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谚语俗语是人民群众长期生产和生活经验的总结,用简单通俗的话表达出深刻的道理。它是文化的载体,人类许多文化现象都可以在谚语中得到反映。它不仅体现了一个民族语言的精髓,更体现了一个民族的世界观与价值观。俄语是一种历史悠久的语言,从许多民族语言中吸取了精华,俄语谚语俗语也表现出它的丰富多姿。从俄语谚语俗语中可以了解到俄罗斯民族的饮食文化、动物意象、宗教思想观念,同时还体现出了浓厚的民族特点。  相似文献   

通俗历史读物,在历史知识的普及方面具有重要作用.民众对历史的认知,大多来自通俗的历史作品.所以,要重视历史教育,发挥历史学的科学功能和社会功能,通俗历史读物是绝对不能忽视的.写好通俗历史读物,并非易事,需要作者具备多方面的素养.这里谈谈"史义"对通俗历史读物写作的影响.  相似文献   

民国初年,通俗讲演在北京以固定讲演、庙会讲演、巡行和巡回讲演等方式展开,充当了社会教育的开路先锋。政府期望通过通俗讲演达到启导国民、改良社会的目的。通俗讲演在一定程度上达到了通达于民众的目的,但是由于经验的缺乏,其运行过程中也存在着各种问题。  相似文献   

文化平民主义与通俗文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文化平民主义在颂扬通俗文化 ,推崇消费的快乐的同时 ,把文化研究带入了新的“范式危机”。在如何看待通俗文化的问题上 ,新修正主义与新精英主义延续着以往的论争  相似文献   

从俗语“郎才女貌”看男性文化的实质谭学纯民间俗语“郎才女貌”代表了中国人的一种传统婚嫁观,作为集体无意识和社会文化心态的符号形式,“郎才女貌”折射出人们的择偶心理、价值观和审美理想。把“才”和“貌”视为男女结合的理想前提,在中国人的择偶标准中,具有极...  相似文献   

有些事情不早一步不晚一步,通俗的说法就像爱情,不通俗的比如撞见别人正爱着的情。赵眉就赶上了那个不通俗的场面,脑子灌水似得傻在那里,不能进也不能退.但她还是退了出来,她发现走也不好、不走也不好,但她还是坐在格子间里,等男主角和女主角。远处的灯光透过落地玻璃射了进来,赵眉隐在光影里,她盯着烟灰盒  相似文献   

《中国民间秘密语》一书,最近由上海三联书店出版。该书作者曲彦斌同志,是新兴人文科学“民俗语言学”理论的提出者,有《民俗语言学》、《副语言习俗》、《中华民族数文化》、《中国俗语学史》等十余种专著,主编有《中国民间语言文化丛书》、《雅俗百科丛书》、《中国民间秘密社会百态丛书》、《俗语典故》等学术书籍。  相似文献   

吴世永 《学习与探索》2004,1(3):112-114
但丁提倡用俗语写作,打破了拉丁文一统天下的局面,这与中国白话文学打破文言统治、印度虔诚派打破梵文统治具有惊人的相似之处.<论俗语>与白话文学观不仅维护了民族语言的独立生存权,而且提倡作家的世俗体验与人文关怀,富有人间情怀,并从接受美学的角度指出了作家摒弃"独白"、与阅读者对话的重要意义,对今天的文学与美学理论也不无启迪.  相似文献   

曲向红 《学术交流》2007,(4):166-168
雅俗之辨贯穿整个词学批评史,它建构了中国词学批评最初的理论框架,是词学研究中最为突出的主题,但对何谓俗词研究者们却众说纷纭,各执一词,俗词的研究对象与边界范围混乱不堪,因此有必要对其概念重新进行界定。俗词的特征集中在俗体、俗语、俗意、俗风四个方面。俗体、俗语侧重于“形”,而俗意、俗风则侧重于“神”。不管沾染上这四点中的任何一点,都可构成俗词。此外,俗词与其他邻近范畴,如俚词、淫词、艳词等,并非简单的等同关系。  相似文献   

