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非自愿移民、搬迁方式与能力损失   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文关注的是搬迁过程中非自愿移民可持续发展能力的损失。文章基于2007年8-9月对湖北省丹江口市、郧县和河南省淅川县24个乡镇3145户库区居民的抽样调查,实证分析发现.库区居民的可持续发展能力对于他们的经济水平和经济地位的提高有着显著的作用,这一作用对于非自愿移民群体也同样适用,不过非自愿移民群体在搬迁过程中其可持续发展能力发生了损失,能力损失的多少与移民搬迁的距离和安置的分散程度成正比。对于财富积累的影响,多次搬迁的移民能力损失最为严重:就阶层认同来说,分散外迁的移民能力损失则最多。  相似文献   

移民的文化适应:宁夏吊庄移民的生育观念调适   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘华  马伟华 《南方人口》2008,23(2):50-56
以扶贫与保护生态环境为重要出发点的宁夏吊庄移民规划,使居住在宁夏西海固地区的大量回族群众搬迁到了宁夏北部易于得到黄河灌溉的地区。伴随着这样的移民搬迁,回族群众的思想观念必然发生变迁。在移民的各种思想观念中,生育观念的转变体现得最为直接与明显。因此,移民群众在生育观念方面的调适就显得极为重要。移民迁出地的历史传统、文化习俗以及迁入地的社会观念、价值标准.都深刻地影响着移民的生育观念。在这些因素中,迁入地城市文化的影响则是一个极为重要的因素。  相似文献   

潘华  马伟华 《西北人口》2008,29(1):42-46
以扶贫与保护生态环境为重要出发点的宁夏吊庄移民规划,使居住在宁夏西海固地区的大量回族群众搬迁到了宁夏北部易于得到黄河灌溉的地区。伴随着这样的移民搬迁,回族群众的思想观念必然要发生变迁。在移民的各种思想观念中,生育观念的转变体现得最为直接与明显。因此,移民群众在生育观念方面的调适就显得极为重要。移民迁出地的历史传统、文化习俗以及迁入地的社会观念、价值标准,都深刘地影响着移民的生育观念。在这些因素中。迁入地城市文化的影响则是一个极为重要的因素。  相似文献   

试论吊庄移民工程对回族移民生产、生活观念的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马伟华 《西北人口》2009,30(5):102-106
声势浩大的吊庄移民规划,使一部分居住在宁夏南部西海固地区的回族群众。搬迁到了距他们的原住地几百公里外的地方。伴随着这样的移民搬迁,回族群众的思想观念必然存在着变迁以及在迁入地进行调适的问题。吊庄作为沟通移民老家与迁入地——银川市的一个重要桥梁,使得移民群众在思想观念上发生的深刻变化,最终会通过文化的传播而使整个西海固地区的人们在思想意识深处.向以吊庄为平台的宁夏川区相对先进的文化产生趋同。从而最终影响到他们生活的方方面面。  相似文献   

在南水北调中线工程水源地紧锣密鼓进行移民搬迁之际,湖北丹江口市紧紧抓住农村基层计划生育服务体系建设的契机,积极争取国债和中央扩大内需资金,先后投入528万元开展库区计划生育服务站迁建、改扩建工作。2009年,全市计生服务机构形象标准化建设的比例达到100%,提前1年达标,市级站和3个乡级站达到省级优质服务先进站标准。随着习家店、凉水河、均县镇等库区最后一批计划生育服务站迁建、改扩建工程相继完工,丹江口市库区群众终于有了新的“育龄妇女之家”。  相似文献   

三峡工程是我国有史以来规模最大的水利世纪工程,也是中国当代建设史上的一个重要的里程碑。三峡工程建设过程中最突出的问题就是水库移民。由理论工作者与实践部门的技术工作者共同合作的《三峡工程移民与库区发展研究》(武汉大学出版社1996年版),首次从移民安置与库区发展的关系出发,对三峡库区的人口、社会、经济的现状和发展前景进行了论述;对库区人力资源开发、环境人口容量,移民人口群体状况等重要问题进行了深入的探讨;系统地总结了我国水库移民的历史经验;分析了促进移民安置与库区发展走向良性循环的条件;提出了三峡库区移民安置的思路与对策。与国内外已公开出版的同类专著相比,本书具有如下特点:  相似文献   

借鉴布迪厄的人口迁移“惯习论”,从文化的视角分析移民惯习对迁移决策的影响。阐述了移民归属感、平衡感、公平感和安全感四种惯习,构建了移民迁移意愿框架。结合长期补偿机制,分析其与移民惯习的契合性,结论表明:长期补偿机制与移民惯习契合性程度较高,移民搬迁意愿程度高。  相似文献   

