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大城市外来人口迁移行为影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
利用2008年四大城市的外来人口问卷调查资料,运用多层次Logit模型分析影响大城市外来人口迁移行为的个体因素和迁入地因素。研究发现,外来人口的迁移行为发生较大的变化,城城迁移所占比重的上升导致性别、婚姻状况以及户口类型等因素对迁移概率的影响并不显著,迁移更多地表现为以家庭为单位;由于外来人口在就业和工资收入上受到不同程度的歧视,加之迁入地产业结构调整升级,就业岗位的增加对外来人口的吸引力有所下降,并且其预期收入水平与城市居民平均收入水平相脱离;城市平均工资增长率的提高对非正规部门劳动力产生了挤出效应,减小了潜在迁移者的迁移概率。  相似文献   

婚姻迁移是通过婚姻途径发生的并伴随户口变更的人口迁移。我国婚姻迁移人口的规模不断增长,婚姻迁移受性别、出生地、出生年代的影响,初婚年龄的队列差别对婚姻迁移同样存在影响。个人经济地位,即个人年收入越高,婚姻迁移的可能性越大。婚前男方家庭经济状况更好的婚姻迁移的可能性更高,女方家庭经济状况更好的婚姻迁移的可能性相对较低。  相似文献   

常住人口迁移与上海城市发展研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
文章定量说明“移民城市”是上海大都市的重要特征,人口迁移是城市发展的巨大引擎。近5年来,上海市常住人口迁移数量大约为户籍人口迁移的6.3倍,常住人口迁移比户籍人口迁移对城市经济增长的贡献率更高。作者指出,传统的建立在户籍制度上的人口迁移统计和人口管理体制已经不适应,并将越来越不能适应人口研究、分区域人口预测和城市动态管理的需要;提出完善常住人口迁移统计,需要积极引导人口迁移促进城市发展,需要大力推动城市户籍体制等人口管理制度的改革。  相似文献   

随着我国城市化的快速发展,人口迁移流动在城市社会生活中的影响日益突出。人口迁移流动必然引起“人”自身所拥有的人力资本的动态配置。文章主要利用2000年全国第五次人口普查迁移数据等有关数据资料,分析长三角16城市就业迁移的人力资本差别效应。研究发现,就业迁移对长三角各城市人力资本具有显著的差别效应,并且长三角内的就业迁移与长三角外的就业迁移对长三角各城市人力资本提升或稀释效应也有明显差别。研究还发现,就业迁移导致长三角人力资本城际差异缩小,尤以上海与其他15城市的差距缩小更为明显。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移弹性与劳动市场转变   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
随着经济体制改革的深入和向市场经济体制的移行,中国政府对人口迁移的控制政策逐步缓和,经济因素对人口迁移的影响及移民对迁移的选择的自由度都逐步增大,人口迁移日将显示出“市场经济化”的特色。一般说来,迁移人口大多为劳动年龄人口,劳动年龄人的迁移又几乎都与劳动就业相关,所以人口迁移与劳动市场之间往往存在着十分密切的关系。在一定程度上,日趋活跃、渐呈“市场经济化”的人口迁移,没有相适应的劳动市场,“市场经济化”的转变和保障是不可想象的。因此,可以根据这一关系,通过对人口迁移、特别是人口迁移收入弹性的分析,来考察中国经济体制改革以来劳动市场的类型、特征及其转变。 1.人口迁移收入弹性与劳动市场类型的一般关系 (1)人口迁移弹性的含义 如果把人口迁移量看做是被说明变量,把影响人口迁移量变化的因素看做是说明变量,那么人口迁移弹性就是指人口迁移量的相对变动对影响其发生的某一说明变量相对变动(假定其他变量不变)的反映程度,其定义式可表示如下:  相似文献   

中国80年代的区域经济发展和人口迁移研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
一、引言 人口迁移是人口和社会研究的一个重要领域,它的影响因素也很多,客观环境(包括自然环境、社会环境、经济环境)和心理状态(包括社会心理、个人心理)都是影响人口迁移的因素。但在影响人口迁移尤其是自发性人口迁移的众多因素中,经济因素往往是最重要的因素。随着80年代中国社会经济的迅速发展和区域经济水平差距的扩大,中国人口迁移也日益活跃,自发性迁移在人口迁移中的比重不断增加;而1987年全国1%人口抽样调查和1990年全国人口普查,第一次全面提供了中国人口迁移的详细数据,使我们能够分析中国人口迁移的基本状况。本文将以省区为基本单位,对中国80年代的区域经济发展,主要是区域的经济水平、结构的变化和人口迁移之间的关系作深入的研究。  相似文献   

