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The authors used longitudinal data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (N = 5,482) to investigate whether maternal and paternal work schedules affect child overweight or obesity. They took the novel step of examining whether this effect is consistent for children living in different family structures. Findings from child fixed effects models suggest that the probability of child overweight or obesity was higher for children living with mothers who worked standard shifts at a primary job and nonstandard shifts at a secondary job compared to children living with mothers who worked a standard shift at a primary job only. Fathers' work schedules were not associated with child overweight or obesity. Unexpectedly, maternal standard shift work at a primary job and nonstandard shift work at a secondary job was associated with overweight or obesity only among children living with married biological parents.  相似文献   

It is suggested that professional drivers are at an increased risk for low back pain and injury due to a variety of factors such as whole body vibration, prolonged sitting, awkward postures, lifting and carrying, and psychosocial issues. Ergonomics can play an important role in the reduction of risk of injury to the professional driver by implementing modifications to the work place (engineering controls), changes in administrative and management practice (administrative controls), and education of the worker (work practice controls). A review of the literature of the etiology of low back pain and injury among professional drivers is presented, and possible ergonomic controls have been recommended.  相似文献   

This article reviews recent research evidence, largely from systematic reviews, on a number of aspects of childhood obesity: its definition and prevalence; consequences; causes and prevention. The basis of the body mass index (BMI) as a means of defining obesity in children and adolescents is discussed: a high BMI for age constitutes obesity. In recent years the prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically across most of the world, and in the UK obesity prevalence is high and continuing to increase. Despite a widespread perception that obesity in childhood or adolescence is a cosmetic issue, the research evidence shows that it does matter to physical and psychological health and that there are adverse health risks for both the obese child and the adult who was obese as a child. Few interventions aimed at preventing or treating childhood obesity have been successful. There is an urgent need for more research on better strategies that will enable children and adolescents to make long‐term changes to their dietary and physical activity behaviour in order to prevent obesity.  相似文献   

In developing countries, shift work represents a considerable contingent workforce. Recently, studies have shown that overweight and obesity are more prevalent in shift workers than day workers. In addition, shift work has been associated with a higher propensity for the development of many metabolic disorders, such as insulin resistance, diabetes, dislipidemias and metabolic syndrome. Recent data have pointed that decrease of the sleep time, desynchronization of circadian rhythm and alteration of environmental aspects are the main factors related to such problems. Shortened or disturbed sleep is among the most common health-related effects of shift work. The plausible physiological and biological mechanisms are related to the activation of the autonomic nervous system, inflammation, changes in lipid and glucose metabolism, and related changes in the risk for atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome, and type II diabetes. The present review will discuss the impact of shift work on obesity and metabolic disorders and how disruption of sleep and circadian misalignment may contribute to these metabolic dysfunctions.  相似文献   

The elderly represent the fastest growing driving population. Older drivers have a high crash rate per distance traveled, a high risk of injury or death in traffic accidents, and are commonly found to be ‘at fault’ in crashes. This reality has focused more interest on issues associated with the fitness to drive and the safety of older drivers. Many older adults depend greatly on their personal vehicle for transportation and suffer a marked loss of quality of life when, as a consequence of no longer being able or permitted to drive, their mobility becomes significantly restricted. The reasons for the deterioration of driving performance that occur during the aging process are multi-factorial and a great deal of research has focused on the identification of those factors. Nevertheless, some studies incorporating training programs have tried, with some success, to improve the driving-related abilities of older drivers. It has been demonstrated that physical activity can promote several skills that are associated with driving performance in older drivers. Few studies, though, have conducted exercise interventions among older drivers intended to enhance their driving-related abilities and promote road safety. In this context, the purpose of this work consists of examining the perceptual, cognitive, health, and physical factors related to fitness to drive in older adults and identifying possible strategies that can enhance their driving-related abilities. Moreover, potential mechanisms underlying the relationship among physical activity, driving ability, and road safety are discussed.  相似文献   

‘Use of self’ was a central concept in social work in the middle of the twentieth century. Since then its emphasis in social work education has declined as more managerial, procedural and task-focused approaches have prevailed. A review of the degree and postgraduate diploma in social work in Scotland, initiated in 2014, incorporated a comparative content analysis of past and present UK National Occupational Standards (NOS) for social work. The analysis revealed many shifts in thinking and practice, including increased emphasis on ‘use of self’ in the 2013 Standards. This paper reports on this finding in the context of the fluctuating positioning of use of self in social work education, and the potential impact of these changes on qualified practice. It concludes that the changing standards reflect increasing interest in social workers’ ability to draw reflectively on ‘self’ in their day to day practice. Some of the drivers and challenges for a renewed focus on relationship-based practice and use of self are identified, as well as the opportunities presented by this review of the degree for evaluating the impact of changing educational policy on day to day social work practice.  相似文献   

