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Cameron, Cameron, and Proctor (2017 Cameron, P., Cameron, K. M., &; Proctor, K. (2017). Children of homosexuals more apt to become homosexual and experience parental molestation: Surveys over three decades. Marriage &; Family Review, 53, 429433. doi:10.1080/01494929.2017.1279942[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) have complained that Cameron and Cameron (1996 Cameron, P., &; Cameron, K. (1996). Homosexual parents. Adolescence, 31, 757776.[PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) were not cited in some articles authored by this journal’s editor. As part of this editor’s policy of welcoming critiques of the editor or articles published in Marriage &; Family Review, we are pleased to respond, as part of an assignment for a graduate course in statistics and research design. Although remarkable for its time in terms of sample design, Cameron and Cameron’s (1996 Cameron, P., &; Cameron, K. (1996). Homosexual parents. Adolescence, 31, 757776.[PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) research featured substantial limitations or ambiguity in sampling attrition, measurement of parental sexual orientation, and small sample size with respect to the number of children with same-sex parents. Although we cannot recall the exact reasons for which the editor neglected to cite Cameron and Cameron (1996 Cameron, P., &; Cameron, K. (1996). Homosexual parents. Adolescence, 31, 757776.[PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) in more frequency or detail, there were many scientifically reasonable possibilities. Cameron et al. (2017 Cameron, P., Cameron, K. M., &; Proctor, K. (2017). Children of homosexuals more apt to become homosexual and experience parental molestation: Surveys over three decades. Marriage &; Family Review, 53, 429433. doi:10.1080/01494929.2017.1279942[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) are welcome to respond in detail to our concerns.  相似文献   

This study examines the discourses collected in interviews with second-generation Chinese rural migrant women in Chongqing to unpack how they make sense of home. Guided by Blunt and Dowling’s (2006 Blunt, A., & Dowling, R. (2006). Home. New York, NY: Routledge.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) critical geography of home and Anzaldúa’s concept of borderlands, we interpret three overlapping themes: (a) constantly (re)making “home” that is neither here nor there; (b) bordering in-between aging parents and young child(ren); (c) social and political changes (un)making home in migration. Our findings endorse approaching “home” as a verb to better capture complex experiences with homing at borderlands.  相似文献   

In 1996 (Cameron &; Cameron), we reported that adult children of homosexuals more frequently reported homosexual desires and sex with their parent(s). Schumm (2015 Schumm, W. R. (2015). Sarantakos’s research on same-sex parenting in Australia and New Zealand: Importance, substance, and corroboration with research from the United States. Comprehensive Psychology, 4(16), 129. doi:10.2466/17.cp.4.16[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) stated he would focus on “the multifaceted research of Sarantakos (1996 Cameron, P., &; Cameron, K. (1996). Homosexual parents. Adolescence, 31(124), 757776.[PubMed] [Google Scholar]) and any research that has corroborated his findings,” but neglected to include ours, though published contemporaneously with Sarantakos.  相似文献   


Two recent contributions to this section have drawn attention to the barriers which academics with disabilities have to navigate in academia where ableism “is endemic” (Brown and Leigh, 2018 Brown, N & Leigh, J (2018) Abelism in academia? Where are the disabled and ill academics. Disability & Society, 33 (6): 985989.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]: 4). Hannam-Swain (2018 Hannam-Swain, S (2018) The additional labour of a disabled PhD student. Disability & Society, 33 (1): 138142.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) highlighted the additional intellectual, emotional and physical labour required of her as a disabled PhD student, and Brown and Leigh (2018 Brown, N & Leigh, J (2018) Abelism in academia? Where are the disabled and ill academics. Disability & Society, 33 (6): 985989.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) queried “where are all the disabled and ill academics?” However, Brown and Leigh primarily focus on those with invisible “conditions” and the dilemmas raised by disclosure in a context where such conditions negate academic status and credibility. In contrast, since my “disability” is visible, I do not share the dilemma/“luxury” of secrecy. My presence announces my status before me, and this negates my personhood altogether in academic settings. It also places a burden of additional unpaid labour upon me which has significant mental health and career impacts as well as violating principles of equality.  相似文献   

