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现代企业制度是国际市场经济体制下适应社会化大生产需要的企业制度。在我国建立现代化企业制度的目的是寻求公有制与市场经济相结合的有效途径。 我们所要建立的现代化制度,是适应社会主义市场经济需要的,产权清晰、责任明确、政企分开、管理科学的企业制度。现代企业制度的基本要点是:1、企业法人制度。企业要进入市场,成为市场竞争主体,就必须是能够独立享有民事权利,承担民事责任的经济实体。企业是出资者依照法律构造的一种经营组织,并使其  相似文献   

笔者认为,将来我国的社会主义市场经济体制所面临的趋势仍是继续向着市场改革的方向全局性整体推进。具体有五个基本组成构建。 一、现代企业制度。国家要用当代市场经济普遍采用的经济运行机制来调整现代企业制度,就是用公司制度(有限责任公司或股份有限公司)来改组现有国有企业,再通过建立这样的企业制度,实现公有制特别作为国民经济支柱的国有大中型企业同市场经济的有机结合,从而建立一套完整的组织制度的  相似文献   

储小华 《浙江统计》2001,(11):18-19
建立现代企业制度是发展社会化大生产和社会主义市场经济的必然要求 ,是公有制与市场经济相结合的必然途径 ,是国有中小企业改革的重要出路。而要建立现代企业制度首先必须解决企业产权关系问题 ,企业产权制度是现代企业制度的基础和核心 ,是现代企业制度的最基本的特征。对国有中小企业来说 ,实施多元投资主体改制 ,吸纳多方参股 ,实现“两个置换 ,两个退出” ,使国有资产从国企中退出或部分退出 ,使职工从国有身份中退出 ,是搞活国有中小型企业 ,明确企业财产关系、明晰产权的有效途径 ,也是国有中小企业建立现代企业制度的客观要求。一、…  相似文献   

现代企业制度是适应社会化大生产和市场经济发展要求的,以产权制度为核心,以有限责任制度为保证,以现代公司制企业为主要形式的,产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的新型企业制度。建立现代企业制度是我国建立社会主义市场经济的客观要求,是我国企业制度改革的方向。本文  相似文献   

彭荆 《山西统计》1999,(8):29-30
在现代经济生活中,企业起着决定性的作用。企业是国民经济的细胞,经济体制的改革和完善,必然要归结到企业改革和新的企业制度的建立上。党的十四大把社会主义市场经济确立为我国经济体制改革的目标和方向,而社会主义市场经济是现代市场经济,其重要特征之一就是现代企业组织的有效运作以及现代企业制度的建立。我国在由计划经济向市场经济的改革进程中,有着别国所没有的特殊性,唯有认清这种特殊性,才能使我们找到一条适合我国国情的现代企业制度构建之路。一、我国经济体制改革的特殊性我国的经济体制改革就是要从计划经济体制转变为…  相似文献   

现代企业制度正在我省健康发展江苏省体改委谢露夏建立社会主义市场经济体制,是我国经济体制改革的目标。在社会主义市场经济体制中,企业是市场的主体,建立现代企业制度是发展社会化大生产和市场经济的必然要求,是国有企业改革的方向.现代企业制度的组织形式是多样化...  相似文献   

一、什么是现代企业制度?现代企业制度是指符合社会化大生产的特点,适应社会主义市场经济体制的需要,企业真正成为面向国内、国际两个市场的法人实体和市场竞争主体的一种企业体制。它是一种企业体制模式,是一种微观的经济体制。  相似文献   

企业是市场的主体,现代企业制度是一种适应现代市场经济微观的经济体制.搞好搞活国有大中型企业已讲了多年,但始终未见实效,或收效甚微.其根本原因是由于长期受到计划经济束缚,没有寻找到或不善于寻找到一种与市场经济相适应的管理机制.建立现代企业制度的目的,就是要使企业从计划经济束缚中解放出来,成为市场的主体,成为市场竞争的主体,并按照产权清晰,权责明确,政企分开,管理科学的要求来规范企业的行为.建立现代企业制度的实质就是建立与之相适应的现代企业管理制度,因此强化科学管理是建立现代企业制度的核心,离开了科学管理,现代企业制度则不复存在或名存实亡.  相似文献   

