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中越边境跨国婚姻问题研究——以广西大新县隘江村为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李娟  龙耀 《南方人口》2008,23(1):34-41
中越边境跨国通婚比较普遍.在这样一些特殊的家庭里,母亲没有中国国籍、户籍,她们在国民身份认同方面出现危机,并导致婚姻关系不稳定,家庭功能无法正常发挥.同时,由于母亲是外国人,父亲是中国人,而且位于偏远的边境地区和少数民族地区,这些婚姻家庭中的子女的社会化也具有一定的特殊性.面对这些问题,有必要用新的思维来解决这些母亲的国籍问题,要更多地关注这些家庭中的子女.  相似文献   

族际通婚对于构建民族互嵌格局、铸牢中华民族共同体意识有重要意义。通过深入挖掘1982年以来历次全国人口普查和1%人口抽样调查数据资料,回顾和总结了改革开放40多年来中国族际通婚变动的十大趋势:一是族际通婚的普遍化,族际通婚的人口规模和比例均明显提升;二是族际通婚比例在各民族间的相对差异化;三是族际通婚圈进一步扩大,各族际通婚子圈相互交融;四是东北和西南地区的族际通婚程度相对较深;五是城镇化对族际通婚有积极影响;六是人口流动对族际通婚有促进作用;七是族际通婚人口性别比呈现梯级化差异;八是族际通婚人口中女性家庭地位不断提高;九是受教育程度与族际通婚比例呈正相关关系;十是族际通婚比例在职业类型上表现出分层化。  相似文献   

从跨城乡通婚的角度研究城乡社会融合具有重要意义。现有关于跨城乡通婚的研究大多关注通婚率的变化,很少有研究分析跨城乡通婚的形成机制及其变迁。基于地位交换论、社会排斥论和双向融合论提出解释中国跨城乡通婚的三种理论模式和标志城乡融合不断发展的三个通婚阶段。通过对2012—2018年四期中国劳动力动态调查(CLDS)数据的深入分析,发现中国跨城乡通婚的比例较低,但随时间呈明显的上升趋势。在1978—1991年间,跨城乡通婚中的地位交换现象非常明显,农村一方的教育程度对跨城乡通婚有显著的正向影响,而城市一方的教育程度对跨城乡通婚有显著的负向影响,且通婚中表现出非常明显的农村一方教育低就和城市一方教育高攀的现象。随着时间的推移,地位交换论对跨城乡通婚的解释力逐渐削弱,社会排斥论的解释力不断增强,2005年以后,城市一方的教育程度对跨城乡通婚的负向影响已趋于消失,农村一方在通婚中教育低就的现象也基本消除,我国跨城乡通婚的模式正在从地位交换阶段向社会排斥阶段过渡。跨城乡通婚模式的变化标志着我国城乡融合取得了阶段性成果,但当前跨城乡通婚的难度依然较大,且农村社会下层依然被排斥于通婚之外,进一步消除城乡分...  相似文献   

基于2004~2012年北京婚姻登记数据的分析,表明北京近十年的族际通婚在新婚群体中占比约10%,其中以少数民族与汉族的通婚为主,也有相当数量的少数民族之间的族际通婚。与民族地区相比,北京的族际通婚的特点表现出显著差异:北京族际通婚的人口平均初婚年龄高于汉族通婚,夫妇平均学历水平也高于族内通婚的情况,少数民族之间的族际通婚人群中有很大比例的迁移人口和流动人口;婚姻稳定性方面,族际通婚夫妇的离结率(即当年的离婚数量与结婚数量之比)大大低于族内通婚。新婚人群的特征对比映射出北京对于少数民族精英人口的强大吸纳力。  相似文献   

基于2004~2012年北京婚姻登记数据的分析,表明北京近十年的族际通婚在新婚群体中占比约10%,其中以少数民族与汉族的通婚为主,也有相当数量的少数民族之间的族际通婚。与民族地区相比,北京的族际通婚的特点表现出显著差异:北京族际通婚的人口平均初婚年龄高于汉族通婚,夫妇平均学历水平也高于族内通婚的情况,少数民族之间的族际通婚人群中有很大比例的迁移人口和流动人口;婚姻稳定性方面,族际通婚夫妇的离结率(即当年的离婚数量与结婚数量之比)大大低于族内通婚。新婚人群的特征对比映射出北京对于少数民族精英人口的强大吸纳力。  相似文献   

