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冯瑜 《回族研究》2003,(4):39-44
"帕西"是傣语对回族的称呼.在云南和中国民族学界,"帕西傣"这一概念,专指云南省西双版纳州勐海县勐海乡曼短村公所的曼峦回、曼赛回两个寨子的特殊穆斯林族群.本文以两份新发现的家谱为线索讨论"帕西傣"这一特殊穆斯林族群的形成问题,认为"帕西傣"通过不同的婚姻形式来稳定、发展自己,并在此过程中形成独特的民族风俗和民族心理,是云南回族穆斯林从清代以来,在适应西南边疆少数民族社会过程中,通过族际婚姻而形成的回族派生族群.  相似文献   

缅甸的少数民族"潘泰人"(Panthay)是祖籍云南的回族穆斯林及其后裔.本文主要研究他们移居缅甸的情况.滇籍穆斯林从事于云南与东南亚地区的跨境马帮贸易有悠久之历史.潘泰穆斯林就沿着这些贸易商路在19世纪下半叶至20世纪初期定居下来,尤其是在英国殖民时期.在此期间,潘泰商人主要通过如下五条路线往返:孟拱、八莫、畹町、邦隆(班弄)和景栋.本文根据作者的实地调查资料,系统论述和考证了云南回族在不同时期经由这五条商道移居缅甸的概况.  相似文献   

在我国古代东北和北方民族或部族中,对其首领通常有"莫贺弗"(bagaput)之称.同一称呼,出现在不同的民族部落中,汉文史籍的译音不完全一致,其内涵也不尽相同.  相似文献   

缅甸政府把聚居在中缅边境缅方一侧果敢地区的华侨、华人从族称上界定为"果敢族".本文从历史学、民族学等学科的角度,对这个所谓的"果敢族"的来历、状况、与我国毗邻地区的跨国界互动关系以及缅甸政府将其定为"果敢族"的基本动因进行了论述.文章认为,"果敢族"的称谓从民族学上来讲是很不科学的,这些被称为"果敢族"的华侨、华人,事实上应当是缅甸华侨、华人中的"云南帮".  相似文献   

人说,舀起一瓢瑞丽江水就是一束诗.古时叫"勐果占备"的瑞丽,就有理想和幸福的意思.传说当释迦牟尼传教来到云南瑞丽时,大雾蒙蒙,又留下"雾城"之称.七月流火.我到云南搞民族学考察,便终于有机会流连瑞丽江畔.初到边城瑞丽,会惊叹边境贸易的繁荣.城内各种服装、首饰、电器等商号林林总总,自由市场上从泰国、印度、缅甸等国进来的化妆品、金玉首饰独占  相似文献   

本文通过对史料的分析,发现并论证出"汉回"一词正式出现在明代中期以前;从而以此为现代意义上的"回族"形成的标志之一,可推断出回族形成于明代中期以前.  相似文献   

"邛笼"是汉文史籍记录的对青藏高原碉楼的最早称呼.《后汉书·南蛮西南夷列传》记东汉时岷江上游冉(驜)夷部落云:"冉(驜)夷者,……皆依山居止,累石为室,高者至十余丈,为邛笼."对"邛笼"一词,语言学家孙宏开先生曾从古羌语角度作过考察,认为该词汇系占羌浯,是建碉之古羌人对"碉"的称呼.  相似文献   

云南回族向东南亚的迁徙   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚继德 《回族研究》2003,78(2):36-46
约从明末清初开始,由于战争、起义及逃避政治改革等诸多原因,云南回族穆斯林曾先后多次由开辟已久的西南丝路通道迁入缅甸、泰国北部等地,并进而形成两个定居境外的回族穆斯林派生族群———"潘塞人"和"秦和人"穆斯林。本文运用历史学、宗教人类学、文化学的理论与方法,通过对"潘塞人"、"秦和人"的迁徙历史、社会结构、人口分布等方面的综合考察,从一个侧面揭示了云南回族迁徙东南亚的历史脉络,为回族学跨境研究提供了新的重要参考。  相似文献   

