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本文分析了集体土地产权制度的缺陷及其对集体建设用地流转的影响,指出完善集体土地产权制度是规范集体建设用地流转的必经过程,进而提出明晰土地产权主体、合理界定集体非农建设用地的权能、实施土地登记工作等对策的建议。  相似文献   

在我国土地资源短缺的宏观背景下,随着城市化和工业化的快速发展,对土地特别是非衣建设用地的需求也随之加大,致使人地矛盾尖锐。本文从促进城市土地节约和集约利用的原因分析入手,提出了一些严格控制城市建设用地、促进城市土地节约和集约利用的措施。  相似文献   

近年来,随着城镇化、工业化步伐不断加快,建设用地供需矛盾愈来愈突出.为解决建设用地不足问题,各地已开始逐步将目光转向农村集体建设用地,通过推进集体建设用地流转,为农村发展和城镇建设提供新的用地途径.本文对集体建设用地流转的方式、特点及存在的问题进行了分析,就如何加强农村集体建设用地流转的规范管理,明确农村集体建设用地流转的条件、程序,完善土地流转收益的分配制度等方面提出一些思考和建议.  相似文献   

新农村的建设需要城市的支持,同时城市的发展也需要农村的支持,尤其是土地方面的支持。究竟如何处理城市发展和新农村建设当中的土地关系,是城乡统筹发展需要解决的一道难题,也是不容回避的问题。当前,城乡统筹建设用地规划,开放农村集体建设用地流转市场,开辟建设用地供给第二来源,提高节约集约利用农村建设用地水平,保证农民土地权利在经济上得到实现,推动城乡统筹科学发展,势在必行。  相似文献   

农村土地流转问题关系农村发展、关乎农民的切身利益,因此一直备受关注。推进农村集体建设用地流转首先要理清乡、镇(街道办事处)、村委会、村民小组等在流转中的相互关系,分清土地流转的主体代表、公共服务、统筹协调等角色,避免土地流转过程中  相似文献   

正我国对集体建设用地使用权流转的探索起始于二十世纪八十年代末。1999年开始,国土资源部在全国不同地方开展了集体建设用地使用权流转试点工作。期间,许多省、市、地区、县级人民政府也都出台了集体建设用地使用权流转的管理办法,开展了集体建设用地使用权流转的探索工作。但是,截至目前,集体建设用地流转的规模并不大,集体建设用地流转的成效也不显著,规范的集体建设用地市场并未培育起来,集体建设用地流转仍然处在试点当中,究其原因,绝不仅仅是集体建设用地使用权流转法律法规不健全,更有集体土地本身的性质产生的深层次障  相似文献   

杨华 《科学发展》2013,(5):28-32,23
当前,浦东集体建设用地低效、闲置和浪费现象比较普遍,资产价值尚未真正体现,尤其是乡镇工业用地聚集度低,布局分散,点多规模小,建筑密度和容积率低;工业产出率不高,厂房、场地闲置严重。通过集体建设用地的流转,实施土地二次开发,可以有效利用存量用地,盘活土地资源。要通过确权登记发证,进一步理清产权界限,避免产权主体虚置与权能重叠;建立合理的收益分配机制,确保农民利益;加快相关财政体制衔接.保障流转工作有序推进。  相似文献   

如何保障农民的土地权益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,我国在农地流转、土地征收以及集体建设用地流转等方面进行了一系列改革与创新,强化了对土地承包经营权的保护,提高了征地补偿标准,初步建立了失地农民的社会保障体系,通过集体建设用地流转保护了农民以土地权利参与工业化、城市化的利益,取得了明显成效.  相似文献   

上海要深化农村土地管理制度改革,在农村承包地流转方面:要加强引导,规范农村土地承包权流转;加强扶持,构建完整的政策制度体系;制定规则,形成机制保障。在农村集体建设用地流转方面:要真正实施国有土地与集体土地"同地、同价、同权";要正确处理集体建设用地节约、集约利用与增加农民财产性收入的关系;要制定郊区集体建设用地的各类标准,控制用地总量;要制定集体建设用地使用权流转的配套政策;要建立完善的农民社会保障体系,清除集体建设用地流转的障碍。在农村宅基地置换、退出方面:要建立农民宅基地分配、使用、置换、流转、收回政策体系;要采取限制措施,严控宅基地的新增趋势;要采取滚动发展模式,解决宅基地置换资金缺口大的问题。  相似文献   

有人认为,集体建设用地使用权流转最大的障碍是缺乏法律法规的支持,笔者并不认同。对集体建设用地使用权流转的探索起始于20世纪80年代末。从1999年开始,国土资源部就在全国不同地方开展了集体建设用地  相似文献   

高校辅导员专业化和职业化的制约因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校辅导员专业化培养和职业化发展既是高校提高大学生思想政治教育有效性和辅导员队伍适应高校教育改革的要求,也是辅导员自身发展的需要。面对当前辅导员队伍呈现管理强而教育弱、工作范畴的全职型而非专业型和缺乏相关学科专业背景知识的实际状况,高校应明确辅导员工作职责、对辅导员工作进行专业划分、建立以综合能力为主的高校辅导员提升内容及评价体系、开展学生工作的学科建设和科学研究、制定切实可行的辅导员专业技术职务评定体系,为辅导员专业化和职业化铺平道路。  相似文献   

