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为了实现城市生活垃圾从源头上减量化和垃圾处理产业化的目标,北京市即将逐步推行城市生活垃圾计量收费制。本文针对北京市生活垃圾及其收费的现状与问题,探讨了计量收费模式的合理性和可行性,设计了计量收费模式的定价标准方案,并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

生活垃圾收费是促进垃圾量减少和资源回收,推动垃圾处理产业化的重要经济工具.中国城市生活垃圾计量与收费问题是国内学术界近年来争论的焦点之一.美国在城市生活垃圾收费方面所采用的按排计费法从法律保障、类型多样灵活及符合市场经济规律等方面,为中国城市生活垃圾计量与收费提供了一个理想模式,对中国城市生活垃圾收费制度的改善,提供了重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

为了推进城市公用事业的市场化改革,加强政府管制,实现城乡统筹发展、建设生态城市的目标,本文结合北京市生活垃圾处理的实际,分析研究规范生活垃圾处理的特许经营制度、确立生活垃圾处理的资产管理体制、加快生活垃圾处理单位的现代企业制度改革,提出落实生活垃圾处理的区县政府区域责任制、完善生活垃圾处理市场化中的政府管制制度等对策思路。  相似文献   

北京市生活垃圾处理与金融支持措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
北京是 2 0 0 8年奥运会的主办城市 ,生活垃圾处理工作显得尤为重要。本文分析了北京市生活垃圾处理的现状、问题及预期目标 ,并提出了一系列金融支持措施  相似文献   

北京市垃圾问题的系统动力学模拟分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文利用被称为战略与策略实验室的系统动力学方法,建立了北京市人口、经济与垃圾处理协调发展的系统动力学模型,探讨了人口随经济发展的变化、垃圾排放污染及占地损失、绿色GDP核算、居民家庭、企事业单位生活垃圾与建筑垃圾组合收费方案等问题。不仅为解决北京市人口与可持续发展问题提供了一个案例,对国内其他城市研究类似的问题也具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

宋玉蓉 《探求》2018,(6):92-97
垃圾治理是农村要开展人居环境治理和美丽宜居乡建设的重要内容。农村有不同于城市的特点,农村垃圾治理比城市复杂得多,应抓住提高农民的垃圾治理意识、以就近处理为原则、资源化利用有机垃圾、因地制宜选择垃圾处理方式、简化垃圾分类等几个关键问题重点治理,才能达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

垃圾分类不仅可以从垃圾中分离出很多可以从新利用的资源,减少垃圾的产量,降低垃圾处理的负担,保护环境,同时可以提高资源的利用率,缓解资源短缺。公民参与垃圾分类处理考验着政府的组织动员力和执行力。要把推进垃圾分类处理的过程,作为创新城市自治模式的过程,以此推动政府单一主体、自上而下的传统城市管理模式,向"政府主导、社会协同、公众参与"的多元主体共治模式转变。  相似文献   

兰州市城市生活垃圾收集方式较为简单,比起西方发达国家以及我国大型城市如北上广等城市仍相对落后。而城市生活垃圾分类收集是现阶段最先进又比较简易可行的方式,因此,在兰州市实行垃圾分类回收是解决当前城市生活垃圾问题最有效的办法。因此,为有效解决兰州市生活垃圾分类的难题,寻找出影响兰州市居民正确进行垃圾分类的原因尤为重要。文章在调查兰州市居民对于垃圾分类的基本常识和行为态度的基础上,详细地分析了垃圾分类工作中存在的不足,并根据兰州市的具体情况,提出了一些改进性建议。  相似文献   

《上海市生活垃圾管理条例》实施已有三个多月,其中有许多值得其他城市借鉴的经验教训。在今后的城市生活垃圾管理中,要加强对居民生活垃圾分类责任的宣传教育,要用严格执法来推动城市生活垃圾分类的临门一脚,要做好配套措施推进生活垃圾定时定点投放,要防止混装混运生活垃圾,要重视生活垃圾的回收再利用。  相似文献   

日本首都东京是循环经济建设的先行者之一.20世纪90年代初,日本政府明确提出"3R"原则,即减量控制、回收利用和循环再利用,通过持续努力,废弃物处理走上循环经济之路.对我国都市垃圾处理的启示是:要建立健全垃圾处理的法规体系,加强二次污染防治,提倡生活垃圾分类,提高全民环保意识.  相似文献   

