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杜赞奇对近代中国民族主义问题的研究以及研究中构建的复线历史范式有着深刻的学理背景:近代以来,特别是20世纪国际学术界兴起了民族主义的理论研究;中国民族主义问题是美国中国学界关注的焦点之一;后现代主义、后殖民主义思潮的兴起,为杜赞奇的研究直接提供了学理上的思想资源;杜赞奇的研究也是美国中国学界自20世纪60年代开始的反思浪潮的体现和结晶。  相似文献   

20世纪上半叶,美国学者皮克、拉铰摩尔、费正清等人,开始在美国掀起关于中国民族主义同题的研究;这一问题研究在美国的出现开启了美国研究中国民族主义研究取向;初步奠定了美国的中国民族主义研究格局;这一问题研究的出现既是美国中国研究转变的结果,也体现了美国中国研究的转变.  相似文献   

20世纪30年代初至40年代末,以塞勒斯·皮克(Cyrus H.Peake)、欧文·拉铁摩尔(Owen Lattimore)、费正清等人的研究为代表,美国学界开始正式出现中国民族主义问题研究的论著。虽然对此进行研究的学者有限,  相似文献   

日学界所论中国近代民族主义大都是以汉族政治社会思想和活动为主,忽视了西藏等边疆民族主义.清末,英国侵略西藏地方产生了西藏激进民族主义.这是中华民族国家建构过程中必须面对的一个问题.民国时期,五族共和的中华民族主义理论成为应对西藏激进民族主义的较佳选择,展现了民族主义建构民族国家的一面.  相似文献   

王淑兰 《民族学刊》2022,13(11):18-27, 143
西方学界对民族主义研究极为丰富,然而对马克思主义民族主义观的研究却常常陷入“碎片论”“困难论”“割裂论”等各类误读。在对西方马克思主义民族主义观的研究进行比较、批判的基础上,中国学界积极推进了对马克思主义民族主义观的整体性研究,呈现了对马克思主义民族主义观的突破性研究,体现了对西方马克思主义民族主义观研究的一种超越。马克思主义民族主义观是中华民族共同体建设的重要理论来源之一,这种突破性的研究成果对思考和认识铸牢中华民族共同体意识具有重要理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

国家认同、爱国主义与民族主义是当代国家建构过程不可回避的重大现实问题,也是学界持续探讨的重要理论问题。本文对国外有关国家认同、爱国主义和民族主义的最新实证研究成果进行梳理,勾勒出目前国外相关领域的研究现状、关注的问题以及理论视角,并对中国国家认同问题研究不足之处做了简要分析。  相似文献   

民族主义是民族学中的一项重要内容,本文通过对现今学界关于民族主义研究的成果进行文献综述,了解当前研究现状,发现研究中的优点和不足,在与前人对话的同时,力求为今后的民族主义相关研究提供方向参考。  相似文献   

宗教民族主义探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱雪梅 《民族研究》2007,27(4):12-21
宗教民族主义已成为世界政治舞台上的重要现象.本文首先介绍迄今学界主要研究成果,然后探析"宗教"和"民族主义"如何交融连接形成"宗教民族主义",并简述了宗教民族主义与宗教运动和世俗民族主义运动的不同.本文认为,作为一种社会政治现象,宗教民族主义不可还原为纯粹的宗教思想和运动或世俗民族主义;宗教民族主义的成因不是先验的或纯精神性的,而是情境性的;不存在普世单一、固定不变的宗教民族主义.  相似文献   

本文对台湾学者罗志平的《民族主义:理论、类型与学者》进行了介绍与评析,揭示了其在民族主义研究领域的重要学术价值,以引起学界同仁,尤其是大陆学界民族主义研究者的共同关注。  相似文献   

按照中国世界民族学会章程的规定 ,第七届会员代表大会暨全国学术讨论会应于2 0 0 1年内召开。经学会领导研究 ,此次学术讨论会主题是 :“2 1世纪的世界民族问题与民族主义”。具体内容包括 :1.全球化、多极化世界中的民族主义 ,民族国家与超国家地区联盟 ,政治民族主义、文化民族主义和经济民族主义理论与实践的历史发展 ,及其对 2 1世纪世界民族问题走向可能产生的影响 ;2 .当今世界热点地区民族冲突的历史原因及发展前景 ;3 .当代多民族国家和民族关系、民族政策与 2 1世纪的多民族国家理论建设 ;4.中国西部大开发与跨界民族研究 ;5 .世…  相似文献   