古代凯尔特人的祭司"督伊德"探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"督伊德"(也译为"德鲁伊德")作为古代凯尔特人的祭司,在古希腊、古罗马时代曾是众多学者关注的对象.公元1世纪的狄奥·克里索斯托(Dio Chrysostom)曾将督伊德与波斯祆教僧侣、埃及祭司和印度的婆罗门并称为古代世界的哲学家.  相似文献   

20世纪后10年,回族穆斯林民间报刊大量出现成为一种十分醒目的文化现象,其中以兰州市回族穆斯林民间创办的<开拓>杂志持续办刊时间最长,发行量最大,民间社会影响最深,成为这一文化现象的一个突兀的"符号".本文通过对这一文化现象的透视,认为这一凸现在改革开放社会大背景上的文化现象是回族穆斯林之文化自觉与精神渴望的必然结果.同时,这一文化现象作为应合大社会变迁的滥觞于民间的文化自觉运动,又成为20世纪末回族穆斯林文化振兴的标志.  相似文献   


This qualitative study adopted Yosso’s community cultural wealth (CCW) framework to examine how 16 assistant professors of color (APOC) drew upon various forms of capital (navigational, aspirational, social, resistant, linguistic, familial) to deal with racism and marginalization in academia. Findings revealed how APOC: dealt with students’ stereotypes of them, maintained their authentic selves to make academia more accessible and relevant, persevered with integrity despite hostility or marginalization, self-advocated for quality mentorship, and engaged in strategic service while avoiding cultural taxation and tokenism. Findings highlighted the positive cultural assets APOC enact within the academy while reiterating the need to address racist and marginalizing policies and practices in higher education. Variations in experiences based on gender and international status that can be explored further in future research also emerged. Working at a Hispanic-serving institution (HSI) also did not eliminate or lessen racist or marginalizing experiences for participants.  相似文献   

阳镇  李烜 《民族学刊》2016,7(4):11-21,92-95
International trade and investment have been two major topics in the field of interna-tional economics. They are also two main ways to deepen foreign economic ties. With the rapid de-velopment of the China—ASEAN free trade area and the Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, international trade and investment have had an important influ-ence on the ethnic areas of Guangxi. Guangxi is a frontier and coastal minority area, and as well as an important window opening on to the ASEAN e-conomic sphere and economic hinterland. It has great power and vitality for economic development within the ASEAN economic sphere. However, Guangxi, if compared with domestic developed are-as, is a relatively backward region within China’s economy. Its level for utilizing FDI( Foreign Direct Investment) lags behind, and its foreign trade vol-ume has definitely lagged far behind that in the more developed coastal provinces. This has severe-ly restricted the economic and social transformation of the Guangxi, and is an important obstacle for re-alizing a “well -off” society in ethnic areas. In recent years, resulting in the increasing external dependency in ethnic areas, the development of foreign investment has kept steady. This has played an important role in promoting technological progress and adjusting the industrial structure in ethnic areas. At the same time, foreign investment has also increased the speed of the ethnic minority areas’ ability to absorb advanced technology and management experience. This, in turn, has had great significance for further exploring international markets. However, the various regions in China have differences in their utilization of FDI and for-eign trade, so, effective an evaluation for exploring foreign trade and FDI has had a specific effect on the economic growth in ethnic areas, which can provide certain reference points for ethnic minority areas to formulate economic policy. Based on the relevant data of exports, imports and economic growth collected between 1990 and 2013 for Guan-gxi, and using statistical analysis and the econo-metric regression method, this article studies the relationship between FDI, foreign trade and eco-nomic growth in ethnic minority areas of Guangxi.  相似文献   

旦增遵珠  泽拥 《民族学刊》2011,2(4):40-47,93
"夺多"(破戒僧)是藏传佛教寺院里独特又十分重要的一个群体,在西藏的政治、宗教、历史事务中均扮演着不同的角色,是寺院组织的微观参与者。但长期以来这个群体较少受到学界的关注。有鉴于此,本文力图以色拉寺的"夺多"为研究对象,从"夺多"的特质、其存在的原因、其所形成的"陀仓"组织等方面对其进行比较全面的介绍和评述,以此作为"夺多"研究之一瞥,为今后更广泛和深入的研究做一铺垫。  相似文献   

