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近年来,我国税收收入年年高速增长,甚至超过了GDP的增长速度,因而这一现象引起社会各界的广泛关注,关于税收如此快速增长影响因素的学术研究也逐渐兴起。总结前人的研究,影响税收增长的因素主要分为三个方面:经济、政策和管理。其中,经济因素对税收增长的影响是不言而喻的,改革开放以来,我国经济持续稳定的增长,保证了源源不断的税收,使税收规模得以扩大;政策因素虽然对税收的影响也很明显,但都属于一次性,仍不足以完全解释税收持续高速的增长。因而最重要且能持续发挥作用的因素是——税收征管。本文试图从税收征管效率的角度对税收增长的原因作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

自外汇体制改革以来,中国的外汇储备呈现出高速增长的态势,本文基于1985-2007年的数据并利用计量手段研究了中国外汇储备的影响因素。结果表明,影响我国外汇储备的主要因素有出口总额,边际进口倾向以及汇率水平。并且从长期看这三者可以解释外汇储备变化的99%以上。  相似文献   

贺娜 《经营管理者》2009,(13):246-247
出口是一直以来都是拉动我国经济增长的重要因素,从1980年起,我国的对外贸易就一直保持着强劲的增长势头,即使在2002年世界经济疲软的大环境下也继续增长了22%,带动了我国GDP的增长。2007年开始由美国次贷危机开始逐渐蔓延引起世界经济萧条,我国出口受到一定影响;该文从影响出口的宏观经济因素出发,来考虑出口的影响因素。利用最新的计量学方法,协整理论和向量误差修正模型进行实证定量分析。最后总结了各影响因素的作用。  相似文献   

自内生增长理论产生以来,R&D投入对经济发展的影响越来越受到重视。R&D是一种系统的创造性活动,是知识增长的最主要因素,是推动经济增长的内在动力。但R&D投入在多大程度上影响经济发展仍是一个未破解的难题。本文通过建立模型,以我国为样本,定量地分析了R&D投入与GDP之间的关系,进一步揭示了R&D投入对经济发展的推动作用,并根据实证研究结果,提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

自上个世纪90年代开始,我国经济就一直平稳且快速的增长着,并且随着我国对外开放程度的加大,人民币汇率对我国经济的影响越来越明显。该文章以人民币汇率对我国经济增长的影响为落脚点,分析了人民币汇率对我国经济增长影响的应对措施。  相似文献   

基于B-Z反应的企业系统协同演化模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以典型的具有自组织特点的"B-z"反应模型为基础,应用分析复杂巨系统的协同学思想分析企业系统自组织演化规律.研究表明:利用复杂性科学方法解决经济系统不确定性问题的研究逐步增多,但大部分仍停留在定性描述或构建简单的2维变量模型模拟企业系统演化的阶段.通过引入"B-Z"反应模型可以构建3维变量模型进行企业系统定量描述,使其...  相似文献   

自组织团队特征分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周跃进  郝巳玥  张连敏  李民  杨佩 《管理学报》2010,7(8):1159-1164,1170
检索了关于团队和自组织以及自组织团队概念、原理及应用的有关文献.在此基础上,详细分析了自组织团队特征,包括开放性、自主性、适应性、复杂性、非线性和动态性,为自组织团队理论研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

本文利用样本期2000-2007年的数据,对移动通信业市场结构的影响因素进行了实证研究。结果表明,期初移动通信业市场结构、市场规模、市场需求成长率、经济增长、等因素对我国移动通信业结构的调整均有不同程度的显著性影响;利用时间虚拟变量加以反映的规模经济水平、产品差异程度、进入壁垒等因素对我国移动通信业市场结构有较显著的影响;经济开放和经济结构因素对我国移动通信业结构的调整的影响与理论预期相反;政府干预的影响不显著。最后,在此基础上我们提出了若干对策建议。  相似文献   