Mobility has been seen as the hallmark of the European Higher Education Area with student and graduate mobility being promoted and facilitated through the Bologna process. This paper follows the experiences of 12 U.K.-educated mobile graduates of British and other European Union (EU) nationality and analyses both their skills gained by studying at a U.K. higher education institution and the obstacles they experienced to transfer their U.K. qualification to a different country. We demonstrate that graduates not only developed – as part of their course and within the opportunities that the U.K. higher education environment offers – but also used various skills ranging from subject-specific to language and generic skills in their current activities. While a U.K. degree is reputable and well known in other European countries, there seem to be limitations in relation to its transferability and recognition for studying and working beyond the U.K., which contribute to unequal treatment in the local labour market between domestic- and foreign-educated graduates. More than a decade after the inception of the Bologna process and the introduction of tools to facilitate mobility, structural barriers still exist which prevent the smooth recognition of skills and qualifications of mobile students and graduates within the EU. This has implications for further study and employment outcomes for mobile graduates but also for mobility decisions before and after higher education.  相似文献   


Literature on the Indian diaspora domiciled in the U.S.A. largely portrays the group as educated, highly skilled migrants in pursuit of their American Dream, without critically engaging with the regionally particularised migration trajectories that predispose only certain groups to become skilled migrants from the global South to the North. Migration studies bracket skilled migrants as those who make rational choices and choose formal routes to migrate whereas unskilled migrants often rely on informal channels of kinship or ethnicity to migrate. Unsettling this proposition, in this article, based on an ethnographic study of the high-skilled Telugu professionals in the U.S.A. and their families living in Coastal Andhra, India, I show how aspirational and topographical migration pathways from Coastal Andhra to the U.S.A. are created and sustained through networks of kinship, caste and endogamous transnational marriage alliances. These high-skilled migrants (doctors, engineers and scientists) from the dominant castes have successfully manoeuvred spatial mobility and social upward mobility by utilising ‘caste capital’ within a transnational social field. Moreover, decades of migration from the dominant castes have shaped a caste-inflected transnational habitus among its members who see migration of their youth to the U.S.A. as desirable, and at times, also inevitable.  相似文献   

While discussions of state involvement in migration generally focus on restriction, states are actively involved in the promotion of labour migration through guestworker programmes, among other examples. While these programmes are state-sponsored, they often rely heavily on private actors in order to function. Drawing on the examples of the H-2 visa in the United States and the recruitment of foreign workers to Malaysia, this paper examines the common elements of state direction of migration combined with a focus on temporariness and an outsourcing of recruitment and supervision that are present in both guestworker schemes. In drawing on the geographically, economically, and politically distinct contexts of the U.S. and Malaysia we look to how these schemes contain a mixture of state and private authority which permits an especially potent form of control over the lives of guestworkers that is greater than what either state or private actors could produce individually. Such control raises important questions about the nature of public/private governance within migration more broadly.  相似文献   

首先对美国国会图书馆馆藏瑶族写本中的瑶用俗字现象进行概述,分析了瑶族写本的文化属性和瑶用俗字出现的历史依据,认为加强对"美馆藏"瑶族写本俗字的研究,有利于考证、解读文字背后的瑶族文化之谜,也有助于整体了解瑶用俗字发展状态,为瑶族古籍文献整理和抢救疏通道路。  相似文献   

新中国的民族政策与广西民族"四个模范"的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
历史上统治阶级实行民族压迫和民族剥削政策,造成广西的民族隔阂.在中国共产党领导下,实行民族识别、民族平等、民族区域自治、发展民族经济、民族教育、民族文化等一系列促进各民族共同团结奋斗、共同发展繁荣的政策.经过各民族人民的共同努力,使广西成为民族团结的模范、维护统一的模范、维护稳定的模范,是我国民族关系"三个离不开"的模范.  相似文献   


Relying on a quantitative survey (n = 1497) and semi-structured interviews (n = 30) conducted in the U.K., we explore British nationals’, Romanian and Turkish migrants’ attitudes of tolerance and the factors influencing them in the current socio-political context in the U.K. The quantitative data reveal the role of younger age, diverse networks, higher education, attachment to city/region and supranational identifications in more open attitudes towards diversity. The qualitative findings illustrate how diverse these three groups’ attitudes of tolerance can be and how they are affected by their position and status in the U.K. The British’ attitudes show their tolerance can reflect diverse forms of acceptance of ethnic and cultural differences but can also draw lines in terms of civic values opposing ‘those who contribute to society’ versus those who ‘live as parasites’. The Turks are in favour of diversity with the expectation of receiving more civic rights and facing less prejudice. The Romanians tend to have a more ambiguous relation to diversity given their position of stigmatised migrants in the U.K. Our analysis reveal how inclusive or exclusive people’s (sub- and supra-)national identities can be and how these frame their attitudes of tolerance.  相似文献   

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