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肖仕豪 《社会》2016,36(4):212-240
本文尝试以美、日两国的法制史、社会史为基础论述少年司法制度的社会历史生成机理,并指出有关少年司法、“未成年人”的问题意识的形成都是特定社会背景下的产物。书写文化的出现使得儿童与成人之间产生了质的区分,而工业化、城市化和核心家庭则改变了人们看待儿童的方式,由此现代儿童得以发明。未成年人以现代儿童为蓝本被创造,构成了少年司法制度的基本预设和实践基础。随着新的媒介环境和个体化趋势的展开,儿童自身和人们看待儿童的方式都发生了改变,直接导致了未成年人形象的消解,进而促成了两国少年司法的成人化。  相似文献   

冯军 《学习与探索》2012,(8):64-68,4
刑事司法应当积极追求社会公众的认同,以保障刑事司法社会控制功能效果的最大化。在实现刑事司法公众认同的过程中,刑事司法的权威、社会公众对刑事司法的信赖程度和社会公众的法律信仰问题,都会对刑事司法能否获得公众认同以及认同的程度产生重大影响。  相似文献   

从法律规则运作的层面看 ,司法权威的结构主要是规则、司法主体和司法裁判等权威环节组成的相互作用、不可分割的有机整体。司法权威的结构性集中体现为法律规则及原则的权威由应然到实然的转化过程。其中程序权威、解释权威既是联结法律规则权威和司法判决权威的不可或缺的中介环节 ,又是司法主体和司法判决权威的表现形式 ;而程序权威又与裁判者的中立性和当事人的平等诉讼地位密切关联。应该按照司法权威的结构性要素改造我国的整体诉讼结构。  相似文献   

司法是社会正义的最后一道防线。如何保障每个人能够获得及时有效的司法救济 ,是我国法制建设的主题。民事诉讼程序的改革与完善 ,正处于这一社会工程的前沿。司法不能远离社会 ,要服务于社会 ,要贴近人民大众的生活。  相似文献   

现代各国的刑事诉讼程序结构各有差异,源于不同的刑事司法价值观,司法价值观在刑事司法活动中发挥着深刻的影响,正是不同的价值观构成了不同诉讼程序运作之基础.价值观基本上是一种利益观.在刑事司法活动中,存在着两种基本利益,一种是安全利益,另一种是自由利益.两种不同的基本利益反映了现代刑事诉讼价值观实存状态,从而决定了各个国家的刑事诉讼立法对实体真实与正当法律程序的不同追求.从实际状况来看,实行职权主义诉讼模式的大陆法系国家一般都欣赏实体真实主义,而实行当事人主义诉讼模式的英美法系国家则对正当法律程序有所偏爱.因此,对实体真实和正当法律程序两种特定的司法价值观进行法理分析,最终把握驱动刑事司法制度运行并决定其运行方式的内在利益机制,透视刑事诉讼法律关系,并从根本上把握刑事司法制度的设计与操作理念.  相似文献   

张贺 《社科纵横》2014,(3):72-78
新修订的刑事诉讼法增加的未成年人刑事案件诉讼程序无疑反映了中国构建独立的少年司法制度的倾向。作为未成年人案件不可或缺的社会调查制度应弃旧扬新,从少年司法理念中获得正当化基础。检察机关在审查起诉中要以此为指导构建细致的社会调查制度,并探索建立其适用规则,为包括附条件不起诉在内的未成人年转处提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

只有法官具有分辨是非的能力和威信,才能对引起当事人利益冲突的事实或法律争议问题作出具有权威性的司法判断;只有司法裁判具有足够的说服力,才能使司法获得公众信任;只有社会公众认同司法的确定力,才能产生对司法过程及其结果的信任和尊重。因此,司法公信力是司法自治力、司法说服力和司法确定力的有机统一。  相似文献   

建设社会主义政治文明的应有之义就是要建立一套保障在全社会实现公平和正义的社会主义司法制度。完善司法机关的机构设置、职权划分和管理制度 ,可以从制度上保证司法机关依法独立公正地行使司法权 ;完善诉讼程序 ,可以从程序上保障全社会实现公平和正义 :加强对司法工作的监督 ,惩治司法领域中的腐败 ,可以从队伍建设上保证司法公正。  相似文献   