李绅是中唐著名诗人,对李绅诗风的评价,向来是把他归入与元白同路的通俗化诗派.这并不符合李绅诗歌创作的全部实际,他的诗歌有一个由通俗到典雅的逐渐雅化的过程.李绅早期确属通俗诗派,这一方面是由于与元白的密切交往对他的影响,另一方面是他所擅长的乐府歌行原有通俗化的传统.李绅后期诗歌虽有通俗之作,但主要倾向却是典雅.这体现在思想感情、诗体转变、诗歌语言等方面.导致李绅诗雅化的原因,主要是思想情趣的变化,社会地位的提高以及当时诗坛风尚的影响.  相似文献   

“二十四番花信风”考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程杰 《阅江学刊》2010,(1):111-122
“二十四番花信风”的说法,最初并非出于南朝宗懔的《荆楚岁时记》,而是南唐徐锴的《岁时广记》。两书都被简称《岁时记》,后者又早已失传,因而后世遂将本属徐锴《岁时广记》的花信风说法误属《荆楚岁时记》。徐锴《岁时广记》只称“花信风”,本指三月鲜花盛开时的风候,其义重在风信,而非花信。稍后出现的“二十四番花信风”,最初所指也主要是清明时节的风信。北宋中期以来遂有初春至初夏,以梅花为首、楝花为尾共二十四番花信风的说法,但具体是哪些名目宋人已莫得其详,或者本就是一种模糊说法。纵观宋元明清的文献材料,所谓“二十四番花信风”中真正可以确认的也只梅花、杏花、海棠、楝花等少数几种。明初王逵提出了完整的二十四番花信风的名目及其象数学依据,影响甚大,后世所说一出于此。但该说将花信风的起始时间上推至小寒,不仅与宋人有关花信风起于立春的说法不合,而且所说小寒、大寒两气的几种花信与实际花期误差明显。针对这一缺陷,清人王廷鼎提出了一套三春六气,每气四种花信的新说法,但未能流行。  相似文献   

龚孝拱引导英军焚掠圆明园考论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大约在民国初年,社会上开始流传龚自珍之子龚孝拱引导英军劫掠并焚掠圆明园的传言。对此,虽然当时即有学者表示怀疑,但经若干笔记、野史的传播,特别是一些小说的文学渲染,传言似乎已成铁定事实。笔者对各种相关史料分析后认为上述说法不足为信。  相似文献   

赵洪 《南亚研究》2010,(4):11-23
本文主要分析中印两国自20世纪80年代以来的对外投资发展进程,比较和证实两国不同类型的对外投资机制,即中国政府主导型和印度私人企业主导型的投资方式所产生的不同投资效果和国际影响。  相似文献   

The study “Psychoanalysis—its image and its public” intimates that common sense is increasingly informed by science. But common sense asserts its autonomy and, in turn, may affect the trajectory of science. This is a process that leads to many differentiations—in common sense, in scientific innovation and in political and regulatory structures. Bauer and Gaskell's toblerone model of triangles of mediation provided a distillation of their reading of “La Psychanalyse.” Here it was argued that representations are multi‐modal phenomena necessitating the use of multiple methodologies (comparative and longitudinal; qualitative and quantitative). In this paper we briefly summarise these arguments and elaborate ways in which social representation theory can be considered a progressive research programme. “Progressive” because as the theory has developed it has extended the range and depth of its conceptual basis; it provides a new synthesis for the social scientific understanding of the phenomena of common sense and of representation; it acts as an antidote to the reductionism of public opinion and, finally, it is a stimulus to depart from disciplinary silos. However, there remain unresolved issues: how to segment the relevant social milieus and how to close the feedback loop from common sense to science?  相似文献   

