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任天军 《职业》2016,(10):18-18
  而刘冰雪与白鲸结缘也只是偶然。那是读大学的一个假期,刘冰雪陪同学去哈尔滨极地海洋馆游玩,第一次见到白鲸,她就喜欢上了白鲸优美的身影。它那粗壮的躯体,呈独特的白色或黄色,中央横断面大致呈圆形,往两端逐渐变细,觅食时的躯干更显肥胖圆润;头圆且比例小;颈部能点头及转头;喙短;没有背鳍,胸鳍却宽阔呈刮刀状,还活动自如。而当看白鲸进行精彩表演,还不停发出不同“人语声”时,从小就喜欢动物的刘冰雪更对白鲸产生了好感。  相似文献   

桐溪 《伴侣(A版)》2015,(3):14-16
2014年11月19日,青年演员邓家佳与相恋十年的男友林玉承在澳洲举行了婚礼.婚礼现场的邓家佳数度落泪,在交换戒指之际,她动情地对新郎林玉承说:“自从遇到你,幸福就在我的身边如影随形.当我满身疲惫的时候,你给了我一个宽广的胸膛;当我迷茫困惑之际,你给了我一个温暖的港湾……” 邓家佳曾出演过《十全九美》《爱情公寓》等知名电视剧,其饰演的“唐悠悠”既可爱又有些无厘头,是众多剧迷的超级银幕偶像.不过,与邓家佳的名气相比,林玉承却是一个圈外人,他俩之所以能牵手成功,缘于林玉承对邓家佳倾力关心,陪她走过了风雨十年……  相似文献   

陈曦 《中国扶贫》2016,(3):81-83
他曾是一名军人,以服从命令为天职,在部队踏实肯干,吃苦在前,练兵场上不怕危险,勇敢向前,当兵五年,荣立两次三等功,成为一名光荣的共产党员. 如今,他是一名村官,以造福百姓为天职,舍小家,为大家,真心实意为群众办实事、干好事,修路打井架农电,招商引资把厂办,发展养鸡栽树莓,年年收入几百万.  相似文献   

王玉琴 《职业》2016,(16):15-17
近日,一条“天文学家观测到有史以来最强超新星爆发”的新闻,震撼世界天文圈。这颗名为ASASSN-15lh的天体,距离地球38亿光年,最高光度超过5700亿个太阳,亮度相当于整个银河系千亿颗恒星总光度的20倍。这是迄今为止人类记录到的最强“超新星”。它由34岁的中国人东苏勃最早发现,2016年1月15日出版的美国《科学》杂志刊登了这一研究,东苏勃是论文第一作者。他到底是一个什么样的“天文奇才”?  相似文献   

1989年12月18~28日,国家主席杨尚昆应埃及、阿联酋、科威特和阿曼4国元首邀请,对4国进行了友好访问.国务委员兼财政部王丙乾、外交部副部长齐怀远、对外经贸部副部长吕学俭和公安部副部长顾林昉等陪同.这是自"6·4"风波以来,我国家元首首次出访,在国际社会引起强烈反响,尤其是美国等西方国家大为震惊,十分不快.12月18~21日,杨主席访问的第一站是埃及,18日下午(开罗时间),杨主席的专机徐徐降落在开罗国际机场时,穆巴拉克总统已等候在那里.  相似文献   

陈曦 《中国扶贫》2016,(10):65-69
  “冬桃合作社能有今天这个规模,多亏了各级领导和扶贫部门的大力支持,他们帮我们出资金、搞规划、引进新品种、科学管理,使合作社成为绿色观光旅游园区。这不,桃园里有20多名游客正在观赏、拍照呢!”顺着田坑村支部书记宋加宝手指的方向望去,只见一群游客徜徉在5000多亩桃花园里,边走边看边拍照,兴致正浓。  相似文献   

备受关注的中国共产党十八届六中全会于10月27日胜利闭幕,全会公报既对十八大以来党的建设实践作了全面总结,更对未来全面从严治党作了切实动员. 习近平总书记在为全会所作的工作报告中对扶贫和脱贫攻坚工作进行了全面梳理和系统总结,全会公报要求"继续推进全面从严治党,共同营造风清气正的政治生态,确保党团结带领人民不断开创中国特色社会主义事业新局面."  相似文献   

项目简介: 坐落于首都中央的城市高尔夫别墅的碧海方舟,位于北四环与京承高速公路黄金交叉点上,动静相宜.在11.95公顷的占地上,碧海方舟规划了52栋顶极豪华别墅及10栋别墅型公寓.整个项目被周边三大高尔夫球场所营造的总面积超过180万平米的生态绿植丛林包围,独享62万平米的绿色视野.站在碧海方舟别墅区内的2.8万平米浩瀚的中国湖畔,生活的律动从蜿蜒起伏的果岭上驰骋开去,直教人忍不住慨叹人生的神奇和美好.  相似文献   

李雨濛 《安家》2006,(9):289-292
在北京最难耐的八月,我驱车前往天伦随园,或许是已经入行有些时日对看项目已经没有了新奇.从八达岭高速经昌平西关环岛,穿过昌平市区,途径水库路,一片郁郁葱葱、青山怀抱的自然风光地带呈现眼前,再往前不远可以看到一片粉墙黛瓦的房屋,再走入其中层林环绕,隐约中传来袅袅曲音,空灵悠扬.寻音而入,林中江南建筑,藐藐天籁即出于此,此境此曲让人惬入梦里江南,随园的一切是那种可以唤起如女人想拥有无数首饰的幻想.对,就是这种强烈想拥有的感觉,无论你是否富有,只要你有一份江南梦,一份难以释怀的中国梦,你都会想成为随园的主人.  相似文献   

