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王英  谭琳 《人口学刊》2011,(1):32-41
如何提升老年人口的生存发展能力、促进其社会参与和全面发展、提高其生活质量是老龄化社会必须要面临的挑战。老年教育作为实现积极老龄化的重要途径正在引起普遍关注。"赋权增能"的中国老年教育定位通过制度、机制、环境和心理的赋权,保障老年人受教育权利,通过提升老年人生活掌控能力、变化适应能力和社会参与能力,促进"老有所养"、"老有所医",实现"老有所为"和"老有所乐",并最终保障老年人与家庭、社区和社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

杨雪  王瑜龙 《人口学刊》2020,42(3):66-77
人口老龄化已成为中国社会的常态,老年人口健康及其相关问题研究日益成为政府、社会和学者共同关注的焦点。本文基于中国健康与养老追踪调查2015年数据,针对老年人口社交活动难以量化的问题,构建"社交活跃度"指标,利用OLS回归和IV-regress二阶段回归模型分析社交活动对中国老年人口健康状况的影响。实证结果表明:第一,我国老年人社交活动水平整体呈现低活跃型特征,社交形式比较单一。第二,社交活动确实会对中国老年人口的健康状况产生影响,老年人健康状况在各影响因素不同水平下表现出显著差异,尤其受教育程度较高、经济状况较好以及较高的社交活跃度会对老年人健康产生积极正向影响。第三,老年人积极参与社交活动能够显著改善其健康状况,参与多项社交活动且参与活动频率高对老年人口健康状况的优化作用尤其明显。因此,我们应提升中国老年人口的社交活跃度。老年人应积极主动参与丰富多彩的社交活动,社区、基层政府及社会企业应构建并完善与老年人社交活动及健康保障相配套的产品和服务体系,国家层面则应更加积极地完善相关的老龄化政策、制度。  相似文献   

21世纪我国老年人口规模与老年人力资源开发   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
21世纪上半叶将是老年人口数量及老龄化突进的时期。老年人力资源是人力资源构成的重要组成部分 ,建立市场机制 ,把老年人愿为现代化建设作贡献的主观愿望和能力 ,与社会发展对老年人力资源的客观需要 ,合理、有效地结合 ,促进人口经济协调发展  相似文献   

老年群体的社会信任不仅是其获得满意感、幸福感和安全感的重要途径,还对促进经济增长、维护社会稳定具有积极作用,在老龄化和数字信息化时代背景下分析网络参与对老年人社会信任的影响具有非常重要的意义。本文基于中国综合社会调查(CGSS)2018年微观数据,运用Probit模型分析网络参与对老年人社会信任的影响并对其中的异质性和具体作用机理进行探讨。研究结果发现在控制其他变量的前提下,以互联网为主要信息来源显著降低了老年人的社会信任概率,采用工具变量法处理内生性后结论依然稳健。控制变量中的老年人年龄、受教育程度、户籍和党派均对其社会信任产生显著影响。在性别方面,以互联网为主要信息来源对不同性别老年群体的社会信任产生大致相当的负面影响;在地区方面,以互联网为主要信息来源仅对东部地区老年人的社会信任产生显著负面影响,而对中部和西部地区老年人产生正面但却不显著的影响,呈现出明显的空间异质性。此外,频繁与邻居朋友聚会和频繁使用传统媒介均能够中和互联网使用对老年人社会信任的消极作用。基于上述结论,建议加强网络环境安全建设,提升老年人信息素养水平,帮助老年群体形成健康的网络参与行为习惯,在普及老年人网络参与...  相似文献   