以最高法院为代表,法国司法模式的显著特征是三段论式的简洁判决和近乎封闭式的诉讼程序。尽管该模式受到了比较法学家和法国国内一些学者的批评,法国司法在其本国社会的正当性却极少遭遇挑战。这种"反常"现象的原因在于:法国传统上形成了社会对三权分立与消极主义司法权的认知,同时依靠其程序安排、司法官僚体系和精英主义的职业选拔与评价机制获得民众信任,以超越"消极司法"的范围而履行其作为国家机关的政治和管理职责。这种司法正当性的"二元化"与美国司法模式形成鲜明对比,也给中国的司法改革带来启示。  相似文献   

论和谐社会构建中的司法哲学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐社会的建构应以法治为根基。法治在司法上表现为认真对待规则,重视文义解释,尊重法律文本的权威。司法克制抑或司法能动体现了法官释法的两种不同的司法哲学,其主要分歧在于法官行使自由裁量权的范围或限度。当下的法官拥有广泛的法律解释权,司法能动处于无序状态,应予以合理规制;法官应当奉行司法克制主义,认真对待和尊重规则,依据法律文本的含义解释法律,从而建构裁判规范,以确保法律意义的安全与稳定。  相似文献   


This study examines the School-to-Prison Pipeline (STPP) by identifying individual legal and extra-legal variables and school-level factors that predict juvenile/criminal justice involvement using 2006–2012 matched data from education and justice systems (n?=?21,457). The role of school disengagement is also assessed, measuring unexcused absences that follow suspensions in the previous academic year. For the court-involved subsample (n?=?7349), after controlling for student behavior, demographic, and school-level factors; extra-legal racial differences remain a significant factor in determining higher counts of felonies with African American and Multi-racial students at increased likelihood (1.65 and 1.86 times, respectively for the higher latent class) of juvenile/criminal justice involvement as compared with White students. And, although White students were found to either be more disengaged or equally disengaged when compared with students of color, sharp differences in criminal justice involvement and outcomes exist by race/ethnicity. These findings suggest that addressing the STPP will require future research and focus on more than individual-level behaviors (school disengagement and school-based offenses) and attention to the impact of extra-legal variables and systemic implicit bias.  相似文献   


Many of the same factors that predict delinquent behavior also predict adolescent drug use. This study examined factors that predict, and interventions that maximize, substance abuse treatment retention in three modalities among high-risk Anglo, Mexican American, and African American juvenile offenders. The study sample includes youth (N = 211) who were discharged from probation supervision and who received substance abuse services through a CSAT-funded federal demonstration project. The key predictors examined included the stage-of-change (i.e., precontemplation, contemplation, preparation) in which a juvenile fell, various dimensions captured by the Comprehensive Addiction Severity Index for Adolescents, and other intervention status (probation, case management, and mental health treatment). The research questions were addressed using statistical models known as survival analysis that treated time from entry into substance abuse treatment to exit from substance abuse treatment as the outcomes. Among key findings were that females were 73% more likely to leave day treatment relative to males; for each additional family problem ever experienced, Mexican American adolescents were 15% more likely to leave residential treatment compared with African American adolescents; and African American and Mexican American adolescents in the contemplation stage-of-change were 50% less likely to leave day treatment compared with Anglo adolescents. Applications for practice and research with this population are discussed.  相似文献   

自1979年刑事诉讼法公布实施以来,中国刑事诉讼体系的构建逐步走过了一条精致化、细腻化的发展历程,形成了相对完整的刑事诉讼框架,并逐步实现了与世界现代刑事诉讼理念的衔接。2012年3月14日《全国人民代表大会关于修改〈中华人民共和国刑事诉讼法〉的决定》的通过,凸显了中国立法机关保障人权、推进法治现代化建设的巨大努力,也是对长期改革成果的巩固和吸收。全面审视此次刑事诉讼修正案的框架内容,对于今后刑事诉讼体系的继续完善具有重要意义。  相似文献   

While researchers have found that African American youth experience higher levels of juvenile justice involvement at every system level (arrest, sentencing, and incarceration) relative to their other ethnic counterparts, few studies have explored how juvenile justice involvement and number of contacts might be correlated with this broad range of problems. A convenience sample of 638 African American adolescents living in predominantly low-income, urban communities participated in a survey related to juvenile justice involvement. Major findings using logistic regression models indicated that adolescents who reported juvenile justice system involvement versus no involvement were 2.3 times as likely to report mental health problems, substance abuse, and delinquent or youth offending behaviors. Additional findings documented that the higher the number of juvenile justice system contacts, the higher the rates of delinquent behaviors, alcohol and marijuana use, sex while high on drugs, and commercial sex. These findings suggest that identifying and targeting youth who have multiple juvenile justice system contacts, especially those in low-resourced communities for early intervention services, may be beneficial. Future research should examine whether peer network norms might mediate the relationships between juvenile justice involvement and youth problem behaviors.  相似文献   