转型中的中国企业统计模式探讨黄良文,陈金菊,聂皖生一、市场经济中企业统计需求企业是国民经济的细胞,商品的生产经营是企业的基本行为,追求利润最大化是其运行的目标。现代企业制度的建立,必将带来企业经营管理方式的变革,也将对企业统计提出新的要求,企业制度主...  相似文献   

宋娟 《统计与决策》2005,(1):138-139
我国经济体制改革的目标模式是建立社会主义市场经济体制,而建立现代企业制度是我国国有企业改革的方向,是社会主义市场经济体制的基础.因此,在经济体制改革过程中,我们必须把建立现代企业制度放在极其重要的位置.企业会计是反映、控制企业经济活动的工具,是推动生产力迅猛发展的"助推器".在当今,我们要建立现代企业制度,必须对我国的会计工作进行更深层次的改革,以适应经济活动和经济管理的需要.  相似文献   

This study examined whether diesel consumption used by trucks at a stripping area is controlled or not. The factors affecting diesel consumption were also investigated and some necessary solutions were presented. Diesel consumption was observed with the aid of control graphs. Abnormal situations in the diesel consumption were explored by means of Shewhart control graphs. The factors which are out of control were also presented in a cause–effect diagram, and suggestions for improvement were proposed. It has been determined that the main effect of the diesel consumption is the daily run number of the trucks. The main factors affecting the daily run number were also investigated.  相似文献   

Data on the weights and heights of children 2-18 yeas old in Iran were obtained in a National Health Survey of 10 660 families in 1990-92. Data were 'cleaned' in 1 year age groups. After excluding gross outliers by inspection of bivariate scatter plots, Box-Cox power transformations were used to normalize the distributions of height and weight. If a multivariate Box-Cox power transformation to normality exists, then it is equivalent to normalizing the data variable by variable. After excluding gross outliers, exclusions based on the Mahalanobis distance were almost identical to those identified by Hadi's iterative procedure, because the percentages of outliers were small. In all, 1% of the observations were gross outliers and a further 0.4% were identified by multivariate analysis. Review of records showed that the outliers identified by multivariate analysis resulted from data-processing errors. After transformation and 'cleaning', the data quality was excellent and suitable for the construction of growth charts.  相似文献   

We compared estimates of annual survival rates of tawny owls ( Strix aluco ) ringed in southern Finland from several different sampling methods: recoveries of birds ringed as young; recaptures of birds ringed as young; recoveries of birds ringed as adults as well as young; combined recoveries and recaptures of birds ringed as young, and combined recoveries and recaptures of birds ringed as adults and young. From 1979 to 1998, 18 040 young owls were ringed, of which 983 were recaptured as breeders in subsequent years during this period, and 1764 were recovered dead at various locations. In addition, 1751 owls were ringed as adults, of which 612 were later recaptured and 199 were recovered dead. First-year survival rates estimated using only recoveries of birds ringed as young averaged 48%, while apparent survival rates estimated using only recaptures from birds ringed as young averaged 10-13%. Use of combined recapture-recovery models, or supplementary information from recoveries of birds ringed as adults, produced survival estimates of 30-37%. Survival estimates from young-recoveries-only models were biased high, because of violation of the assumption of constant recovery rates with age: birds dying in their first-year were one-third less likely to be found and reported than older birds. In contrast, recaptures-only models confounded emigration with mortality. Despite these differences in mean values, annual fluctuations in estimated first-year survival rates were similar with all models. Estimates of adult survival rates were similar with all models, while those for second-year birds were similar for all models except recaptures-only. These results highlight the potential biases associated with analysing either recaptures or recoveries alone of birds ringed as young, and the benefits of using combined data.  相似文献   