Despite the cultural specificity of aspects of attachment theory (Layton, 2006 Layton , L. ( 2006 ). Racial identities, racial enactments, and normative unconscious processes . Psychoanalytic Quarterly , 75 , 237269 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) it remains influential. Disorganized attachment and the alien self are linked to borderline phenomena and attacks upon the body (Fonagy et al., 2002 Fonagy , P. , Gergely , G. , Jurist , E. , & Target , M. ( 2002 ). Affect Regulation, Mentalization and the Development of the Self . New York , NY : Other Press . [Google Scholar]), including sexual attacks (Straker, 2002 Straker , G. ( 2002 ). Being in two minds: The psychodynamics of paedophilia. In Australian Psychoanalytic Society annual conference, July, Melbourne, Australia . [Google Scholar]). Recently (Fonagy, 2006 Fonagy , P. ( 2006 ). Psychosexuality and psychoanalysis: An overview . In: Identity, Gender and Sexuality 150 Years After Freud , ed. P. Fonagy , R. Krause , & M. Leuzinger-Bohleber . London , UK : International Psychoanalytical Association , pp. 120 . [Google Scholar], 2008 ——— . ( 2008 ). A genuinely developmental theory of sexual enjoyment and its implications for psychoanalytic technique . Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association , 56 , 1136 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Target, 2007 Target , M. ( 2007 ). Is our sexuality our own? A developmental model of sexuality based on early affect mirroring . British Journal of Psychotherapy , 23 , 517530 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) used the concept of the alien self to explain sexuality in general. This article challenges this extension as it again ignores cultural specificity, presents psychoanalysis as the arbiter of “normal” sexuality, and entrenches heteronormativity. It also lends itself to inadvertently condoning sexual harassment, as evidenced in a case study presented by Fonagy (2008 ——— . ( 2008 ). A genuinely developmental theory of sexual enjoyment and its implications for psychoanalytic technique . Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association , 56 , 1136 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]).  相似文献   


Some writers (e.g. O'Dell, Crafter, de Abreu, Cline 2010 O’Dell, Lindsey, Sarah Crafter, Guida de Abreu, and Tony Cline. 2010. Constructing ‘Normal Childhoods’: Young People Talk About Young Carers. Disability & Society, 25 (6): 643655.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) have argued that young carers are just one among many categories of youth who navigate the transition to adulthood while already carrying responsibilities usually associated with adulthood. This article explores that position in relation to a research project, undertaken in North-East England, which generated 13 in-depth biographical accounts with 16–25-year-old carers about their transitions to adulthood. It will be argued that their experiences of supporting disabled people in their families resulted in these young adult carers becoming more other-centred than their peers. Otherwise, their transitions to adulthood were mostly typical of young people in other types of adult role. The article discusses whether an affirmation model of disability (Swain and French 2000 Swain, John and Sally French. 2000. Towards an Affirmation Model of Disability. Disability & Society, 15 (4): 569582.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) can be used to help young adult carers take positive ownership of their identities in the challenging context of post-industrial youth.  相似文献   

In a well-known study Morgan, Lye, and Condran (1988 Morgan, S. P., Lye, D. N. and Condran, G. A. 1988. Sons, daughters and the risk of marital disruption. American Journal of Sociology, 94(1): 110129. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) stated that sons prevent the risk of divorce more than daughters do. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the sex composition of children on the stability of the parental marriage in Italy, a country where this research question is particularly interesting because of conservative gender roles within the family. The relative risk of marital dissolution is estimated for individuals with different numbers and sexes of children using a discrete time event-history model. The findings do not support either the hypothesis that sons contribute more to marital stability than daughters or the hypothesis that the effect of the sex composition of children has changed over time.  相似文献   

Social utility theory suggests that labeling video news release (VNR) source material is the ethical decision (Wulfemeyer & Frazier, 1992 Wulfemeyer, K. T. and Frazier, L. 1992. The ethics of video news releases: A qualitative analysis. Journal of Mass Media Ethics, 7: 151168. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), yet the persuasion knowledge model predicts that the effectiveness of VNRs will decrease as people become aware of this PR tactic (Friestad & Wright, 1994 Friestad, M. and Wright, P. 1994. The persuasion knowledge model: How people cope with persuasion attempts. Journal of Consumer Research, 21: 131. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Our study found that positive and negative effects were heightened when subjects read about VNRs and viewed a labeled VNR in a newscast. These subjects were most likely to recognize the VNR story source and least likely to perceive the story as credible. Neither reading nor labeling affected evaluations of the VNR message or featured company.  相似文献   