尽管不同朝代对待族际通婚的态度历经数次起伏,中国蒙古族、满族和汉族间通婚的限制反复恢复又废止,各族人民的接触交往却从未间断。研究发现,蒙古族、满族已婚人口中,族际通婚比例均超过40%,意味着族际通婚的普遍流行。在通婚模式上,以蒙古族-汉族、满族-汉族通婚为主,历史上曾持续约3个世纪的高度政治化的“满蒙联姻”已由民族间自由交往所取代。在性别差异上,蒙古族经历了由男性娶进居多到被女性嫁出比例反超的转变。在空间分布上,3个民族形成了以辽西走廊为核心的较为清晰的、广泛的东北—西南走向通婚链。在人口迁移流动过程中,族际通婚主要表现为本地男性娶少数民族流动女性。要重视经济互动、居住聚散程度和人口迁移流动对促进各民族交往交流交融的积极作用。  相似文献   

本文使用2011—2013年中国流动人口动态监测数据,利用空间分析方法对流动人口地理通婚圈的地域模式与圈层结构进行分析发现:不同区域之间的通婚地域模式具有显著的差异,东部地区的跨省通婚明显高于东北地区和西部地区,中部地区处于最低水平.地理通婚圈的空间圈层结构不但呈现出"空间等级分层"的物理结构,而且不同圈层本身的结构形态也存在显著的差异.地理通婚圈结构自内向外,出现了通婚圆→通婚弧→通婚点的梯度演化.此外,地理通婚圈分异还具有一定的方向偏好.  相似文献   

近二十年来两岸通婚模式的演进及趋势探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庄渝霞 《南方人口》2007,22(2):23-31
两岸通婚将加快两岸交流和融合,促进祖国和平统一.改革开放以来,两岸通婚不断增加,通婚模式逐步由单一的"盲目崇尚型"向多元的"互动选择型"转变,最终将过渡到理性的"爱情主导型"模式;而当前两岸通婚在政策、观念和配偶及子女身份认同等方面存在的问题,制约着两岸通婚模式的演进,必须采取打击非法假婚姻、建立两岸移民磋商机制、推动台湾方面在居留、工作权、婚姻方面给予大陆配偶平等权利等措施,努力构建有利于促进两岸关系和谐发展的通婚模式.  相似文献   

族际通婚数据属于典型的关系数据,可视为由各民族与其他民族通婚联系形成的关系体系。因此,社会网络分析提供的一整套方法可作为族际通婚研究的方法工具,以便利地刻画通婚关系的结构特征。基于2010年第六次全国人口普查数据,首次尝试将该方法用于考察和分析中国各民族族际通婚的结构性特征。初步应用揭示,中国形成了一个以汉族为中心的大的全国族际通婚圈,同时存在少数民族间凝聚力明显有别的8个地方性子通婚圈,该结构特征是中华民族多元一体格局的直观体现。可见,社会网络分析是揭示和认识族际通婚关系结构的可靠且有效方式,其中,社会网络的图形呈现、中心性测度和社群识别技术可为族际通婚关系的分析提供直观和详细的补充信息。  相似文献   

从1990年人口普查1%抽样数据看我国的民族通婚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用 1990年全国第四次人口普查 1%抽样数据 ,对 18个人口百万以上的少数民族通婚率方面的问题进行了探讨。内容包括 :各民族粗通婚率的比较和标准化通婚率的比较以及各民族分性别、年龄通婚率。  相似文献   

保跃平 《南方人口》2013,28(4):17-25,43
跨境婚姻社会事实作为跨境边民“习以为常”的日常生活事件,是客观社会环境结构作用的产物,更是边民基于跨疆界传统小社会的主体性选择的结果。在“事实”与“制度”的冲突中,非正式制度影响下的行为选择与正式制度的社会控制职能之间的矛盾使得跨境婚姻面临制度困境。  相似文献   

进入本世纪以来,伴随着越南女性的大量涌入,中越边境跨国婚姻日益引起关注。本文通过对中越边境跨国婚姻相关的研究进行梳理,从中越边境跨国婚姻的现状、跨国婚姻建立的基础、存在的问题、越南女性配偶的主动身份建构等方面,分别介绍近期的研究成果。随后对相关研究进行评述,并为后续研究提供几点建议。  相似文献   

罗小锋 《西北人口》2008,29(6):29-33
伴随香港内地经济社会联系的日益紧密,两地间的通婚越来越多。不协调的移民政策导致了香港一内地跨境家庭的形成,面对制度限制,跨境家庭采用各种家庭策略来维系家庭。文章运用定性研究方法对跨境家庭进行了研究。考察了跨境家庭的能动性。  相似文献   