《The aging male》2013,16(4):208-215
Objective: To determine whether frailty is associated with circulating total and free testosterone, total and free estradiol, and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in older men. Methods: With NHANES III data of 461 men aged 60 years and older, we used logistic regression to analyze the associations between serum concentrations of sex steroid hormones, SHBG and frailty. Participants meeting any three or more of the five frailty criteria were classified as “frail”, all others were considered as non-frail. Results: 2.5% of men were frail. Men with SHBG ≥66 nmol/L had three times the odds of frailty (OR = 2.97; 95% CI 1.28–6.86) compared to men with SHBG <66 nmol/L. Men with free testosterone levels below 243 pmol/L had an increased odds of frailty (OR = 3.92; 95% CI 1.29–11.89). None of these associations was statistically significant after additionally adjusting for body mass index, smoking and history of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Total testosterone, and total and free estradiol serum levels were not statistically significantly associated with frailty. Conclusions: In this US nationally representative study of older men, low free testosterone and high SHBG serum levels were associated with a significantly increased odds of frailty after adjustment for age and race/ethnicity. These associations may, however, be explained by confounding due to obesity, smoking, and the higher prevalence of CVD in frail men or by low hormones or high SHBG mediating the association between obesity, smoking, CVD and frailty.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown an association between mothers' nonstandard work schedules and children's well-being. We built on this research by examining the relationship between parental shift work and children's reading and math trajectories from age 5/6 to 13/14. Using data (N=7,105) from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth and growth curve modeling, we found that children's math and reading trajectories were related to parents' type of nonstandard shifts (i.e., evening, night, or variable). We found that having a mother who worked more years at a night shift was associated with lower reading scores, having a mother work more years at evening or night shifts was associated with reduced math trajectories, and having a father work more years at an evening shift was associated with reduced math scores. Mediation tests suggest that eating meals together, parental knowledge about children's whereabouts, and certain after-school activities might help explain these results.  相似文献   

《Marriage & Family Review》2013,49(1-2):115-139
Despite the importance of marriage as a basic social institution, there has been little analysis of the relationship between marriage and obesity. This paper reviews work on the prevalence of obesity by marital status; factors associated with obesity as a criterion for entry into marriage; the similarity of fatness in marital partners; changes in weight in relationship to marital problems; and the relationship between obesity and marital termination. The application of knowledge about marriage and obesity to weight loss therapy is also considered. More research is needed to specify the extent, form and dynamics of the relationship between obesity and marriage.  相似文献   

Women experience significant changes in endocrine function during aging. Decreasing levels of anabolic hormones may be associated with musculoskeletal atrophy and decrease in function that is observed in older women and, as a result, there has been an increase in the use of pharmacological hormone therapies. It is difficult to distinguish, however, between physiological changes that are truly age related and those that are associated with lifestyle factors such as physical activity participation. Some research has shown that circulating levels of anabolic hormones such as DHEA(S) and IGF-I in older women are related to physical activity, muscle function, and aerobic power. Exercise-intervention studies have generally shown that increasing age blunts the acute hormonal response to exercise, although this might be explained by a lower exercise intensity in older women. There have been relatively few studies that examine hormonal adaptations to exercise training. Physical activity might have an effect on hormone action as a result of changes in protein carriers and receptors, and future research needs to clarify the effect of age and exercise on these other components of the endocrine system. The value and safety of hormone supplements must be examined, especially when used in combination with an exercise program.  相似文献   

Rather than critiquing social institutions and practices that have historically excluded lesbians and gay men, as did earlier social movements in the 1960s and 1970s, since the 1990s the politics of sexuality has increasingly been about demanding equal rights of citizenship. These citizenship demands have, at least to a degree, been answered via a raft of recent legislation in the UK including the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003, Gender Recognition Act 2004 and the Civil Partnership Act 2004, and by associated changes in policy making and practice that emphasize ‘Equality and Diversity’. In this article we consider how the implementation of sexualities equalities policies is related to processes of privatization and individualization. This is illustrated by using sexualities equalities work in local government as a case study to indicate how processes of change and resistance are aided by these processes. The article draws on findings from a study of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) equalities initiatives in local government in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, which examined the views of those who now have a public duty to implement recent legislative and policy shifts and are obliged to develop equalities initiatives concerning ‘sexual orientation' and ‘gender reassignment’.  相似文献   