文章基于中国老年社会追踪调查(CLASS)2014、2016和2018年数据,探讨中国老年人志愿服务参与的特征及其动态变化,并采用工具变量法和多种稳健性检验方法,实证分析了老年人参与志愿服务活动对自身福祉水平的影响及其潜在机制。研究结果表明,老年人参与志愿服务活动能够显著提升自身健康状况、降低抑郁风险、增强社会适应能力和生活幸福感,从而有效改善自身福祉水平。机制分析表明,老年人在参与志愿服务的过程中获得了更多的角色认同、技能提升和社会互动,从而提升了福祉水平。异质性分析表明,居住在农村、受教育程度较低和不与子女同住的老年群体从志愿服务参与中受益更大,性别和年龄差异则不显著。文章结论表明,广泛推动志愿服务参与能充分挖掘老年“银发资源”,推动实现积极老龄化。  相似文献   

通过对1982-2010年间我国老年人口年龄别死亡概率的考察显示,近30年来我国老年人口的死亡概率随时间推移而不断降低,表明我国老年群体的健康状况和年龄内涵正在发生改变.与此同时,经济社会环境的变化和科学技术的发展极大地改变了老年人口的生活生产方式,也提供了更多的参与经济社会活动的能力与机会,从而使得后世代的老年人往往比前世代的老年人"更健康"、"更年轻",因此,有必要重新思考对老年人的传统定义.此外,中国老年人口死亡概率的变化也表现出明显的性别差异、地区差异以及与发达国家的差距,说明对中国来讲,要完成死亡模式的根本转化仍有很长的路要走.在充分认识这些差异性的基础上重新定义老年,将使得我们对老龄社会有一个全新的认识,也将有助于我们重构未来常态化老龄社会的公共政策体系.  相似文献   

中国老年人经济保障的背景、问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了中国老年人经济保障的人口与经济背景,分析了目前老年人经济保障三个主渠道分别面临的主要问题。在中国,大部分老年人尤其是农村老年人长期通过大家庭、社区互助和其他非正规机制得到照顾,但非正规养老制度的作用正在降低。而由政府支持的正规机制问题重重,由市场参与的个人保障行为则刚刚起步。本文提出了在遵循保护老年人和促进经济增长两条基本原则的基础上,政府应选择建立包含大量积累成份的多支柱养老体制及其他对策。人口老龄化,不仅仅是危机,更是一种挑战  相似文献   

中国特色的人口老龄化过程、前景和对策   总被引:47,自引:2,他引:47  
基于基本国情 ,中国老龄化具有老年人数多、老龄化速度快、未富先老和老龄化地区差别大的特点。老年人健康长寿水平与发达地区有很大差距 ,中国老龄政策要把老年人健康作为优先考虑的内容。老龄化速度快是低生育的结果 ,应充分利用“人口红利”为老龄化做好物质准备。老龄政策必须与经济社会发展水平相适应。在未富先老的条件下 ,老年人提高生活质量必须政府主导、社会参与、群众支持  相似文献   

韩振燕  郑娜娜 《西北人口》2011,32(2):102-106
计划生育政策的实施、劳动力人口的流动以及人们生活观念与方式的变化.家庭结构逐渐核心化和空巢化,空巢老人越来越多。为了预防空巢老人心理痰病,提高老年人适应能力和心理素质,我们对南京市鼓楼区独居空巢老人及其社区工作人员进行问卷调查和深入访谈,了解老人的心理需求和南京市老年社会服务发展现状,提出应逐步提高老年人生活质量,完善社会保障体系,构建社会服务支持网络,发展老年社会服务,实现者年人的积极老龄化、健康老龄化,促进社会协调发展。  相似文献   