管理科学研究中的计算实验方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随着实际管理问题复杂性的不断提高和社会经济系统的复杂性不断被人们所认识,关于管理科学研究方法论体系也在不断拓展.在不同学科交叉和融合的推动下,管理科学研究领域内的计算实验方法应运而生.它不仅提供了研究复杂管理系统自组织、动态演化及宏观与微观层次之间相互作用等问题的新的工具和手段,而且还可以和传统研究方法一起,在综合集成...  相似文献   

运用灰色关联方法分析了教育发展与经济增长的关系,并基于10年来教育发展与经济增长的相关数据确立了指标体系,建立教育与经济相互作用的灰色关联分析模型,揭示了影响教育、经济协调发展的主要因素,进而从我国教育发展与经济增长的相关性视角指出教育投资对促进经济增长的重要意义。  相似文献   

The synergistic advantage of systems integration for Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) has been a powerful thrust behind the productivity advancement in recent decades. However, the dependency among components, the intangible benefits and complexity of the system have been a barrier for system developers and the business community. This paper reports a systematic approach to assess economic merits of the CIM system. It projects CIM system designs on a multiple layer architecture with consideration of project life cycle. It introduces a modelling formalism to present a structured view of the economic aspect of the CIM system. The multiple criteria's aspect of CIM justification was treated with the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method. The complexity of various cost factors is reduced through application of the ABC (Activity Based Costing) method. The benefits of low level activities, both tangible and intangible, are then hierarchically aggregated into higher level system objectives. It also provides the necessary linkages between the economic and other views. A simple example was used to illustrate the approach.  相似文献   

中国经济转型与增长   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文从4个方面、以19个指标为基础构造了衡量中国经济转型(即经济体制市场化进程)的制度变量——市场化相对指数,从该指数的数据特征和图形分析的结果看,新构建的指数较好地描绘了中国经济体制的市场化进程。在此基础上,本文将该市场化指数作为制度变量,运用协整理论和动态建模方法建立了一个经济增长的动态分析模型,实证研究的结果证实了1978~2003年间经济体制的市场化改革确实促进了中国经济增长,同时也证实了资本和劳动仍然是经济增长的主要因素,该模型较好地模拟了市场化改革影响下中国经济增长的变化规律。虽然将经济制度视为外生因素的研究方法具有一定的局限性,但是对于丰富传统经济增长理论,体现经济转型对增长的影响仍具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

The macro role of marketing is widely viewed as one of promoting economic growth, and macromarketing as being concerned with designing an efficient and fair marketing system to facilitate an economy's flow of goods from producers to consumers and accomplish the objectives of society. While empirical evidence is generally supportive of numerous economic and societal benefits resulting from marketing activities, concern regarding the underdeveloped state of marketing systems in Third World countries, and their inability to fully exploit the potentialities of marketing as an instrument for economic development has been widely expressed in marketing literature. In light of the above, the merits in viewing marketing as a formative influence on economic development and the potential role of the government in improving marketing systems and processes in Third World countries are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Successful entrepreneurship in Hong Kong   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The business performance of Chinese firms throughout the world is generally regarded as outstanding. It is also generally accepted in the literature that entrepreneurial business firms play a significant role in economic development of countries at every level of industrialization. Even though entrepreneurship is a major influencing factor for economic growth and development, the interpretation of this factor is still debatable. This paper examines the following factors which might influence the emergence of entrepreneuship: (1) economic; (2) non-economic; and (3) psychological. It then relates these factors to Chinese culture in an attempt to explain the apparent outstanding entrepreneurial skills of the Chinese people. As for economic factors, in Hong Kong the free open market and voluntary exchange provide freedom for distribution of income which in turn allows business practitioners to retain profits and accumulate wealth. Non-economic factors in Hong Kong include is blocked upward mobility in political channels in the colonial environment. This causes the Chinese to use economic mobility as an alternative. Psychological factors include the viewpoint that Chinese are more concerned about a sense of personal or individual achievement, power and influence than other cultures. This causes the Hong Kong Chinese to shift their achievement drives to business success and this encourages entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

