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Zang Xiaoping (editor of the Literary Gazette) Whether or not to get divorced for the sake of the children is an important question for every couple that is having problems. I think the key to solving the problem is to start by considering what would be best for the healthy development of their children.  相似文献   

Animals are man's best friends. Animals remind man of his own infancy. People and animals get on well with each other, so the world is bright and colorful. Animals are children's close pals, too. Being on intimate terms with animals makes children more kind-hearted and sympathetic.  相似文献   

The Platform for Action adopted at the United Nations Fourth World Conference On Women acknowledges the media's role in eliminating sexual discrimination and promoting women's development.It lists women and media as one of the ten fields that require strategic targeting and action.  相似文献   

NUMEROUS varieties of edible mushrooms are highly beneficial to health. Mushrooms enhance the mental and physical development of children and are highly beneficial to recovering cancer patients. People have developed an affinity for the taste of mushrooms and have in turn developed numerous recipes for cooking same. Pine mushrooms are commonly found in northeast China. with locals, especially women and children, heading to forests to collect same following periods of rain.  相似文献   

There is only one Earth. Now, in the late 20th century, conditions on the Earth have become critical because of acid rain, debris flows, suffocating urban smoke and dust, increasing desertification, the exploding population, and the greenhouse effect  相似文献   

Ingredients: 150 grams eggplant, 50 grams mushroom, 100 grams pork,one egg and some corn starch. scallion, ginger, salt, hot pepper and MSG (optional). Method: 1. Peel the eggplant and cut into large pieces; slice each piece halfway, so that it can be sandwiched with a filling. 2.Mince the pork and add chopped scallion and ginger,hot pepper.salt,and MSG to taste.Fill the eggplant with the meat.  相似文献   

Shenzhen and Huizhou, the cities located nearest to Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, are two bright pearls on the southern end of the Beijing-Kowloon railway line.  相似文献   

IN Chinese performing art circles,XiMeijuan of the Shanghai People's ArtTheater is not known for being one ofthose dazzlingly beautiful actresses who issurface-deep alone.So how does sheexplain her way with the audience?  相似文献   

Women and Cars     
Not only do the selfemployed seek driving licenses, state organ staffers also feel the necessity to learn to drive.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the impact that Jacob Mincer's 1962 paper Labor-Force Participation of Married Women... had on the analysis and empirical estimation of the labor supply of married women, and the supply of labor in general. It is argued that this paper has revolutionized the analysis of labor supply. The sharp increase in married women's labor supply still constitutes a challenge to labor economists who try to explain the phenomenon in terms of income and price effects derived from cross-section studies. It constituted a puzzle to labor economists in the 1950s and 1960s, still captives of the notion of a backwards-bending supply of labor. Mincer combined a theoretical model distinguishing between three uses of time (leisure, work at home, and work in the market) and Friedman's distinction between permanent and transitory earning. He showed that the wage has a positive effect on married women's labor supply, and that this supply is more affected by transitory than by permanent income changes. The new theory serves as the scaffold on which Mincer builds the empirical estimation. The interplay between theory, data, and empirical estimation, and the ingenuity of the empirical research using scant data sources, made this paper the object of emulation. The ideas first discussed in this paper generated many of the developments in the analysis of labor supply witnessed over the last four decades.  相似文献   

The noisy hours, in the golden dawn, the lively pigeons interact with this woman, sing peace with their wings, who holds human desire for peace with her deft hands A joyful atmosphere fills this land, which has experienced the vicissitudes of history, and Its unforgettable past deeply rooted in people's minds,the whole world's peace comes of the joint efforts of humankind.  相似文献   

LI Yan and Liu Derun share their life's passion. Working out of their studio, the couple has turned out many first-class paintings. The beauty of the northern mountains, rivers and villages in China are their shared inspirations. Through painting they  相似文献   

Women and Law     
WOMEN'S rights concern the world over. Even though China has a different legal tradition and social system, participants from the Beijing Sino-British Women and Law Symposium discovered that both Chinese and foreign scholars could reach agreement and understanding on many issues. Enacting Laws for Women Professor Yang Dawen, from the  相似文献   

Women and Life     
On Charm THERE are thousands of explanations about what constitutes a woman's charm. There are countless instructions about how to make a woman charming. In fact. a woman's charm doesn't lie in how splendidly she reveals herself, but lies in how successfully she changes others. A charming woman can usually create an atmosphere that will enfold and inspire others. Both women and men can fall under this spell.  相似文献   

Born in Taoyuan County, Hunan Province, and cultivated by the beautiful natural landscape, water coforist Li Penglin has indulged in painting since childhood In the 1960s, he enrolled in the Art Department of the Hunan Institute for Fine Art. Now, he is an assistant professor of the School of Fine Art at Hunan Normal University  相似文献   

This piece of artistic work is the result of the cnoperation of about 200 Chinese women painters. and stands as a welcome to the FWCW. The activity was sponsored by the Shenzhen Women Painters Association in Guangdong Province. The peacock  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, Long Rui began attracting attention in the artistic lield As a post graduate with the Central Academy of Fine Arts Long Rui studied chinese scenic p(?)inting under the guidance of Chinese scenic painting master Mr li Keran Absorbing characteristics of traditional art, the middle aged painter studies and absorbs a wide range of sources including the different  相似文献   

I was born and brought up in Shanghai.Later, to follow my husband, I moved toBeijing. From the start I was impressed bythe courteous way the residents of theformer imperial city addressed people andtheir pleasing speech patterns, with curlingtongue to add an "er" pronunciation to manyof the Chinese words - so different from theflatter speech of Shanghai. Over the years inBeijing, I learned how to mimic the accentand found that the people of the two citiesare interestingly different in many ways. I was accustomed to sharing taxis when Iarrived, for in Shanghai, if you are going inthe same direction, strangers double up forcheaper fares. In the capital, however, it ishard to find someone willing to get in ifsomeone is already inside. One weekend,  相似文献   

This paper reconsiders Judith Kestenberg's classic work Outside and Inside, Male and Female in the light of subsequent work on gender identity and psycho-sexual development. Kestenberg argued that the fear of internal genital sensations was common to both men and women and an obstacle to sexual development. An understanding of the fears and phantasies men and women have about their bodies which they project onto each other is an important aspect of therapeutic work, which the author believes does not receive adequate attention. Through two case examples she shows where Kestenberg's theory is still valid and where it needs to be revised. While Kestenberg could assume a normative heterosexuality, the author suggests we must now reexamine our theories in the light of challenges presented by homosexuality, bisexuality and transexuality.  相似文献   

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