我国老年人口的规模和比例持续增加,即将进入中度老龄化社会。人口老龄化问题不仅使老年人的健康保障面临着严峻的挑战,也使我国的社会经济发展面临着诸多困难。随着我国互联网事业的不断发展和普及,老年网民群体的规模迅速壮大,老年人使用互联网也对自身产生了非常重要的影响。了解互联网使用对我国老年人口健康状况的影响机理以及这种影响在不同群体之间的异质性,可以使互联网在今后的发展过程中更好地为老年人服务,进而促进健康老龄化和积极老龄化。使用2017年中国综合社会调查数据(CGSS),首先对老年人的互联网使用状况和健康状况进行描述性分析,再使用二元Logit回归模型分析互联网使用对老年健康的影响,并通过替换核心解释变量和利用倾向得分匹配方法进行稳健性检验,然后使用广义结构方程模型探索互联网使用影响老年健康的机制,最后运用分样本回归对不同老年群体进行异质性分析。研究发现:互联网使用对老年人的身心健康状况都有显著的正向影响。互联网使用通过社交途径对老年人的身心健康状况有正向影响,通过学习途径仅对老年人的身体健康状况有正向影响,不通过休闲途径影响老年人的身心健康状况。互联网使用对低龄老年人和城市老年人的客观身体健康状况有更高水平的正向影响。  相似文献   

Educational institutions are major cultural and social systems that police and regulate the living out of multicultural and multisexual queer identities, yet which also provide sites for anti-discriminatory responses to the marginalization of these multiple, hybrid identities. Censorship and disapproval (both real and imagined) together with informal codes and regulations for inclusion and representation within school and college communities reflect and reproduce formal debates within the wider society, and within ethnic, feminist, and gay/lesbian communities. Through a series of "Diary Entries," I document my work and experiences with educational groups in both secondary and tertiary education in Australia in recent years-in what a bicultural, bisexual teacher-friend calls "teachers' professional development playgrounds." I explore dilemmas, concerns and strategies for placing "multiculturalism" on the "multisexual" agenda and, conversely, for placing "multisexuality" on the "multicultural" agenda.  相似文献   

A critical development goal involves reducing subsistence farming and encouraging entrepreneurship and formal sector employment. A growing number of studies examine cross-national variation in the rates of subsistence farming, marginal self-employment, formal employment, and prosperous entrepreneurship by level of development. However, despite significant regional disparities in development within most low-to-middle-income countries, little is known about how development at the local level is associated with labor market patterns. Using a pooled cross section containing four waves of data from the Mexican Census (1990–2015), this study investigates the relationship between social development and municipal workforce composition. In the 1980s, Mexico initiated an ambitious and multipronged development agenda intended to reduce extreme regional disparities in educational attainment, housing quality, access to utilities, and poverty. This study measures social development using a multi-dimensional measure that captures educational attainment, housing quality, access to utilities, and poverty. Laborers are separated into employed, own-account workers, and employers, with each category divided into agricultural and non-agricultural. In a second set of analyses, non-agricultural own-account workers are categorized as high and low growth potential and non-agricultural wage workers are separated into informal and formal sector. Results from fixed effects regression models indicate that local development significantly reduces the rate of own-account agricultural work and increases non-agricultural wage labor and employer self-employment. As less developed areas advance, the largest initial increase in non-agricultural work is in the informal sector. But, in more developed communities, social development increasingly predicts growth in formal sector employment and more selective entry into non-agricultural own-account work. The findings suggest that investment in community-level social development has the potential to reduce subsistence self-employment, encourage formal sector work, and promote entrepreneurship. Yet, the greatest gains occur in communities that already have mid to high levels of social development.  相似文献   

老年人的养老意愿是建立养老服务体系必须考虑的重要方面.文章根据中国人民大学2014年"中国老年社会追踪调查"数据,分析我国老年人的养老意愿及其影响因素.采用多分类Logit回归模型比较城市和农村老年人的居住意愿.分析发现城市老年人的居住意愿受个体、家庭、社区三类因素的共同影响,呈现多元化特点,而对农村老年人居住意愿有显著影响的因素则基本集中于家庭因素.结果表明城市老年人更趋向于独立居住或入住养老机构,而农村老年人对社会养老服务的需求更取决于家庭成员的态度和支持程度.  相似文献   