Rehabilitation policies are becoming increasingly popular in eldercare as a means to ensure dignity and reduce costs. This paper examines the implications of rehabilitation within Danish homecare work, a type of work that is often stigmatized due to its associations with low‐status ‘dirty’ body work in old people's homes. The paper combines two research traditions: studies of dirty work and studies of body work. It draws on observations and focus groups in Denmark to explore how the introduction of rehabilitation changes the work of care workers, and how such changes are associated with a potential reshaping of stigma. In contrast to previous research, this paper shows that although rehabilitation was partly introduced to reduce stigma of this type of work, the practice of rehabilitation paradoxically reinforces the stigma that it attempts to manage. Thus, the analysis helps to improve our understanding of the ambiguous and varying ways rehabilitative eldercare reshapes and reinforces stigma and gender stereotypes among women who do ‘dirty’ body work.  相似文献   

“Obesity epidemic” discourse relies on scientific and epidemiological research to justify subjecting certain bodies to healthist messaging and disciplinary technologies. The science and framing of obesity has evolved, potentially partially due to critical obesity scholars. However, critical obesity scholars are now reliant on outdated critiques of ever progressing evolving/adapting discourse. Recent discoveries have been made concerning the determinants of obesity and the complexity of weight loss. Scientific discourse often now references environmental factors as contributors to obesity, low levels of sustained weight loss, and limitations of common measures such as the body mass index. Despite this refinement, the ultimate conclusion of studies, as presented within the scientific articles or in related media reportage, remains unchanged. Individuals are still expected to attempt to “correct” their non‐normative bodies through lifestyle changes, regardless of the evidence underscoring the likely futility of these endeavors. This paper updates obesity science and public health responses and evaluates the extent to which new findings, with the potential to greatly subvert standard weight loss advice, have altered supposedly evidence‐based public health communications and recommendations. As emerging scientific insights have further muddied already‐complex obesity‐related pathways, solutions have largely remained the same.  相似文献   

In studies of children who have been placed in care, any definition of placement instability that is based only on the number of placements and the number of physical moves may well be incomplete. To understand placement instability, one must also consider the psychological shifts, both cognitive and emotional, that accompany it. In the present study, to explore the psychological shifts associated with placement instability, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 15 young women who had spent time in out-of-home placements as adolescents. Our findings show that the kinds of psychological shifts that these young women had undergone as a result of placement instability depended on how they had perceived that instability, and that in this perception, their sense of their own agency was central. Instability that they had observed only in other girls, instability that was imposed on them by external forces, and instability that they induced by their own actions all resulted in different kinds of psychological shifts. These findings are discussed in light of the empowerment.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate factors associated with reported work-related musculoskeletal symptoms among aircraft assembly workers. Population consisted of 552 (491 men/61 women) workers who performed tasks related to the work of aircraft assembly. Participants completed a comprehensive questionnaire, including socio-demographic information, habits/lifestyles, working conditions, and work organization. Workers also answered the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire to obtain data on musculoskeletal symptoms. Multivariate logistic regression was performed to analyze factors associated with musculoskeletal reported symptoms. Results showed that body regions with the highest prevalence of reported musculoskeletal symptoms were similar when referred the past twelve months and the past seven days. Significant factors associated with musculoskeletal symptoms included variables related to conflicts at work, sleep problems, mental fatigue, and lack of time for personal care and recovery. Working time in the industry was associated only with reports for the last seven days and regular physical activity off-work seems to be a positive factor in preventing musculoskeletal symptoms for the past twelve months. The results highlight the multi-factorial nature of the problem. Actions to prevent musculoskeletal diseases at the aircraft assembly work should consider multiple interventions that would promote better recovery between work shifts.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the history of women's education in Sudan; data on the relationship between their educational levels and fertility; and data on the relationship between fertility and women's employment. In general, the data point to an inverse relationship between the education of women and fertility. This relationship exists when considering the education of husbands. In terms of employment, women who report no work experience have the highest fertility, those who are self-employed or are family workers have an intermediate level of fertility, while those women who work for others have the lowest level of fertility. Education appears to be more closely associated with fertility than employment. The author concludes that as the status of women shifts to perceptions based on education and gainful employment, fertility will decline. However, in the Sudan, strong traditional values, based on women's roles related to childbearing and childrearing, will continue to sustain a relatively high fertility rate. (author's)  相似文献   

