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家庭教育指家庭中的父母及成年人教育未成年孩子的过程。家庭教育是孩子社会化的第一步,其重要性不言而喻。知子莫若母,母亲,是孩子的良师益友。亲子真人秀节目《妈妈是超人》展现了不同的家庭教育,基于此,着重从社会学角度,运用社会化理论、符号互动理论、角色扮演理论、功能理论探讨节目中四位妈妈对孩子的家庭教育方式,进而说明家庭教育的重要性。  相似文献   

未成年人家庭教育调查着眼于家长的家庭教育素养,本文在上海松江、长宁、崇明三个区着重考察了家长的家庭教育观念、方法、能力等方面,反映出家长对家庭教育重视程度较高,但教养技能有待进一步提高;家庭决策方式较为民主,但父亲职能较为缺乏;家长对孩子的了解程度一般.家长文化程度影响亲子关系满意度。同时。反映出家长家庭教育知识来源渠道单一,家长希望社会有关机构能加强对家庭教育的支持力度。  相似文献   

目前,农村有相当一部分家长文化偏低,缺乏教育孩子的科学方法。人们常说:“家庭是孩子的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师。有的家长认为“树大自直”,对孩子的事不管不问;有的家长认为自己是个“大老粗”,大字不识几个,无法教育自己的孩子;还有的家长认为孩子上幼儿园就是吃好玩好,安全就好,。农村家长的文化素质普遍比城镇家长低,部分家长只顾着挣钱,对孩子的家庭教育较缺乏,对幼儿园的教育更是不理解不注重。教师想要培养好孩子就需要家长的配合,但在农村想家长配合你的工作谈何容易。怎样才能让农村的家长理解幼儿园的教育呢?作为一名幼儿园的教师,每天的工作除了要面向幼儿之外,还要面向家长。我在农村幼儿园进行调研了3个月,对与农村的家长沟通有了一些总结,现和大家分享一下。  相似文献   

俗话说:父母是孩子的第一任老师。那么,家长对孩子的教育显然起着重要的作用,在孩子的整个教育过程中扮演着至关重要的角色。在当今社会,随着我国教育的普及,农村小学的教育逐渐引起重视,随之而来的农村小学家庭教育备受关注。近些年,随着我国经济的飞速发展,农村家庭的经济状况有了一定的改善,孩子的受教育程度也有了很大提升。家庭教育对小学生的成长至关重要,它既属于基础教育,也是一种终身教育,更是一种潜移默化、耳濡目染的教育,它关系到小学生以后各个人生阶段的性格和品质,也是联系孩子与学校和社会之间联系的纽带。因此,农村小学家庭教育对孩子的未来起着至关重要的作用。本文就农村小学家庭教育的现状、存在的问题以及优化措施进行分析、研究和讨论。  相似文献   

现代父母对孩子的家庭教育,不能仅停留在口头上,而要结合孩子的年龄特点,提早锻炼他们对社会的适应能力。  相似文献   

现代父母对孩子的家庭教育,不能仅停留在口头上,而要结合孩子的年龄特点,提早锻炼他们对社会的适应能力。  相似文献   

黄俊娣 《现代妇女》2014,(4):175-175
孩子是父母寄托的全部希望,家庭教育事关千家万户的幸福,事关全民族的素质与兴旺。教育对一个人的影响仅次于遗传,人的一生有1/3以上时间在家庭中度过。家庭教育对孩子的成才有着最为关键的影响。  相似文献   

正时常听到有父母抱怨:孩子不愿意把学校里发生的事情告诉自己,对孩子的思想不了解,所以无法真正地去面对和解决孩子成长中遇到的各种问题。那么,父母如何做,才能让孩子敞开心扉,愿意与父母交流呢?让孩子愿意与父母沟通,首先要立足构建良好的亲子关系和民主的家庭氛围。很多父母总是居高临下,对孩子缺乏基本的尊重和信任,把说教当成沟通,要求孩子绝对地听话、服从。孩子说的话、做的事,如果不符合自己的意志或期待,就会批评、训斥,甚至打骂孩子。试想,这种紧张的亲子关系和缺乏  相似文献   