“位置-尺度”分布族具有数学表述的便利性和实证分析的易解释性,但从数据出发,验证“位置-尺度”分布族是否成立存在困难,因此提出“位置-尺度”分布族的近似构建,在估计分布函数统一形式的基础上,利用最小二乘法,得到位置和尺度参数的估计;以收入分布函数为例,将该构建方法用于2001-2010年中国城镇居民收入分布函数序列分布族的估计和预测,以验证中国城镇居民收入分布近似构成“位置-尺度”分布族.  相似文献   

The present article is an attempt to study the effect of non response at both occasions in search of good rotation patterns over two occasions. Ratio-type estimators were proposed for estimating the population mean at current occasion in presence of non response at both the occasions in two-occasion successive (rotation) sampling. Detail behaviors of proposed estimators were studied. Proposed estimators were compared with the estimator using no information from previous (first) occasion. Performances of the proposed estimators were demonstrated via empirical studies.  相似文献   

金玉国 《统计研究》1997,14(6):32-34
Lorenz曲线是收入分配和社会分化研究的有力分析工具之一。目前应用最广泛的衡量收入分配不平均程度的指标——Gini系数,就是根据Lorenz曲线计算出的。然而Gini系数只能反映收入分配不平均的程度,而不能说明收入分配或社会分化的类型和特征。因为两条具有不同性质的Lorenz曲线可能具有相同的Gini系数。从逻辑上讲,在任何社会、任何国家、任何时候,Gini系数的值皆在0~1间变化,而收入分配的特征则随着国别、时代、社会制度的不同而不同。因此,相对于收入不平均程度而言,我们更关心的是收入分配或社会分化的不同模式。本文拟对Lorenz曲线的应用进行拓展,以达到对社会分化模式进行计量的目的。  相似文献   

吴国富  崔斌 《统计研究》1997,14(6):43-46
本文运用周期自回归模型对“九五”期间我国经济周期波动进行了定量分析,并对新旧经济周期转折点进行预测。  相似文献   

Summary.  We compared measures of hospital performance by using both administrative and clinical data sources. Hospital-specific mortality outcomes on 10086 patients who had been admitted to 102 hospitals with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction in Ontario, Canada, were used as a test-case. Four and six hospitals were identified as having mortality that was statistically significantly higher than expected by using administrative and clinical data respectively, when model-based indirect standardization was used. When using random-effects models, zero and two hospitals were identified as having significantly higher mortality by using administrative and clinical data respectively. Approximately one in four hospitals changed at least two decile rankings when clinical data were used compared with when administrative data were used.  相似文献   

The object of the paper is to provide recipes for various fiducial inferences on a parameter under nonparametric situations. First, the fiducial empirical distribution of a random variable was introduced under nonparametric situations. And its almost sure behavior was established. Then based on it, fiducial model and hence fiducial distribution of a parameter are obtained. Further fiducial intervals of parameters as functionals of the population were constructed. Some of their frequentist properties were investigated under some mild conditions. Besides, p-values of some test hypotheses and their asymptotical properties were also given. Three applications of above results and further results were provided. For the mean, simulations on its interval estimator and hypothesis testing were conducted and their results suggest that the fiducial method performs better than others considered here.  相似文献   

Tests for mean equality proposed by Weerahandi (1995) and Chen and Chen (1998), tests that do not require equality of population variances, were examined when data were not only heterogeneous but, as well, nonnormal in unbalanced completely randomized designs. Furthermore, these tests were compared to a test examined by Lix and Keselman (1998), a test that uses a heteroscedastic statistic (i.e., Welch, 1951) with robust estimators (20% trimmed means and Winsorized variances). Our findings confirmed previously published data that the tests are indeed robust to variance heterogeneity when the data are obtained from normal populations. However, the Weerahandi (1995) and Chen and Chen (1998) tests were not found to be robust when data were obtained from nonnormal populations. Indeed, rates of Type I error were typically in excess of 10% and, at times, exceeded 50%. On the other hand, the statistic presented by Lix and Keselman (1998) was generally robust to variance heterogeneity and nonnormality.  相似文献   

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