This commentary addresses the critique by Larzelere, Gunnoe, Roberts, and Ferguson (2017 Larzelere, R. E., Gunnoe, M. L., Roberts, M. W., &; Ferguson, C. J. (2017). Children and parents deserve better parental discipline research: Critiquing the evidence for exclusively “positive” parenting. Marriage &; Family Review, 53, 2435. doi:10.1080/01494929.2016.1145613[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]: Marriage &; Family Review, 53, 24–35) ostensibly concerning the quality of research on “positive parenting” but actually critiquing physical punishment research. The critique revealed that the authors have a poor understanding of positive parenting. After explicating the different meanings of that term and describing what positive parenting is, we then address each of their four critiques of the physical punishment research. Each critique was flawed in multiple ways. After identifying their errors and correcting misinformation, we then raise broader issues about children’s right not to be hit and how professional organizations are increasingly recognizing the need and calling for an end to all physical punishment of children.  相似文献   


Objective: This study explored relationships regarding perceived stress, energy drink consumption, and academic performance among college students. Participants: Participants included 136 undergraduates attending a large southern plains university. Methods: Participants completed surveys including items from the Perceived Stress Scale 1 Cohen, S, Kamarck, T and Mermelstein, R. 1983. A global measure of perceived stress. J Health Soc Behav, 24: 385396. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and items to describe energy drink consumption, academic performance, and demographics. Results: Positive correlations existed between participants’ perceived stress and energy drink consumption. Participants’ energy drink consumption and academic performance were negatively correlated. Freshmen (M = 0.330) and sophomores (M = 0.408) consumed a lower number of energy drinks yesterday than juniors (M = 1.000). Males reported higher means than females for selected energy drink consumption items. Statistically significant interactions existed between gender and year in school for selected energy drink consumption items. Conclusions: Results confirm gender differences in energy drink consumption and illuminate a need for education regarding use of energy drinks in response to perceived stress.  相似文献   

The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI; Rosen et al., 2000 Rosen , R. C. , Brown , C. , Heiman , J. , Leiblum , S. , Meston , C. , Shabsigh , R. , … D'Agostino , R. ( 2000 ). The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI): A multidimensional self-report instrument for the assessment of female sexual function . Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy , 26 , 191208 . doi: 10.1080/009262300278597 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF; Rosen et al., 1997 Rosen , R. C. , Riley , A. , Wagner , G. , Osterloh , I. H. , Kirkpatrick , J. , &; Mishra , A. ( 1997 ). The International Index of Erectile Dysfunction (IIEF): A multidimensional scale for assessment of erectile dysfunction . Urology , 49 , 822830 . doi: 10.1016/S0090-4295(97)00238-0 [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) are two of the most widely used measures of sexual dysfunction. However, they have potential measurement and psychometric flaws that have not been addressed in the literature. This article examines the measurement capabilities of these measures based on data collected from an online study in 2010. A convenience sample of 518 sexually active adults (65% female) drawn from the general community were included in the analyses. Both measures displayed critical theoretical and measurement problems for the assessment of sexual problems beyond sexual arousal, and for the sexual desire domains in particular. Based on these results, we encourage clinicians and researchers to think critically about whether the FSFI and IIEF are appropriate measures for their practice and research. In particular, these measures are inappropriate for use among individuals who are not currently sexually active, and research with a focus other than sexual arousal should consider supplementary measures of sexual function. The psychometric properties of these measures should be reassessed in clinical samples, but the theoretical issues with the measures raised in this article are relevant across clinical and research contexts.  相似文献   

Cross, Fine, Jones, and Walsh's (2012 Cross, T. P., Fine, J. E., Jones, L. M. and Walsh, W. A. 2012. Mental health professionals in children's advocacy centers: Is there role conflict?. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 21(1): 91108. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) article “Mental Health Professionals in Children's Advocacy Centers: Is There Role Conflict?” challenges two recent publications' criticisms that child advocacy centers create role conflict for mental health professionals and explains how child advocacy centers actually work, describing the different roles for mental health professionals who participate in them. This commentary points out that more precise data would have helped to specifically address the critics' concerns. Furthermore, professional ethics and licensure issues may have served as an additional but unacknowledged check on the “spillover effect” that the critics have alleged comes with being associated with prosecution. This commentary also highlights three main strengths of the Cross and colleagues' article.  相似文献   

Rader (2004 Rader Nicole E. 2004 . “The Threat of Victimization: A Theoretical Reconceptualization of Fear of Crime.” Sociological Spectrum 24 : 689704 .[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) has called for a reconceptualization in the study of fear of crime, arguing that fear is one of several dimensions of the “threat of victimization,” with fear of crime, perceptions of risk, and avoidance (i.e., limiting or changing activity) and defensive behaviors (i.e., performing a specific action to allay fear of crime) as interrelated pieces. We use data from adult residents of a midsouthern state to provide qualified support for the threat of victimization concept in a series of multivariate linear and logistic regression models. Implications for future fear of crime research are also discussed.  相似文献   

