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<终结者>进化到"人""机"合一阶段,当国产首部机器人电影<机器侠>即将揭开盖头,6月24日上映的<变形金刚2>,用纯正的金属质地搭乘着特技的快车,秉承着原始的"正邪二元论",掺和着一代人25年前的集体回忆,引领了新一轮的重金属电影潮流.  相似文献   

人虽然不在故乡,但每每接触柳城、龙城、营州之名,都让我心旌摇荡,神想往之,深情难耐。一当这里还叫柳城的时候,雄才大略的曹操就北征乌桓来此。那是建安十二年(207年)的秋七月,曹操率大军登上白狼山,以张辽为先  相似文献   

一项与海有关的运动形式,一次国家主义的盛会,一桢壮观的城市记忆——题记2500多年前,孔子对他的学生们说"道不行,乘桴浮于海"。圣人的意思是:如果我的理想不能实现,那么我就乘着竹排去扬帆远航。这是关于帆船运动的最早广  相似文献   

在一个组织里,大多数人居于中间地带,改变其态度,往往就能改变组织赢利的额度。在美国西雅图,有一家腥味四溢的鱼铺,不仅顾客盈门,而且连500强的CEO与著名政治要人都趋之若鹜。这家名叫"派克"的鱼铺,曾和许许多多的鱼铺一样,虽有名字,但不出名。自从被老约翰接手之后,这位新店主决心要让它有所改观,不仅要赢利,而且要出名。  相似文献   

Nash's solution of a two-person cooperative game prescribes a coordinated mixed strategy solution involving Pareto-optimal outcomes of the game. Testing this normative solution experimentally presents problems in as much as rather detailed explanations must be given to the subjects of the meaning of threat strategy, strategy mixture, expected payoff, etc. To the extent that it is desired to test the solution using naive subjects, the problem arises of imparting to them a minimal level of understanding about the issue involved in the game without actually suggesting the solution.Experiments were performed to test the properties of the solution of a cooperative two-person game as these are embodied in three of Nash's four axioms: Symmetry, Pareto-optimality, and Invariance with respect to positive linear transformations. Of these, the last was definitely discorroborated, suggesting that interpersonal comparison of utilities plays an important part in the negotiations.Some evidence was also found for a conjecture generated by previous experiments, namely that an externally imposed threat (penalty for non-cooperation) tends to bring the players closer together than the threats generated by the subjects themselves in the process of negotiation.  相似文献   

因为爱你,所以——缠着你霸着你折磨你,因我从未想过离开你。因为爱你,所以——躲着你挣脱你反抗你,但是从未想过离开你。因为爱你,所以疼你到痴狂。因为爱你,所以整你到抓狂……故事延续第一部三男三女的故事,还是20、30、40三个年龄层次的代表,还是三对不同性格,他们对婚姻的延续有着不同的态度和观点。这是一部与观众  相似文献   

《Journal of Policy Modeling》2021,43(5):1070-1093
Renewable energy appears to be the most optimal alternative to fossil fuel and the widely accepted pathway towards the mitigation of climate change. However, the costs of adopting renewable energy are high, and it appears the wealth of nations, the stages of economic development and growth and institutional willingness and quality are important in winning this global challenge. However, there is limited information on the interplay of all the factors that are perceived as critical in moving the world towards the use of renewable energy sources to meet most of the domestic and industrial energy needs. This study investigates the inter-temporal causal relationship between institutions, renewable energy, carbon emissions and economic growth for 45 sub-Saharan Africa countries using annual data for the period 1960–2017. We used the generalised method of moment panel vector autoregression (GMM-PVAR) technique to explore the linkages. From a general perspective, the results reveal that no causal relationship exists between institutions and economic growth, but a bidirectional causality exists between economic growth and renewable energy. Our results indicate that economic growth causes carbon emissions, and institutions are more likely to respond to carbon emissions and renewable energy but prompts no causality exists between carbon emissions and renewable energy. Interestingly, these results differ between countries with different institutional origin. The policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

TheCambrtheHistoryofChina,Volume7:TheMngWnasty,1368-1644,Part1(hereafterreferredtoasTheCambridgeMingHistory),editedbythewdll-knownexpertsinChinesehistoryFrederickW.MoteandDenisTwitchett,wastranslatedintoChineseandpublishedbytheChinesesoialSciencesPublishi…  相似文献   

The concept of resilience — strengths forged through adversity — offers a valuable framework for working with a broad diversity of clients and life challenges. Grounded in a developmental systemic perspective on vulnerability, risk, and resilience, the author has drawn together clinical and research advances to develop a useful practice framework to identify and facilitate key processes for individual and relational resilience. This paper will describe and illustrate this strengths‐oriented approach for healing, transformation, and growth out of crisis, trauma, and loss, with a focus on belief systems that foster resilience through meaning‐making, a positive outlook, and transcendence/spirituality.  相似文献   

韩国音乐有力地助推了韩流的涌动,其中韩国热歌劲舞的音乐方式,成为一个新流行的坐标.NRG、水晶男孩、H.O.T.等青少年偶像组合出现之后,与众不同的音乐、舞蹈、服饰与舞台风格,以及歌声中充满的对未来的憧憬、向往和不愿受束缚的心情,让很多成长中的青少年对此产生了强烈的共鸣,并热烈追随.让我们一同回忆一下那些风靡一时的音乐组合.  相似文献   

恩格斯,将军   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“将军!”——马克思全家人曾经多少次这样亲切地称呼过他。“将军”——在多少战友们的回忆中这样饱含敬意地写到他。1895年8月10日在追悼恩格斯逝世的大会上,法国杰出的马克思主义者保尔·拉  相似文献   

周进 《今日辽宁》2014,(4):74-75
正李学伟,号汉邕、聋者,别署双龙斋、漏室。1964年3月生于辽宁沈阳。书画篆刻家、鉴赏家。自幼受其父影响酷爱书画篆刻艺术,从师李光远、陈复澄、姚哲成、王镛诸先生。现为艺术市场美术馆馆长,艺术市场画院常务副院长,中央电视台寻宝节目书画鉴定专家。  相似文献   

正一湾碧水孕育了一片大湖的吉祥如意。一叶扁舟催生了一方水土的风情无限。烟波浩淼、"日出斗金"的微山湖以其纳百川、吞万里的气势接纳八面来风,她襟三城而纳江淮。伏羲文化、秦汉文化、运河文化、梁祝文化在这里交融,始祖文明、红色经典、现代气息在这里交汇,形成了富有地域特色的人文风情。  相似文献   

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