三峡移民在社会适应性中的社会心态   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
三峡移民在搬迁后生活环境的社会适应或社会化中,其主观能动性具有重要意义,迁后的社会心态是这种主观能动性首先的和集中的表现状态。经对湖北部分首批三峡移民的问卷调查和访谈调查,本文从移民对搬迁前后生活环境的感觉比较、对迁后生活环境满意度、生活环境的习惯感觉、生活关注的问题等四个方面,考察、分析了这些移民迁后的社会心态状况及各种原因。从一个角度反映了首批搬迁的三峡移民目前的状况,并对调整、引导三峡移民的社会心态提出了建议。  相似文献   

我国库区移民方式及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
库区移民即广义的库区人力资源迁移 ,是水库兴筑伴生的社会现象 ,对于大中型水库库区来讲 ,带有普遍性。本文在对库区进行调研的基础上 ,以典型库区为例 ,探讨了库区移民的方式并获得了某些有益的启示  相似文献   

精准扶贫与基层治理:移民搬迁中的非结构性制约   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精准扶贫与基层治理之间存在着很强的关联性.基于对移民搬迁安置政策的实证分析发现:不论是畏难情绪与急功近利思想,也不论是移民搬迁型社区治理之困,抑或乡村精英俘获与治理不善,都对精准扶贫政策执行产生了某种程度的"非结构性制约".这也是基层治理不到位的重要表现,它削弱了减贫政策的预期成效.推进精准扶贫的同时要持续完善和优化农村基层治理体系,大力提升基层治理能力;特别是要注重通过创新基层治理以更好地整合扶贫资源,更有效激发精准脱贫的内生动力,持续改善造成贫困的条件.只有如此才能破解"非结构性制约"之困,更好地推进精准扶贫、精准脱贫,提高脱贫攻坚成效.  相似文献   

Despite a low emigration rate compared to other European countries in the last century, Dutch emigration has been well studied, mainly because of the very fine state of the records. This paper seeks to contribute to general issues in emigration by considering data from a limited but important area, the province of Zeeland in The Netherlands, which was one of the principal contributors to Dutch emigration to North America during the nineteenth century. The subject-matter is the motivation of those emigrants, and the analysis concentrates on factors in the place of origin. ‘Pull-factors’ that attract emigrants to their destinations are acknowledged to be important, but are not studied here; a wide range of social, economic, and political variables in Zeeland are computed. Two sets of factors are found to govern the ‘push’ : the first are deprivation factors, such as epidemics, bad harvests, poverty, and persecution. At the same time, it is posited that many emigrants left for precisely the opposite reason : that things were going well in the home country. Besides revealing something of the migration process itself, this approach has the advantage of increasing our understanding of the country of origin or ‘push-area’, where other sources may be incomplete or ambiguous.  相似文献   

单德朋  郑长德 《西北人口》2014,(1):79-85,91
本文利用FGT贫困指数对2000-2011年民族地区城镇绝对贫困和相对贫困进行了测度.分析了民族地区城镇贫困的动态演化特征。并利用减贫的收入、分配弹性以及贫困指数的Shapley分解。研究了民族地区经济增长益贫性问题。结果表明,民族地区城镇绝对贫困持续缓解,但受收入分配格局变化的影响,相对贫困问题开始凸显。经济增长的减贫效率体现出较为显著的阶段性和外部冲击敏感性。在制定和实施同质性减贫政策的同时.应该凸显贫困人口内部的异质性。同时,构建对本地城镇贫困人口更为包容和稳健的经济发展方式是未来民族地区实现城镇减贫的关键。  相似文献   

城市 ,作为改革开放的窗口 ,“性的突围”表现得较为显见。“性的突围”有两种 :婚前性行为和婚外性行为 ,二者都会影响人口的控制。给城市生育文化定位时 ,必须注意划清三个界限 ,实现三个“置于” :1 划清主文化与反文化界限 ,把生育置于主文化之中 ;2 划清爱情与性解放界限 ,把性价值置于道德之中 ;3 划清性知识普及与性误导界限 ,把性生活置于生殖健康之中  相似文献   

当代中外贫困理论比较研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文通过比较当代中外主要贫困理论 ,介绍了各自的特色 ,分析了中国贫困理论和国外贫困理论相比存在的差距 ,并在此基础上指出了当前中国城市反贫问题的贫困理论缺陷  相似文献   

近年来,城市新贫困现象日渐凸出。以最低生活保障为基础的城市贫困救助体系在“设标”和“寻标”环节均存在缺陷,难以适应城市贫困形势发展的需要。城市贫困救助体系的改革必须对“谁是贫困者”“如何寻找贫困者”等问题进行重新回答,拓展选择的目标范围,更新工作思路,让更多贫困者受惠。  相似文献   