This paper explores the construction of Islam as abject and the symbolic positioning of Muslims as being outside secular modernity in Australia through an analysis of the way the criminal legal process and perceptions of criminality are culturalised. The empirical focus is gang rape and the trials of Muslim youth on gang rape charges in Sydney between 2000–2003 which quickly became culturally inflected as ‘Muslim’ and ‘Lebanese’ by media reporting of the criminal trials and moral panic about them as source of social menace. Three dimensions of culturalisation of crime and the criminalisation of culture are identified in the criminal legal process and media reporting of it; firstly the cultural inflection of new laws against gang rape by their association with particular events and trials; secondly the introduction of ‘cultural defence’ by the accused as a mitigating factor in the criminal legal process; thirdly, media reporting and commentary on criminal cases which emphasize cultural explanations for individual criminal behaviour.  相似文献   


In recent decades, restorative justice has gained considerable recognition worldwide and has become a prominent option for diverting juveniles away from the traditional criminal justice system as well as delivering fair and just outcomes in the justice process. This paper provides an overview of how the criminal justice system operates for juvenile offenders in the People’s Republic of China (hereafter, China). Based on a sophisticated literature review of recent Chinese academic journal articles on restorative justice for juveniles, the paper presents an analysis of the characteristics and operational procedures of current practices. Deficits and potential future developments pertaining to Chinese restorative practices for delinquents are also discussed.  相似文献   

在法律领域,特别是在诉讼等争端解决领域,司法机关可以通过简化简单多数和优化复杂少数实现最优司法资源的配置。司法机关简化简单多数,是要在保证法律主体基本权利的前提下,本着简化程序而不简化权利的原则降低司法活动的边际成本,提高司法效率并促进司法公正。基于被告人认罪案件审理的定量分析结果,中国刑事司法领域通过简化简单多数来优化复杂少数的资源配置机制还有较大空间。2012年《刑事诉讼法》确认的被告人认罪案件简易程序的实施,需要充分保障被告人获得律师帮助的权利,并提高侦查、起诉和审判等环节的司法效率,才能在整体上科学配置刑事司法资源并有效促进司法公正。  相似文献   

青少年犯罪心理分析与教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青少年犯罪问题是全世界普遍关注的社会问题。该文从青少年独立性意向和认识能力、具体条件和环境影响、主观因素、个性结构特征、动机五个方面 ,分析了青少年犯罪的心理因素 ,最后就如何最大限度地预防和减少青少年犯罪 ,提出了六个方面的教育方法  相似文献   

A fundamental premise behind the judicial transfer (used in 46 of 50 states) decision is that serious and repeat juvenile offenders have little or no chance of rehabilitation in the Juvenile Justice System. Those juveniles who are considered “untreatable” are believed to be best dealt with by criminal justice sentencing practices that emphasize retribution and deterrence. A survey was administered to juvenile court judges (1,040) across the United States to explore the possible role of attitudes on judicial transfer decisions. The findings indicate that judges’ attitudes as well as other factors such as type and severity of abuse, the type of weapon used in an offense, the number of participants involved, and the use of a drug affect their transfer decisions. Importantly, the results also suggest that in addition to legal factors judicial transfer decisions may be affected by a complex array of socio-cultural and psychological factors.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to analyze international experience and legislation on the protection of children's rights, to assess the state of this issue in the national space of Kazakhstan, to conduct a comparative analysis and the level of implementation of the provisions of international conventions. To achieve the set goals and tasks, to ensure the reliability of the results and conclusions obtained, a system of methods of scientific cognition was used, which, in conjunction with general logical methods and techniques, made it possible to comprehensively and effectively investigate the administrative and legal support for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of child protection. The formation of the international legal framework for the formation of a system for the protection of children's rights is studied. The level of Kazakhstan's accession to the implementation of international documents in the field of children's rights protection has been determined. The main directions of non-compliance with international regulations in Kazakhstan according to the conclusions of the UN (United Nations) committees are described. The level of priority of this direction of state policy for the government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its normative regulation is assessed. The system of juvenile justice in the country and the situation of children in the Republic of Kazakhstan is analyzed according to the reports of the relevant authorities.  相似文献   

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