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We test a structural equations model of stigma against tattooed persons and attitudes toward future tattoos among 195 tattooed and 257 non-tattooed college students. Having tattooed friends and family members undermines stigma against tattooed persons while beliefs about negative side effects of tattooing reinforces stigma assignment. The variables above and the respondent having a tattoo predict attitude toward future tattoos. We test a second model, stigma victimization, drawing on data from the 195 tattooed respondents. While greater tattoo abundance results in greater stigma victimization, respondents with more tattoos also report a greater commitment to their current tattoos and less desire for removal. We discuss results using attitude theory, stigma theory, and the contact theory of prejudice.  相似文献   

以意义为中心的文化社会学遭遇的关键挑战之一就是不得不面对当代人类学、考古学、艺术史和物质文化研究等领域的发现。其越来越紧迫的任务就是认识并修正曾经由这些学科所确立的语言学/文本框架之解释的局限性。传统结构主义者集中关注各种话语符码,而且,在理解复杂的表象经济的权力,特别是在履行解释其变异性方面,文化符号之任意性的假设显得捉襟见肘。语言和以沟通为中心的框架通常忽视的事实是,被相信具有因果性社会力量的绝大多数能指无可避免地嵌入在开放的但并非无限制的感情与物质性结构之中。因此,行动中需要整合能力更强且维度更多的文化模式。本文主要讨论符像性对发展一个与此相关的整合性视角的重要性,同时并不抛弃语言学转向的一些构成性洞见。我以亚历山大等当代学者的转型性工作和我自己的研究来证实,被如此构想的文化的复合体才是具因果律的社会力。我的目的在于详尽阐述物质性文化研究中的一个关键原则,即不同的符号秩序对于决定性和/或自主性逻辑而言是不同的主题,并且由此对“社会建构”和历史转型的不同模式做出回应。我们需要继续关注奥斯汀关于如何以言行事的问题,但是不能重复他的局限,即似乎社会之事发生之际同时并不伴随图像、对象、场所、身体和所有它们的特征以及使用暗含。对社会学想象力的这一扩展予以充实,可以帮助我们激活理解和解释文化这一概念所拥有的充分潜力,并由此坚定地转向文化。  相似文献   

As they respond to children's emotions, mothers socialize children's emerging emotion regulation. Mothers' own autobiographical narratives likely reflect in part habitual ways of expressing and managing emotions—ways that may in turn influence the way mothers respond to their children's emotions. We examined features of mothers' narratives about parental pride and regret experiences, and assessed whether these were associated with parental socialization of emotion and the emotion regulation repertoire of their children. Two hundred thirty‐seven mothers with children ranging from 8 to 17 years of age provided two narratives about parental pride and parental regret experiences. Parental emotion socialization and children's emotion regulation were assessed via self‐ and informant‐report using a multi‐measure, multi‐observer approach. We found that features of the way mothers narrated their experiences with a particular child related to their parenting of that child, and that child's emotion regulation. The findings are discussed in terms of their implications for emotion‐related parenting, and the potential importance of parent narratives.  相似文献   

李彦宏 《唐都学刊》2002,18(3):94-97
言与意的关系问题是古今中外文化史上讨论颇多的基本文化问题之一。矛盾论者割裂了二者关系 ,提出言不尽意、辞不达意的矛盾论题。如果从本体意义上揭示语言与意义的同一性 ,那么就语言存在方式而论 ,语言走向意义不仅可能 ,而且必然  相似文献   

Knowledge and consumption of the fine arts were once considered symbolic of upper class standing. As cultural production has expanded, fine art products in various guises have become accessible to more people across the socioeconomic spectrum. This article looks at how the New York Times covered the American art scene in the 1950s and between 2000 and 2009 to investigate whether reporting has maintained a knowledge-based approach that provides evidence for the continuation of class status as it relates to writing about the arts. We argue that critics and reporters have used fungibility, social hierarchies, and disinterested language during these two time periods to maintain the role of the fine arts as a marker of social distinction.  相似文献   

周甲辰 《唐都学刊》2007,23(2):112-115
在庄子那里,“得意忘言”中的“意”,既可以指对象难以言说的精微意义,也可以指向形而上的“道”。“得意忘言”中的“忘”既是鉴赏者语言水平臻于化境的表现,也是鉴赏者领悟了对象深层审美内蕴、获得了高峰体验的反映。“得意”与“忘言”互为前提,是不可机械分割的有机整体。其基本精神就是要引领人们超越语言文字、超越此在去追寻与道合一、物我两忘的“至美”境界。所以,“得意忘言”这一命题不仅具有语言学上的价值。而且蕴涵着丰富的道家文化精神;发展过程中既影响到文人们对理想精神境界的追寻,也影响到文人们对理想创作境界和鉴赏方法的构想。  相似文献   

施受同辞例说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘德辉 《学术交流》2002,(3):105-108
一个词兼具施事、受事两个相对的词义 ,就叫施受同辞 ,造成这一现象的原因有二 :一是词义引申 ,市场交易类动词从整体上体现出朝词义的相对方向引申的规律。二是语法功能的变化 ,动词使动义和被动义的固定是造成施受同辞的极为重要的原因。  相似文献   