通过对通辽地区多异瓢虫HippodamiaVariegata(Goeze)的观察和研究表明 ,该虫一年发生 4代 ,主要以三四代成虫越冬。成幼虫食性较广 ,麦蚜、菜蚜、果树蚜及蒿类蚜等均捕食 ,末龄幼虫日食蚜量为 80头左右 ,成虫日食蚜量为 65头左右 ,繁殖力较高 ,一次产卵 7~ 2 4粒 ,一生产卵32~ 150粒 ,是田间蚜虫天敌的主要种类  相似文献   

The number of school-age children of color in US schools is increasing, while the teaching force continues to be dominated by white teachers. According to the 2013 Digest of Education Statistics in the 2011–2012 school year, 81.9% of public school teachers were white, while the projected number of Hispanic students enrolled in public elementary and secondary schools is expected to increase 33% between 2011 and 2022. In my experience, the issue of immigration is often ignored by the majority white teacher population, but, as I will share in this article, it is part of the lived experience of Latino children. I present my students’ border stories as discussed in relation to Latino children’s literature. I am using the words ‘border stories’ to represent the narratives my students shared about their families’ experiences crossing the US–Mexico border as well as what they felt about the societal discourse around ‘illegal immigrants.’ Critical race theory (CRT) and Latino critical theory (LatCrit) are used to frame these border stories to speak against the majoritarian story.  相似文献   

通过对异色瓢虫的田间观测及室内饲养,对其生物学特性进行研究。在通辽地区异色瓢虫Harmoniaaxyridis(pallas)一年发生3-4代,以成虫越冬。异色瓢虫的卵期3-4天,孵化率92%。幼虫期共四龄。异色瓢虫为通辽地区蚜虫天敌的优势种类。  相似文献   

对龟纹瓢虫PropylaeaJaponica(Thunberg)进行了田间观察和室内研究,结果表明,龟纹瓢虫在通辽地区一年发生3—4代,以成虫在土缝、作物根际、背风向阳的场所越冬。一代卵期3—4天,幼虫期7.5—11天,蛹期3.5—4天,成虫期较长。世代重叠现象严重。一次交配多次产卵,每次产卵11—22粒。其幼虫、成虫捕食性较强。成虫每昼夜捕食麦蚜76头左右,老龄幼虫每昼夜捕食麦蚜45头左右,幼虫食蚜量随湿度升高而显著增加。是蚜虫、介壳虫等很好的天敌昆虫。  相似文献   

鲜卑语言解读述论   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文用传统的考据学方法对白鸟库吉于 80年前解读的一批鲜卑词语进行了重新审订 ,并在其基础上补充了前人没有注意到的“若干”、“去斤”、“普”、“阿六敦”、“贺六浑”五个词 ,同时提出了利用鲜卑人名字来考释鲜卑词义的可能性  相似文献   


The over-representation of Romani children in special schools in the Czech Republic is well documented and widely condemned. In 2007 the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) found the state guilty of discrimination against Romani children on the basis of disproportionate placement of children in remedial special schools. In 2015 high numbers of Romani children are still being misdiagnosed with special educational needs (SEN) and offered a limited and inappropriate education. This article explores the challenges which continue to hamper their successful inclusion in the Czech education system. Using critical race theory (CRT) as a lens to examine the Czech case, problems with the current policy trajectory are identified. The article shows that institutional racism persists in the Czech Republic, shaping attitudes and practices at all levels. Policymakers demonstrate little recognition of ingrained educational inequalities and Roma continue to be widely perceived as ‘others’ who must learn to adapt to Czech ways rather than as citizens who are entitled to services on their own terms.  相似文献   

选用 (α—萘乙酸、赤霉素、吲哚乙酸、吲哚丁酸和 6—苄基嘌呤 ) 5种植物生长调节剂稀释不同浓度兑入培养料中 ,观察其对黑木耳菌丝生长的影响 ,结果表明 :赤霉素 2 0mg/kg ,30mg/kg ,萘乙酸 30mg/kg ,4 0mg/kg ,吲哚乙酸 4 0mg/kg均表现对菌丝生长有促进作用 ,50mg/kg对菌丝生长有抑制作用。吲哚丁酸效果不明显。 6—苄基嘌呤在各浓度下均表现抑制生长的作用  相似文献   

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