The study examined whether differences in gender and family status affect parental caregiving disposition and acceptance of children among parents of children in mid-childhood. The number of participants were 122 divorced-custodial fathers, 107 married fathers, 85 divorced-custodial mothers, and 82 married mothers (n?=?398). A comparison among four groups of parents revealed the following gender differences: mothers scored higher on anxious caregiving and parental acceptance than fathers, and lower on avoidant caregiving. Regression analysis indicated that the higher the caregiving avoidance or anxiety, the lower the parental acceptance. Family status moderated parental acceptance, as avoidant caregiving was associated with reduced parental acceptance among married parents, but not among divorced custodial parents. The finding that avoidant caregiving was not associated with reduced acceptance among divorced custodial parents implies that their parental acceptance behaviors toward their children are affected by their parental status as sole custodial parent, and the associated responsibilities, rather than by gender.  相似文献   


Historically, federal and state legislation placed different conditions on same- and opposite-sex couples' ability to marry, adopt, or exercise their parental rights. Given the historical intertwining of marriage and parenting, legal issues remain hinged on differing conceptions of marriage and what constitutes a legal family in the United States, especially for same-sex partners compared to their different-sexed couple counterparts. This article provides a historical review of decisions that serve as the foundation for queer parenting rights in the United States. A key focus is on the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court Obergefell v. Hodges (2015) marriage decision on queer parenting and its relevance to researchers and practitioners whose work involves queer families. State discrepancies continue to exist for the treatment of parental rights in spite of the legalization of same-sex marriage. Finally, suggestions are provided for future directions for the field.  相似文献   

We extended on previous work by examining the contextual nature of parenting goals in mothers and fathers of adolescents. We also examined dyadic parenting similarity in parenting responses and parenting goals. Participants were 285 primarily professional (48.6%), White (82.7%) parents of adolescents aged 14 to 17 years old (mothers n = 213, fathers n = 68, dyads n = 43). Results of a 2 × 2 × 6 MANCOVA indicated that parenting goals were influenced by characteristics of the situation but not by parent or adolescent gender. There was dyadic parenting similarity for parenting responses and dyadic similarity for parenting goals. The implications of these findings for parenting interventions and future parenting research using within family comparisons are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated different types of friendships and the behavioral profiles of different types of friends in relation to individual adjustment. In 102 classes with preadolescents (mean age 11), 737 independent friendship dyads, and in 149 classes with adolescents (mean age 14), 1,102 friendship dyads were identified. At each age group, cluster analyses on the behavioral profiles of the dyads yielded three friendship types, with two types of friends within each friendship type: Socially Withdrawn friendship (Victimized Withdrawn and Prosocial Withdrawn friends), Prosocial friendship (High Prosocial and Less Prosocial friends), and Antisocial friendship (Bullying Antisocial and Antisocial friends). The behavioral profiles of the two friends in Prosocial friendships were marked by similarity and in the other two types by complementarity. Both Victimized Withdrawn and Bullying Antisocial friends were less adjusted than participants without friends while Prosocial friends were more adjusted.  相似文献   

Background: As conventional cigarette use is declining, electronic cigarette (“e-cigarette”) use is rising and is especially high among college students. Few studies examine dual use of e-cigarettes and cigarettes among this population. This study explores the relationship between dual and exclusive e-cigarette / cigarette use and perceptions of harm and addictiveness of both products. Methods: This is a cross-sectional analysis of data from students attending 24 colleges in Texas (n=5,482). Multinomial logistic regression was employed to test the association between current e-cigarette / cigarette use and perceived harm and addictiveness of both products. Three tobacco groups were included: cigarette only users, e-cigarette only users, and dual users. Results: Dual users reported lower perceived harm of e-cigarettes most consistently (p<0.001, all comparisons). Perceived harm of cigarettes was significantly lower among cigarette only and dual users only, compared to non-users (p<0.001, all comparisons). Compared to non-users, all three groups reported significantly lower perceived addictiveness of e-cigarettes (p<0.001, all comparisons). The same finding was observed for perceived addictiveness of cigarettes, though findings were less consistent for the e-cigarette only group (p<0.02, all comparisons except one). Conclusion: Findings demonstrate that among college students, perceptions of harm and addictiveness of e-cigarettes are lower than those for conventional cigarettes. For both products, perceptions of harm and addictiveness were lower among exclusive and dual users, compared to non-users.  相似文献   


This article is a qualitative study which addresses the interacting relationship between the environmental context of care giving and abuse and neglect of older adults. These are examined through a thematic content analysis of risk factors identified in sixteen ‘in depth’ interviews of abused and neglected victims including two of their abusers. The interviews provide a portrait of their past and present situations, their roles and relationships and the process through which the interviewees move into their described process of powerlessness.

The interviewees are analysed through a critical, systemic, ecological analysis of the historical, gender and cultural perspectives of the interviewees. Through the relationships of the victims and their abusers in the macro, meso, exo and micro systems, questions are raised about the growing debate regarding changes in family patterns and demographics that affect how societies define the provision of care to their dependent adults. They demonstrate that violence is produced by complex interacting systems and significant events, that impact on the life courses of some older adults and some care givers leading them into powerless positions and resulting in abuse and neglect.  相似文献   

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