农民工就业模式对就业迁移的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
殷晓清 《人口研究》2001,25(3):20-25
按照经典的工业化与城市化理论 ,在工业化取得进展时 ,转移出农业的人口应该向城市迁移流动 ,从而使城市人口比例提高。可是 ,我国乡镇企业的大幅度发展并没有造就积聚这些人口的城镇 ,已经发生的民工潮也没有带来结构性的人口迁移。这说明存在一些结构性的因素影响人口迁移。本文试图将迁移就业的阻力归结为就业模式。先抽象出“农民工”就业模式的基本特征 ,论证转移劳动力采用这种就业模式的先赋性原因及自致性原因 ,最后演绎出一个必然结论 :“农民工”就业模式阻碍我国劳动力转移采取迁移方式  相似文献   

引入省际人口迁移因素的陕西省人口发展趋势预测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪80年代中期以来,由于政治、经济等多方面因素的变动,我国省际人口迁移规模急剧增长。省际人口迁移已成为影响区域人口发展趋势的重要因素之一。本文以陕西省为例。了解陕西省的省际迁移人口的规模大小和年龄分布特征,分析在引入省际人口迁移因素时,陕西省人口老龄化进程将如何变化。研究结果发现:陕西省迁入人口呈现年轻态特征,多为处于就业初期的年轻人口,减缓了陕西省人口老龄化速度。  相似文献   

目前国内老年人的迁移行为较少被关注,有必要对这一问题重新加以认识。通过文献综述,总结国内外老年人口的迁移特征,包括个人特征、家庭特征和迁入地特征,以及老年人口迁移对迁入地老龄化、就业、收入等方面的社会影响。最后提出在研究中国老年人口迁移问题中,针对中国国情需要重点关注的几个方面。  相似文献   

中国人口迁移与生育率关系研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
陈卫  吴丽丽 《人口研究》2006,30(1):13-20
本文利用2000年人口普查数据,考察了中国人口迁移与生育率的关系。通过比较农村本地人口、城市本地人口和流动迁移人口三个人口群体在生育率上的差异,并进行多元统计分析,结果表明,流动迁移对生育率有着非常显著影响,城市外来人口的生育率不仅显著低于农村本地人口,而且也低于城市本地人口;远期流迁人口的生育率要低于近期流迁人口的生育率。中国人口迁移与生育率的关系出现了与已有的迁移生育率理论的不一致。1990年代中国的迁移生育率发生了转变。  相似文献   

关于打工妹婚姻逆迁移的调查   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
邓智平 《南方人口》2004,19(3):35-40
由于制度与自身的原因 ,很多在城相恋的农民工婚后回到了农村 ,文章根据打工妹的婚后生活状况把打工妹的婚姻逆迁移分为四种类型 :安居乐业型、外出型、女方外逃型、女方自杀型。通过对这四种类型的描述从宏观和微观两个层面对婚姻逆迁移进行理论探讨。从宏观上看 ,城市化、工业化是不可逆的现代化趋势 ,在此背景下 ,与城市化、工业化相悖的婚姻逆迁移必然整体上充满被动和凄凉。从微观的角度来看 ,男女双方婚前信息交换的完全性、婚姻迁移和社区迁移的同步性也是影响这些婚姻迁移者婚姻质量的关键变项。  相似文献   

Ira Rosenwalke 《Demography》1969,6(2):151-159
The basic data needed for measurement of the risks of termination of the legal relationship of marriage by characteristics of the marital partners are not available at this time for the United States because the national divorce registration area includes less than half the States. Special studies based on selected census data or the records of marriages and divorces occurring in one State or community have provided much of the valuable but limited information at hand. Statistics for individual States are subject to substantial bias as a consequence of inter-State migration between time of marriage and time of divorce, but they must serve as a basic data source until national reporting has improved. A record linkage study was undertaken which tied marriages occurring in the State of Maryland in 1959 with divorces occurring in the State in the years 1959–66. Relative, not actual, divorce risks by race, age at marriage, and previous marital status were calculated for couples with at least one partner an in-State resident at the time of marriage. The dissolution rate was higher for whites than for nonwhites. Marriages contracted by persons at very youthful ages and by persons who had been married previously were found subject to greater than average risks of dissolution through divorce.  相似文献   

Attempts to explain the rise in women's age at marriage across Africa have focused mainly on determinants in the urban environment, notably women's education and the economic recession. In our study, we examined the migration of adolescent girls as a factor in the transition to a later age of marriage in rural Mali, using an analysis of data from a longitudinal survey conducted over 20 years. The findings show a close correlation between the rise in labour migration and the onset of this nuptiality transition. Continuing changes in marriage patterns include not only its postponement but also a breakdown in the marriage formalization process. Two main mechanisms are documented: a direct one, as migration enables young women to choose the timing of their marriage and is a source of empowerment; and an indirect one, as migration challenges family marriage conventions and contributes to elders disengaging from control over marriage and young people.  相似文献   