Shift work (SW) can affect worker health and productivity. Working at night, workers often accumulate fatigue and are less productive. In Brazil, laws have been drafted aiming to reduce night work and rotating shift hours. In order to slash costs, companies have been looking for new arrangements to improve productivity under these conditions. The purpose of this study was to examine management changes and their outcomes in a large glass factory located in an industrial region of Brazil. The results show that the management, seeking equal productivity among shifts, focused its efforts mainly on distributing employee expertise. The arrangement resulted in 12 different groups that combine to serve three fixed shifts. A same shift can be served by more than one group, and the members of a same group share days off on different days. There was no statistically significant productivity difference among the three shifts. The on-site examination showed that part of the production was held by the workers and transferred to the next shift in order for them to be able to meet the management's performance rate requirements. The finding shows how a Brazilian cultural trait (resistance without conflict) is used to drive coping in SW.  相似文献   

Once considered low class or dangerous symbols, tattoos began to be defined as hip, trendy, and glamorous in the 1990s. Using the increasing popularity of tattoos among nineties youth as an example of moral passage, this article examines some of the interpretive processes at work in the destigmatization of deviance. Whereas researchers have positioned political action or population shifts as the main forces influencing moral passage, this article posits a new route toward social change. It builds on participant observation data with a population of middle‐class tattooees and examines how individuals attempted to legitimate their tattoos during interactions with others. First‐time tattooees in the 1990s are seen as agents caught between multiple symbolic orders—symbolic orders that generated conflicting images of tattoos. Relying on a set of legitimation techniques, middle‐class tattooees worked to overcome the negative meanings associated with tattoos by getting body art that conformed to core mainstream norms and values. By examining the creation and use of these legitimation maneuvers, this article reveals the way in which definitions of deviance are negotiated in everyday contexts. In addition, the process of legitimation identified in this article points to one way in which everyday interactions can contribute to larger cultural shifts.  相似文献   

An extensive body of literature concerning obesity already exists, but this paper seeks to map the field of an emerging body of work that is critical of that dominant discourse. Although it has been most recently mobilised by the rhetoric of an assumed global obesity epidemic, or moral panic around fatness, Fat Studies has an extensive history and interdisciplinary literature which questions and problematises traditional understandings of obesity and draws upon the language, culture and theory of civil rights, social justice and social change. Fat Studies enables the reframing of the problem of obesity, where it is not the fat body that is at issue, but the cultural production of fatphobia. Given the powerful commercial, ideological and institutional interest in maintaining dominant obesity discourse, such reframing is contested. Nevertheless, this paper demonstrates that Fat Studies offers dynamic new possibilities for social scientists interested in using fat as an interrogative lens.  相似文献   

Background An age-related decline in growth hormone (GH) level has been established, and this decline is associated with changes in body composition as well as a general increase in susceptibility to illness and a reduced sense of well-being. The current study, a first in Asia, sought to examine the effects of GH therapy on body composition and other endocrine and metabolic functions in a group of healthy elderly Chinese men.

Methods A total of 23 healthy elderly Chinese men, aged between 60 and 69 years, were injected subcutaneously, three times weekly, with 0.08 U/kg of recombinant GH for 6 months. Various hormones and biochemical parameters, together with percentage lean body mass and body fat, were measured before, 3 and 6 months after the start and 3 months after the cessation of GH therapy.

Results A significant increase in lean body mass, up to 9.1% over baseline values at 3 months post-therapy, and a significant decrease in body fat, up to 3.1%, were noted. GH therapy also induced variable and significant increases in levels of insulin growth factor (IGF-I), dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), insulin, triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and triglyceride and significant reductions in glucose and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) levels. No changes in testosterone, free androgen index and cholesterol were noted. A significant and independent correlation was noted between IGF-I and insulin, TSH, DHEAS, glucose and triglyceride levels.

Conclusions GH augmentation therapy was effective in improving the body composition of a group of elderly Chinese men. GH-induced positive changes in body composition in the elderly were probably a result of the direct effect of the GH. It is also possible that some of the changes were mediated through GH-induced changes in thyroid hormones, insulin, glucose, triglyceride and DHEAS. However, the mechanism of GH- induced changes in body composition remains to be defined.  相似文献   

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