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温家宝总理在今年的《政府工作报告》中强调:“加强人口与计划生育工作。稳定现行生育政策和低生育水平,提高出生人口素质,综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题”。  相似文献   

丁仁船  吴瑞君 《西北人口》2009,30(2):15-17,21
大规模的独生子女进入婚育期以及我国差异化的人口控制政策,必然使政策生育率上升。其后果主要表现为:一、理论上每年出生人数增加约160万。使我国人口峰值提高了约4800万;二、弱化我国人口政策的区域差异所导致的人口素质“逆淘汰”,加快人口素质的提高,同时长期偏高的出生性别比也将得到一定程度的缓和;三、城镇将出现大量的“四二一”家庭,而且家庭空巢阶段也将提前到来,空巢家庭比例快速上升。  相似文献   

魏来 《西北人口》2006,(3):30-33
中国是世界第一人口大国,也是出生缺陷高发国家。在庞大的人口数量压力还未减轻的同时,又面临着出生人口素质偏低的客观现实,严重制约了我国整体人口素质的提高。本文分析了我国出生人口素质偏低的原因,重点探讨了出生人口素质偏低对社会经济、家庭和个体发展的影响,在其基础上提出了有针对性的对策措施。  相似文献   

我国是人口大国,也是出生缺陷发生数量较高的国家。出生缺陷直接影响家庭幸福,影响综合国力和国际竞争力的提升,影响全面小康目标的实现。减少出生缺陷发生,提高出生人口素质已经成为国家经济社会发展的重大需求,也是重大的民生问题,党中央、国务院高度重视提高出生人口素质工作,党的十七大报告、中央《决定》都把提高出生人口素质列为统筹解决人口问题的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

北京市西城区在人口和计划生育工作实现了思路和方法的两个转变后,从2005年开始,围绕稳定低生育水平,提高出生人口素质,着眼于预防出生缺陷,全面启动了“社区健康生育全程服务工程”,积极探索有效预防和实施出生缺陷干预、提高出生人口素质的社会化公共服务新模式。一、提高出生人口素质社会化公共服务模式的内容和目标  相似文献   

中国出生人口质量的现状与干预途径   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
出生人口质量是决定人口素质的自然属性的基础。在稳定低生育水平的形 势下,提高出生人口质量成为至关重要的人口问题。笔者详细分析了中国出生人口质量的 现状,探讨了中国人口的出生缺陷总发生率,并分析了出生缺陷的结局和在现有条件下, 干预影响出生人口质量负面因素的途径及可行性。  相似文献   

新时期人口计生工作的主要任务仍然是持续稳定低生育水平、统筹解决人口问题、促进人的全面发展。提高出生人口素质是统筹解决人口问题的一项重要内容。建立免费孕前优生健康检查政策体系,其目的就是要让每一对计划怀孕的夫妇都能享受到免费检查,有效降低出生缺陷的发生,切实提高出生人口素质。甘肃省永昌县作为国家免费孕前优生健康检查项目县,于2011年5月全面启动了该项目。  相似文献   

现代化发展离不开人才,高科技竞争需要人才,人口素质问题已日益引起人们的关注。江泽民主席强调:优生问题“是关系到中华民族兴旺发达的大事。优生是全面提高人口素质的前提条件,是我国人口政策不可分割的重要内容。”提高人口素质主要分为优生与优育两个方面,而优生是指提高人口的先天素质,即避免出生缺陷的产生,保证后代出生优良。这是一个远比控制人口数量难度更大、更为复杂的问题。人口先天素质的提高,不仅需要努力研究和发展优生遗传科学技术,还需要不断改善和维护人类生存环境,为下一代的健康成长提供良好的生活条件。江苏…  相似文献   

提高出生人口素质是统筹解决人口问题的一项重要任务。推进优生工程是提高出生人口素质的重要载体。如何全面系统规范地把优生工程推向深入发展,是当前各级政府和人口计生部门面临的一项重要课题。近年来,青岛市大胆探索,积极实践,在推进优生工程方面走出了一条新路子,为构建和谐社会创造了良好的人口环境。  相似文献   

加强出生缺陷干预 提高出生人口素质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出生缺陷严重影响着出生人口素质,出生人口素质决定并影响着整体人口素质,关系到国家繁荣富强和民族的兴旺发达,关系着可持续发展战略和全面建设小康目标的实现。辽宁省卫生厅从1995年起启动了省级出生缺陷监测工作,现根据监测资料,对全省出生缺陷状况进行分析,并就提高全省出生人口素质的策略措施提出建议。一、出生缺陷基本状况目前辽宁省对51所医院分娩的孕满28周至出生后7天的72747例围产儿实施了出生缺陷重点监测,对各级各类医院分娩的围产儿实行了出生缺陷报告制度,其监测疾病为23种,现就有关情况分析如下:1郾出生缺陷总发生率。2003…  相似文献   

深圳市人口承载力分析及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文运用系统动力学的方法。综合分析了在不同方案下土地与水等资源性因素对深圳未来人口承载力的影响。并根据对不同方案的结果以及它们对深圳城市发展的影响的评价,从人口、资源环境、政策法律和产业结构等方面提出了缓解深圳人口承载压力的政策建议。  相似文献   

西部大开发应转换观念,从过去一味追求经济效益最大化,转换到以人口发展效益最大化上来,树立“三种意识”:计划生育意识、人口素质意识、生活质量意识。在西部大开发中,计划生育是前提,人口素质是关键,生活质量是目的。在实践中充实和完善“三结合”,稳步实现小平同志“三步走”的发展战略,充分体现马克思主义“以人为本”的社会发展观。  相似文献   