South Korea has experienced “compressed capitalist development” over the last five decades, characterized by unprecedented levels of industrialization and democratization, with other distinctive features. This development experience causes some scholars to view the country as a site for a new modernity, following the Western prototype. Concerning the underlying nature of emerging modernity in South Korea, however, there have been controversial insights: some scholars argue that the country is now experiencing a Western type of modernity, and others refute this, saying that it has not at all been modernized. This paper investigates the dynamics and contradictions of capitalist development in South Korea from a perspective of vertical modernization. It considers the origins, process, and outcomes of modernization mainly in terms of democracy, economic growth, and welfare. We assume that there are “different sites and forms of modernity” in the world, and that South Korea would be a good candidate to examine for non-Western modernity. Yet it is our contention that the country’s modernity has been distorted and unbalanced in the development of society, culture, politics, and economy. Historically, South Korea has progressed through traditional unmodernity, colonial undermodernity, and Western modernity. A clear examination of the country’s development experience reveals to no small degree the complex nature of modernity, in that tradition, modernity, and postmodernity coexist in the present time. We conclude that South Korean modernity is an incomplete project still in progress.  相似文献   

李立 《学术交流》2002,(6):123-127
汉代铜镜铭文中存在着数量可观的“七言体”形式。其特点是 :整齐的七言句式 ,注意到了用韵 ,结构完整 ,在音顿、节奏等方面与传统七言诗相同。据此认为 ,汉代七言体铜镜铭文即是完整的七言体诗歌。汉代铜镜铭文七言诗形成的时间可以上溯至西汉时期 ,由此否定了“可靠的完整的七言歌谣在汉以前似还无有”的结论。汉代铜镜铭文七言诗在形式上的特点 ,标志着它正处在七言诗由民间歌谣向文人创作发展的过渡阶段。  相似文献   

In this four-part paper I attempt to recover the notion of debate as a method of philosophical analysis for the international studies. In part one, it is argued that discursive reasoning is indispensable to the task of attempting to say what international relations might consist in. Three reasons are given for this, viz., that there is an important connection between such debates and rationality; that it is a constitutive feature of natural language to want to use it for self-conscious reflections; and that it seems to be the only way of identifying the key concepts in terms of which any theorizing about international relations is to be expressed. Parts two and three are intended to show one of the uses to which discursive reasoning may be put in establishing, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the incoherence of Morton Kaplan's systems epistemology for international relations. Establishing the incoherence of one conception of what international relations consists in will go one step closer towards saying more fully what international relations is. Part four suggests, but does not attempt to make compelling, that an Aristotelian conception of the subject matter is a quite defensible one.  相似文献   

This article describes a study which examined (a) the impact of the political conflict on teachers' and ppils' experiences of education in Northern Ireland and (b) the impact of curricular-based interventions designed to support the ppils and reduce prejudice. The focus of the second part of the article is on the prejudice reduction initiatives identified. A total of 44 staff and 78 ppils spread across 8 schools participated and both teachers' and ppils' perspectives were identified, the latter being an extremely important dimension which has rarely been addressed in previous studies of this area. The findings, which highlight the complexity of the impact of the political conflict, are considered to have both practical and theoretical implications for prejudice reduction programs.

"Young people are asked to 'voice' their views not only because it is seen as beneficial to them personally, but because people believe they can learn from what they are saying."

                    — Hadfield and Hawe, 2001 , p. 94

This paper investigates, in a simple risk-sharing framework, the extent to which the incompleteness of contracts could be attributed to the complexity costs associated with the writing and the implementation of contracts. We show that, given any measure of complexity in a very general class, it is possible to find simple contracting problems such that, when complexity costs are explicitly taken into account, the contracting parties optimally choose an incomplete contract which coincides with the default division of surplus. Optimal contracts with complexity costs are constrained efficient in our model. We therefore interpret our results as saying that, in the absence of a strategic role for complexity costs, their effect is entirely determined by their size relative to the size of payoffs.  相似文献   

Time availability is a key concept in relation to volunteering, leading to organisations and governments targeting those outside paid work as a potential source of volunteers, it may be that factors such as a growth in female participation in the labour market and an increase in work hours will lead to more people saying they are simply too busy to volunteer. This paper discusses how social and economic change, such as changing work patterns, are impacting on time availability. Using the 1997 ABS Time Use data, it identifies a predictive model of spare time by looking at demographic, life stage and employment related variables. Results confirm that those outside paid work, particularly the young, males and those without partners or children, are the groups most likely to have time to spare. These groups do not currently report high rates of volunteering. The paper concludes by questioning the premise that people will volunteer simply because they have time to spare. This is just one component of a range of motivations and factors that influence the decision to volunteer.  相似文献   

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