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本文结合苏北某大型连锁超市物流配送中心的选址实际,对配迭中心选址的影响因素进行了具体分析,运用层次分析法建立了相关的评价指标体系,并采用模糊理论将各评价指标进行量化,通过模糊综合评价的方法对配送中心的最佳选址进行决策。  相似文献   

目的:构建临床医师专业能力量化考评指标体系和评价方法。方法:从卫生人力资源管理实际出发,运用文献法和问卷调查法,通过德尔菲(Delphi)法和层次分析(AHP)法,建立临床医师专业能力指标体系并对指标赋重,建立考核评价模型。结果:指标体系由二级指标构成,从职业道德、工作成绩和业务水平3个维度出发建立质量指标体系。其中二级指标33个,能够对临床医师的业务素质、工作质量、工作效率和经济效益进行考评。结论:建立健全一套临床医师专业能力量化考评模型势在必行。此研究建立的考评模型基本能够满足现阶段临床医师专业能力量化评估的需要,为医疗机构的人力资源管理提供理论了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

基于主成分分析的国有商业银行竞争力评价研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在现有商业银行竞争力评价指标的基础上,建立了一套完善的可量化的商业银行竞争力评价指标体系库.运用主成分分析法对该指标体系库的指标进行筛选,得到了信息反映程度高且不受指标间相关性影响的商业银行竞争力评价指标体系.该体系的特色与创新表现在:从现实竞争力和潜在竞争力两方面综合地考察国有商业银行的竞争力;通过主成分分析筛选得到包含较少指标的指标体系,能够反映全部原始数据的信息;降低了信息丢失程度,避免了指标间相关性对后期评价的影响;利用OBLIMIN斜交旋转法得到显著影响综合竞争力的若干因素,有利于国有商业银行更有针对性地提高自身竞争力.从实证的角度,运用斜交旋转法,找出影响国有商业银行竞争力的银行的盈利能力、发展能力、创新成果等主要因素,为国有商业银行的发展提供了具有实践意义的参考.  相似文献   

企业管理者综合素质评价模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文根据企业人力资源管理的基本原理,运用模糊综合评价方法,提出了一套用于评价企业管理者综合素质的指标体系;用层次分析法确定了指标体系中各因素的权重并在MATLAB中实现,建立了企业管理者综合素质评价模型;旨在探索对企业管理者综合素质的测评进行量化分析的方法。  相似文献   

本文在分析军校装备管理工作的基础上,结合平衡记分卡提出了军校装备全方位管理工作绩效综合评价指标体系;用层次分析法确定了指标体系中各因素的权重;运用模糊综合评价方法构建立了军校装备管理工作绩效综合评价模型,旨在探索对军校装备管理工作的绩效进行量化分析的方法。  相似文献   

对于一个区域或企业的自主创新能力综合评价的方法有多种,笔者倾向于采用量化值加权函数法对自主创新能力进行综合评价。该方法具体包括:确定各个指标在整个评价指标体系中的权重;消除指标量纲,进行指标"价值"量化;建立综合评价模型;计算综合评价结果;自主创新能力监测评价等程序步骤。  相似文献   

生态省建设进程指标体系及其监测评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论证分析了生态省的内涵、系统结构、功能及基本特征,建立了由25个指标组成的反映生态省建设进程的指标体系,诸指标确定出了具体衡量标准,运用层次分析法(AHP)、模糊隶属度函数方法以及线性加权和函数等方法建立了生态省建设进程监测评价的模型方法,搜集有关数据对山东省及各市的建设进程进行了测算和实证分析。  相似文献   

确定电力营销目标市场的优度评价方法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文首先建立了一套用以确定电力营销目标市场的优度评价的指标体系,通过建立用电细分市场的物元模型,运用物元的可拓性,将供电企业和用电客户两方面的指标量化,按照统一规范化运算,得出便于比较的优度,根据优度排序选择出目标市场。最后,本文以一个算例对确定目标市场的优度评价方法进行了实证研究。  相似文献   