中国的人口素质逆淘汰问题不仅是多学科的研究对象,而且是学术界争论的焦点。本文从城乡不同的生育率是造成人口素质逆淘汰的原因出发,采取定性分析和定量分析相结合的方法,指出静态社会中的确存在人口素质逆淘汰,但城镇化不仅控制了人口数量,而且提高了人口素质,因此,加大高等教育的投入和改善医疗卫生条件等提高我国人口素质的根本途径应和推进城镇化相结合,才能达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

In the process of Socialist construction and modernization, the development of the population of national minorities deserves our attention because it is directly related to the economic and cultural development in the areas inhabited by such national minorities, and it has a great impact on the welfare and future of those people. Moreover, the population growth of the minorities is a key factor in the national population control strategy. A rapid population growth among the minorities has caused serious problems in distribution of farm land and food supply, low personal income, a rise in the unemployment rate, and a rise in the illiteracy rate. This has prevented a rise in the living standard among the minority population. In order to prevent and solve population problems among the minorities, we must take appropriate measures according to local conditions to control population increases. Through popularization of education, population growth may be put under control. For those people who volunteer to practice family planning, the government should provide all kinds of assistance. At the same time, an effort is needed to introduce the necessity of improving birth quality, to popularize new methods of child birth, and to develop health and medical care for the general public, so that the quality of the minority population may be gradually improved.  相似文献   

韩国出生性别比失衡的公共治理及对中国的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
韩国出生性别比呈现先上升后下降的态势,韩国出生性别比偏高的直接原因是性别选择流、引产,而传统文化是根源性的原因,韩国性别失衡带来一系列社会后果,影响了韩国的社会稳定;韩国政府出台了一系列旨在维护女童权益、反对歧视女性、提高女性地位的法律法规;韩国的公民社会也作出了许多有益的尝试,通过公共治理,出生性别比出现显著下降,而且女性地位得到较大提升;韩国性别比失衡问题的治理对中国解决相关人口问题有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

试论人口对生态平衡的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
从人口数量和人口素质两个方面分析了人口对生态平衡的影响。指出:维护生态平衡,必须坚定不移地坚持计划生育的基本国策,努力控制人口增长,提高人口素质。  相似文献   

This discussion of some problems regarding the policy of controlling population growth in China focuses on the formation and the development of the policies of planned population growth control, how demands of modernization require a policy of only 1 child for each couple, and the need for ideological education as well as essential economical and administrative measures. The process of forming and developing the population control policies of China can be divided into 3 phases: the mid-50s to the early 1970s; the early 1970s to March 5, 1978 -- the date the new constitution became effective; and March 5, 1978 to the present. The 1st formal policy on planned popultion control emerged in 1956 at the 8th national meeting of the Communist party. The necessity for propagating planned birth control and advocating planned birth was recognized at this time. During the 2nd phase, the planned birth program was almost stopped by interference from an anti-revolutionary group. The maladjustment between population development and economic development were getting worse during the 1966-1971 period. Health services in both rural and urban areas were developed, and maternal and child health care services were reinforced in order to lower the death rate and to increase the practice of birth planning. The objective was to adjust the birth rate by improving production development and the living coinditions of the people. The new constitution indicated that the country should advocate and practice planned birth. The special committee on planned birth of the State Council, meeting in June 1978, established guidelines for the national planned birth program. The population policy of only 1 child for each couple was proposed for the longterm benefit of China and its people and because of the urgent demand of the 4 modernizations. The indication of the achievement of the 4 modernizations by the end of the 20th century is a per capita income of 1000 United States dollars. To reach the $1000 figure, the per capita income needs to be increased 3-fold. This is a difficult task, and to realize it effort must be placed on both material production and population control. Problems that may result from the advocation of only 1 child for each couple are reviewed. The way to promote the exeuction of the policy of planned control of population growth is to apply ideological education as the major method and to integrate it with economical and administrative measures.  相似文献   

James C. McCann 《Demography》1976,13(2):259-272
This paper describes a method of estimating life expectancy at birth on the basis of crude vital rates. The method is derived from stable population theory and it furnishes good estimates insofar as the current crude vital rates of a population are close to its intrinsic rates. This condition is generally met in closed populations which have not experienced sharp movements in fertility. The method is useful for estimating life expectancy in developing nations with good sample registration systems but for which information on age is of poor quality. It is also useful for estimating the movement of life expectancy in certain European nations in the period prior to regular census taking. There are a number of nations and regions in Europe for which long series of birth and death rates are available but for which census age counts are widely spaced.  相似文献   

We use data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study to investigate the association between coparenting quality and nonresident fathers' involvement with children over the first five years after a nonmarital birth. We find that about one year after a nonmarital birth, 48% of fathers are living away from their child, rising to 56% and then to 63% at three and five years, respectively Using structural equation models to estimate cross-lagged effects, we find that positive coparenting is a strong predictor of nonresident fathers' future involvement, whereas fathers' involvement is only a weak (but significant) predictor of future coparenting quality. The positive effect of coparenting quality on fathers' involvement is robust across several techniques designed to address unobserved heterogeneity and across different strategies for handling missing data. We conclude that parents' ability to work together in rearing their common child across households helps keep nonresident fathers connected to their children and that programs aimed at improving parents' ability to communicate may have benefits for children irrespective of whether the parents' romantic relationship remains intact.  相似文献   

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