随着电脑和互联网的逐渐普及,青少年网络成瘾成为社会关注的热点话题.青少年网络成癌的原因比较复杂,从家庭环境与家庭教育角度探寻青少年网络成瘾的家庭因素,主要表现为缺乏教育,家庭关系不和谐,家庭教育方式不科学等.家长应通过营造和谐的家庭氛围、引导子女正确使用网络、积极改善教育方式、加强与子女的沟通等方法预防子女网络成瘾.  相似文献   

父母是孩子的第一任老师,也是家庭教育成功与否的关键因素。父母角色是社会结构中最基本的角色之一,对子女、家庭和社会都产生着重要影响。因此,本文对如何正确认识父母角色,准确定位父母在家庭教育中的作用,以及在现代社会中父母角色的重构作一初探。  相似文献   

In families with children, presenting a unified front is important for healthy couple and family functioning, yet the behavioral mechanisms that explain how coparental communication strengthens the interparental relationship remain unclear. In this study, we examined how parents’ negative relational disclosures about their children to each other serve as mediators of coparental communication and relational quality in divorced (n = 65 dyads) and married couples (n = 173 dyads). Coparents’ reports of closeness and satisfaction in both couple types were predicted primarily by their reports of supportive and antagonistic coparental communication. The results also revealed significant indirect effects of supportive coparental communication on closeness through negative relational disclosures about young adult children for married mothers and divorced fathers. Antagonistic coparental communication positively predicted married coparents’ disclosures about their children, but not divorced coparents’ disclosures. The results extend theoretical models of coparenting and provide implications for coparenting education programs.  相似文献   

Ira Gordon's work in the area of child and family services is traced for six of his programs according to two main trends: (1) perceptions of families through the years and the changing roles of parents in the education of their children; and (2) curriculum changes in activities brought into homes. Gordon's programs, some being initiated as early as 1966, focused upon parents, infants, toddlers, and school-age children and utilized home visitations as a major intervention strategy. Evidence of successes reported for these programs has shown the impact of early intervention upon children as well as their families, school, and community.  相似文献   


‘Getting There Together’ is a professional education seminar developed as a collaborative project by professionals, mental health consumers and carers aimed at service providers who work with children of parents with mental illness and their families. The need for such professional education concerning this group is well recognised and the project reported herein was initiated by a reference group of professionals, consumers and carers focusing on children of parents with mental illness in the Eastern region of Melbourne (Victoria, Australia). The project began and continued as a collaborative effort during development and implementation, which ensured the experience, point of view and voice of consumers and carers was central to the material prepared, and at the time of seminar presentations. Seminar participants were from the family welfare, child care and supported housing sectors. Seminar participants found the first person accounts of consumers and carers the most helpful aspects of the seminars because they gave new insights into the experiences of carers and of mental health consumers as parents, as well as an understanding of ‘… the whole family, and how the child fits into the picture’.  相似文献   

家庭参与一直是美国学校教育革新的重要特质,直接影响到父母与相关教育者的态度与行为方式,对青少年儿童的成长有着决定性的影响。伴随着美国社会政治经济的发展变革,家庭参与一直是美国教育管理理论研究与政策分析的主要实践兴奋点。从美国教育变革的视域下回顾家庭参与的发展,发现该主题经历着不断演进的历程,在理论分析与政策实践方面呈现出不同维度的转向。这种转向深刻地反映了美国教育变革与其经济社会的互动规律,也折射出蕴含其中的美国历史文化传统,并昭示出未来美国教育变革中家庭参与发展的基本趋势。  相似文献   