This article aims to ascertain whether organizational life and informal connections, which made up part of Putnam’s (Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community. Simon & Schuster, New York, 2000) Social Capital Index, have separate effects on social cohesion. Postulating that informal gatherings with family and friends might be a functional alternative to associational life, we employed multiple regression analysis to test the hypothesis. The analysis was based on a 2011 territory-wide door-to-door survey in Hong Kong. Controlling for the effects of demographic variables including gender, age, educational level, and employment status, it was found that formal participation in organizations contributed significantly to the explanation in five of the eight subindexes of social cohesion. In contrast, informal connections contributed significantly only to one subindex. The pattern persisted when attitudinal variables such as life satisfaction, social support, and perceived social class were added to the regression analysis. In short, our analysis demonstrated that participation in formal organizations fosters various aspects of social cohesion, and that this effect cannot be replaced by informal gatherings with family and friends.  相似文献   

社区服务型居家养老的社会支持系统研究   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
我国是一个农业大国,农村老年人口占总人口的比例较高。随着我国人口老龄化趋势的加剧,农村养老问题日益突出。社区服务型居家养老符合农村实际情况,是解决农村养老问题的有效途径。居家养老需要来自社区、政府、社会等诸多方面的、比较完备的社会支持。目前,我国正在积极倡导新农村建设,在这一有利契机下,我们要将社区服务型居家养老与新农村建设有效结合,通过新农村建设要为农村居家养老提供相关的社会支持,并逐步建立农村居家养老的社会支持系统,促进农村居家养老的实现。  相似文献   

S Ding 《人口研究》1983,(6):18-23
The social and historical development of population and education is subject to the restriction of the means of production. Although it is not the major factor in determing the direction of social development, it has a great impact on social progress and historical development. The scale and level of educational development are not only influenced by social and economic conditions but are also related to the scale of population growth and the number of people who receive an education. In studies of the relationship between the population and education, special attention should be given to the impact of population growth upon education as well as the everlasting influence of education upon the population structure and social mobility. Since 1949, because of a rapid population growth, the existing educational system in China has suffered severe damage and destruction. There have been an insufficient number of schools and a shortage of funds for education for quite some time, and the population growth has caused great pressure on education. The relationship between the population and education in a modern society is a rather complicated problem. As a country with a large population and a backward education, China needs to develop its education and promote its population quality in order that favorable conditions may be created for the overall development of Socialist modernization.  相似文献   

The concept of social capital has become very popular but its definition and measurement are still rather unclear. We frame our study in one of its components, social participation. In this article we develop an optimal measure for social participation based on the questions asked in the first round of the European Social Survey. Our analyses suggest that a distinction has to be made between informal and formal participation because they relate very differently to other variables such as age, education, political action and happiness. We also found that these two types of participation had hardly any relationship with other important components of the social capital construct, such as social trust and political trust. The latter result does not devalue the validity of the developed indices for informal and formal participation but suggests that participation and trust should be considered formative indicators of social capital.  相似文献   

本文从一个两期的世代交叠模型入手,分析了人口老龄化对储蓄和社会养老保障支出的影响。在此基础上运用动态GMM模型对我国2000~2008年地区面板数据进行实证分析。研究结果表明:第一,人均居民储蓄滞后项对基期储蓄的影响作用较大且高度显著;当期老年人口抚养比对人均居民储蓄的影响为负,上期老年人口抚养比对居民储蓄并没有显著影响。第二,人均养老保障支出滞后项对当期人均养老保障支出影响作用较大且高度显著;当期老年人口抚养比对人均养老保障支出有促进作用,而上期老年人口抚养比抑制了人均养老保障支出的增加。  相似文献   

春运问题的人口社会学分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
春运是近十多年来在中国形成的一大独特的社会现象,因在短期内集中引发诸多问题而成为人们日益关注的社会问题。春运既是当代中国社会结构变迁的产物,又蕴涵着丰富的传统文化意味,春运问题实质上是现代与传统冲突的结果。社会结构空间上的人口流动、社会发展的不均衡以及制度性约束是春运问题产生的根源,因而要从根本上解决春运问题,必须加快城乡、区域的均衡发展,同步推进城市化与农村建设,促进社会结构的日趋合理与稳定。  相似文献   

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