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博物馆是凝聚历史记忆的场域,同时也是文化再现的场所。博物馆利用其独特的藏品、丰富的展示手法,以及特殊的建筑结构叙事空间,将一段段鲜活的历史、文化、记忆向我们娓娓道来。作为承载人类历史记忆的媒介,博物馆通过展示"物",再现"物"之主的个体记忆;营造"场",借由其特殊的"场",塑造并建构社会乃至国家之集体记忆。文章主要以建川博物馆和侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆为主要研究对象,探讨纪录国家、民族之创伤记忆的战争纪念型博物馆,叙写建构创伤与形塑记忆的手法与意义。  相似文献   

正猥亵儿童惩罚轻?性侵未成年人案件数量正在上升。2018年5月29日,最高检召开的新闻发布会称,"猥亵儿童罪这一罪名近五年来一直呈现上升态势。"江西省检察院提供了更有说服力的数字。2019年3月26日,江西省检察院首次发布了未成年人检察工作白皮书,白皮书显示,2018年,江西省检察机关共批准逮捕强奸、强制猥亵、猥亵儿童等性侵未成年人的犯罪嫌疑人353人,起诉328人,同  相似文献   

法国社会学家哈布瓦赫认为,每一代人的心灵都被其时代的重大历史事件所塑造,而青春时期的集体记忆将影响其个体的生命历程。根据集体记忆的生产机理,通过"代单位"建构,使新时代青年获得群体归属感和认同感;通过"媒介仪式"建构,形塑新时代青年的群体社会表征,通过"传递经验"建构,建立积极的网络社会心态;通过"情境记忆"建构,培养积极的情绪情感,通过"生命故事"建构,引导新时代青年讲好青春故事,实现新时代青年"强国一代"集体记忆的认同、固化与刻写。  相似文献   

世界范围内针对儿童这一“数字弱势群体”的网络性侵行为愈发严重,但传统犯罪治理的一元模式不能对其进行有效且适度的调控。当前,英国围绕“立法者—网络平台方—警务部门”这一治理框架进行了诸多探索,网络儿童保护成效较为明显。实践中,我国网络性侵儿童犯罪治理工作在刑事立法、平台监管、警务执法方面存在一定的现实困境。有鉴于此,在合理提炼、借鉴英国治理经验的基础之上,我国可从以下三个方面探寻网络性侵儿童犯罪治理的多元路径:在刑事立法治理层面,需要精准识别网络空间中性侵儿童的风险因素;在网络平台治理层面,构建以企业合规义务为指引的网络性侵儿童犯罪线索报告机制;在警务治理层面,转变网络性侵儿童犯罪的侦查取证视野。  相似文献   

随着时间的推移,人们思维意识的成长,越来越多的人开始把目光放在集体记忆上,而集体档案则成了集体记忆的有利借鉴,档案管理工作与集体记忆之间的关系也随时间渐渐得到了人们的认同。之所以会有这样的现象,是因为在过去的研究情况和进展表明,一个团体乃至一个国家一个民族的记忆是其中的所有个体通过各种媒介所获得的,在这些媒介之中,档案是最为直接、最为有力,同时也最受信任的一种方式。因为档案依据实情实景适时地做出了有效的、可信的记录。长久以来档案随着时间的日积月累,自然为人们的集体记忆提供了可以信赖的依据。  相似文献   

儿童的发展一直是我们关注的重要领域,而近几年随着信息技术的快速发展,媒介的类型也发生了很大的变化。在儿童的教育领域和生活领域,媒介的作用日趋强大。本文将从儿童媒介素养、媒介素养教育两个方面出发,以建构主义为出发点对"儿童媒介素养"进行解读,力求顺应儿童发展,为儿童媒介素养教育提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

本文以专业技术人员阶层为例,分析了其"类别性""强化性"和"缺席性"媒介呈现上的负面效果,并从该阶层拥有的特质条件和媒介生存境遇两方面剖析了成因,进而从国家政策、阶层自身和大众媒介三方提出了建构良好阶层形象的具体路径。  相似文献   

媒介作为一种重要的社会机制与机构,既是记忆的载体,又是建构记忆的主体。它承担了记录、书写与重构等多重使命,帮助社会个体与群体进行回忆。从这一视角出发,采用影视文本分析的方法,结合叙事、话语、记忆等相关理论,对凤凰卫视中文台自2005年以来的"知青"主题纪录片的"记忆"过程进行了系统的考察。研究发现,媒体通过个体的记忆叙事来建构知青的社会记忆,并由此形成媒介记忆框架。在这一记忆框架中,"还原事件""反思事件"及"青春无悔"构成了最重要的记忆主题。在知青个体记忆叙事层面,知青通过回忆和叙事,将"上山下乡"运动及卷入其中的各种权力要素建构为一场特殊的青春场域,在这一由记忆所建构的场域中,宏观的国家权力、中观的国家权力弥散形式及微观的网状权力共同作用并形塑着知青的青春记忆。  相似文献   

如今社会,新闻反转的事件随处可见,从女子被狗咬到阎肃被死亡等事件无不彰显了当今浮躁的媒介环境。在这样屡见不鲜的"新闻反转"事件中,媒介在其中也发挥了重要的作用,本文试图从原因入手,对媒介形象的重建进行反思。  相似文献   