在经济社会转型、人口频繁流动的条件下,婚迁由乡到城的单向迁移转变成为城乡互动的双向流动。婚迁者留在城市还是回到乡村,要取决于多种条件。本研究通过测度跨省婚迁的性别比发现,自1990年来的20年间我国省际婚迁性别比下降近一半。全国省际婚迁性别比呈现城市-城镇-乡村两端大中间小的“微笑曲线”。在婚迁的空间选择上,男性以城市为主,女性则以乡村为主。进一步分析影响婚姻迁移的因素发现,经济变量中人均GDP对总婚迁和城市婚迁呈正向影响,城镇和乡村呈负向影响;居民收入和消费状况对婚姻迁移产生正向影响,但消费的城乡差别则对其产生负向影响;人口的城乡流动与迁移以及社会变量中各因素对跨省婚迁产生正向影响,而文化变量中的各因素则形成负向影响。  相似文献   

婚姻迁移是我国农村人口迁移的重要方面,在不同的经济社会背景下,农村人口的婚姻迁移具有不同的空间特征,并随着时代的发展而演变。根据实地调研资料分析四川盆地农村人口六十余年来婚姻迁移的空间演变情况,发现婚迁距离总体呈逐年增大的趋势,受教育程度和婚前从业状况对其婚迁距离有较明显的影响,经济动因在婚迁地域选择中的作用越来越突出。农村人口婚迁空间演变带来的影响中积极性与消极性并存,从宣传引导、政策调整、经济扶持、教育培训等方面提出相应对策措施。  相似文献   

Using National Sample Survey data from 1983 to 2007–08, we investigate rising rates of female marriage migration in India. We find little evidence to support the idea that marriage migration is a form of disguised economic migration by women. We hypothesise that it is instead a result of the changing patterns of marriage by socioeconomic status. Regression analysis indicates that poor families are increasingly more likely to have brides who in‐migrate, a finding that is robust across a sectoral disaggregation of marriage migration. We also find that urban inequality increases the likelihood of migration by intensifying class stratifications within urban India, increasing the need for poorer urban households to seek migrant brides. Marriage thus serves to reinforce rather than undermine larger patterns of class (and not just caste) inequality.  相似文献   

Choi KH  Mare RD 《Demography》2012,49(2):449-476
This paper examines the relationship between migration and marriage by describing how the distributions of marital statuses and assortative mating patterns vary by individual and community experiences of migration. In Mexico, migrants and those living in areas with high levels of out-migration are more likely to be in heterogamous unions. This is because migration increases the relative attractiveness of single return migrants while disproportionately reducing the number of marriageable men in local marriage markets. In the United States, the odds of homogamy are lower for migrants compared with nonmigrants; however, they do not vary depending on the volume of migration in communities. Migrants are more likely than nonmigrants to “marry up” educationally because the relatively small size of this group compels them to expand their pool of potential spouses to include nonmigrants, who tend to be better educated than they are. Among migrants, the odds of marrying outside of one’s education group increase the most among the least educated. In Mexican communities with high rates of out-migration, the odds of marrying outside of one’s education group are highest among those with the highest level of education. These findings suggest that migration disrupts preferences and opportunities for homogamy by changing social arrangements and normative climates.  相似文献   

In this article, we construct and test a micro-level event-centered approach to the study of armed conflict and behavioral responses in the general population. Event-centered approaches have been successfully used in the macro-political study of armed conflict but have not yet been adopted in micro-behavioral studies. The micro-level event-centered approach that we advocate here includes decomposition of a conflict into discrete political and violent events, examination of the mechanisms through which they affect behavior, and consideration of differential risks within the population. We focus on two mechanisms: instability and threat of harm. We test this approach empirically in the context of the recent decade-long armed conflict in Nepal, using detailed measurements of conflict-related events and a longitudinal study of first migration, first marriage, and first contraceptive use. Results demonstrate that different conflict-related events independently shaped migration, marriage, and childbearing and that they can simultaneously influence behaviors in opposing directions. We find that violent events increased migration, but political events slowed migration. Both violent and political events increased marriage and contraceptive use net of migration. Overall, this micro-level event-centered approach yields a significant advance for the study of how armed conflict affects civilian behavioral responses.  相似文献   

Abstract The main trend in urban/rural migration is a continuous gain, in net terms, of towns from villages and large cities. But this is a result of two distinct migration streams associated with the process of family formation. While before marriage there is positive net migration from villages to both large cities and towns (and from large cities towards towns), after marriage there is a tendency for couples to move towards villages. This is explained by the desire of families, particularly those belonging to the middle class to move out of the urban centres to better accommodation in smaller communities. Considerable variations in migrations within and into regions are observed. These reflect the continuation oflong-term trends in internal migration (as described in Part I of this paper) in particular, population dispersal from Greater London and larger distance migration into the Southern and Eastern regions. Some social characteristics of migrants and non-migrants are compared. Associations between the intensity of internal migration on the one hand, and occupational status, education, social mobility and family size on the other are observed. An attempt is made to assess the extent of migration associated with the marriage process. Although this process increases mobility, its relative contribution to total adult mobility appears to be only slight.  相似文献   

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