一直以来,对文化的社会研究不是被极端化为结构主义理论就是被极端化为实用主义理论,前者视意义为文本并注重探索提供相对自主性的模式,后者则将意义处理为由个人或集体行动之权变性的创发--即所谓的实践本身,并将文化模式作为权力和物质利益之反应加以分析。在本文中,我将阐述一个超越这种极化视野的文化语用学理论,以新的方式将意义结构、权变性、权力和物质性融为一体。我的论点是,实践的物质性可以由维度更多的表演概念所取代。通过对表演研究这一新领域的成果的吸收,文化语用学说明社会表演,无论个人还是集体的,是如何可能被系统地类推为剧场表演的。在定义了社会表演的要素之后,我认为,随着社会变得更加复杂,这些要素已经趋于“分解”(de fused)。只有在能够将这些日渐离析的要素“再融合”的情况下,表演才会成功。在融合化的表演中,观众认同演员,且文化剧本通过有效的舞台布景达到逼真的程度。而当诸要素重新连接的过程并不完美时,表演就会失败:表演要素仍处于分离状态,社会行动看上去不但不够本真(authentic),而且显得造作和难以令人信服。与此相对,再融合能使演员成功地传达其行动的意义并有效地实现他们的利益。  相似文献   

张荣东 《阅江学刊》2010,(1):138-142
屈原是菊花象征意义的开创者,陶渊明是菊花象征意义的奠基者。菊花这一花卉意象因为陶渊明而具有了隐逸的内涵,成为中国传统文化中最具生命力的文化原型之一。菊花因与陶渊明有着密切的关系而不断地被赋予文化内涵,从而上升为人格的象征。  相似文献   

This research examines the relationship between body art (tattoos and piercings) and deviance. With the increasing mainstream presence of visible tattoos and piercings among entertainers, athletes, and even in corporate boardrooms, we wonder the extent to which long-time enthusiasts and collectors regard the phenomenon as encroachment. We use sub-cultural identity theory to propose that individuals with increasing evidence of body art procurement will also report higher levels of deviant behavior in order to maintain and/or increase social distance from the mainstream. We tested this proposition by surveying 1753 American college students, asking them to report their level of body art acquisition and their history of deviance. Results indicate that respondents with four or more tattoos, seven or more body piercings, or piercings located in their nipples or genitals, were substantively and significantly more likely to report regular marijuana use, occasional use of other illegal drugs, and a history of being arrested for a crime. Less pronounced, but still significant in many cases, was an increased propensity for those with higher incidence of body art to cheat on college work, binge drink, and report having had multiple sex partners in the course of their lifetime.  相似文献   

邓杰 《阅江学刊》2011,3(5):129-135
象征是超越现实提升影像艺术品质的重要途径。象征的本质是对物象原型进行主观化的建构而形成的具有某种指向性的"联想的整体",以达到发现和表述世界意义的目的,从而形成具有符号意义的价值影像。象征的原型也许是很日常化的,但因此会更有普遍性和深刻性。影响象征的因素最主要是传统文化心理,突破艺术家自身的感觉防卫系统,构建开放式的思维结构是提升象征品级的关键所在。  相似文献   

一直以来,对文化的社会研究不是被极端化为结构主义理论就是被极端化为实用主义理论,前者视意义为文本并注重探索提供相对自主性的模式,后者则将意义处理为由个人或集体行动之权变性的创发--即所谓的实践本身,并将文化模式作为权力和物质利益之反应加以分析。在本文中,我将阐述一个超越这种极化视野的文化语用学理论,以新的方式将意义结构、权变性、权力和实质性融为一体。我的论点是,实践的实质性可以由维度更多的表演概念所取代。通过对表演研究这一新领域的成果的吸收,文化语用学说明社会表演,无论个人还是集体的,是如何可能被系统地类推为剧场表演的。在定义了社会表演的要素之后,我认为,随着社会变得更加复杂,这些要素已经趋于“分解”(de fused)。只有在能够将这些日渐离析的要素“再融合”的情况下,表演才会成功。在融合化的表演中,观众认同演员,且文化剧本通过有效的舞台布景达到逼真的程度。而当诸要素重新连接的过程并不完美时,表演就会失败:表演要素仍处于分离状态,社会行动看上去不但不够本真(authentic),而且显得造作和难以令人信服。与此相对,再融合能使演员成功地传达其行动的意义并有效地实现他们的利益。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to assess university students’ involvement in tattooing and examine associations between tattooing and risky behaviors. University students enrolled in physical education and health classes at one Midwestern University are study participants, and a survey is used to examine 998 university students’ involvement in tattooing. The results indicate that 29.6% of respondents have a tattoo. The most common locations for tattoos are the chest (37.6%), foot (26.8%), arm (15.8%), and back (14.4%). Females are more likely than males to have a tattoo. Tattooed students are significantly more likely than non-tattooed students to engage in alcohol and marijuana use and risky sexual behaviors. Suicidal behaviors and suicidal ideation are not related to tattoo status among university students. Therefore, college health professionals should be aware of associations between tattooing and risky behavioral involvement. Educational programs are needed to increase student awareness of body modification and associated risk behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between culturally mediated narratives of fairness, conceptions of the state, group and individual identities, citizenship and debates about globalisation in Australian perspectives on tax administration. It is based on a qualitative analysis of 2374 responses to a survey of attitudes to the Australian tax system. This paper emphasises that taxpayer's statements can be read as cultural acts that enrich our understanding of how people give meaning and significance to their lives. The majority of respondents reported that taxation should be levied fairly across social groups. However, this sense of fairness is being eroded by the widespread perception that the wealthy are avoiding their “fair share” of taxes. However, although citizens view tax administration as increasingly unfair, there is no evidence of wholesale disengagement from the system. The majority of people believe that the tax system has legitimacy and that it can be reformed. There is still scope for policy innovation that reinstates a sense of fairness, equity and balance to the tax system.  相似文献   

