day of the new US administration (the day that also marked the twenty‐eighth anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the US Supreme Court decision that liberalized abortion). President Bush issued an executive order, taking the form of a memorandum addressed to the Administrator of the Agency for International Development on the subject of “Restoration of the Mexico City Policy.” The executive order reinstates the US policy promulgated at the International Conference on Population held in Mexico City in 1984 (see “Documents” in the September 1984 issue of this journal). The Mexico City policy was rescinded on 22 January 1993 when President Clinton took office (see “Documents” in the March 1993 issue of this journal). The full text of President Bush's memorandum as released by the White House is reproduced below.  相似文献   

The Cairo International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) paid great attention to the sexual and reproductive health of adolescents. One of the top priorities of the ICPD Programme of Action is to provide adolescents with necessary sexual and reproductive health information and services, ensure their right to reproductive health education and services, and help them develop risk-free behaviours and healthy lifestyles.  相似文献   

陈颢  任志远 《西北人口》2010,31(5):44-48
人类发展指数是对一个国家或地区人类发展水平所取得成就的整体评估,用于反映一个国家或地区社会进步的程度。本文以关中—天水经济区为研究对象分别从市域和县域的角度分析了关中—天水经济区人类发展的整体水平以及空间格局。研究结果表明:①市域尺度下,关中—天水经济区人类发展指数的平均值为0.7,整体处于全国中下水平。②县域尺度下,关中—天水经济区人类发展水平呈现不均衡态势且区域差异明显。③影响关中-天水经济区人类发展水平的主要是经济因素。  相似文献   

The purposes of the World Population Year (1974) declared by the General Assembly of the United Nations are: 1) to improve knowledge of and information about population trends; 2) sharpen awareness of population problems and their implications; 3) provide education on population, family life and reproduction; 4) stimulate consideration of alternative policies in the population and development fields, and 5) expand international cooperation in the population field and supply increased technical assistance to countries needing and desiring it. The central core of activity is the United Nations Conference which is a series of meetings under various names culminating in the final World Population Conference to be held in Bucharest in August, 1974.  相似文献   

The subject of this paper is the political behavior of developing states (the South) on issues of population, environment and development. It attempts to understand why the South is so weary of international population policy in the name of the environment. It argues that the South's response is shaped by five inter-related concerns about responsibility, efficiency, efficacy, additionality, and sovereignty. That is, the developing countries, (a) do not want their population growth to be held responsible for global environmental degradation, (b) argue that a more efficient solution to the environmental crisis is consumption control in the North, (c) believe that development remains a necessary condition for efficacious population control, (d) are weary of the population priorities of the North distracting international funds from other developmental goals of the South, and (e) are unprepared to accept any global population norms which challenge their fundamental political, cultural or religious sovereignty. It is maintained that these concerns have historically guided the positions of the South and remain valid and relevant today. Although, over the last two decades of North-South debate on the subject the nuances within these concerns have evolved, the concerns themselves remain valid and were apparent again at the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development. Finally, it is proposed that although a grand North-South bargain around population-environment-development issues remains unlikely, both sides can gain much from trying to understand - even where they do not agree with - the other's concerns. The purpose of this study is not as much to defend the South's position, as to present it and the rationale behind it.  相似文献   

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