Cet article analyse le jeu des acteurs civils et publics précédant la création de la Haute Autorité, plus spécifiquement comment cette dernière est l’aboutissement d’une circulation nouvelle de la réflexion citoyenne et de l’exécutif, mais aussi l’ambivalence de la notion de transparence dans la mesure où celle-ci peut aussi bien montrer que cacher. La transparence s’appuie sur l’exigence de ‘vigilance épistémologique’ (Bourdieu, Chamboredon et Passeron, 1968 Bourdieu, P., Chamboredon, J.-C., and Passeron, J-.C., 1968. Le métier de sociologue: Préalables épistémologiques. Paris: Mouton de Gruyter. [Google Scholar]) typique de la sociologie, mais elle est aussi une fabrication sociale née de jeux d’acteurs et de leurs légitimités respectives. Pour illustrer cette nouvelle forme de circulation régulatrice, le terrain choisi est celui de l’association Regards Citoyens et de son ‘lobbying citoyen’ revendiqué. Il s’agira d’étudier ici les forces et les limites d’une telle approche.  相似文献   

Previous research suggests viewing R-rated movies is associated with delinquency (Tanski et al. 2010 Tanski , Susanne E. , Sonya Dal Cin , Mike Stoolmiller , and James D. Sargent . 2010. “Parental R-Rated Movie Restriction and Early-Onset Alcohol Use.” Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 71(3):452460.[PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Titus-Ernstoff et al. 2008 Titus-Ernstoff , L. , M. A. Dalton , A. M. Adachi-Mejia , M. R. Longacre , and M. L. Beach . 2008 . “Longitudinal Study of Viewing Smoking in Movies and Initiation of Smoking by Children.” Pediatrics 121 : 1521 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), while religiosity leads to decreases in substance use (Jang and Johnson 2001 Jang , Sung Joon and Byron R. Johnson . 2001 . “Neighborhood Disorder, Individual Religiosity, and Adolescent Use of Illicit Drugs: A Test of Multilevel Hypotheses.” Criminology 39 ( 1 ): 109144 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Kovacs, Piko, and Fitzpatrick 2011 Jang , Sung Joon and Byron R. Johnson . 2011 . “The Effects of Childhood Exposure to Drug Users and Religion on Drug Use in Adolescence and Young Adulthood.” Youth and Society 43 : 12201245 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Miller 1998 Miller , W. 1998 . “Researching the Spiritual Dimensions of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems.” Addiction 93 : 979990 .[Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Regnerus 2003 Regnerus , Mark D. 2003 . “Moral Communities and Adolescent Delinquency: Religious Contexts and Community Social Control.” Sociological Quarterly 44 : 523554 .[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). However, the influences of religiosity and viewing R-rated movies have not been examined in conjunction. This article tests whether religiosity moderates the effects of R-rated movies on delinquency, results suggesting that rather than religiosity moderating the effects of R-rated movies on delinquency, viewing R-rated movies actually tempers the pro-social effects of religiosity. This finding only held true for certain types of substance abuse, and not activity-based forms of delinquency such as fighting. The results are discussed in light of their implications for the current study of the effects of religiosity on delinquency, and suggestions are made for future research on the relationship between viewing R-rated movies and delinquency.  相似文献   

This is a response to the commentary by Rosen, Revicki, and Sand (2014 Rosen , R. C. , Revicki , D. A. , &; Sand , M. ( 2014 ). Commentary on “Critical flaws in the FSFI and the IIEF.” Journal of Sex Research , 51 , 492497 . doi: 10.1080/00224499.2014.894491 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) on our original article titled “Critical Flaws in the Female Sexual Function Index and the International Index of Erectile Function” (Forbes, Baillie, &; Schniering, 2014 Forbes , M. K. , Baillie , A. J. , &; Schniering , C. A. ( 2014 ). Critical flaws in the Female Sexual Function Index and the International Index of Erectile Function . Journal of Sex Research , 51 , 485491 . doi: 10.1080/00224499.2013.876607 [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We address his criticisms and clarify our points further using existing research. We conclude that there are a number of evident limitations to these popular measures, and suggest that researchers and clinicians familiarize themselves with the aim and scope of each measure before use.  相似文献   