运用电子技术及数字技术进行信息传播的手机媒介,给人类社会的信息传播带来了新的变革。这种高度感官化、情境化、多元化的全新媒介环境给儿童的童年生活带来了新的机遇与挑战。儿童利用全新的手机媒介,拓展了学习的空间,增加了与世界的联系,满足了他们不同的需求,激发了他们对生活的热情与学习的兴趣,实现寓教于乐,给儿童的童年生活带来全新的体验与快乐。但由于儿童身心发展的特点决定了他们有限的自制力与对信息辨别的能力,加上成人对儿童的监控与指导缺位,使部分儿童在生活中不当或过度使用手机媒介,导致了儿童远离自然与社会,亲子关系疏离,童年和成年的分界线被侵蚀,手机媒介成为陪伴儿童成长的"精神保姆",以致儿童童年的生活出现危机。手机媒介不过是人类文明发展到一定程度而出现的一个新的工具,这个工具不应是童年生活的牺牲品,而应是创造了童年的新生活。成人要正确认识手机媒介的教育价值,发挥成人的积极作用,为在电子媒介下儿童童年新生活的建设做出努力。  相似文献   

分析了公用事业由国有独资经营向公有制多种实现形式转化必须把握好的几个方面。同时,政府应加强对公用事业的宏观控制力。  相似文献   

主要从思想建设、产业结构调整、城乡一体化方面探讨廊坊市抓住发展机遇,加快科学发展的思路。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the recognition of facial expressions of six emotions as a function of sex and level of education (high school, college, university) of the subjects. Three hundred French-speaking citizens of Quebec had to judge which emotion was expressed in various facial stimuli presented on slides. Results show that overall, the recognition of emotions was very good. However, there were significant and strong differences between emotions and sex and levels of education did not have strong effects on the results.This research was supported by grant EQ-1717 from Fonds FCAC (Gouvernment du Quebec).  相似文献   

The idea of a community of learners is based on the premise that learning occurs as people participate in shared endeavors with others, with all playing active but often asymmetrical roles in sociocultural activity. This contrasts with models of learning that are based on one‐sided notions of learning— either that it occurs through transmission of knowledge from experts or acquisition of knowledge by novices, with the learner or the others (respectively) in a passive role. In this paper, I develop the distinction between the community of learners and one‐sided approaches from the perspective of a theory of learning as participation, and use two lines of research to illustrate the transitions in perspective necessary to understand the idea of communities of learners. One line of research examines differing models of teaching and learning employed by caregivers and toddlers from Guatemalan Mayan and middle‐class European‐American families; the other line of research involves a study of how middle‐class parents make a transition from their own schooling background to participate in instruction in a public US elementary school.  相似文献   

中国经济崛起和城市化进程过程中农民工的贡献有目共睹,城市让生活更美好的诱惑使得中国的新老两代农民工从农村流入城市,2008年1月1日的《劳动合同法》和《劳动争议调解仲裁法》让社会看到了改善农民工权利状况的希望,然而新生代农民工的权利保护尤其是作为一名劳动者的权利保护的现状依然不如人意,没有救济的权利不是真正的权利、迟来的正义是非正义,每年岁末对于农民工权益的突击性保障并不能从根本上解决问题,把包括农民工权益保障的社会问题纳入法治框架内、通过探析新生代农民工权利阙如问题及原因进而发现从制度层面进行解决才是解决农民工权益保障问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

The authors reexamine the study of generational differences in adjustment among the children of immigrants by arguing that the country of origin defines and shapes the adaptation process across generations. Using a sample of children in Toronto, the authors demonstrate that generational differences in the mental health of children occur only in families from countries of origin at the lowest levels of economic development. Among those at the lowest levels of economic development, a mental health advantage in the first generation evolves to a disadvantage in the 2.5 generation relative to third or later generational children. Children from backgrounds characterized by higher economic development show no initial or eventual differences from the native born. Using data from the Toronto Study of Intact Families, the authors are able to explain differences among children from low economic development backgrounds specifically in terms of increasing family conflict and decreasing school involvement across generations.  相似文献   

This study looked for to lift information regarding laundries inserted in industries of animal products origin, to understand the activities developed in the section and to structure a Manual of Planning and Technical Information for laundries to industries of animal products origin, with the intention of subsidizing the planning, structuring and control of this work place, because norms or regulations that supervise don't exist or aid their managers and workers as for the operation of this work place.  相似文献   

介绍国内进行交通影响分析所采用的方法和研究范围,评述在建设项目规划阶段和设计阶段的交通影响分析至少应涉及的内容和深度。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to adapt to the Italian context a very commonly used international instrument to detect problem gambling, the canadian problem gambling index (CPGI), and assess its psychometric properties. Cross-cultural adaptation of CPGI was performed in several steps and the questionnaire was administered as a survey among Italian general population (n = 5,292). Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient was 0.87 and can be considered to be highly reliable. Construct validity was assessed first by means of a principal component analysis and then by means of confirmatory factor analysis, showing that only one factor, problem gambling, was extracted from the CPGI questionnaire (an eigenvalues of 4,684 with percentage of variance 52 %). As far as convergent validity is concerned, CPGI was compared with Lie/Bet questionnaire, a two-item screening tool for detecting problem gamblers, and with both depression and stress scales. A short form DSM-IV CIDI questionnaire was used for depression and VRS scale, a rating scale, was used for rapid stress evaluation. A strong convergent validity with these instruments was found and these findings are consistent with past research on problem gambling, where another way to confirm the validity is to determine the extent to which it correlates with other qualities or measures known to be directly related to problem gambling. In sum, despite the lack of a direct comparison with a classic gold-standard such as DSM-IV, the Italian version of CPGI exhibits good psychometric properties and can be used among the Italian general population to identify at-risk problem gamblers.  相似文献   

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