MSW学位教育的推广表明我国社会工作专业教育取得了较大发展。不过在具体教学中,社会性别主流化这一重要的理论分析视角尚未受到相应的重视。我国MSW教学实践中有必要将社会性别视角引入,培养有社会性别意识和理论素养的社会工作者,在具体教学中探索“赋权增能”方向的社会工作介入方式,进而提升社会工作专业学位的培养效果。  相似文献   

Do management tasks differ by field of practice?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors examine the question: Do management tasks differ by field of practice? Many social work Master's programs are organized on the principle of specialization by field of practice for both micro- and macro-practice students. Secondary analysis of task data suggests that managers and supervisors with MSW degrees perform the same task regardless of the field of practice. The study suggests a need to examine assumptions of current MSW curriculum organization.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings on a direct test of a scale of worker functions as this relates to the percentage of time respondents perceive thenrselves performing certain social service activities on their present job. A total of 132 employees in 12 human service organizations completed questionnaires which form the basis of the present study. Strong negative correlations between MSW related level four scale functions and previous scale levels are found; further, positive correlations between the percentage of time currently spent and interest in increasing time spent on that scale level which dominates respondents' current assignment is evidenced. Finally, MSW and BA degree respondents perceive themselves performing essentially different social service functions.  相似文献   

The faculty field liaison is responsible for representing a school’s social work program in monitoring agency internship sites and agency field instructors for an assigned cohort of the program’s BSW or MSW internship students. This article focuses on the faculty field liaison’s role in effectively monitoring the internship site and field instruction to ensure the internship experience is successfully providing the group work skills and knowledge the BSW or MSW student intern needs to be an effective group work practitioner. The field instructor role has been given a lot of attention in the social work literature, but the role of the faculty field liaison has been given little to no attention. This is despite the faculty field liaison’s significant responsibility of representing the BSW and MSW program by bridging the relationships between the program, the field instructor, and the internship student. This article identifies the importance of the faculty field liaison responding to concerns in group work education in the classroom and field setting. Practice vignettes illustrating the work of the faculty field liaison in monitoring group work assignments and field instruction supervision for graduate and undergraduate social work interns are provided.  相似文献   

Despite a growing need for geriatric social workers, there is a question as to whether MSW graduates who are gerontologically prepared actually enter the workforce to serve older adults. By tracking MSW graduates who had special training in aging, this study aims to explore their job search and career experience. Findings show that most graduates located aging-related jobs 4 months postgraduation and remained committed to the field 1 to 2 years later. The majority were working in direct service provision in clinical settings. Their salaries compare favorably with those of generic social workers. Implications for geriatric social work education are discussed.  相似文献   


Despite the increasing pressure to measure social work practice skills and relate those activities to client outcomes and treatment costs, relatively little social work research has been devoted to the development of social work process instruments. The recent development of the Practice Skills Inventory has provided practitioners with a useful tool for measuring the frequency with which practitioners employ specific categories of common social work intervention skills. However, it is important to demonstrate that social workers employ these practice skills differentially depending on clients' presenting problems. The current study of 281 experienced MSW practitioners demonstrates that they, indeed, emphasize supportive, therapeutic, case management and insight facilitation skills differentially depending on the problems experienced by their clients. Implications for practice and evaluation research are addressed.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(1-2):77-85
The development of a foundation group work course within a four semester MSW integrative methods sequence is discussed: The group work course follows an introductory practice course and precedes a practice course on work with families. The course design, possible assignments, and examples of student work are included. Questions are raised about the impact of time constraints on content. The educational experience is seen as introduction to practice with groups and should intiate continuing learning.  相似文献   

改革开放以来北京市流动人口研究回顾与展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
改革开放30年来,北京市流动人口的规模一直并将继续扩大;并由城区、近郊区向远郊区县扩散;来京流动人口表现出较强烈的留京愿望。在此基础上,我们认为应加强对流动人口统计方法和在京流动人口社会政策建构等方面的研究,加强对在京流动人口需求的调查,着重解决流动人口的就业、住房、社会保障等难题,转变管理理念和工作模式,促进在京流动人口的社会融合。  相似文献   

满族对北京的文化奉献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代,京师是满族的聚居区,其地域文化受到满族民族文化多向度的影响。北京话,是经过满族依据本民族语言特点来重塑汉语北京方言的文化结晶;旗人作家们在创作中体现了京腔语言的风采神韵,开创了“京味儿”文学流派;满族在京剧和曲艺等北京传统表演艺术的形成与完善方面贡献良多;满族的习俗曾给予北京文化以熏染;而昔日满族人的性格气质,也在当下北京人的精神文化层面留有烙印。  相似文献   

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