延边朝鲜族育龄妇女的生育意愿的影响因素主要在三个方面,即传统文化因素、育龄妇女自身因素和社会经济因素。抽样调查数据分析的结果表明,育龄妇女自身因素和经济社会发展在一定程度上影响了朝鲜族的生育意愿,但是,朝鲜族独特的传统文化起了决定性的作用。  相似文献   

中国农业剩余劳动力规模及滞留经济代价研究   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
长期以来 ,中国一直不同程度地存在着农业剩余劳动力 ,1997年 ,估计约有 1 8亿剩余劳动力 ,但剩余程度的省际差异显著 ,以西南地区剩余最严重 ;农业剩余劳动力大量滞留严重制约了农村社会经济的发展 ,1978~ 1997年间 ,仅滞留的经济代价就达 178750亿元 ,相当于这 2 0年国内生产总值之和的 4 0 % ,经济代价的省际差异也很大 ,仍以西南地区为最。根据农业劳动力剩余程度和滞留经济代价的省际差异 ,可将全国划分为四大片 :长江上游—珠江流域片、长江中下游流域片、黄河流域片和北部片  相似文献   

西北地区人才资本结构的现状及其成因分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在工业革命时期人力资本是经济增长和经济发展的内生性要素和“引擎”。而在知识经济时代人才资本将成为经济发展的决定性因素。改革开放以来,西北地区一些省份人才的数量与质量都处于全国的前几位,但人才大省与经济穷省却相伴而随。其根本的原因是人力资本对经济的促进作用,不完全取决于人才的数量、甚至质量,在很大程度上取决于人才资本结构。文章以西北地区人才资本的“梯度流”与“逆梯度流”及“人才高消费”现象作为切入点,探索了西北地区的人才资本结构的现状及成因剖析。  相似文献   

Cuba's post-revolution demographic trends, especially in regard to fertility and emigration, and the causes and consequences of these trends, were examined using available statistical data. The authors maintain that both fertility and emigration trends were highly infuenced by economic factors. The trends are described in the context of the social and economic changes instituted by the revolutionary government. Government policies were aimed at 1) eradicating inequalities in housing, income, education, and health; 2) improving the status of women; and 3) upgrading the living standards of the rural population. Government policies did alleviate many social problems and greatly improved the health and educational status of the population; however, these policies had a marked adverse effect on economic performance. The demographic transition began in Cuba earlier than in most other developing countries and it began long before the 1959 revolution. These earlier changes must be taken into account when assessing the impact of post-revolution policies on demographic trends. Cuba's birthrate declined from 26-14.8/1000 population between 1959-1979 and the total fertility rate declined from 3.7-1.9 between 1970-1978; however, during the 1960s there was a baby boom and the birth rate for 1963 exceeded 35/1000 population. The baby boom was largely a response to the temporary improvement in economic conditions which occurred shortly after the revolution. The decline in fertility during the 1970s was due in part to the increased availability of abortion and contraceptive services and to a decline in the marriage rate; however, Cuba's deteriorating economy was also a major contributing factor. The baby boom of the 1960s is negativley affecting the current economy of the country. Individuals born during the baby boom are entering adulthood and are contributing toward Cuba's current unemployment problems. Prior to the revolution, Cuba experienced a high rate of in-migration. Immediately after the revolution this pattern was reversed and between 1959-1980 more than 800,000 Cubans emigrated. Most of these emigrants went to the U.S. A large proportion of the earlier emigrants were members of the upper and middle socioeconomic classes. Recent emigrants were more evenly representative of all segments of Cuba's population. The socioeconomic characteristics of the emigrants are described and their adjustment in the U.S. is discussed. Tables provide statistical data on Cuba's demographic trends.  相似文献   

Special national surveys in the 1980s give the only recent data about emigrants from the USA, based on asking residents about their parents, siblings, and children living outside the USA who ever lived here. Each of the three surveys yielded an initial or minimal estimate of at least one million surviving emigrants. Adjusting for probable omission of emigrants without a resident immediate relative, the number of emigrants surviving as of 1990 is likely to exceed two million and, with alternative assumptions, could exceed three million. Due to inherent uncertainties in differing methodologies for measuring emigration for the past three decades, the implied level of emigration of permanent residents for the 1980s may be similar to previous levels. This finding contradicts popular belief of a simple direct association, i.e., that increasing immigration levels would be associated with increasing emigration levels. Emigration levels result from population heterogeneity on such characteristics as origin country, location and strength of familial ties, and reasons for coming to the USA, and associated probabilities of emigration. For many of the post-1965 immigrant cohorts, there is one or more decades during which emigration may yet occur.Abbreviations ALAs Americans living abroad - INS US Immigration and Naturalization Service - IRCA Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 - CPS Current Population Survey This article is partially based on a paper presented at the 1990 annual meeting of the Population Association of America in Toronto, Canada, while the author was a member of the Population Analysis Staff of the US Bureau of the Census.  相似文献   

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