This paper looks beyond an individualised type of parental involvement and discusses the role of the extended family in relation to school. We draw on the different social capital theories to explain its implications and also to discuss its efficacy. Our focus is on the Bangladeshi community and the Pakistani community in two towns in the North East of England. British South Asian parents are variously accused of having too high educational expectations of their children or not being interested at all and that Pakistani and Bangladeshi parents in particular have no or limited relationships with their children's schools. In this paper we demonstrate that parental involvement in these two communities resides not simply in the hands of the parents but within the wider family. We challenge the deficit model of British South Asian families as indifferent to the education of their children and we identify the potential resource of the extended family.  相似文献   

In this article we examine the current marriage relationship outcomes for children of divorce compared to children from intact families. The sample is 997 matched married couples. Those from families with married parents were more likely to come to terms with issues in their family of origin, and had higher religiosity, less negative communication, and more positive relationship satisfaction than those with divorced parents. Religiosity was effective in helping those with married parents come to terms with family of origin. The variable coming to terms with family of origin predicted positive marital outcomes to some extent for all couples, although for couples where both partners' parents had divorced coming to terms predicted fewer positive outcomes. Coming to terms for females was associated more profoundly with decreases in negative communication for both males and the females, and also predicted satisfaction and stability in more cases than did coming to terms for males.  相似文献   

Millennials are struggling to meet current financial challenges. As we strive to improve financial capability in future generations, it is important that we look to the primary source of financial education: parents. This qualitative, multigenerational study explored what Millennials and their parents and grandparents (N?=?153) wish they had been taught about finances by their parents, as well as what parents and grandparents wish they had taught their children. Thematic content coding of the interviews revealed three core “I Wish” themes: “Practical Knowledge,” “Financial Stewardship,” and “Open Communication.” These findings can assist researchers, family life educators, financial educators, parents, and future parents to enhance the financial education provided by parents in the home.  相似文献   

Using a long panel of youths, we establish a causal link between parental expectations regarding education and educational attainment. In particular, we use an instrumental variables approach to find that the child’s chances of obtaining a high school or college degree are increasing in the parent’s expectations of the likelihood of these events. We then use differences between the objective likelihood of a child’s educational attainment and the parents’ subjective probabilities to consider the hypothesis that lower educational outcomes among certain groups are driven by a “culture of despair,” where children are low-achieving because they are expected to underachieve. While we do find that children from households with lower levels of income, wealth, and parental education are less likely to attain high school and college degrees, we reject the hypothesis that this is driven by low subjective expectations of educational success. Rather, we find that parents from disadvantaged groups have expectations for the educational outcomes of their children that differ more from the statistical likelihood of these outcomes than do parents of children from advantaged households. That is, we find that parents in more disadvantaged households are more optimistic about the educational outcomes of their children than those from more advantaged households.  相似文献   

We examined factors associated with parents’ reports of three aspects of parent‐child sexual communication, quality, frequency with which parents encouraged questions, and extent of communication, on each of 10 sexual health topics. Participants were 3,413 mothers and 426 fathers with children in kindergarten to grade 8. Parents’ demographic characteristics, own sexual health education, knowledge and comfort talking about sexuality with their children, and ratings of the importance of comprehensive school‐based sex education plus child gender and grade level were uniquely related to their self‐reported sexual communication with their children, although different predictors were associated with various topics. These results highlight the need to include characteristics of parents, their children, and the communication itself in research on parent‐child sexual communication.  相似文献   

We draw on three waves of the Fragile Families Study (N =2,249) to examine family stability among a recent birth cohort of children. We find that children born to cohabiting versus married parents have over five times the risk of experiencing their parents’ separation. This difference in union stability is greatest for White children, as compared with Black or Mexican American children. For White children, differences in parents’ education levels, paternal substance abuse, and prior marriage and children account for the higher instability faced by those born to cohabiting parents, whereas differences in union stability are not fully explained among Black and Mexican American children. These findings have implications for policies aimed at promoting family stability and reducing inequality.  相似文献   

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