本文以我国沪深两市A股上市公司为研究对象,采用因子分析和多元线性回归模型,对影响公司经济附加价值的因素进行了实证分析。研究结果表明,公司自身的资本结构、盈利能力、资产规模、发展潜力、资产管理水平以及所处行业的整体报酬等因素对经济附加价值具有正相关关系,无形资产对经济附加价值有微弱的负相关,而存货管理水平对经济附加价值的影响不显著。文章最后分析了这些结果产生的可能原因,并对公司努力提高经济附加价值提出了一些改进建议。  相似文献   

产业结构变动对经济增长的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文利用灰色关联理论,分析产业结构变动对经济增长的影响,并从产业结构本身的变化情况出发分析了产业结构变化对经济增长的影响。利用山东省统计年鉴中的数据,通过分析可以看出产业结构变动对经济增长起着很重要的影响作用,合理的产业结构是经济增长的基础。  相似文献   

Leadership in complex organizations   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper asks how complexity theory informs the role of leadership in organizations. Complexity theory is a science of complexly interacting systems; it explores the nature of interaction and adaptation in such systems and how they influence such things as emergence, innovation, and fitness. We argue that complexity theory focuses leadership efforts on behaviors that enable organizational effectiveness, as opposed to determining or guiding effectiveness. Complexity science broadens conceptualizations of leadership from perspectives that are heavily invested in psychology and social psychology (e.g., human relations models) to include processes for managing dynamic systems and interconnectivity. We develop a definition of organizational complexity and apply it to leadership science, discuss strategies for enabling complexity and effectiveness, and delve into the relationship between complexity theory and other currently important leadership theories. The paper concludes with a discussion of possible implications for research strategies in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Implementation of enterprise resource planning systems (ERPs) is a complex and costly task which usually results in serious failures. Numerous factors affect these projects implementation due to their size, complexity and high chance of failure. Therefore, identifying these factors in ERP projects is a critical issue. The majority of previous publications have been conducted in identifying ERP critical success factors (CSFs) rather than critical failure factors (CFFs). In order to help practitioners, this article studies the CFFs in ERP implementation projects. The implications of interdependency among failure factors are also usually overlooked by project managers due to perceived complexity in modelling and analysing influential factors. With this in mind, we have proposed a fuzzy cognitive map (FCM)-based dynamic model of ERP failure factors through project lifecycle phases. The main advantage of FCM lies in them being capable of modelling complex phenomena based on the experts’ perceptions. This tool models uncertainty and related events, imitating human reasoning. Moreover, FCMs enable the developing of forecasting exercises through simulations. Practitioners would thus assess the joint influence of ERP implementation failure factors on project outcomes. The results make known to practitioners which problems will arise if the failure factors are not treated, and how these will impact on the outcomes of projects. Therefore, the proposed approach would help them to manage ERP implementation projects in a more effective and proactive way.  相似文献   

This is the first in a series of articles that will explore the health care systems of countries around the world. To begin the series, the President of the Royal Australian College of Medical Administrators describes the current status of the health of his country's people, its health care delivery system, and how it has responded to historic, geographic, cultural, and economic factors that characterize the growth and development of Australia.  相似文献   

陆静 《中国管理科学》2012,20(1):177-184
本文推导了存在金融中介的情况下稳态经济增长的路径,阐述了金融发展对经济增长正向推动作用的理论依据。根据中国省际面板数据,采用面板单位根、面板协整和向量误差修正模型实证分析了金融对于中国经济增长的影响。研究表明,金融发展程度是经济增长的Granger原因,经济增长、固定资产投资、劳动力投入和金融发展之间存在显著的协整关系。从完全修正普通最小二乘回归和向量误差修正模型的结果来看,金融发展对经济增长具有明显的正向推动作用。  相似文献   

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