赖勤芳 《阅江学刊》2011,3(6):141-145
当代电影中经常运用金鱼意象。金鱼本是一种由鲫鱼变异而来且观赏性很高的特殊鱼种,但在电影中是一种“有意味的形式”。金鱼在电影中具有不同的出现方式,“看”金鱼成为一个关联多重关系的视觉性事件。金鱼在电影中又承担不同的审美功用,形成了衬托、暗示、隐喻等不同的修辞形式。尽管金鱼产于中国,但如今已出现在不同国度的电影中。我们可以从金鱼意象中体会到东西方人不同的审美取向和文化心理。  相似文献   

This article presents findings from a qualitative study with Unaccompanied Young People (UYP) who have sought asylum alone in the UK without a parent or guardian. The findings explore how UYP create biographical narratives of their past, present, and future as they prepare to leave care, suggesting that UYP who have settled immigration status create coherent biographical narratives that reconcile the past with a positive imagined future. Themes of return and reciprocity emerged in their narratives as they developed aspirations to reunite with their families and return support received in the past by succeeding in education and careers. Unaccompanied young people who did not have settled status struggled to create biographical narratives and could not imagine the future or the past. These findings have significant implications for pathway planning with UYP, suggesting the need to recognise the interconnected nature of the past, present, and future as well as the role of families and education in future plans. Pathway planning for UYP with uncertain immigration status can be complex as young people struggle to maintain a biographical narrative. Further research is necessary to support young people and professionals with these challenges.  相似文献   

Culture exerts powerful influences on each generations' responses to older members in declining health. Narratives, the stories people tell about their lives, depict the different the ways that the elderly and their children experience their world. Their personal narratives chronicle their connections to culture the past. They also illustrate the ways that the cultural values are transformed to accommodate the present and future. The stories are influenced by immigration, assimilation, development, interpersonal relationships, and life events. These differences between the cultural narratives of the elderly and the following generation are particularly apparent during times of chronic stress. One such situation occurs during chronic illness when the younger generation is called upon to provide for the elderly and chronically ill.  相似文献   

The role of residential care for children has developed very differently internationally, but in all cultural contexts, there are questions about the extent to which it can help young people recover from high risk backgrounds. In the UK, residential care has come to be seen as the placement of last resort, yet new government guidance on permanence has suggested that residential care can provide security and a sense of belonging. Narrative analysis of interviews with 20 care leavers identified their different pathways from birth families through residential care to early adulthood. Some experienced a transformation from a negative sense of self as victims or ‘bad children’ to survivors, while others continued to struggle. Key to successful turning points were four interacting factors, all associated with resilience; connection, agency, activity and coherence. These narratives revealed the importance of nurturing relationships and a sense of ‘family’, and also the role of support after leaving residential care, when transitions workers helped them to move on but stay connected. The study highlighted how residential care leavers from adverse backgrounds attribute very different meanings to their experiences, which affects identity construction, resilience and the need for support.  相似文献   

西周金文是探索汉语复音词起源的最可靠语料,西周金文中复音词的判定标准的确定是进行复音词研究的前提,而对西周金文中复音动词的判定标准的研究则具有典型意义,西周金文中复音动词的判定标准的研究对确定西周金文中复音词的判定标准有着重要的支撑作用.西周金文中复音动词的判定主要坚持意义和形式两条标准,其中应以意义标准为核心,意义判定标准具体包括同义复音动词、偏义复音动词和变义复音动词三个方面.  相似文献   

付梅 《阅江学刊》2012,4(1):142-148
萱草是早在《诗经》中就已经出现的植物意象。在古代社会长期的历史发展中,萱草意象酝酿出了丰厚的象征意蕴:一是忘忧,二是宜男,三是代指母亲。忘忧是萱草意象的基本象征内涵,它承载着社会生活与人文理想的深厚内涵;宜男意象也同样有着深厚的历史根基;萱草代母是一个较为后起的意义,在唐宋时期才出现并最终形成。这三者有着近似的起源,却沿着不同的方向发展,成为各自独立而深远的影响的文化符号,并共同构成了具有独特魅力的萱草审美文化意象。  相似文献   

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