C Yao  Y Zhao 《人口研究》1984,(1):46-48
Since 1970 when the big push for family planning began, China advocated late marriages. In general, the age for late marriage for female peasants is 23 years and 25 for males; for urban females and males, it is 25 and 27 years, respectively. In 1981 the New Marriage Law stipulated the age at marriage to be 20 years for females and 22 for males (these ages are lower than the ages advocated for marriage in actual practice). Despite the New Marriage Law, however, there was in 1981 an increase in the number of people who married before attaining the "late marriage age," thereby creating problems in family planning work. Since 1981, early marriages have been an increasing phenomenon (for the purposes of this essay, age at early marriage is 23 years for females and 25 for males). Jiaxing Prefecture had a 460.53% increase from 1979 to 1981 in the number of women who married early. The following findings were based on studies of Tungxiang and Pinghu Countries. Early marriages as well as "regular" marriages have increased greatly, with early marriage exceeding the number of other marriages. Urban marriages are far more moderate in number than rural marriages, partly because family planning work in urban areas is more effective. Early marriage in areas where family planning work was effective is less extreme than in areas where family planning work was ineffective. Findings from Kayuan Commune of Tungxiang County shows that 47.8% of all male marriages in 1981 were early marriages, as opposed to 6.3% in 1980. The average age for men at marriage in 1981 was 1.6 years younger than in 1980, and .75 years younger for females. Undoubtedly the New Marriage Law influenced the trend in early marriages, but the main reason is that the agarian economy is backwards. Further, traditional attitudes (e.g., "the sooner the children come the sooner the riches come") prevail.  相似文献   

This article uses micro‐data from the Hong Kong census since 1991 to report trends in the integration of Chinese residents who were born either in Colonial Hong Kong or in Mainland China. We focus on marital exogamy by nativity for women aged 25–34. From 1991 to 2011, we found an increasing likelihood for Hong Kong native men and Mainland women to be married to one another. This increase reflects cross‐border marriages. Such exogamous marriages were associated with a lower degree of educational homogamy, since Hong Kong‐born men tend to be more educated than their Mainland spouses. They are also older than their immigrant wives. Implications for social distance between natives and immigrants in this context of exogamous marriages are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent migration studies have adopted the lens of mobility to examine the stratifying effects of border policies, but few investigate the differential mobility of migrant families and children. This paper aims to contribute to the migration literature by considering the interplay between border policies, family configurations, and differential mobility. We apply the lens of differential mobility to the experiences of Chinese cross-border pupils – young child migrants with Hong Kong permanent residency who reside in Shenzhen, China, and cross the border to attend school. We begin by describing shifts in Hong Kong’s border and immigration policies since 1997, which have created a typology of families differentiated by mixed status, citizenship rights, and mobility. We then turn to four case studies of students with unequal border-crossing experiences to elucidate how border control constrains or promotes family mobility and perpetuates inequalities.  相似文献   

本文基于2004-2012年的婚姻登记业务数据的分析发现,北京本地通婚的夫妇仅占所有新婚夫妇的41%;两地婚姻中,外来人口(包括落户北京的迁移人口及尚未落户的流动人口)与北京本地人口的组合占比约36%,外来人口之间的组合占比约23%,但在时序上有上升趋势。相对于本地通婚,两地婚姻的夫妇普遍结婚较晚,且多为高学历男女的组合。"双外夫妇"的增多重塑了北京的文化,同时也为城市发展带来一定的压力。  相似文献   

Noreen Goldman 《Demography》1981,18(4):659-679
An analysis of marital histories from World Fertility Survey data in Colombia, Panama, and Peru indicates a high level of union dissolution: the probabilities of a first union ending by separation within twenty years of the onset of union equal .27, .40, and .18 in the three countries respectively. Dissolution probabilities are especially high among women with young ages at first union and among women residing in urban areas. For all subgroups studied, consensual unions are characterized by several times the risk of separation of legal marriages. Consensual unions are especially frequent among women in rural areas, women with little education and women who enter unions at young ages. The different prevalence of consensual unions among the different subgroups affects the associations between union stability and various correlates so that it becomes essential to investigate the factors affecting union stability for both consensual unions and legal marriages. In spite of high dissolution rates, remarriage rates in all three countries are also high, as are the percentages of time spent in a union. Hence, the potential effects of voluntary disruption of unions on fertility appear to be modest.  相似文献   

Fu VK 《Demography》2001,38(2):147-159
Most studies of racial intermarriage rely on the prevalence of intermarriage to measure the strength of group boundaries, without scrutinizing the nature of intermarriage pairings. Examination of intermarried couples' characteristics reveals (1) that intermarriages and endogamous marriages follow different patterns, and (2) that intermarriage pairings for some groups reflect a generalized racial status hierarchy. According to evidence from the 1990 U.S. Census PUMS, patterns in blacks' and Mexican Americans' marriages with whites suggest that a generalized racial status hierarchy disadvantages members of these minority groups. For marriages between Japanese Americans and whites, however, crossing the group boundary does not affect couples' characteristics.  相似文献   

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