墨非 《伴侣(A版)》2015,(3):24-26
时运不济,失业女孩做了大款情人 在成为“小三”之前,赵美春的职场生涯一路坎坷. 今年25岁的赵美春是吉林省东丰县人,父亲在镇上经营着一家小杂货店,母亲是农民,家里还有一个弟弟.2008年夏天,赵美春从中专毕业后,做过酒店迎宾员,当过商场售货员,工作很辛苦,收入却很低.为此,她一直闷闷不乐. 两年后,赵美春成功应聘到一家保健品公司做文员.从商场售货员变身白领,她心里着实高兴了一把.  相似文献   

介绍国外膜技术在生产饮水及反冲洗水回收中的应用进展。  相似文献   

It is well acknowledged that low carbon emissions is one of the key factors contributing to sustainable urban development and effectively tackling climate change. Adaptive reuse of buildings is a form of sustainable urban regeneration, as it extends the building's life and avoids demolition waste, encourages reuses of the embodied energy and also provides significant social and economic benefits to the society. Thus, it embraces the different dimensions of sustainability. However, the debates over which sustainability factors are key, and how to address them all in practice, remain unresolved. This study begins with an intensive literature review of the factors that contribute to the goal of sustainable development in the conservation of built heritage. This is followed by in-depth interviews with practitioners who have participated in adaptive reuse projects in Hong Kong. These interviews confirm the reliability of the shortlisted sustainability factors. More importantly, this paper examines the challenges in incorporating a sustainability framework into adaptive reuse projects. The authors stress that the framework for achieving sustainable, low carbon adaptive reuse should be viewed more holistically, integrating social, economic, environmental, urban and political policies.  相似文献   

Aftercare services are acknowledged in the criminal justice system as critical to enabling drug offenders to avoid relapse and reincarceration, but the content too often is unsupported through research. One program funded under the Department of Justice in Maryland interviewed 150 inmates after three months in the community to determine what environmental influences were having the greatest impact on drug reuse. Findings suggest that more emphasis is needed on family relationships before and after release since satisfaction with family life is strongly correlated with drug abuse.  相似文献   

Knowledge sharing online has flourished within organizations as well as open online communities due to the pervasiveness of Web 2.0 platforms. This paper builds on previous studies of social construction of knowledge online and investigates how contributors in online communities collaboratively share and construct controversial scientific knowledge. As the general public participates in such knowledge collaboration, understanding the processes through which they contribute content and roles that they play is imperative. The authors conducted the content analysis of three online communities that engage in knowledge collaboration on the subject of Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) vaccination, which is perceived as contentious knowledge by the public due to the widespread myth among parents that the MMR vaccine is associated with autism. The study's findings include that the content discussed is influenced by the purposes of the communities, nature of the tasks, and demographics of participants, although they discussed the same topic. The authors also found that the framework of knowledge reuse and knowledge co-construction sites is useful for investigating the content and roles that appeared in the three communities. The contribution of the paper includes the analytical framework of knowledge reuse and knowledge co-construction, articulation of the content and roles that appeared in online communities, and unboxing of discourses in three different online communities. Future research directions are also discussed.  相似文献   


Learning objects are bite-sized digital learning resources designed to tackle the e-learning adoption problem by virtue of their scale, adaptability, and interoperability. The learning object approach advocates the creation of small e-learning resources rather than whole courses: resources that can be mixed and matched; used in a traditional or online learning environment; and adapted for reuse in other discipline areas and in other countries. Storing learning objects within a subject specific digital repository to enable search, discovery, sharing and use adds considerable value to the model. This paper explores the rationale for a learning object approach to e-learning and reflects on early experiences in developing a national learning object repository for social work education in Scotland.  相似文献   

Social research into the daily activities of children is important if we are to understand how children perceive themselves in relationship to their world. Ethically managed social research that allows children to speak as informed and competent subjects is thus vital. However, research regulatory bodies may be more concerned with protecting the privacy of children than facilitating their participation in research projects. In a context where publicly funded researchers are encouraged to make their data available for reuse, the bureaucratisation of the consent and ethics processes may impinge on the conduct and benefits, and the future accessibility, of the research itself. Reflecting on the findings of the Childhood, Tradition and Change research on playlore in Australian primary schools, we argue for a more balanced approach from regulatory authorities between protection and participation in relation to low‐risk social research with children.  相似文献   

The generation growing and diversified of Municipal Solid Waste is configured as an environmental problem, economic and social deterioration, especially, by application of inappropriate management of them. Faced with this urban context, the research in development presents as specific objective assessment of the quality of life of the gatherers of recyclable materials were active in the city of Juiz de Fora, in the brazilian state of Minas Gerais. In addition, the objective is, still, the recognition of the activity of sorting performed by "scavengers" in order to maximize the reduction, reuse and recycling energy and material waste daily. The proposed methodology is based on the application of the questionnaire Word Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100), prepared by the World Health Organization, in order to value the quality of life of the gatherers of recyclable materials, involved, even in educational workshops in order to discuss and organize strategies of health care and scouting to the basement to public policies.  相似文献   

近年来,水利工作取得了很大的成绩,但在水资源日益短缺的今天,水利管理工作仍要加强。文章就结合新时期水利工作所面临的新问题,探讨新的工作思路。  相似文献   

介绍上海城市水资源概况、2010年需水量发展预测、新水源开发计划及加强用水管理  相似文献   

公共供水是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,是城市可持续发展的重要保障。该文依据上海城市供水的现状,提出集约化供水是上海供水行业的发展方向。  相似文献   

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