运用我国1998年至2005年的相关指标数据,研究我国节能政策实施效果,建立我国节能政策绩效评价的指标体系。通过专家调查法和信息熵相结合的方法确定相关指标的权重,对我国节能政策绩效水平进行了评价。基于GM(1,1)模型,对我国节能政策绩效的相关指标进行了潜在态势预测,进行动态评价。  相似文献   

本文以"就业质量"为目标,综合考虑了高校、毕业生、用人单位等因素,建立了三层的高校毕业生就业质量评价指标体系,利用AHP法为各指标赋权,经过实例验证了该方法的有效性,表明该方法可以对高校毕业生的就业质量进行全面、客观、科学的评价。  相似文献   

顾客购买行为影响因素分析及重购概率的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾客购买行为是市场营销研究的重要内容之一。目前已有一些文献通过引入几个属性变量,构建起描述顾客购买行为或预测购买概率的随机模型。本文在前人研究的基础上,首先分析了对顾客购买行为影响较大的顾客购买决策、前后两次购买间隔时间、顾客重购行为和顾客逃逸等因素,而后将这些因素综合考虑,给出预测日用消费品重购概率的一种方法,并用实际数据对预测方法进行检验,预测的结果与实际数据非常接近。本方法的特点一是预测精度较高,二是具有一般性,适用于一般的日用消费品。  相似文献   

This study determines the optimal double-component assignment based on the system reliability criterion for a computer system, in which the computer system is represented as a network with a set of links and a set of vertices. The double-component assignment is to assign a set of transmission lines (resp. facilities) to the links (resp. vertices) of the network, in which each transmission line (resp. facility) has multiple states due to maintenance or failure. Thus, the computer system according to any double-component assignment is called a stochastic computer network. The system reliability is the probability that the specific units of data are successfully transmitted through the stochastic computer network. An optimization algorithm which integrates the genetic algorithm, minimal paths, and Recursive Sum of Disjoint Products is utilized to find the optimal double-component assignment with maximal system reliability. Several computer networks are utilized to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm compared with other algorithms. By solving this problem, data can be more reliably transmitted and thus the organization operation is executed more smoothly.  相似文献   

In 2002, the German system of higher education went through a set of reforms that were—amongothers—intended to make the university career more attractive for young academics, in order not to lose them to alternative careers. Until today, however, there is no theoretical or empirical analysis on the determinants of young academics’ career decisions. In our paper, we analyse the decisions of young academics to leave the university career system on the basis of a self-selection model. Using an original data set on junior scientists in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, we render first empirical evidence on the determinants of young academics’ careers decisions, and find that these are influenced by monetary as well as non-monetary factors.  相似文献   

Italian banks have undergone an evolutionary process and development of corporate, retail and private banking within the Italian banking system as a response to market pressures exerted by business and private customers for a broadening and qualitative expansion of offerings and organization of available competencies. This not only refers to large enterprises, whose relations with the financial system are autonomous, on equal terms and for some time now have opened up internationally, but above all the large number of SMEs found in Italy’s economic system. Interpreting governance and strategy takes place in a broad perspective in which banks and the financial system have to deal with five significant factors today: regulations, customers, knowledge, capital and synergies. Interaction with these five factors is undoubtedly not only guided by a choice made by shareholders and managers but represents the set of decisions that mitigate ideological factors, choices concerning sustainability and social acceptance of these choices. This paper intends to explore this interaction, drawing on and utilizing the most significant studies in the Italian Banking & Finance sector, with a specific focus on relations between the financial system and businesses, that is to say, the corporate banking area.  相似文献   