The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the relationship between early exposure to pornography and sexual compulsivity among Croatian young adults. Using online survey data on pornography use and sexual behavior among 1,528 heterosexual women and men aged 18–25, we tested a hypothesis that pornography use at the age of 14 is a marker for sexual compulsivity in late adolescence and young adulthood. After satisfactory reliability of a four-item subscale of the Sexual Compulsiveness Scale (Kalichman & Rompa, 1995 Kalichman, S. C. and Rompa, D. 1995. Sexual sensation seeking and sexual compulsivity scales: Reliability, validity, and predicting HIV risk behavior. Journal of Personality Assessment, 65: 586601. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) was confirmed in this sample, construct validity of this composite indicator focused on out of control sexual thoughts and behaviors was assessed. High sexual compulsivity was associated with sexual risk taking, though mainly among women, decreased levels of relationship intimacy and lesser sexual contentment. However, we found no significant association between early exposure to pornography and high sexual compulsivity either among men or women.  相似文献   

One theoretical concept receiving modest attention in contemporary sex research is the sexual self-concept (SSC). However, a lack of cohesion within this research has culminated in a collection of SSC models which overlap one another but which are not exactly the same. Therefore, a unified conceptual model of SSC needs to be established. In addition, little research has examined potential differences between genders in SSC, as most SSC research has focused on women. Using Buzwell and Rosenthal's 1996 Buzwell , S. , & Rosenthal , D. (1996). Constructing a sexual self: Adolescents’ sexual self-perceptions and sexual risk-taking. Journal of Research on Adolescence , 6, 489513.[Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] sexual selves model as a theoretical basis, a six-factor higher-order latent SSC model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis. Lower-order factors for this model included multidimensional sexual self-esteem and sexual self-efficacy factors, as well as unidimensional arousal, anxiety, exploration, and commitment factors. A five-factor latent model (after removing the commitment and the resistance sexual self-efficacy factors) was the best-fitting model. This model was then tested for measurement and structural invariance between genders. Results indicated that while the measurement of SSC was similar between men and women, structural invariance did not hold, as men had a significantly higher latent SSC score compared to women. These findings have important implications for sexual self-concept research, as well as contributing to better understanding of human sexuality.  相似文献   

Considering that sexuality scholars claim consensual sadomasochists experience sexual objectification differently from the general population (Califia, 1994 Califia, P. (1994). Public sex: The culture of radical sex. Pittsburgh, PA: Cleis Press. [Google Scholar]; Connell, 2002 Connell, R. W. (2002). Gender. Malden, MA: Blackwell. [Google Scholar]; Nussbaum, 1995 Nussbaum, M. C. (1995). Objectification. Philosophy and Public Affairs, 24(4), 249291. doi:10.1111/j.1088-4963.1995.tb00032.x[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), this study explored self-objectification (Fredrickson &; Roberts, 1997 Fredrickson, B. L. &; Roberts, T. (1997). Objectification theory: Toward understanding women's lived experiences and mental health risks. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 21(2), 173206. doi:10.1111/j.1471-6402.1997.tb00108.x[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) and body satisfaction among 121 self-identified consensual sadomasochists, 67 of whom also self-identified as women. Participants responded to an online survey and reported their self-objectification, self-surveillance, body shame, and body satisfaction measures, along with their body mass index (BMI) and identification as dominant, submissive, or switch. The data revealed that the study participants’ differed greatly in their sexual objectification experiences according to their genders, sexual orientations, and sadomasochistic identities, suggesting that consensual sadomasochism offers participants an environment partially free of the negative consequences resulting from Western beauty ideals.  相似文献   

Race and nation have been difficult concepts in Germany since the Holocaust. Although race has seemingly disappeared from public discourse, the concept is very present in the narrative construction of white German national identities. In fact in Germany, race, and more specifically whiteness, disappears into a national naming. On the basis of a qualitative study on women activists, I examine to what extent the research participants struggle with the racialized discourse on German identity and what this struggle looks like. Using John Hartigan's (2000 Hartigan, John Jr. 2000. Object lessons in whiteness: Antiracism and the study of white folks. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 7(3): 373406. [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) approach to analyzing ethnographic accounts of whiteness, I show how a racialization of German identity plays out in complex and complicated ways. On the one hand, the narratives are complicit with a racialized Germanness, yet on the other hand, the idea of a unified, white, cultural community is being challenged. To move toward a postcolonial narrative of Germanness that includes Germany's history of colonialism as well as fascism, we need to move away from race, but we also need to move toward race. A starting point would be provided by focusing on racism, not as a fringe issue of German society but rather as an urgent matter that is located at the centre of German politics and is actively shaping its history.  相似文献   

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