基于标准金融理论与行为金融理论相结合的思想,力图刻画投资者情绪的生成机理。以引起投资者情绪变化的货币环境、市场收益、市场波动、相关资产收益等因素为起点,引入市场投资价值、市场预期两个中间变量,建立了包含直接和间接影响两类路径的投资者情绪生成概念模型。使用中国股市2014年7月1日至2017年3月31日间的667组日度数据,在VAR建模的基础上开展实证研究。实证结果表明市场收益对投资者情绪具有直接的正向影响,市场波动和相关资产收益两因素基于市场预期中介变量间接负向作用于投资者情绪,而修正后引入的经济周期波动变量可以基于市场投资价值中介变量对投资者情绪产生正向影响,并进一步发现了市场收益、市场投资价值与投资者情绪之间存在正反馈强化过程。研究揭示出了投资者情绪生成的影响因素体系及其实现路径,将该领域研究深入到机理分析层面,并从一个侧面佐证了中国股市过度投机行为的存在。  相似文献   

基于偏好DEA模型的中国纺织业效率评价   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
基于具有输入输出指标偏好信息的数据包络分析模型评价中国纺织工业的效率,给出了描述规模报酬不变和规模报酬可变假设的DEA模型及其对偶规划的一种形式。模型克服传统DEA模型应用中常见的决策单元权重为零进而高估决策单元效率的不合理现象,有效地测算了中国31个地区纺织工业的经济运行效率,并分析了地区间效率水平差异的原因。利用各决策单元在经验生产前沿面上的投影点,估计了中国纺织工业的随机生产前沿函数,最后用效率弹性线性递减模型分析了销售收入、人均资产、台港澳和外商投资对各地区效率的微观影响关系。  相似文献   

目前为止,共享单车用户的机会主义行为是共享单车能否发展的关键制约因素之一。基于此,尝试用演化博弈理论建立共享单车企业与用户间的演化博弈模型发掘用户的机会主义行为动因及利益相关者作用。研究表明:用户收益是其行为选择的决定性因素,用户机会主义行为收益大于规范行为收益是机会主义行为的产生根源;共享单车企业的激励约束可对用户行为起到调节作用,约束强度将对用户机会主义行为的程度产生负向影响。最后,针对演化博弈模型分析结果,提出了相应管理对策建议。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates how social network analysis can be used to identify the underlying communication and influence structure that affects the diffusion of the use of a computer-based medical information system among physicians. Interviews, hospital records, and computer system tapes were used to collect data on referrals, consultations, and practice characteristics from 24 physicians who comprise a private group practice. Multidimensional scaling was used to spatially represent the referral and consultation network among the physicans. Also, several indices that measure structural characteristics of the network and practice characteristics of physicians were derived. Four groups of physicians were identified who have similar computer utilization patterns and who perform similar roles within the network. The results indicate that the use of network analytic techniques to study complex physician networks may provide new insights into the diffusion process.  相似文献   

Empirical research on strategic alliances has been limited because previous studies examined alliance outcomes, and the factors associated with them, from a single partner in a manufacturing alliance. Furthermore, many of these studies have been done from a transaction cost perspective and researchers have inferred opportunistic behavior, rather than directly measuring it and observing its actual relationship with alliance performance. Building on previous transaction cost theory and research, this study seeks to address these gaps by analyzing factors associated with both opportunistic behavior and alliance performance within a major service sector, namely the US healthcare industry. After controlling for asset specificity and alliance age, we found that partner trustworthiness and contractual safeguards were negatively related to opportunistic behavior. Furthermore, opportunistic behavior was negatively related to alliance performance, as hypothesized. Interestingly, mutual equity investments were found to be unrelated to opportunistic behavior, counter to transaction‐cost logic. These findings refine and extend the transaction‐cost economics perspective regarding our understanding of strategic alliance behavior and outcomes, and offer executives in service‐based industries some practical ideas for assuring favorable strategic alliance outcomes.  相似文献   

网络环境下企业技术创新绩效评价研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
按照网络环境下企业技术创新绩效评价的要求,本文首先分析和提出一套比较完整的网络环境下企业技术创新评价指标体系;在此基础上,利用人工神经网络建立网络环境下企业技术创新绩效的综合评价模型;最后,分析网络环境下影响企业技术创新绩效的主要因素,进一步为企业技术创新绩效管理提供依据。  相似文献   

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